Tuesday, July 01, 2014

In Alabama they don't hide their racism. They put it on a freaking billboard for everybody to see.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

The mayor of an Alabama town has denounced a billboard with a racial message that appeared recently near Birmingham. 

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” the billboard alongside I-20 reads. 

“While this billboard is actually in Birmingham, the impression to passersby is that it is within our city limits,” Leeds Mayor David Miller said in a statement obtained by The Birmingham News. “The City of Leeds is a community with a long history of racial harmony, and wants to make it clear to all that it has no connection with this sign and categorically and unequivocally denounces the racist message portrayed on this billboard.” 

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the message originated in a 221-word Mantra written by white supremacist Robert Whitaker. The Mantra has inspired racial killings, including the 2011 deaths of 77 people in Norway. 

The Mantra’s message — and the Alabama billboard — have been heavily promoted by Timothy Gallaher Murdock, who runs an online community for racists called White Rabbit Radio. 

“The point of the message is when white people are called racist to give them something to say, something to say to defend themselves so they don’t just sit silently keep getting beaten over the head over and over again,” Murdock told WBRC on Monday. “You know everyone has come to the conclusion that racism is only in white countries, only in white people’s churches, houses and businesses, and white people are generally the only ones who face this charge generally on behalf of white anti-whites as well.”

The KKK threatening to "take back this land,"  protesters blocking roads to keep undocumented immigrants from entering their towns, and now racist slogans openly displayed on billboards as if they were ads for Burma Shave.

Is  it just me or is there a particularly nasty pattern forming here?


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Before the US Supreme Court makes anymore decisions regarding religion, shouldn't they settle one thing once and for all.. Does or did god exist? Belief and faith are not evidence.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Science over time has disproved every excuse religious persons have used to say things are an act of god. god made the earth shake, umm no, tectonic plates shifting did. god made it rain, snow gave us blue skies.. Umm wrong again. It's complete ludicrous SCOTUS in a 5-4 decision told not just Americans, but the world someone no one has ever seen, or had a recordable conversation exists without one iota on proof. That is not a Supreme Court we have, that is a circus!

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    This is turning into "The Long Hot Summer." By the time November comes I predict that people will be so weary of the Repubican Party and their delight in inciting these racists, they'll be lucky to hold on to their own gerrymandered districts.

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I hear that Santorum believes that Obama is turning the US into a Nazi state. Sorry Rick: Your own fucking party has had that dubious distinction ever since "The Decider" was "elected" into office.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    The 5 men on the Supreme Court who supported the Hobby Lobby decision should be removed from the court. I wouldn't be surprised to see a revolution in this country in the near future especially if the military goes ahead with their plan to give leftover tanks, etc. from Iraq and Afghanistan to local law enforcement authorities. The white supremacists only recognize the authority of the county sheriff. If Arpaio or some of the other ignorant sheriffs (their are plenty of them) get their hands on some of this equipment, it will be a problem.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      The police force already has the heavy artillery in Boston...remember them showing their force regarding that foot race and the two deaths due to a bombing? Was frightening as they looked like the military coming down the road/highway.

      I, too, see revolution coming within our country.

      The local police departments across the nation are killing folks. It just seems like they do so so easily in our world today!

      It was probably only 10 to 20 years ago that folks were arrested and put in jail pending trials. You never heard of local police killing people!

    2. Anonymous12:02 AM

      10 years ago, the populace wasn't armed with military weapons either, and the KKK was mostly underground. Now they are pissed and proud, and showing up armed to the teeth. It really doesn't surprise me that the local police have killed some people. They are underpaid, under more stress, and up against American terrorists who threaten them daily.

    3. Local police have been killing people for decades. Just not white people. It's not a *real problem unless it's a white people problem.

  5. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Holy smoke. It just makes me wonder: Are things unraveling or just becoming clearer? What is happening to civil discourse and the social contract?

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    If I were younger I would leave this country. I am ashamed to be an American in a country that celebrates violence, bigotry, misogyny, intolerance, hatred and, perhaps, worst of all, ignorance. Thank you republicans. You are truly the epitome of evil carrying the cross and wrapped in the flag. May you all rot in hell.

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Lone Star Crazy: How Right-Wing Extremists Took Over Texas

    In today's Texas, which is falling into the hands of gun nuts, border-sealers and talk-radio charlatans, George W. Bush would practically be considered a communist

    Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/lone-star-crazy-how-right-wing-extremists-took-over-texas-20140701#ixzz36H1Pbyws

    Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    6:03 PM I so agree with you. We are one nasty, greedy nation loaded w/so much hate and racism it isn't funny!

    Republicans - Teabaggers, Sarah Palin, the asshole that lost the race in Mississippi and is now displaying the first form of racism against the blacks - calling fowl to their votes that went to the other guy that won and was reelected to his seat.

    I never use to use the word HATE, but it slips from my mouth pretty freely now. Canada is looking so good! But, understand they are already backlogged w/Americans trying to move to their country. Are we surprised?

  9. Our Lad7:25 PM

    I love my country and I know that it's full of shitheels and dumb fucks. Just the way it's always been, always will be. You ignore them when you can and when you can get away with it, you fuck with them. Every once in a while you get lucky and you can gang up on one and humiliate them, make them afraid that they're actually gonna lose a tooth. Fuck em and feed em peanuts, they're never gonna change.

  10. Just a sec, there, folks--little mistake there:

    "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-asshole."

    There you go. I'm off to spread the code....

  11. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

    Can we call Alabama a racist's theme park and charge admission? (no offense to the sane Alabamans). This will keep escalating as soon as they realize "white" is a minority in this country and more and more people of all color climb the ladder in the workforce to positions of power. Old Habits die hard.

  12. Anonymous7:58 PM

    If anti-racist = anti-white, then racist = white

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I'll go you one better. According to this "logic," anti-racist = racist seeing as "anti-racist" = "anti-white."

    2. Anonymous5:41 AM

      well then, extrapolating your equation, anti-white = white.

  13. Thanks to the anonymous commenters at 7:58 PM, 9:03 PM, and 5:41 AM, respectively, for the chuckles.

    But I'm still trying to figure out the meaning of "white people are generally the only ones who face this charge generally on behalf of white anti-whites as well.” I grew up in the beautiful state of Alabama, but I confess I'm clueless as to what these people are trying to convey.


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