Thursday, July 03, 2014

In Missouri a rare win for abortion rights.

Courtesy of Vox:  

Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed a 72-hour waiting period for abortions in Missouri. 

Missouri already has a 24-hour waiting period prior to an abortion, which this law would have tripled in length. In his veto statement, Nixon criticized the law for failing to include an exception for victims of rape and incest. 

"Lengthening the already extensive waiting period serves no demonstrable purpose other than to create emotional and financial hardships for women who have undoubtedly already spent considerable time wrestling with perhaps the most difficult decision they may ever have to make," he said. 

Two other states, Utah and South Dakota, have successfully implemented 72-hour waiting periods. Twenty-four other states, including Missouri, have shorter wait time requirements, usually 24 hours.

With the way things are going right now concerning a woman's right to choose and having access to birth control, this almost comes as a surprise.

Especially considering the fact that this is Missouri and they already have some fairly draconian abortion laws on the books.

Well good for Governor Nixon for using a little sanity in dealing with this issue, instead of kowtowing to the religious right.


  1. Cracklin Charlie7:02 AM

    I love my Governor!

    What a great surprise to see his smiling face the second I opened IM this morning. Thank you so much, Gryphen!

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If Democrats and moderates don't get off their a$$ and start getting involved in local politics and and the mid-term elections, the xtian right will take us back to the dark ages.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      That's what I keep wondering....where the hell are they? Seems like the only ones talking are Warren and Sanders.

  3. "Perhaps the most difficult decision they may ever have to make."

    I really hate it when they act like choosing to have an abortion is The! Worst! For many women, it's regrettable but necessary for whatever their reasons are.

    Referring to it as a horrible, WORST THING EVAH, is just pandering to the wingers. I don't care why they are having it done and I don't really concern myself with other people's attitudes. But research tends to show that while women regret the necessity, they don't seem to regret having one.

    Referring to the devastating choice being made is something that wingers invented and actively promote, not supported by actual research. Common sense would say that a woman who decides to have an abortion is obviously saying that she has plans and a future.

    I'm glad he vetoed that waiting period, but dislike that he had to pander to wingers.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I think it must be a very difficult decision for a woman to make. That doesn't make me any less "pro choice" than any other person. I think it's wrong to try to make light of the decision. I'm glad that Gov. Nixon vetoed the waiting period. Too few men support women on this issue. We always hear from the men who support the "unborn" but are unwilling to help any children in the here and now. Our former congressman, Dave Camp, comes to mind.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Unfortunately, there are probably the votes in that legislature to override the veto.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:16 AM

      I'm not so sure about that...

      I just had the most interesting conversation with my state representative, a Missouri Republican, who knocked on my door this morning. I railed away at the poor guy for about ten minutes about some of his Republican colleagues assault on the rights of women and minorities, and their expensive, useless habit of using our tax dollars on ginned-up controversy, and their use of education funding as a political bargaining chip.

      That guy, who seemed absolutely prepared for my attack, whips out a pamphlet that showed me that he sponsored legislation designed to protect women and children by providing shelter to abused families, co-sponsored, with a democrat, legislation providing long term assistance to families of fallen first responders, and the biggie - he worked on recently proposed legislation to expand Medicare in Missouri!

      I never thought I would say this, but...I'm actually considering voting for a Republican.

    2. Cracklin Charlie- have you fact-checked the information he gave you? Frankly, I don't trust a repug to tell the truth. I wonder if he has a different pamphlet to whip out when he visits repug homes.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Isn't it a shame that we simply can never trust Republicans! But there it is. While your representative had lots of good things to say, how did he vote on the abortion issue? And would he try to override the veto?

  5. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    Yes, it's a bit of good news. Mr Nixon "gets it". The anti Abortion people think pregnant women have abortions on a whim, with the same amount of thought as buying a pack of gum or picking up the dry cleaning.
    I'm pro choice and have yet to have met nor heard of any woman who uses abortion as their primary means of Birth Control.

  6. Don't get excited. This is Missouri. The teapster legislators will figure out a way to void this, just like they do whenever Missourians don't vote their way. They just implement whatever cockamamie rule they want.


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