Thursday, July 03, 2014

I think Family Guy has a pretty clear understanding of religion.

I have to say that this is pretty much how I view Christianity and religions as well.

And to be honest in this day and age it seems to be the last prejudice that is widely accepted when making decisions about where people can live, who they can marry, and which laws they have to follow.


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I tend to lean toward Monty Python's Life of Brian. Kept having fundie friends tell me how sacrilegious it was. I was, like, what are you talking about? And no, they hadn't see it, just given their talking points from the pulpit.

    Pretty sure it could never be made today. There's a wonderful mockumentary detailing their struggle to get it shown in Britian. It's called Holy Flying Circus, and it's available various places online. Done in the style of Monty Python, lots of in jokes, & the actors look like the originals. Highly recommended. Can't wait for the live broadcast reunion show at the O2.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    This video is so very typical of "religion". Not a single voice is a woman. Not a single character is a woman. Women are simply not part of the story. Our culture is so accepting of the suppression of women, that I suspect the designers of this video don't even realize that it's the purpose of religion to control women.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I'm sure that the creator of Family Guy, Seth McFarlane is more than aware of the subjugation of females by organized religion. He is a very much against religion and makes that very clear in his shows.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Clock any show on TV, % of screen time men/women, % of audio time men/women. The best you can say is there is a tiny bit better ratio than in the 1950s.

      Don't even think about investigating % per of all TV female audio versus audio where female asks male for information/help or offers praise.

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I don't buy this. Wars have always been about resources, not beliefs. The old "god told me to murder these people" line is just a way of sanctifying the group's actions. My cat does horrible things to mice, and she has no religion whatsoever.

  4. I love the George Carlin video that played after the Family Guy video. To me this was spot on.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    Crystal clear. An eye for an eye leaves both sides blind.


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