Sunday, July 06, 2014

GOP is now selling "I Miss W" t-shirts. They are officially screwed.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

The Republican National Committee is celebrating former President George W. Bush's birthday this weekend by selling wistful "I Miss W." t-shirts to its supporters. 

"President George W. Bush led our nation through some of the most challenging moments of our nation’s history — and we miss him and his leadership," reads a fundraising pitch on the RNC's website. "By sporting this comfortable, classic, American-made tee, you can share our message and help us elect principled conservative leaders to office."

Let me be the first to totally endorse the idea of the Republican party reminding the voters of just who they put into office the last time they won the White House. 

If they want to remind everybody that the guy who tanked the economy, started two unnecessary wars, and allowed the biggest terrorist attack in America's history to take place on his watch, was THEIR guy, who am I to stand in their way?

Fucking morons!


  1. vegaslib2:43 PM

    Let us not forget his wonderful handling of the Katrina disaster. What a guy. Idiots.

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I Miss W is right wing code for

    We Got Nuthin

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      And if that is what qualifies for "nuthin" then the GOP are truly a bunch of ignorant unrepentant shit pickle suckers who are too fucking dumb to realize that they've hit bottom (and deserve nothing less.)

    2. Anonymous3:40 AM

      W always was a dumb ass. All his cabinet has been all over the TV, defending their wars, yet he is nowhere in sight. Remember those self portraits of W in the shower, and in the tub? Is he trying to wash all the blood off, I wonder? I get the feeling he is in a facility somewhere, for Alzheimers or Dementia. Those paintings are therapy. Remember Saint Ronnie had Alzheimers during his last years in office, and the gop covered up for him. They would not hesitate to do it again for one of their "own".

  3. Our Lad2:52 PM

    "God bless the potholes down on memory lane."
    -Randy Newman

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    New data released last week by leading pollsters in both parties show how November's midterm election could hinge on Democrats' success in rallying key voting sectors, such as women.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Just need too sign up all those Illegal Aliens that are being imported in time.

    2. I think the GOP and SCOTUS are doing a great job rallying the women. Perhaps not in the direction they had planned.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    there is something deeply, irretrievably wrong with the Republican party.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    George Dubya Bush: Because uncertain times call for uncertain leadership

  7. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Honestly, compared to the idiots representing the Republican party now (Cruz, Palin, Bachman, Perry, etc), I think I miss W, too! Compared to Sarah, he has wonderful command of the English language and appears to be as smart as a rocket scientist.

  8. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Gryphen: they "won" the White House through cheating and skulduggery -- and then just barely. Barack Obama twice won a clear majority in two elections.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      And Obama won despite the GOP's knwop darn well Rove was positive they had rigged enough machines to take Ohio in 2008. The GOP is about as honest as a squirrel in his neighbor's nest.
      And anyone who thinks Bush is 'principled' either lying or just stupid. It's like saying Sarah is 'a leader.' Hogwash!
      Oh, and I saw this the other day too...they want $27 for these american made tees...guess who isn't getting rich off them..the workers. If I were in that plant, I'd be spitting as I worked.

    2. Well, he had to win by large enough margins to prevent the Diebold switching.

  9. Chenagrrl3:06 PM

    Reince Pribus has official gone off his gourd. Is the giant mouth-breathing squirrel flogging these at tbag meetings?

  10. Anonymous3:10 PM

    LOL! BAM! That is priceless! Leave it up to creative minds to put things into perspective.

  11. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I'm officially retiring elsewhere than the USA, my country of birth and life to this point.
    That these t shirts exist sealed my decision.
    Three words:

    My Pet Goat.

  12. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Yeah, a t-shirt for someone that was NEVER elected by the people. Dumbasses.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Shoot me cuz I voted for him once. Like I said, shoot me, because I understand now.

  13. Anonymous4:07 PM

    This wreaks of desperation....and I would follow this back and back and back and you will more than likely find a JEB Bush 2016 campaign...Seriously.. Folks. this smells of a Bush family meeting.

  14. Anonymous4:16 PM

    It's official.........they've gone off their

  15. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Soon's my weffare check comes in I'm gonna buy me tuo o them thar sherts.One fer me an one fer the littel lady.Well she ain't so little but once we get the gumment to pay fer that hipposuction she will be.

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Does the shirt have "Heckuva job, Brownie" or "I'm the Decider President" screened on back? I still have my Coldest State Hottest Governor tshirt my BIL sent me as a gag gift. I have to be shit-faced drunk already to put it on, and then I sure won't leave the house, anyway. In fact, my wife was doing laundry a few weeks back and said "Y'all must've been drinking a hell of a lot while y'all were watching the SEC baseball tournament on TV while y'all were at the lake." I asked her if the law had called and told on us, but she said, "Naw, it's that stupid tshirt my brother gave you."

    I'll pass on W. That's not even funny to joke about because that asshole was actually elected twice.

    1. Uh no he wasn't. He was cheated in, remember?

  17. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Dubya, the man the GOP tried to forget, after President Obama was elected, is now the GOPs last gasp at fund raising.

    Atta Boy Reince, convene the circular firing squads. Karl Rove failed on the chat around, as have the other corporate/MIC war ponies like Wolfie and Darth Dickie. So yeah, bring in the poster boy for choking on pretzels and pretzel logic.

    Jeb must be "loving" this focus on his retarded brother to tar him with the stupid of the Bush brand.

  18. This one's even better (designed to be printed on the back of the shirt):

  19. Of course they miss him...a puffed up, easily controlled puppet president. For the GOP, what's not to miss?

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      What's next? Dickless Cheney for President???

  20. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I can't wait to see people actually wearing these!

    So I know who all the crazy morons are without bothering to talk to them.

  21. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

    Eight long years of budget crushing debt, Choking on a pretzel, falling off a segway, "mission accomplished" "Fooled me once, shame on can't get fooled again" "Are people putting food on their families?"

    Nah, don't miss him a bit, but would watch the proceedings on war crimes if he makes it to "Orange is the new Black".

    The Republicans are desperate. All this time... crickets chirping, but now, for the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can own a W tee shirt. Idiots All.

  22. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I remember finding out that my mother, quite aged and closing in on the point where she lost memory, was sending money each month to George W. Bush.

    I explained to her that he and his family not only had BILLIONS of dollars, and should be ashamed of themselves for accepting pension money from little old ladies...

    ...but that they made a lot of it by war profiteering, and held it offshore where they didn't have to declare income tax on it.

    THAT did it, for her. In her day, they LYNCHED war profiteers. A tradition they should bring back.

    1. Anonymous3:47 AM

      It galls me when each birthday, old Bush jumps out of a plane. Costs tax payers lots of $$$ while he hangs onto his money. Imagaine the cost of that!! Each year I say "W should join in that jump, without a parachite"

  23. Anonymous3:59 AM

    It's how they'll sneak Jeb Bush in through the back door. The GOP must think that no one remembers who brought this country to its knees. A little revisionism here; a little revisionism there - and, presto, George W. Bush becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well, I hope the American voters are not that cynical or stupid. He and his cronies, and his family, brought financial pain to all of us and I want nothing to do with his brother or any of his other relatives.

    1. Well, yes, actually. They do expect people to forget.

  24. Anonymous4:28 AM

    The other day there was an ad on PBS for an upcoming program about Little League baseball. I heard W.'s voice, turned around suddenly and saw that vacant face staring out from the television screen. My God. What a stupid man. The whole dreadful eight years came back to me in a flash, all brought to us by a cynical GOP that knew George was incapable of being president.

    1. An European Viewpoint8:21 AM

      Those were the days when one of a group of American teachers, visiting France on a scholar trip with their students, would tell us, French teachers welcoming them and hosting them and showing them around, something along :

      "I sure hope your government stops being traitors to us soon, because I'd hate your fine country to be nuked out by our Army.

      We're... at... war... here... !

      I sure hope your government doesn't take too long to figure out who are your real friends. They could be making a BIG mistake."

      Ah, fun times, when a little man felt heroic and brave enough to warn us about the rising wrath of the mighty USA, and our impending demise.

      I suppose he was thinking he was being such a good friend, by insulting us and threatening us with utter idiocies, in such good faith.

      He didn't even falter when I told him, "Er, USA attacking France ? First we can nuke you right back, and second, do you think Europe would stay with its arms closed ? Third, do you think international market forces are likely to allow themselves to be that much disturbed ?"

      I should have asked him his party and his church.

  25. An European Viewpoint4:59 AM

    ** Little Miss **
    war profiteer

  26. An European Viewpoint5:04 AM

    Wait, no. This is better :

    ** MISS **
    US soldiers killer by proxy
    war profiteer

  27. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I wish the Democrats make a T-Shirt with W ducking those shoes, and I'll give you one guess who was standing next to him at the time, Maliki

  28. An European Viewpoint9:08 AM

    "principled" means "following well the 1%'s orders", right ?

  29. Anonymous7:19 PM

    27 bucks for a lousy T shirt? Hell I won't charge them anything to write STUPID on their forehead with a sharpie.

  30. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Wow, what a group of mindless robots. Our education system has failed you if you think President Bush was worse then this "community organizer". Obama couldn't organize a sock drawer, but he can sure as hell handout some EBT cards and free cell phones..


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