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MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had Nicholas Confessore of the New York Times on his show last night to discuss the circle of scam that is conservative politics. BaseConnect, formerly called BMW Direct, pretends to be a mail order fundraising business for long-shot Republican candidates and veterans, but keeps almost all of the money it raises from senior citizens.
Conservative scams are almost risk free. Not only is this behavior completely legal, the marks generally want to be scammed.
There can be NO doubt that this is how SarahPAC works. Only in Palin's case she is not an unknowing stooge but an active participant.
IN her case the only victims are the morons ignorant enough to believe in her, or to believe that she cares about anything other than getting her hands on more of their money.
By the way Hayes also discussed Palin's newest get rich scheme.
IN her case the only victims are the morons ignorant enough to believe in her, or to believe that she cares about anything other than getting her hands on more of their money.
ReplyDeleteGryph me thinks they are not victims if they voluntarily choose to get fucked!
I dislike the bots more than I dislike the "moran" Sarah.
DeleteWatching Sarah butt fuck her supporters is an absolute joy.
"IN her case the only victims are the morons ignorant enough to believe in her, or to believe that she cares about anything other than getting her hands on more of their money."
ReplyDeleteWell, not really, because WE all end up having to live with those morons taking to heart all the hateful and incorrect things she says. It costs us money even if we don't send her any because those in Congress are (finally) taking the time to set themselves apart from her gibberish and screams. It isn't much, but it still takes time away from what they SHOULD be doing. (And yes, I know they AREN'T doing it!) AND we are paying for it because the damned ignorant fools in the tea party actually DO listen to her. And thereby disrupt the normal business of Congress even more.
So true.
DeleteLol the palinbots' internet attack list-of-the-day defending the ODS queen of stupid includes this:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin’s online channel hits snag as Stephen Colbert buys similar URL
There's a special place in hell for this opportunistic, greedy bitch...we can only hope someone savvier than her at grifting fleeces her parents and/or kids.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans assuredly are an awful bunch of white folks! Hopefully, we'll see the demise of many of them in the upcoming elections.
ReplyDeleteI've already voted in my state for the primary - via absentee ballot - and went straight Democratic!!!!
Sarah Palin is no longer a politician and hasn't run for anything since she and McCain lost their election. She's no longer an entertainer as she failed at that too.
Sarah Palin is nothing more than a joke across the nation!
Voted absentee last evening here in Kansas. Strictly closed primary so had to change to Repub to have any chance of making changes in the general election. State could go even more right wing and we do stand a chance of getting some moderate progressives elected in November. Researched and voted for the lesser evil when appropriate. Democrats usually run unopposed here. We will change our voter registrations back to Dem as soon as the law allows
DeleteAs far as SarahWeb goes, I sure don't need it with Amazon Prime and HBO why be bored with Sarah Reruns Sarah. Martha Stewart finally faded away, At least she was talented and served her time for what was it insider trading?
I believe that would be, "...she felled at that too."
DeleteThis is a lucrative business for them and high profit for low investment. Even Trig can have a trust fund for income in their construed reality videos. Piper can be wealthy being filmed getting highlights in her hair promoting vibrancy too!
ReplyDeleteI doubt Palin will have subscribers that equal her claims of admirers as if she is still the VP candidate.
I am glad Palin is limiting her self and family to this new scheme. The fewer people conned of the lies she spews the better off everyone will be spared her polarizing deceit.
ReplyDeleteThe only lies I read are on blogs like these. Gryphen's famous for distorting and lying.
Deletefuck off troll.
DeleteAnonymous11:12 AM
DeleteThere is not need for ANYONE to lie. All Gryphen does is expose the shit Palin publishes in black and white. WE ALL see it.
11:12 AM You are the LIAR here and on other blogs, Troll. jessie/justtine/nocomprends/disappointed/manlover4ever/quartz you are an Obsessed Palin Stalker with no life outside of Trolling the internet.
DeleteOoooh, 11:12 has a Jones for Gryphen, just like Sarah Palin has a Jones for that handsome black man in the Whitehouse. Sorry, neither of you will get to 1st base.
DeleteHey 11:12 thanks for clicking here several times a day. I'm sure Gryph's pocketbook thanks you ka-ching!
DeleteNow Now, cut 11:12 some slack, for just nine dollars and ninety five cents per month, 11:12 is trying to better it'self. That's less than a mocha java latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon.... oh wait, the math doesn't work. That's less than a big gulp of warm freshly dispensed urine!!! Can you blame the crush on Mr G? He's superior to her/him/it in every way. When you've spent your greenbacks, the next thing to cling to is envy green, right?
DeleteHobble along, troll.
I donated another $50. bucks to dems yesterday in response to Scarah.
ReplyDeleteI also figure that I've cancelled out a few of the gross sea O' Pee donations to the granny grifter's website. My most recent $50.00 donation was done especially in the name of the ugly spirited Pee Pond follower, January Roses... (who, by the way, knows nothing about keeping one's anonymity on the internet, as she outed herself a few weeks ago.) Who knows which of the crazies will inspire my next donation to the Left!
Where can I donate? Link please.
Deleteactblue is a great start. They discuss issues and show candidates who are for/against them. support those who closest represent how you feel.
DeleteActually, Sarah's doing a fine job of helping the Dems fundraise, without even having to mention her. Palin Fatigue and overexposure at her own hands are her worst enemy and our best friend. The GOP can't disown her, neither can the conservatives, without fear of blowback.
The religious shysters have fleeced the same rubes for years. Now we have the political shysters scamming money from the gullible.
ReplyDeleteTammy Faye and Jim Bakker collected millions. Jim was preaching religion while getting blow jobs from Jessica Hahn; and the rubes kept sending money.
Sarah and Todd may collect millions too. While Sarah is doing her TV videos, Todd will be at the lodge getting blow jobs; and the fools will keep sending more money.
Why be crass and malicious?
DeleteGryphen lies enough and spreads enough hate propaganda just from being ignorant himself.
The truth isn't always pretty. Check out the bombs going off in hot spots around the globe. As hideous as the Palin wardrobe can be and their sad attempts at sexy juicy, it is on the small scale of crass and malicious. We are grateful for Gryphen and his honor and truth at bringing the facts to light.
DeleteThe worst of Palin are her blood curdling rally calls for her lunatics to reload, her crosshair language and when she doesn't take responsibility for the blood on her and her supporters hands. Collateral damage is maimed and just as dead as any target. Christina Taylor Green, 9, of Tucson
Sarah Palin was implicated because of gun-related metaphors in her speeches and because of the website of her political action committee which "targeted" the districts of Giffords and others with pictures of crosshairs on an electoral map.
Anonymous11:12 AM
DeleteUnlike Sarah, Gryphen is NOT getting rich by getting people killed. And does not lie like Palin to make money. She and her KLAN are beyond crass and malicious, and have no shame or soul.
@11:12 AM The Truth can be crass and malicious.
DeleteJust because you can't handle the truth, does not make it wrong. If you don't like some of these comments, pay your $9.95 per month for empty headed Wasillabillies living life privately on the internet for all to see. Maybe you can be hired as a Nanny for Bristol's or Willow's Bastard kids. Maybe Todd can find a spot for you in the Rainbow Lodge Bordello. Bring your tiny 2-toned Palin Dildo.
bubyeye troll, thanks for stopping by. Next time wipe your shoes before coming in, and show some respect for the blog owner if you want to earn some respect from others. That's how it works in the real world.
DeleteStop saying Sarah Palin and her family is f@cking America. Look at it like the Palins and the folks at SarahPAC and Sarah Palin Channel are making love to and softly caressing America's sacks and mammary glands until America gives to Sarah with pleasure and glee. Ahhhhhhh ah ah ahhhh here's my $99.95.
ReplyDeleteWHAT THE FUCK are you talking about????
DeleteAnon 11:18 you must have bent over a few times for your reaming by the Palins.
DeleteActually, I think this person has a point (though expressed in disgusting terms).
DeleteMy concern is the perverts will now have a place to go and "fulfill their fantasies." I am especially concerned that they plan to have Piper videos. And one would expect they would use some of those Tripp half-dressed and suggestively holding eggs photos.
Porn is the number one money maker online. Nothing else comes close. They can sprinkle in tidbits here and there.
Most people wouldn't notice, but we know Todd knows how to do these teases. Remember, he's the professional.
Anon 12:45:
DeleteI think the entire clan lives with the knowledge and experiences of generational childhood sexual abuse.
Anonymous12:45 PM & FJ Dandy1:52 PM
DeleteI think that's the ONLY way they will break even. Sarah is getting too old, even though she tries to act cutsy. So I'm sure the plan is to milk it with the little ones.
She even has pictures of the duck-child-lovers & look-alike-photos of the sanduskys to reel the perverts in.
Ain't ya got a vase? No need to go heels over head like Bristol, especially with poor hygiene habits and no self esteem.
Delete11:12 AM You are an uneducated, uninformed Idiot Stalker. Without Gryphen, you would have nowhere to post your stupid comments. If you hate Gryphen so much, you have a funny way of showing it by posting here 24/7. Sick Bitch.
ReplyDeleteThe link in the story has a good news segment about why Conservative make so much money and why this is a good money maker for Palin.
ReplyDeleteBasically, Right Wing Conservatives are the type that will turn on something (like Fox) and listen and listen.
Liberals are more choosey and won't sit around listening to the same old same old for long.
11:12 AM Posts comments so fast that some have the same time stamp. Obsessive/compulsive personality with multiple names is schizophrenic. Do you always hear those voices in your head? You are a danger to yourself.
ReplyDeleteSarah is a numer one, for America she's patrick not
ReplyDeleteIke you who don't like the constition!, so go somewhere else two live if you don't like it here! She's prtriotic so whats wrong with that?
1:52 PM Don't post comments while under the influence.
DeleteIn this gem of a comment, I've gleaned that you believe seditious Sarah to be patriotic. Priceless.
Delete1:52, wow you must be one of those illiterate morons that post on her hatebook page...lol
DeleteSarah is a number one asshole. And to be honest, no, I don't like the constition!, whatever the fuck it is.
DeleteAnonymous1:52 PM:
DeleteIs English your second language, sweetie?
I don't think the Sarah Palin channel is going to make a dime. It's lame and there is very little content. A kid right out of college could do a better job (oh that's right, most of the folks on the channel are high school drop outs). Even the foolish are not going to pay $10 a month to see Sarah's mom;s word of the day or Bristol's blog. Sarah won't be able to update the site with new video because she is mentally ill and has to retreat to her room to eat crunch wraps from Taco Bell and read the gossip rags.
ReplyDeleteThis thing is going nowhere fast. But Sarah has put herself in a box, which is great. She can't spout her nonsense for free anymore because folks are paying. So, all her nonsense is behind a paywall and everyone who doesn't want a headache need not be exposed to it anymore.
And I have to say, Glenn Beck is laughing his ass off. She can't come close to him in revenue (although I am sure she had his channel in mind when she did this). Glenn actually has hours of new programming on his channel each and every day (every weekday anyway). He has hired broadcasting types to help him do his show. Sarah has mom Sally and her word of the day.
She can't make this scheme last for more than a year by the content that has been shown so far even her rabid followers have all seen this same stuff before and really what she has done is taken away any "mystique" she had. What we see is not someone living "vibrantly" we see bored kids and she comes off like an old cheerleader that just tries too hard, too hard to be cute and young and full of energy in other words a poser. And why would anyone pay to see videos of someone like a boring next door neighbor?. At C4P good old Pete number one fan is posting her "exclusive" videos for free! at least one of the palinbots said "Why should i subscribe when you post it for free?' I'm only surprised that one of them had that enough sense to figure it out, but even if she suckered 2,000 idiots to sign up that's not chicken feed..well maybe with her expenses it is and then you take away the whole friggin family's cut and well times get hard! you can only pimp out Trig so often. The bottom line is it's all about her, she oozes ego like sap from a tree and since she is a sap she knows sap.
ReplyDeleteHere is an article on the "channel"
ReplyDeleteI Watched Sarah Palin’s Channel So You Don’t Have To: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2014/07/sarah-palin-channel-review?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+vanityfair%2Fvfdailyfeed+(VF+Daily+(X-rail))