Sunday, July 06, 2014

New York newspaper actually refers to the President as an N-word in a headline. Seriously?

Courtesy of The Wrap:  

The WestView News, which touts itself as “The Voice of the West Village,” ran an op-ed titled “The Nig–r in the White House”

A community newspaper in New York faced intense criticism Sunday for calling President Obama the N-word in a headline. 

The WestView News, a small paper that touts itself as “The Voice of the West Village,” ran an op-ed column in its July edition titled “The Nig–r in the White House.” 

The article, penned by James Lincoln Collier, was actually pro-Obama and criticized what it called “racism” by far-right voters. 

Possibly fearing backlash, the paper did not put the article on its website. But a copy of it was posted online by the New York Post, along with a screen grab of another story by WestView News Columnist Alvin Hall, who criticized the article.

Oh, okay I get it. They were trying to argue against racism by using the n-word kind of like I would fight a brush fire by throwing gasoline on it.

You know you can almost hear the Right Wing websites and Fox News rubbing their hands together in anticipation of getting the opportunity to refer to the n-word multiple times while ostensibly being horrified by its use.

I can just hear Fox now:

"Oh my God did you hear that they actually printed the n-word in their headline?  Yes they actually referred to the President, who is a black man as you know, as an n-word. That is just terrible, calling him the n-word, don't you think 'cookie cutter blonde woman with the big boobs that works here?' After all WE would never use the n-word while discussing this President, who happens to be an African American as we all know, but of course now we have to because this paper had the gall to use the n-word and left us no choice."

In other words perhaps somebody should tell the WestView News that they are not helping.

(H/T to Politicususa.)


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    This country is DYING....PERIOD.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      The country isn't dying, civilization across the globe is.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. I am not racist, know no racist people and live perfectly happy

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      NOPE. The country is alive and well. The racist are dying off. Not much longer and they will be gone because anyone born after a certain year do not have this continued generational defective gene (kkk) of hate. Some families have denounced such ignorance and shameful behavior. This old man has slipped through the cracks in the outhouse.....disgusting to say the least.

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      4:33 PM Dying by intellectual suicide like you.

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Isnt that a poem from the turn of the 20th century? About booker t?

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    It's a poem from around 1900.

  4. Chenagrrl6:11 PM

    Just did Twitter combat with a few in the tcot crowd who were going after Michelle Obama for her work in teaching children where food comes from and advocating healthy eating. I finally said I thought the real problem was race. Then I was accused of playing the race card. Realized I was dealing with a gang of passive aggressives. You never win with them, so decided for the very first time to block 'em. Very satisfying

  5. Chenagrrl6:13 PM

    The headline is amateurish. Could still use the word, but frame it differently. Still, it'll give Megyn Kelly something to tsk tsk about.

    1. Anonymous1:26 AM

      Disagree. Headline was pretty much an A+. Would we even know about the West View News otherwise, let alone be discussing it?
      It's not really about what this nobody's written (and I didn't read it, and won't - just not interested) but getting the publication noticed.

  6. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I have witnessed firsthand myself such ignorance of old white people that are brainwashed by fox. They are the same that was brainwashed by reefer madness. It is a certain mentality that gets inline for this crap to be crammed down the throat. This old man should be left alone as he wishes.....too swim in his hate and slime alone by himself in his world of evil clowns and hell.

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    The racists are dying. Palin is not as old as many, she will die younger with an eating disorder. Her family will keep popping out babies but that family is also self destructing. Places like Coeur d'Alene, Idaho will be able to purge the ugly.

    Noteworthy and sad for a Christian (albeit phony) family to have 3 adult children unemployed and/or with no significant other. Tragic for the grandchildren, 2 that the Palins can admit to birthing, not having a unified family. On the horizon only a bleak future and more phony get togethers and lies. What are they going to do next year for Quitter Day? Eventually they will run out of resorts. As much as they put on the overdone happy looks that group photo of the clan signifies family failure.

    h/t Hope for America

  8. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Meh. Live a life that you're kids will be proud to emulate. Set your standards high and ignore ignorance when you can. My friends who are black would ignore this the same way I would if another adult called me a "librul". I

    I thought I was going to die one time when my grandaddy referred to a friend of mine as a my "nigra friend" in front of a different black friend of mine. My grandma called out his name, and my granddaddy said, "what, y'all ain't playing on the same team no more? He seems like a good kid.Heck of a shortstop, too." She just laughed and my grandma shook her head as my granddaddy put his head back in the newspaper, not missing reading a word.

    Just words unless we give them power. Now if someone uses them to hurt children like the Murietta incident, that's worth getting in someone's face about, and I'll see red on that kind od crap. But it's not often not worth the effort, because stupid people won't understand anyway.

    1. Anonymous2:01 AM

      It is worth the effort. I am sorry you thought you were going to die but you should think about people who actually are concerned for their lives. I live with the knowledge that there are towns where I am not welcome, get ignored at stores except to be followed by security and hold my breath he when pulled over by police. The words may not have much power to you but to me they have a lot of power. It is worth the effort. I would like to hope that one day my son will be seen for his achievements and not the color of his skin. Do you worry about that. Do you worry that when your husband or wife picks up their new car from the dealer if they will be pulled over because it's too nice. Do you have door to door salesmen asking you how you can afford your house. I wish I lived in your world where I can easily dismiss things as not being worth the effort. I bet your black friends speak of ignorance completely differently when you are not around.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Thank you, anon 2:01

  9. Anonymous1:09 AM

    You're finished. And in as ignominious a way as the world dare imagine. Goodbye, America.

  10. I understand the reasoning. They did it for the shock value; to get people's attention.

    But I also agree the right just doesn't have the critical thinking skills to understand the purpose and certainly won't read or understand the article.

    This will be more of a "well they did it so we can too" sort of thing.

    Explaining won't help.

    It's like explaining how to convert centigrade to fahrenheit to my dog.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.