Thursday, July 17, 2014

In 14 states gun deaths outnumber deaths by motor vehicle. Well there goes another NRA talking point.

Courtesy of Oregon Live:

Oregon was one of 14 states where gun deaths outpaced motor vehicle deaths in 2011, according to a study by the Violence Policy Center. 

Data was compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 

This marks the third year the Violence Policy Center has issued an annual report comparing gun deaths to motor vehicle deaths by state. The center is a nonprofit organization working to stop gun death and injury. 

Oregon's number of gun deaths also exceeded its motor vehicle deaths in 2009 and 2010, according to the center. 

Gun deaths include suicide by firearm, homicides, and fatal unintentional shootings. Motor vehicle deaths include both vehicle occupants and pedestrians. 

The 13 other states where gun deaths exceeded motor vehicle deaths in 2011 were: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Washington state, as well as the District of Columbia.

As I am sure most of you know the NRA and  Ammosexuals have long argued that there are more deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents then are caused by guns. However as the article above states, that is not true in at least 14 states.

What's more, as I have pointed out repeatedly, the primary function of a vehicle is transportation, whereas the primary function of a gun is death.

But if the gun fetishists wanted gun owners treated more like car owners they may want to keep this in mind.

 Seems reasonable enough, don't you think?


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Oh yeah...especially the registration and insurance parts! Oh, and tests...yeah..I like ALL of that!!! This is why they fight having the CDC compile those stats...the NRA KNOWS this, and they don't want anyone supporting registration to have the ammunition. That is one sick organization.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed'

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      9:25. If you're going to quote the Second Amendment, please quote the whole thing. Assuming you're serious, you (plural) quote the Constitution and the Bible selectively

  2. Otto Katz6:07 AM

    I'm wondering how many more states can't they even know, states where suicide by gun isn't recorded, because of laws pushed by the NRA? So the number is much much higher.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I read the study- it included all gun deaths including suicides and accidental shootings.

  3. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    That graphic needs to go viral. We need to fund our schools, police, fire departments, infrastructure etc. while protecting ourselves and our kids from gun violence. What better way than regulate and tax? We did it for cigarettes, where were the Puffasexuals?

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM

    How about this? Let the people who want to own guns, have all the guns they want. But, everyone who owns guns needs to carry liability insurance. If any of their guns hurts anyone, or any property, their insurance pays for damages. The insurance company can decide to either up the premium or cancel insurance, in which case the gun owner, is uninsurable, and can't own guns anymore. The premium can be a low amount, like $100 per year (maybe a gun limit of ten guns), so people who decide to have a gun- afterall they can afford to buy them- they can afford the insurance. The idea that gun owners would be uninsurable and lose their right to own a gun, will force them to practice safety measures and not let just anybody use them (keep their guns locked up when not in use). And taxpayers wouldn't have to foot the bill of victims. - The idea of using mental illness involuntary hospitalizations as a criteria for gun registration is discrimination. Many parents send their adult children to psychiatric hospitals due to their children not being able to take care of themselves, not because they are dangerous. There are a lot of people who are mentally ill who aren't diagnosed or have been hospitalized- the ones who aren't on the "books" are the ones who are going to go bananas... Also, this discrimination (labeling), prevents people who need genuine help to seek it, which increases the population of people who could have had treatment, get sicker.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Clearly, regulating cars doesn't work since car deaths are almost just as high or higher than "unregulated" gun deaths.
    If regulation of cars worked, no one would be making this comparison. Car deaths would be almost non-existant. So, if regulating cars failed to control car deaths, what exactly is the point of regulating guns? Yes, no one is up in arms over car deaths or sobbing their eyes out on television over car deaths even though vehicles are just as deadly. Liberals usually want to completely bury this issue. The don't want a comparison with car deaths since it's a non-issue for them. It's something they accept and don't ever think about. Liberals are insanely emotional over gun deaths, but never ever say a word about deaths by car, which they view as "accidents". Even so, both cars and guns are way down near the bottom on the list of likely causes of death in America. Liberals in the media usually break things down by state level because they attempt to hide or distort the truth of their urban populace. You did the opposite. So, why don't you break the gun deaths down even further, say by county level? Then, you'll see just who is doing all the murdering with guns. You'll find that the urban Democrats and Liberals, especially minorities and predominantly blacks, are the ones shooting each other dead in large cities. Many people would think "good riddance," although that might be seen as racist. At the same time this is happening, Democrats and Liberals are decrying gun violence and supporting gun control. Irony? In a large city by me, there were over 500 murders of blacks by other blacks. Yet, when Treyvon was killed, those same murderous blacks rioted, like they do every other year somewhere in America since before slavery ended. Slavery is a black institution practiced in Africa for centuries. Of course, the white man in America is blamed for that.


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