Wednesday, July 02, 2014

If elected Mitch McConnell promises more restrictions on a woman's right to choose.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

If Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wins reelection this fall and Republicans take back the Senate from Democrats, he will likely become Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The senator reminded potential voters of this fact over the weekend when he spoke at the National Right to Life Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. 

“I’m proud of my record and defense of life. If I was majority leader, we’d already have had a vote on it in the Senate,” McConnell said, referring to legislation on abortion rights. “It’s long past time for us to join the ranks of most other civilized nations to protect children past 20 weeks in the womb.” 

McConnell’s Democratic opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes has said she is “pro-choice down the line on abortion” and opposes a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. (This is not strictly accurate in that many of the countries with restrictions on abortion make allowances for a woman's health or the health of the fetus. And others have virtually no restrictions, so long as a doctor or two signs off on the procedure. Of the countries that DO have draconian restrictions in place the main reason behind them seems to be pressure from a large Catholic or Muslim population.)

Earlier this year, she said, “I would never pretend to tell one of my sisters what to do with their body and I don’t want the federal government doing that either… When it comes to choice, I believe, should a woman have to make that decision, it’s between herself, her doctor, and her God.”

As if women needed yet another reason to turn out en masse to kick this human turtle hybrid to the curb. 


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    What did turtles ever do to you, Gryphen?!

    1. Jon Stewart consistently compares Mitch to Yertle.

      I love his imitation too.

  2. It's not what the "turtle" has done to Greyphen, its what he's done to all of us. On the same day of Obama's first inauguration, McConnell claimed the Republicans will make sure Obama is only a one term President. Is there any wonder why the current Congress, aka, the "do nothing congress", has done the least of any Congress in history, as well as being the least popular in history when you have congressional obstructionist like McConnell. There's a reason why McConnell has to fight harder for his reelection this time around than he's ever had to fight in the past, its because the voters in Kentucky are tired of leaders like McConnell who only seem to be there to obstruct Congress because of their hatred of Obama.

    Their hatred for Obama doesn't appear to be based so much on different ideology, but more towards racial grounds, particularly when Obama pushes for bills the Republicans either came up with first, or were supported by Republicans in the past before Obama pushed for them to become laws. What ever Obama is for, they're against no matter how beneficial the bill would be for all of us.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      My question was tongue-in-cheek and meant to defend turtles (in the plural; i.e. TURTLES) against being associated with Mitch McConnell.


  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yeah old yurtle has got to go! Go Allison!

  4. laprofesora10:37 AM

    But remember, the GOP has not declared a war on women!

    Y'know, these men act as if women decided that we would be the ones to bear children. I have news for them, if it were up to us, they could share the burden. But it isn't up to us, it's biology. And no, it isn't fair, but we women figured out a long time ago that life isn't fair. When they grow a womb they can worry about protecting what's in it. Until then they can STFU.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Women of Kentucky, be sure to vote! If your husband tells you to vote for McConnell, smile sweetly and agree wholeheartedly - and then place your PRIVATE vote for Alison Lundergan Grimes who believes that women have the right to make decisions for themselves! Stand up for women's rights!!!

    1. Exactly. No one can know who you cast your vote for. It's private. Smile and agree, vote for Grimes and if questioned smile and lie.

      BTW any husband that demands to see his wife's absentee ballot marked before it is mailed needs to become an ex-husband real fast. Be sure everything is in your name and you've emptied the bank accounts and changed the locks before he's served his papers. Be sure you get the best lawyer in town so he's stuck with the dregs.

      No man tells me how to vote. That, among other things, is why I am still single.

  6. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The bastard should NOT be reelected! He's horrible! Anti women and so anti President Obama that he has obstructed him non stop since our good POTUS took his oath the first time!

    Hopefully, voters in Kentucky are paying attention and send him the same route as was done to Cantor!

    Voters are more important than the money that will be put in McConnell's race! Dems and Independents in Kentucky need to get out the voters!

    Voters - be sure and review his voting record. He'll vote one way and say something completely the opposite as to the matter - which is what all Republican U.S. Congress folks do in our world of today!

    I have zero respect for the man - absolutely zero! He could care less for the poor or middle class folks throughout our country!

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Sliding down the slippery slope, lickety split:

    Post-Hobby Lobby, Religious Orgs Want Exemption From LGBT Hiring Order

    The day after the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling, a group of religious leaders sent a letter to President Barack Obama asking that he exempt them from a forthcoming executive order that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT people.

    The letter, first reported by The Atlantic, was sent on Tuesday by 14 representatives, including the president of Gordon College, an Eric County, Pa., executive and the national faith vote director for Obama for America 2012, of the faith community.

    "Without a robust religious exemption," they wrote, "this expansion of hiring rights will come at an unreasonable cost to the common good, national unity and religious freedom."

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      It appears that Justice Ginsberg was right, as usual. The Hobby Lobby ruling wasn't nearly as narrow as the wingnut majority claimed and it opened the door for all sorts of religious exemption lawsuits.

      Thanks, SCOTUS, for obliterating the freedom of religion for anyone who's NOT an evangelical Christian.

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    So glad he "promised." This just shows that they are truly waging a war on women and they don't give a hoot on what we think! You now he's going dowwwn...

  9. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Well, I have sent a contribution to Mrs. Grimes.....As I live in Ohio, that's about all I can do.

  10. Leland1:36 PM

    Like most of us with even a modicum of intelligence knew (actually, at the instant the decision was handed down) the fools can't get it throughout heir thick skulls that corporations are NOT people!


    What I am curious about is why the subject of PREVIOUS insurance coverage - without the mandatory order of the ACA - never was brought up or carried any weight if it was.

    Maybe someone will sue on the basis of Hobby Lobby's previous allowances or their investment in the PRODUCTION of contraceptions.

    They claim they SERIOUSLY disagree with their so-called abortion pills? Why, then, are they so heavily invested in MANUFACTURING them? To me it is quite valid question - and should have been for the SCOTUS.

  11. Anonymous2:02 PM

    When a woman is seeking an abortion at 20+ weeks something has gone very wrong. She's already half way there. We need to at least try to HELP her. Did she lose her job, her support network? Is there abuse? Is she emotionally fragile? Just exhausted?

    The last thing I want a 20+ week pregnant woman to do is to go to a back alley abortionist. If we criminalize this, women will feel there is no one that will even listen to them or help them.

    1. That late it is usually a medically condition diagnosed by a physician through testing. Unviable or extremely malformed to the point of terminal at or shortly after birth.

      I have read heartbreaking stores from wives desperate for children, loving their pregnancy and heartbroken their babies are dead or will not live. None of them chooses abortion willingly. To force them to bring a dead baby to term is cruel. They know it too, which is why they choose to terminate in the best interests of their baby. So that they do not suffer.

      Why do we treat our dogs better than people?

  12. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Every GOP moron that says they are against abortion should be MADE to admit that they could care less about women that can easily go to Canada or overseas to get a quick, safe, private, inexpensive abortion.

    The GOP is only interested in making POOR women have the babies.

    Unless women have to pee on a pregnancy test stick as they get on an airplane, it is physically impossible to prevent women from getting an abortion if they have the means to get a rational country. And, God, the Bible, and the GOP is powerless to prevent it.

    1. I don't get why they force poor women to have babies. then complain they are on welfare and food stamps. Plus they are trying to eliminate welfare, food stamps and medicare for these children. WTF? They want these babies born so they can starve, get sick and die painfully? WTF kind of Christians are they? I've read the bible and I can't find anything about smugness and superiority being a Christian value.

  13. Anonymous3:26 PM

    A HL employee paying for contraceptives through their insurance is one step removed from HL actually paying for the medications themselves. That's not okay with them so they're going to force all of their employees to follow their narrow religious practices.

    Having their money invested in pharmaceuticals that produce contraceptives and medications that actually DO cause abortions seems to be less than one step removed from their financial assets. Somehow, THAT'S okay with them.

    Paying for these same contraceptives a few short years ago was okey dokey, but it's offensive to their religious beliefs today.

    Sigh. The (il)logic of this makes my brain hurt.

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I know a few women that have had abortions in their past and to this day have no regrets. Most got pregnant by accident - knew they could not care for a child and therefore chose abortion.

    I'm sure I could have made a like decision were it needed. Having a bunch of kids was never on my radar and I only ended up having one. I chose correctly - have a productive offspring that is making a statement in this world - business wise - as I did. Happily retired today!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

      Congtats on your retirement! One of my co-workers retired and posted a photo of herself putting a sledge hammer to her alarm clock!

    2. Congrats. I retire in one year.

      No kids. No husband. No regrets.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    Just looking at this guy's mug makes my skin crawl, That "What rhymes with Grimes" ad was the dumbest thing I saw this man do, beside whine about making President Obama a One Term President. We've got to GOTV and support Allison Grimes any way we can.

  16. Why don't we join the other civilized countries in enacting universal healthcare? Oh, right. That's only for people AFTER they are born.

  17. There are plenty of married women and senior women that are outraged by the SCOTUS and the Republican War on Women.

    Women are going to be a voting block to reckon with with each passing year as the conservatives and Talibangelicals keep doubling down.

  18. Anonymous8:11 PM


  19. Randall9:18 AM

    Excepting for the case of just plain extremely mean and nasty bitches, I can't understand why any woman in her right mind would vote Republican.

    I really don't get it...


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