Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hillary Clinton is by far the best known and best liked of the potential 2016 presidential hopefuls.

Courtesy of Gallup: 

Hillary Clinton is currently the best known and best liked of 16 potential 2016 presidential candidates tested in a July 7-10 Gallup poll, due to her 91% familiarity score and +19 net favorable rating. The net favorable is based on her 55% favorable and 36% unfavorable ratings.

In the graph seen above, those potential candidates in the upper-right quadrant are viewed more positively than negatively by Americans and have above average familiarity. The further candidates in that quadrant are away from the intersecting lines, the higher their scores are on both dimensions. The graph clearly shows Clinton's strong image positioning relative to other candidates at the moment for the general election. 

Now remember this is after the conservatives have been attacking Hillary unrelentingly for the past several months and have dredged up everything from Monica Lewinsky to her time as a defense attorney in an attempt to smear her name.

And recently Republican Chairman Reince Prebus  claimed that the country was suffering from "Hillary fatigue" which of course this poll blows out of the water.

There are surely more attacks to come, but the thing is that the harder they come after Hillary the more that liberals and independents see her as somebody strong enough to terrify the lunatic fringe of the Right Wing which we see today all but running the Republican party, and that can be nothing but helpful.

And the fact that Mike Huckabee has the lead among potential 2016 contenders on the Right means that the GOP really has NO strong candidate to put up against Hillary, and whoever finally manages to emerge from the bloody gauntlet of the Republican primary is going to be so beaten and bruised that all Clinton will have to do is step over their all but lifeless body to take her place as the first female President of the United States.

And if she chooses Elizabeth Warren as her running mate? Well folks the two of them will be all but unstoppable.


  1. I'd say it was the Republicans who are suffering from Hillary fatigue. Can they keep blowing on the flames of outrage and scandal for two more years without collapsing?

    1. Leland12:59 PM

      Believe me, Lynne, those idiots are so full of hot air they can blow for decades!

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      And, to their detriment! Look at how they've continued to go down hill....Americans are sick of them and their lack of governing, especially in the U.S Congress! Their poll ratings show it too.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    KY Dem Says Hillary Clinton Will Campaign With Alison Grimes Against Mitch McConnell

    Democrat Rep. John Yarmuth (KY) let the cat of the bag. Hillary Clinton will be going to Kentucky to campaign with Alison Lundergan Grimes in her bid to defeat Mitch McConnell.

    Audio of Rep. Yarmuth talking about Clinton campaigning with Grimes on The Bill Press Show:

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      That would be outstanding for Hillary to campaign w/Grimes and AGAINST the asshole McConnell. He needs to be run out of Congress on a rail! All he's done is obstruct government and show no regard to anyone except the wealthy! Detest the guy!!!

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I watched the TV interview she did w/Charlie (cannot think of his last name!) and it was outstanding! Hillary is quick on her feet, so smart and experienced! Plus, she laughs easily and smiles often!

    I hope she picks Elizabeth Warren to run w/her as I think those two ladies would be dynamite and there isn't one Republican that could compete against them!

    Oh what fun!!! Would mark my ballot for those ladies in a heart beat!

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      That would be the most amazing ticket ever!

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Laughs easily? More like cackles like a mad hyena whenever she is asked a difficult question. Well love is blind including love for the Hill around here. But nothing makes me laugh more than the Hillary-Warren wish ticket by you folks. That would sink faster the the Titanic. All these wish tickets, and Hillary has not even indicated if she is running. Will the IM crowd have their own October 5th moment?

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      1:46 PM Neither of these Democrats is as unfit for the Presidency as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rafael Eduardo Cruz, Huclabee, Santorum, Paul or Christy. Our biggest moment was July 3, 2009 when Sarah Palin cowardly Quit on Alaska. She looks a mess in Denver today, and she has been forgetting parts of her written speech
      right in the middle of sentences. If Sarah Palin is the Rightwing's idea of a Leader, you are in trouble.
      You might want to send her to Detox right now.

    4. Anonymous2:40 PM

      01:46 PM

      Idiocy for you may be permanent. You are either a troll (some hope), or an idiot whose noodles have been scrambled by RW propaganda. I suspect you are just an idiot. $a®ah™? Toad? Willblow? Bisquick? Chuckie Jr? Piper Diaper? RAM?, Brancy? Chuckie Sr? ...

    5. Anonymous3:52 PM

      2:25 and 2:40 I just love riling you dumbshits up. Ohhh, somebody doesn't worship our great leader Hillary, they must be GOP and love Palin! Jump to conclusions much dumbasses? Regardless, I have full confidence Hillary will not be the next president. Don't any of you remember 2008 when she was a sure thing?

    6. Anonymous4:29 PM

      3:52 PM

      The dumbshit is you.

    7. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Oh ok 4:29. Thanks for explaining it so simply. I'll be sure to remember to come back and congratulate you when sure thing Hillary and Warren are sworn in as President and Vice President.

    8. Anonymous10:35 PM

      4:57 PM

      Simple is too complex for you. Is that you Chuckie?

    9. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Awe 10:35, something got you flustered and you have to project to a Palin again? Can't handle the truth little boy?

    10. Anonymous9:08 AM

      8:41 AM

      \You have no idea what the truth is. You never will.

    11. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I really can't understand your problem 9:08, I told you I would come back and congratulate you when you dream ticket of Clinton and Warren win in 2016, heck I'll come back and congratulate you if it is just Clinton. Like I said she is certainly as much of a sure thing as she was in 2008 so how could she lose right?

      One suggestion though, you may want to open your eyes a bit and realise that Clinton and Palin are not the only two people in the world- there are others. Oh, and disliking one doesn't mean you like the other, believe it or not there are folks who really don't like either! Did I blow your mind with that notion?

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Residents and store owners along the Boston Post Road are getting ready for a high-profile guest Saturday: prospective presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    What would cause Hillary Clinton not to run for president?

    Hillary Clinton told Charlie Rose on Thursday that if she does run for president in 2016, she would have "a very specific agenda" about the future of America.

    But with polls showing her as the favorite for the Democratic nomination and a cadre of groups already organizing for a prospective campaign, what would cause the former secretary of state to not run for office?

    "It would be wholly personal," Clinton said, according to a transcript of the PBS show. "Because I know so much about the job and how hard it is, I am very struck by the historic nature of a campaign that I might, in the future, undertake."

    The job, Clinton added, has also "gotten even bigger and more difficult."

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Hillary - due to her vast experience - has more knowledge about the job of POTUS than any other candidates that might think of running against her.

      She would win hands down! Plus, having Liz on the same ticket. What a team they'd be!

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Do you think the question of Chelsea's paternity will affect Hillary's chances? Does that make her more likeable among the 'pro-life' group? Can a 'quid pro quo' be demanded with d.n.a. from Tri-G and Chelsea to stop the rumors?

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      WTF - there is no question re: Chelsea's paternity.

      Hillary was never a whore known to frequent local bars and offer sex in exchange for drugs. Hillary does not have a slimy barstool named after her.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Lmao. Keep grasping at irrelevant straws. It amuses me.

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Chelsea's paternity? You don't think that Bill is her father? Or are you wondering who is the father of her child? What difference does it make? Sarah managed to campaign for 2 months without revealing who the parents of Trig were, and it didn't make any difference. She was so awful, she could have shown the video that Chuck Heath described so artfully as "the moment that Trig popped out" and it wouldn't matter.

    4. The rumors are all in your head. No one has ever questioned Chelsea's paternity.

      Nice try.

    5. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Bill has stated that he shoots blanks because of childhood Mumps. The rumor (true or not) is that the father is Webb Hubbell. "Monica, bring back that dress. We need to check that spot!"

    6. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Ginnifer Flowers is as relevant as Limbaugh who joked that Janet Reno is Chelsea's father.

    7. Anonymous1:53 PM

      >>The rumors are all in your head. No one has ever questioned Chelsea's paternity.

      Nefer, unfortunately it is out there, and not hard to find so it wasn't a trollish comment, per se. Just google Hubbell and you'll see how accessible it is. Of course the sources are suspect, like the Enquirer, but it isn't a secret by any means.

      Dredging up this sort of thing is typical of the right wing. They're desperate to stop her any way they can. With all that she's had to deal with, this is a losing approach if they think that it will have any legs. They're just freaking out that she is still standing after all the hits she's taken and she hasn't even announced.

    8. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Hogwash, look at Chelsea and look at Bill. End of story.

    9. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Start your search at the Mugshot Saloon, then interview Dylan Kolvig. Bristol's 1st pregnancy was with Dylan Kolvig the drug addict. Sarah Palin is a Tramp and any of her offspring are subject to have been from other than Todd Palin. Try Curt Menard Jr., Brad Hanson, and many trysts at the Mugshot Saloon.

    10. Anonymous2:18 PM

      @Nefer 1:03 P.M. The rumors are out there. I only brought it up because of the destructive nature of lies that never die. How are quiet, self-righteous Democrats going to counter? Why isn't anyone taking action against the disrespectful name-calling coming from Palin, McCain, et al against POTUS? It's just wait until Hillary gets in. What do you think the World talks about?

    11. Anonymous2:26 PM

      The idea of adding Warren to the ticket makes me support it 200%. But the paternity issue will surely be raised by Repub. Personally, I think it's true. And doesn't matter to me. But I think it will be raised and can hurt her. But not if she deals with it up front, gets ahead of it. If true.

      Actually, let's say it's false (which it is not, if Bill is correct that he is sterile, as he has stated). I'd say she's be better off just saying "Yes, it's true, so what?" That would put an end to it's scandal value.

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    She keeps pandering to the tea baggers tho' and I can't stand it.

    For example..."what is your favorite book?" ~ the bible...really??

    I hate that she's in bed with Monsanto and promotes GMO's. I would have no problem with GMOs IF they were LABELED so we could have a choice in our poisons.

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Having two strong women viewed as viable options helps both. Anyone knows the best thing that can happen to a breakthrough product is a competitor that changes the discussion to "which" not "if"

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    OT Note to Gryphen: You are going to have to find the youtube of Sarah's speech at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. This is the worst that we have seen Sarah, losing her place, forgetting what she was talking about in the middle of the sentence. Her voice went from baby doll to raging bull mid-word. There is something seriously wrong with Sarah. It's either alcohol, drugs or a bad mixture of the two. Or, there is the chance that she had none of the above and is sinking fast. That's one very sick woman.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      LOL! They thought she was 'presidential'. Loons.

      "We're not going to dethrone God with someone who wants to play God."

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I just watched parts of Sarah's screech..I mean speech. As she was wailing "impeachment" she took a drink from a glass of WATER!!! Where is your "big gulp" Sarah? She was wearing dark framed glasses, perhaps trying to imply she is as smart as Rachel Maddow. She was wearing her "big tits" ranting about how smart people who have diplomas should not be president of the country, hockey moms are just better.. etc, etc, etc........ my ears... my brain...

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      They advertised Sarah's speech as "Seize the Day," but Sarah didn't get the message or she forgot. Her speech was about "The Forgotten Man." Of course that makes us wonder about the forgotten women and children. Oh, children entering the country illegally are going to be taking the jobs of the hard working forgotten men. Sarah also had her typical catch-phrases: God doesn't drive parked cars. Well, duh. A parked car isn't going anywhere. God doesn't need a car to get around. He is everywhere, all at the same time.

  10. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I would love seeing these ladies on the same ticket - Hillary as candidate for POTUS and Elizabeth as the VP candidate. They'd win - no doubt about it!

  11. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Damn, that was impressive. There's a lot that I admire about her, and there's a lot that I am not so sure of, but given the choices, I would not hesitate to cast my vote for Hillary. If any of the right wing christianists make it into the White House, this country is cooked.

  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    The more the merrier I say! Let everyone see what two (or more) great candidates we Democrats have for the 2016 campaign. I'd love to see a Clinton-Warren ticket.

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Re "Which?, not if?" -- what a great point! And I'd actually rather see Warren first, but Warren second is also okay with me.

    The idea of Hillary as Vice President is really intriguing, actually, If she would go for it. Prob not.

    But I have never heard one thing I did not like and respect about Warren's views, past, actions, accomplishments. Yessssssssss.

    And for those of you who think Chelsea's paternity is off limits, think again. All that vitriol aimed at our truly great president will be now aimed at a woman running for office. How dare she? First a black, now a woman: what is this world coming to? Where's my gun? Yes, I think we will see many new lows based on how threatening an accomplished, unscared woman is, esp if it looks like she will win. "How low can you go" is coming right up, but Hillary will win. Unless the Kochs and their pals can figure out how to fix this with their unlimited bucks.

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I really think only the Clinton's could have a named former aide say "I've killed ppl for them" and use his name and Hillary is still considered a viable candidate.

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I vote Edwards and The Kentucky Woman, she said "the fight is between you and me mitch McConnell not with prez Obama. Love her spirit. I think Hilary should be offered another interesting position but not run for prez. We need a strong 2 term pair of women to take it to 2024. Vote Edwards and Kentucky woman. 2016

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Such a big fan and you don't even know her name? ??


  16. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I smell shit ..Is it.. about to hit thee old fan at grannys? She is appearing nervous and unsettled as usual but with a lot of fear in the skull. Do you suppose?

  17. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

    Go Hillary. The interview with Charlie Rose was spectacular. Not once did she stop, look both ways, and ask "In What Respect, Charlie?". Instead, she showed she's got what it takes and then some, she took command of a few questions and answered brilliantly. Hill and Liz on the same ticket would blow the heads off the GOP and Teabaggers on the hill. Maybe they'll bring back Mitt and one of the binderful that got stuck to the bottom of the trash can, Former Governor and Beauty Pageant loser, Sarah Palin.

  18. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I'm not crazy about a Hillary presidency. Explain to me why most folks think it's a given that we need another corporate democrat. I'm dying for a strong challenge from the left. I go to be and dream of it. I do not delude myself that the corporate special interests, Wall Street, and her other big money backers would sit by quietly and allow a challenge to the corporatocracy in the form of a strong viable populist candidate, but, damn it! We need the conversation.

    I fear that another President Clinton would just be more of the same old story of the rich get richer....

    It's a different bowl, but the soup smells the same.

    The B.


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