Friday, July 04, 2014

Hey, whatever happened to this lady?

This is from January 2009, right after President Obama was sworn in and apparently before Sarah Palin decided to become a full time Right Wing troll.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    What happened to this lady?? M O N E Y....
    The larger her fan base grew, the more she had to spew!
    Morphing into the rabid right's pit bull with lipstick started to pay big bucks. And hey, it way easy! She just had to figure out a way to ditch her day job so she could cash in on all those lucrative 'doors that were being opened' to her! The more bitter and delusional she became, the more you saw her on Faux News...
    It's still unbelievable to me that people send her money! Seriously?

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM


    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      YESSIR! YESSIR! YESSIR! Her middle name is SEND MONEY!

  2. angela4:33 AM

    We all know what happened. She was offered a butt load of money to act insane and jumped in waving her made up freaked flag.

    Job with Fox--insanity.
    No job yet with Fox--reasonable.
    Governor of Alaska---worked with Democrats.
    Ex-governor of Alaska--Tea Bagger supreme who hates democrats.

    Money, money, money, money.

    1. Olivia5:40 AM

      I am pretty sure there is no acting involved.

  3. Hey, at about 17 or 18 seconds in, she glances down at her left, notes written on hand no doubt.

  4. Anonymous4:48 AM

    At last! Proof positive that a parallel universe does exist.

  5. Chenagrrl5:02 AM

    This would have been after she got the Steve Schmidt beatdown, and before she realized there was no money to be made by being reasonable, and moderate.

  6. Anonymous5:08 AM

    To me she has always been the lazy student in class who tries to bluff her way through every question put to her with bafflegab.

    She used to be funny, then sad then grating.
    Now she is beginning to scare me.

  7. Anonymous5:23 AM

    That ain't no lady......

    1. abbafan5:39 AM

      That ain't no lady...... , that's a seditious fuckin' pig! There, fixed it!

    2. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Works for me! Thanks!

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Me Too! Thanks again.

  8. An European Viewpoint5:25 AM

    The Kochs gave her another purpose.

  9. Anonymous5:37 AM


  10. There is a nauseating read in NYTimes.....praising Ms. Sarah
    and in the article is a link to ABC news quoting that Ms. Sarah has given $300K to candidates. Now this doesn't sound right to me.

    "Ms. Palin has given a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars to scores of candidates over the last few cycles."

    Anyone out there have a total of Sarah's contributions? I thought she gave $5K at a time...

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      What a hilarious claim. Did Moby Mansour write that?

    2. Anonymous6:03 AM


    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Sarah's donations to candidates amount to $5,000. per filing period . If she attends one of their rallies, they have to pay for her travel expenses, plus Todd's. Her PAC spends hundreds of thousands if dollars trying to get donations to keep the whole thing going.

    4. Anonymous8:07 AM

      She gives the absolute minimum which is 5K.
      What a bunch of BS. Maybe they mean she has GRIFTED thousands of dollars?

    5. Anonymous9:18 AM


      The maximum that her PAC can donate is $5000 per candidate per election cycle, still, she's not done this more than 20 times since her PAC was formed so she still comes in under or around a hundred K in donations to candidates.

    6. Anonymous9:30 AM

      No the minimum amount is 5 K She gives 1K to about 5 people.
      Tim crawford has been dinged on this at least twice. So they give the absolute MINIMUM, that they can per cycle.

    7. Anonymous10:17 AM

      9:18 I don't think she has provided $5,000 even NEAR 20 times for those she has endorsed. There have been some that didn't even receive one cent from her Sarah PAC fund!

      Suggest reviewing Sarah PAC in more detail!

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    that witch is no lady! she is a vile hatefilled vessel of destruction! Her goal is to cause as much division and hate in this country as possible before her heart stops from her obvious drug use. She is a paid attack dog, no lipstick needed, just opens her maw and spews.. fuck off seditious sarah

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      True, you do have no soul Anon.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Hate to break it to ya 8:34am but NONE of us has a soul, that's made up bullshit used to sell religion to the rubes.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Right on 8:34! From one atheist to another!

  12. Anonymous6:07 AM

    46 seconds and she said the same shit 3 times!

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      See, she and Obama have something in common.

    2. "Anonymous8:34 AM
      See, she and Obama have something in common."
      "Ooh, I know you are , but what am I?"

      What are you, in 4th grade? You are an idiot.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Oh look, the troll gets the closest it ever will to being "witty." Troll, you wish that Sarah was anywhere near the giant of history that President Barack Obama is...sadly, wishing ain't gonna make it so, idiot! But Thanks, Sarah for doing your part to make it happen!

  13. Anonymous6:12 AM

    What are those orange things to each side of the mouth?

  14. Ah. She babbled that when she had finally gotten it through her narcissistic skull that she and McCain had lost, but still had hopes that she wouldn't have to stay in Alaska and had convinced herself that President Obama was soooo hot for her because wasn't everyone? and surely there would be a spot for her in the administration.

    Perhaps in the Department of Sitting On Your Ass Being Lazy and Famous and Stirring Up Trouble.

    But no, she did indeed have to go back to Alaska and stay in Alaska and so it began, her long slide downhill to end up as nothing but the queen of facebook tantrums.

    And everyone knows it's best to ignore toddlers throwing tantrums.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Who EVER found this witch attractive? Big, square face, sneering mouth, crossed eyes, fake hair. Nothing genuine about the bitch - nothing. No intelligence to speak of. How in the name of all that's holy did SHE ever get to be the gov. of Alaska???? I did read that Alaska has a serious alcohol problem, but it would take more than that to elect this skank.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Don't put ALL Alaskans in a block that voted for her as governor! I watched her debate against Andrew Halcro (she was a disaster!) and that was why she never received my vote!

      The Republican party backed her in Alaska in those days - but, I'll tell you today they want zero to do with her! They don't ask her to do a damned thing with or for them because she is nothing more than an embarrassment and disaster!

      Even Wally Hickel (deceased now) backed her (former gov of Alaska who also worked for/President Nixon - in D.C. and was later fired by him) - but, after her election and learning more about her - dropped his support like she was a hot potato!

      Don't forget readers that Alaska has been majority Republican/Teabaggers for a long time - but, that is changing! I can hardly wait to see the outcome of the vote in November!

      Alaska was once time a 'blue' state and it's way past time we retain that type leadership again! It is so badly needed!

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Did not mean to paint all Alaskans with the same brush, sorry. It would be like blaming ALL Americans for electing Dubya, and we KNOW how that was faked. Great if Alaska turns blue, you have to give $carah some credit for that! Her true colors have been shown over and over. What a dipshit she is.

  15. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sarah Palin with a Journalism degree.. That's just a wannabe christian who doesn't believe in complete sentences.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      She has no degree.
      Yet another in a long list of lies.

  16. Anonymous6:42 AM

    She needs to shut the hell up and never mention President Obama's daughters again

  17. "Hey, whatever happened to this lady?"

    What lady? Where? All I saw was a picture of Sarah palin and she is no lady.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      And, NO lady would want to follow in the eivl footsteps of Sarah Palin. Nor a professional woman! She has never been either! She's nothing more than 'white trash' from the small town of Wasilla, AK that wants nothing to do w/her or her family!

      Alaska's Republican party has even voided her -as well as the majority of the population in the 49th State!

  18. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Whatever happened to this lady?

    I think the pack she made with Satan to become a reality personality came due. That could be what she's so evil now.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Every damn thing she's said is HER sad life projected onto others. Reverend Wright? Muthee prayed the devil into her and she gladly accepted. Queen Heifer.

  19. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Sarah always talked like that, even when she held office in Alaska. She had mastered the art of saying very little in as many words as possible, never completing sentences, repeating the same phrase like "progressing Anerica" even though that doesn't mean anything. It might have worked in Alaska for a whole, considering that she was the pretty new face running against people who had been in politics too long. But on a national stage, Sarah's verbal acrobatics were seen for what they were-- hollow, meaningless statements that carried emotional appeal without any substance. The woman in that video has a lower voices and sits reasonably still, not letting her emotions run away with her jargon. Palin has changed since then, becomming more frantic, more manic and much more bitter. She quit an important job to make more money and have a fling at celebrity. Now we are watching the slow motion slide down the hill. The problem with celebrity is that there is always a younger, prettier, smarter wannabe willing to work harder. In Sarah's case, she could fool some if the people some if the time, but they have wises up as Sarah became more of a joke than a political leader.

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Whatever happened to this lady?

    She lost that title when she had a boyfriend in Alaska and went into her sister's college dorm room with someone from the lower 48.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      You, are an idiot. Notice that Glen Rice spoke very highly of her and had the utmost respect.

      You are a pig, Anon. And a liar. Dorm room?

      At LEAST get the story right.

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      ok, 8:33, where did the sex happen between Palin and Rice since you were evidently there? Funny Palin kept the Rice part quiet but Joe McGinniss unearthed it from the Palin skeleton closet.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      So she sucks dick well. '

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Poor Todd, she cheated on him many times before he even married her, and then she was pregnant with another man's baby!

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Poor Todd??? He likely cheated on her with the same guys!!

  21. Caroll Thompson7:54 AM

    She sold her soul for the almighty dollar. Period. And judging by the way she looks now compared to 2009, I would say she has paid a heavy price for that deal.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      She is still paying the interest for failing to come clean about why she had to quit so suddenly.

  22. Anonymous8:02 AM

    How hard was it for Richard Heene, Balloon Boy father to convince his wife and kids to life to authorities about the whole kid trapped in a balloon incident? Now apply this to Sarah Palin knowing she was in the running for VP in 2008.. Now Bristol, you must help me and get pregnant. I can see that conversation happening as sad as it sounds as much as Sarah herself faking her own pregnancy with Trig.

  23. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She's smart and refuses to turn a blind eye to his administration.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      If you consider a box of rocks smart, then okay, she is as smart as that.

      I also don't think that Obama stays up at night worrying about what a dumbass like Palin thinks. Indeed, I doubt he ever thinks of her at all.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Smart days the troll who can't even form a single thought of his/her own. Smart? The idiocy of skank is well documented all over the internet.
      Any of them. All of them.

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      When did an 83 IQ become smart?

    4. Anonymous9:09 AM

      seditious sarah smart? bwhahahahahahah you are as delusional as her smart, gasp, gasp, puff,puff

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      She's a mad, manic, media-whore who still can't get over the fact that McCain-Palin lost the race, nothing more. She's not an Obama Adminsitration watchdog, she's a bitter loser that will grab scraps of right wing outrage from WND, Breitbart or Fox and run with them on Facebook. She has a boiler plate speech of hate that she repeats over and over again to any group desperate enough to invite her to their function. She parrots what other journalists have written and basically turns it into stand up comedy and then throws it on her Facebook. Really that's all her limited intelligence will allow her to do.

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    You know, a person can legitimately support someone and change their mind as things happen.

    It's sad no one here allows themselves to see WHO and WHAT the obama admin is. Business owners see it. People who initially were LEGITIMATELY against HCR see it.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      We can see it and ALSO see what a POS grifter your heifer is that just memorizes a few lines and repeats them over and over for sheep like YOU . If you're too stupid to see it, can't help you.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM


      I don't know about you but I and my family have prospered mightily during President Obama's 2 terms.

      The stock market is through the roof, thanks to upward trending jobs numbers, the ACA has made insurance affordable again (we're both business owners, self employed so have to purchase our own insurance). I see positive results all around me, unemployment down, markets strong, the housing market is going gangbusters. What's not to love about this admin and the progress made? I can't imagine anyone who isn't prospering under these conditions.

      Get over yourself, things are getting nothing but better here in the good old USA. If you don't like it maybe you should move somewhere else where they enjoy having whiny, negative, obstructionists around.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I voted for President Obama both times and have no regrets. Too bad he can't run a third time because I think he would win. But, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton being the next residents of the White House will be an excellent experience too!

      Thank you President Obama and VP Biden. I'm sorry the Republicans/Teabaggers have been such a horrible party in which to contend. Hopefully, we'll see the demise of many of them in the November election!

    4. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Aww...sad little loser just wishes we could hate a good man for the crime of being better than Sarah, just like Sarah does! Eat shit, liar.

  25. Anonymous8:31 AM

    SOOOOO, we as citizens are NEVER supposed to question those in authority even when the President continuously lies?

    You are a true sheep Gryphen. A walking, talking democratic troll who cannot face democrat reality.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Democrat reality? Much too early to be toking on the pipe, isn't it?

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      barstool is that you??

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      How about you get a fucking job instead of just posting on IM all day everyday? Maybe you'd feel a little bit better about things if you had an income, or somewhere to go outside of the home....

    4. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Troll, why don't you ever provide reputable links for your accusations? No reason to believe you if you can't back up what you say. We're critical thinkers here, you- not so much.

    5. Anonymous1:05 PM

      WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT? The bad thing that your hero Sarah does, is LIE and TALK SHIT about situations she doesn't even have the capacity OR the desire to understand! The problem with you is that you're even DUMBER and more gullible than she is! Not to mention a fucking hypocrite! Do you ever question Sarah? NO! You take everything she says as absolute truth, and you answer just about every post here with "Well you worship Obama" or "Obama just lies all day and you guys believe him!" You can't defend a thing she says or does! Please, choose a lie of President Obama's that you find particularly upsetting, back it up with facts, and actually have a conversation with us instead of your 3rd grade hit-and-run bullshit. Showing up, screaming "Well Obama's a big fat liar and you can't prove otherwise" and then never responding to anyone who answers is only "winning the debate" if you're a Palin.

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:47 PM

      You didn't like Gryphen calling you a troll, did you? What was it...yesterday? I thought that one might sting a bit.

      Good job, G!

  26. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Because those words she's speaking did not come true. So she changed her mind as a smart person would.

    Obama has made actual statements attacking numerous groups in America.

    How you can't see and hear that is beyond me

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      So the voices in your head sound like President Obama, huh? Could be worse. Could be Palin's voice.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      You lie 8:32. Provide links to actual and factual news about the president attacking "numerous groups in America". What groups? Muslims-no he is attacked for protecting their rights. Women? No he is attacked for protecting their rights. Gays? No he is attacked for protecting their rights. Christians? No he is attacked for attending the Christian church he did in Chicago. Jews? No he is attacked for "being in bed with the Jewish bankers " on wall street. Christmas? No he is attacked for the Christmas cards he and michelle send out. Military? No he is apblocked when trying to get more benefits for the military. And I can go on and on but realize your "belief" is based not on facts but on a deep seated hatred for him. Logic can never fight emotion and so those of us who base opinions on facts are wasting our time arguing with those of you who base their words on emotions like hate.

      4th of July to celebrate our freedom to be Americans and you come here attacking the president. Can't you find someplace to be and live your day vibrantly?

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      go wash your wig sarah.

    4. "How you can't see and hear that is beyond me"
      Really? I'll explain it to you. You are a delusional moron.

    5. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Boom, it's manic posting lady 8:30, 8:32, every two minutes a comment! Never provides us with any examples or links pertaining to her drivel, just spouts lies and miserable negativity because she doesn't like POTUS.

    6. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Sarah thought she was gonna get a job offer...after traipsing around the country shrieking that Obama was a terrorist and encouraging people to call for his DEATH. Silly bitch thought she was SO CUTE and CHARMING that he would overlook that little episode...hey, it's all politics, right, Obama? When he didn't call, she stopped pretending she had any ability to act like a sane adult, and it's gotten steadily worse to the point where the poor thing is so eaten up with her feelings of rejection and jealousy, she barely bothers to bathe or comb her hair any more. You need to quit monitoring this blog 24/7 to see if we are paying more respect to the President than you personally prefer, and go get that woman some help, instead.

      So Obama is a bad man because he has "made ACTUAL statements attacking numerous groups in America"? We should what...impeach him for that?

      But when Sarah "has made actual statements attacking numerous groups in America", why that's just callin' it like she sees it, right, hypocrite? And we should make her "Queen For Life" for it?

      You, Sarah Palin, and other low-info assholes do not get to dictate who our leader addresses, and if anyone has a right to "call it like he sees it" it's him. He gets plenty of shit from your side, and yet he's a bad man for making a statement back? Fuck off with your whining. You tea party types like to pretend you're so "rough, rugged and raw" but you're really just a bunch of whiny bitches at heart. You disgust ALL sane human beings.

    7. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I cannot believe that Sarah Palin would have been stupid enough as to think President Obama would have given her a position in his Administration (like he did Hillary Clinton!).....after spewing all the racist crap and lies about him that she did!

      She could not have been that stupid! Don't believe it for a minute. I voted for President Obama both times, so am not a troll!

    8. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

      Yes maam/sir whatever's bouncing off those troll synapses in your brain. "As any smart person would" LOL, ROTFL Sarah? smart? You confused her with Tina Fey, as any dumb person would.


  27. Anonymous8:33 AM

    There was a sliver of time during which President Obama was putting together his administration. He said he was going to bring in people from both parties. I think $arah, as delusional as it seems, thought she might be named to a cabinet position or another position that would get her out of Alaska. That's what she was angling for. Once he, like the American people, rejected her, she moved on to spitting vitriol.

    1. I agree completely. McCain lost, she washed her hands of him, and was perfectly ready to wink and slither her way into the Obama administration, saying, doing, or claiming whatever was necessary to be able to stay around the bright lights and big city.

      She wanted that heady sense of power and fame that she grew so dependent on during the campaign.

      As a narcissist, she takes Obama's "rejection" of her very personally. Hence her ever-growing rage.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      President Obama knew she wasn't an expert on anything. Just because some horny old men chose to ascend her to the national stage didn't give her an automatic position in anything.

      She chose on her knees for the almighty buck and still resides there. Keep sucking it, $arah.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      She's a reality virgin and likely shall remain such. The pay is better.

    4. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Kinda like when she thought that Frank Murkowski would pass his US Senate seat onto her and instead gave it to his daughter and gave Palin a seat on the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which required a great deal of knowledge and work ethic which she did not possess. Guess what she did, she quit :-)

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      President has NEVER had to reject her....he just ignores her! She's not part of his life or conversation! His plate is and has always been so full - Sarah Palin is the LEAST of his concerns and there is no requirement of his to have her on his radar!

    6. "Once he, like the American people, rejected her, she moved on to spitting vitriol."
      I think what really galls her is that there is no evidence that the President ever considered her for anything. You can't be rejected if you were never even in the running.

      An amused President Obama: "I don't think about Sarah Palin."

    7. Anonymous10:59 AM

      9:37 AND, the job Frank Murkowski appointed her to provided her a salary of over $100,000 and she QUIT!

      I'm sure she knew she was in way over her head (oil and gas)! A fact that would have been brought out quickly to the others on the commission. She knew she'd be considered inept - the word would have gotten out - so, she had no other choice but to QUIT and forfeit that salary!

      Poor baby! I jest!

  28. Anonymous8:57 AM

    True story: Oregon resident, hubby's friend in the house with a disc golf tee on. Wasilla Alaska on the back.


    "Yeah, her family used to come into my restaurant all the time. They made me stay in the back because I wanted to say something and it wasn't good for business. We ALL laughed at 'em."

  29. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Happy Birthday Malia!

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I second!

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      A sixteen year old virgin... Something the Heath and Palin families cannot claim in 5 generations.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

      Yes! Sweet Sixteen already! Where does time go? I'm sure the White House Chef will make a beautiful cake and no one, will push her face into the icing.

    4. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Yes, happy birthday to a well-raised and incredibly poised, intelligent young lady!

  30. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "I'll bet she still doesn't know that "progress" is an intransitive verb.(NOT We're progressing work in my state.") but a transitive verb -- ("We will all work to make sure that work is progressing at a good rate.)

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      She, and several others, think their mangling is cute and makes them sound 'hip'. It's not and it doesn't.

  31. Anonymous12:07 PM

    One toke over the line sweet jesus.... enough said,,,

  32. Anonymous2:21 PM

    See how much better she looked before the hate & the envy of the president started consuming her? Her loathing of him has put 20 years on her face.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM


      More like 200.

      You "compassionate" liberals crack me up.

  33. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Whatever happened to this lady? Time has been extremely unkind, it's been ages since the words "lady" and "Sarah Palin" were used in the same sentence.

    She forgot there's a thingy called "you tube" because "this is your brain on drugs"

  34. Anonymous7:18 PM

    He didn't come into the yard to bust up that chiffarobe, that's what happened.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Hah, good one

    2. Also, too, Tom Robinson felt SORRY for Miss Mayella Violet Ewell, which made the prosecutor's head pop like a pustule.

      I re-read To Kill a Mockingbird at least once a year, and $arah is starting to make Mayella Ewell look, well, better. At least Mayella tended her row of red geraniums and took "a slap year to save seb'n nickels" to send her brothers and sisters to town for ice creams, and Tom Robinson called it "right smart of" her.

      What does $arah do? Mayella hated three men--her father, Tom Robinson, and Atticus Finch. $arah hates almost everyone!

  35. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Lady? I don't recall a lady with her face. I do have memories of a a monstrous child with her face.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.