Saturday, July 05, 2014

Chris McDaniel confirms that he will challenge the results of the Mississippi runoff. And the prize for worst sport of 2014 goes to.....

Courtesy of CNN:  

The tea party-backed challenger who narrowly lost a Republican primary runoff in Mississippi to longtime Sen. Thad Cochran says he plans to file a legal challenge contesting those results "any day now." 

State Sen. Chris McDaniel said Friday on CNN's "New Day" that "the integrity of the process matters. We believe on that night of June 24 there were thousands of irregularities and we've already found thousands of irregularities in the process." 

McDaniel also defended his campaign's offer - announced Thursday - of rewards of $1,000 each for individuals providing "evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in voter fraud." 

And McDaniel said "we condemn any racist comments what so ever," when asked by CNN anchor Kate Bolduan about a bizarre Cochran campaign conference call on Wednesday that included borderline racist comments by an unidentified caller who appeared to be a supporter of the challenger's campaign.

Thad Cochran beat McDaniel by over 6,500 votes, and it is very unlikely that there anywhere near that many disputed votes. However the McDaniel campaign has stated that they do not need to find enough votes to overturn the election, just enough to bring into question Conchran's fifty percent margin which would mandate yet a second runoff.

Oh lucky Mississippi.

Of course this is really pissing off the Cochran campaign who seriously doubt the numbers that the McDaniel team is throwing around:

Cochran campaign adviser Austin Barbour in a news conference called claims of illegal voting "baseless." He said McDaniel "ran a great campaign, and we applaud them." 

"Sadly, the time has come now that we can no longer sit still with all these baseless accusations that are being fed by the McDaniel campaign and their out-of-state allies," Barbour said. "… If they've got hard evidence, bring it forward, but quit talking about exaggerated numbers that they know are not true and we know are not true. … The time has come to put up or shut up." 

I don't live in Mississippi, obviously, but if this shit were happening in Alaska I can say with some degree of certainty that the next election that McDaniel forced the state to pay for would see his numbers down in the single digits as voters took out their anger on him over having to schlep to the polls yet again.  


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The prize for worst loser is a tie between McDaniel and Sarah Palin. She hasn't let go of the fact that the American people soundly rejected her and McCain in 2008. This McDaniel guy is some piece of work. One would think that the suicide of his supporter would have chastened him a bit.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Thousands? Prove it, you little prick.
    Sorry for the word, fellow IMers, but Beaglemom is spot on in her assessment.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Cochran campaign adviser Austin Barbour is MS Godfather Haley Barbour's nephew. ooooohhhhhh

    "The Barbour Gang rides to Thad Cochran’s rescue"

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Yall are slow on the uptake. Like that Barbour last name don't mean a thing. And HELL NO Haley ain't no Godfather, he's BOSS HOGG BARBOUR!

      Check out the local bloggers!

      Dozens mustered for @SenatorMcDaniel Flag-Wave, Hee-Haw Liberty Jubilee at MS Capitol #mssen

  4. McDaniel is "desperate". He owes tons in campaign expenses. And still he is offering $1000 for evidence of voter fraud. The only fraud is what his "guys" did by getting locked in with "all those ballot boxes". He really wants to go to DC and play with the big boys. Trouble is, he will have to grow up first. You can't lie on the ground pounding your fists and crying in the Big Leagues. The general wisdom here is that he will not be able to prove that there were enough irregularities, and then there are the "absentee ballots"...

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Reminds me of Rove's shocked reaction of disbelief when he was certain the fix was in.

  6. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Boy, has this guy shown his true colors! Whoever would want him governing you? Yuk! What a jerk!

    Even IF there is another runoff - you can bet he'll lose big time - even worse than he already did - and, that was by a considerable amount of votes!

  7. Olivia8:55 AM

    Someone needs to tell him "run off election" doesn't mean doing it over and over again until you are happy with the results.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Too bad he doesn't have the Supreme Court in his pocket like Dubya. He didn't need to bother with a runoff - he was just pronounced President by his buddies on the bench.

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Yes, how dare all those bad black people vote against him. Must have all been illegal votes.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      They've been TRYING to get those pesky voting rights laws changed so those blah people can't vote at all.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Is anyone surprised that this is the type that gets Esther's thumbs up?

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I read somewhere that $arah Palin is encouraging him in this fiasco. Figures.

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    To all you commie lemming liberal progressive hypocrites!

    Remember jumbo jet flying while carbon burning global warming fear monger Al Gore!

    Yea remember the #2 fat white you loved in 2000; behind the head of Demo-Nazis, Clinton the alleged: sexual predator, kreepy sex biter, and rapist; you know your Dream Team in 90's.

    Remember Gore??

    Did you spout out liberal nonsense for his efforts to have votes legally challenged?

    Your all just ignorant hypocrites; wasting oxygen!

    1. Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? Democratic challenges to the Florida 2000 election results? If you'd get you head out of your ass, you'd know that because of the closeness of the vote, the state of Florida mandated a recount. Both parties had lawyers and both parties made challenges.By December, Gore and his team finally conceded because he - rightly - saw this recount was tearing the country apart.

      Learn some history, please.

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      I love it when people lecture others on ignorance, all the while being incapable of using the most basic correct grammar themselves. "Your all"?

      Yup, I surely take you seriously.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

    The smell of desperation from Mississippi is thick. What a dufus! Think he learned "Sore Loserdom" from Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Nope- he learned it from the vaguely bearded Joe Miller!

  13. Well, I think there should be an investigation simply because of the staffers locked in the building with the ballots. Don't care which side won. That alone should initiate a recount and an investigation.


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