Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Is this the new face of immigration is America? Update!

This picture was taken yesterday in Murrieta, Calif as protesters forced busloads of undocumented immigrants to turn around in fear for their safety.

I have heard a lot of people weigh in on this issue, and I understand that emotions are running hot, but let me remind you that we are ALL immigrants in this country, with the exception of the native Americans. And if they had responded to us with the same hatred and viciousness which greeted these families there would BE no America as we know it today.

Borders are man made barriers to justify hating your neighbors.

And clearly they are working extremely well.

Update: It looks like these people attended the same spelling classes as the Teabaggers.

 In fact I somehow think that they are one and the same animal.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Black people aren't immigrants either. Immigrants willfully come here

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      So sez the fatfuckin cow of a woman in the pink moo moo. Merica, fuck yeah. Ignorant inbreds.

    2. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Exactly. The South should be ashamed of themselves for making them come over for slave reasons. Now their all wanting them to disappear from view??

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    It's both the old and new face.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    You know whom these hatemongers are really demonstrating against, don't you?

    Our African American president.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Anonymous3:23 PM
      What a butt-ugly old haggy battle-axe! Kind of like palin!
      Prob a follower.
      What a hateful shrew.
      Your family must be so proud.

      What??? Are you lost?
      Actually I agree with 2:36. They think he is bringing in "dem voters". Like illegal immigrants can vote.

    2. Suzy Q4:22 PM

      @3:59, I believe 3:23 was commenting on the picture of the thing holding the home-made signs complete with tea-party approved spelling.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      And the "Thing" in the blue shirt with the big fucking open mouth. @3:59 has lost his way from the peepond.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Thanks Suzy Q, I can see that now!

      4:29, wrong, sorry to disappoint you.

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    You are so right — all of us are part of the immigrant experience in this country. Until we own this fact there will be no honest discussion about immigration. Part of the problem is outsourcing, part of the problem is Americans are poorly educated. I used to believe a mark of prosperity in a country is the availability of natural resources to be exploited, but was proven wrong by a friend from SIngapore. Singapore has no natural resources except its people and it is an extremely wealthy country because it recognized education is the key to wealth. The U.S. is failing in this regard, we are blinded by patriotic fervor and military might, neglecting the very real intelligence of our people. Teach your children well people!

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Yep. Used the Singapore math program with my kids - WOW!
      ---Academic homeschooler.

    2. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Americans are uneducated and also too insulated. I'm the grandchild of immigrants; all 4 of my grandparents came through Ellis Island in the early 1900s. I grew up hearing stories about Coming to America and how they just stepped off the boat, (proved they had some money), and were welcomed into America.

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Our country (USA) is on the way to its downfall! And, it will be because of the idiot Americans we have in this nation. The Republican party houses them and they will create the civil war that occurs in our country again! They will have brought it on all themselves - Republicans and the Teabaggers!

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What a hateful big mouth bitch that woman is. Teapartiers & Faux news people ARE always with their mouth wide open & full of hate. I thought that was Sally or Sarah at first.

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I would like to know who guided these immigrants through Mexico? Why didn't Mexico keep some of them? Face it, wherever they go there will be a tremendous burden on the local treasury. Most do not speak English, so the schools will be burdened even more. It is alnost as though the gop created this flood of people to further annoy President Obama. I am not against immigrants, I am one myself. Many years ago I married a US serviceman, and had to have a physical and a background check of myself and my family before even marrying! Then had to go through that again to get a visa. I was told if I had EVER had TB, even if it was inactive, a visa would be denied - permanently.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      My friend's sister is a lawyer with perfect English. When the parents passed she wanted to move to the US to join her brother and sister both professionals with families. She was made to wait 12 years for a green card.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      So you are a burden on your local "treasury" ?

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      My mother's closest friend hated with a passion the women that soldiers married and brought home. It didn't matter if they spoke English, it didn't matter where they came from, she wanted them all rounded up and sent back to their home countries. I found out as I got older that there were a lot of people who felt the same way. Fortunately, they didn't have an internet to inflame that idea, get folks all worked up and throw people like you out of the country.

    4. Anonymous7:08 PM

      remember the plight of the Nissei.

    5. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Anonymous 5:49; that's likely because in places like the Phillippines, the cute young things hook themselves a military man, then come to the USA, then they have to have their mothers and sisters come over, but then the mothers miss the fathers, and the sisters miss their kids, and before you know it, there are 200 people sponging off one military man's paycheck. The wife gets pregnant and pops out a couple of kids, an once her citizenship is solid, then she divorced the military man and sponsors the rest of her family to stay in the USA, while collecting child support for the kids from the serviceman.

    6. Anonymous3:53 AM

      5:49 Believe me, if all brides to be had to pass the background checks we did, many marriages would not have taken place. If you do not live in the parts of the country that will be housing these immigrants, then you really have no say, do you?

    7. Anonymous5:09 AM

      5:49 So, your mother's "friend" but not your mother? 3:38 I am not from the Phillipines, nobody in my family has moved over her, nor would they want to. They live in country where health care is considered a right, not just for the well-off. I started working within months of arriving here, since my husband was not a high ranking serviceman. I only ever met one woman who was outspoken about "foreigners" so I walked away, pointless to argue with her. I am not against anyone from anyplace who comes here, works and wants a better life for themselves. How are these children going to do that? The government is cutting food stamps, aide to schools, funding for crumbling infrastructure. Where will the money come from to assist these immigrants? Here is a suggestion the hyper religious communities in the south could all accept a certain number of them, help them assimilate. Good church going Christians would do that, wouldn't they?? I would like to see the reaction if a busload of these kids arrived in - say - Mississippi. I feel sorry for the children, innocent victims in this entire fiasco, but WHO is behind this sudden influx?

    8. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Actually, the war brides my mother's friend was upset about were from England and Ireland. It had nothing to do with children or family. It was because she thought there were plenty of American women for these men and these hussies had no right to steal our American boys. I imagine that many people find this hard to believe but during WWII there was still bad feelings toward the Brits from the revolutionary war.
      And 3:53 am, aren't you special? How the fuck can you imagine that you know where I live and what my involvement with immigrants is?

    9. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Yes, it was my mother's "friend" and not my mother.

    10. Anonymous7:51 AM

      "hussies"? I do not, nor ever will use the type of language you used in your reply. We did not have to STEAL the G.I's, they were very willing participants, believe me!!

    11. Anonymous8:49 AM

      @7:51am. I am sorry you think that the word "hussies" was mine speaking of war brides. I was characterizing how the friend of my mother spoke of people she hated. The word hussy is a commonly used descriptive word of my mom's generation. Nobody expects you to use the word "fuck" in any reply.

  8. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Why is it when we watch these demonstrations that it always shows white, obese folks? Just look at the woman in this photo - huge, ugly mouth and an obese body! I am ashamed for her and the way some on the extreme right are acting. They are deplorable and should be run out of our country on a freight train - with no access to getting back in!!

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Why is it when we watch these demonstrations that it always shows white, obese folks?
      Because we are a white country!! Can you imagine if the Native people treated the white conquerers that came to this country like that, the white conquerers would have slaughtered them.

      Oh wait, they did anyway.

    2. Suzy Q4:50 PM

      The "huge, ugly mouth and an obese body" person is probably afraid the new immigrants will take away her food. On MSNBC the footage that they were showing had lots of white and lots of old and obese people screaming at the buses and some wrapped themselves in the flag. What's that quote? What will arrive wrapped in the flag?

    3. ibwilliamsi5:46 PM

      That fat ugly half dead looking woman is probably half my age and on SOME SORT of government assistance.

      We need to take Fox News' broadcast license away from them, or force them to go "premium cable". Those fat asses wouldn't pay a cent to watch Fox.

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      So Bristol Palin is being a 'HO' in the name of Hobby Lobby? Hobby Lobby has been cursed by the Palins. Watch their drastic drop in sales.

    5. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Bristool is one to talk about contraception. A fool and a hypocrite, but she got it honest, as they say. I pity her kids now. All of em.

      Play hide the bun, Brisket. SLUTTY as always, just like momma.

    6. Anonymous8:21 PM

      White obese and morbidly obese are the crowd they play to scaring them the healthy and fit first family is going to take away their bug Gulps, s'mores, cookies, school soda machines, prayer, Christmas too. We know those things that make America exceptional, especially obesity!

  9. Anonymous3:14 PM

    How would people like this be that different from Sadam Hussien with the Kurds? Can you imagine if "baptize by waterboard" was in charge? No one would be out of control like her brats.

    Where is Willow? Is Track still hiding? Why is he always hibernating with his needy buddies?

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Right, Willow is probably Pregnant again and in hiding. Track and his 'needy' buddies are Drug Addicts and are told to stay out of sight.

  10. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Gryphen, yes, most of us are children or grandchildren of immigrants. The difference is that our relatives FOLLOWED THE LAW. They put in the applications and then waited to be approved when the quota numbers were fulfilled.

    When they arrived, they did not run rampant. They took the jobs that their visas allowed them. They did not sit around collecting welfare. They did not demand free medical. They were too proud to accept a dime that they had not earned by hard work.

    They again FOLLOWED THE LAW till they could become citizens. They learned the language. After all that, they contributed to the nation by paying taxes that helped pay for the schools that their children attended.

    Who do you think will pay for these brand new 'neighbors' that are coming in?

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I have known several undocumented workers well and known of many more. Not a single one ever collected welfare or demanded free medical. They work their asses off in jobs that most people won't touch. Many of the children of these people also work in conditions that would horrify you. The workers that I knew paid taxes but never filed returns so they actually paid more taxes than necessary. If they weren't here working, you would be whining about how much your food costs. If the jobs weren't here for them, they would have no reason to come here.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      It would be nice if the companies that hire illegals had to pay for jobs no illegals...

      However, when children are being attacked in their homeland (if they are is the question) what parent would not want them out of harms way?

      As far as who pays? We all have our ox.

      I do not think it is fair that my children will have to pay additional Medicare costs for this woman that is over weight and obviously high strung and most likely headed for all kinds of medical problems... So you see, to each his own (one's ox) :).

      Bottom line this is an embarrassment. There were children on these many Christians were in the crowd...they made Jesus proud didn't they!

    3. Anonymous3:46 PM

      The majority of Immigrants FOLLOW the law. They are the most hard-working people I have ever met. I see the in the fields in the heat of the sun. I have never seen a big mouth obese woman or tea parties working in the fields, EVER--I would not do it.
      These people are the most courageous people. Imagine the desperation to send your own child trough these dangers and when they get here they meet people like you.
      These people are our nannies, field workers, janitors, construction workers, they clean the shit of the bedridden, and maybe someday YOURS!
      Why don't you get educated and see what the facts are. You don't know anything about quotas and how they are placed. By the way, there is no line for the hardest workers or quota. Get educated!

    4. Anonymous3:51 PM

      if you think that these immigrants come for a free ride, you are badly mistaken. they take any work open to them and put in ten times the effort.
      where do you live that you don't see these people mowing the lawns, carting the cement, washing the windows, caring for the kids?
      mars? the milky way?

    5. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Anonymous3:20 PM
      Undocumented workers are not only too ashamed to collect welfare, they don't qualify. Get educated.
      They clean houses, hold multiple jobs, they do the work others won't do and on top of it, they sometimes don't get paid and many times they are raped and there's no one to help them. In contrast, you teaparties DO NOT WORK, if you did you would't have the time to sit all day long and harrass and beat these poor people. SHAME ON YOU!

    6. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Thank you 3:34. Look at all the least wanted jobs in this country. Who do you see doing them? The majority are immigrants. They are the lowest paid and get none of the benefits of being a citizen.

      Make them citizens. It's what makes America exceptional. Or did.

    7. Anonymous4:03 PM

      My thoughts exactly 3:20- Gryphen is somehow glossing over legal immigration vs southern border invasion by people who have no intent of following the law. Anon 3:34 no offense but you are full of crap- you need to go visit some birth wards in Arizona- anchor baby city.

    8. Anonymous4:28 PM

      To Anonymous @ 3:20 PM:
      Immigration laws have changed over time. When my ancestors came in the 19th century, they were checked for disease and then allowed to exit the ship and go wherever they wanted in the U.S. The laws have changed since then with the institution of quotas. Before the 19th century there was really no immigration process -- folks came if they could afford the ticket price (unless they were the unfortunate souls who were kidnapped from Africa and brought here as laves). So when you use the mantra "follow the law" you ignore history -- laws have changed over time. And if you had ancestors who landed on Plymouth Rock or Jamestown you descend from people who stole the land from the people already living here - the native tribes. So don't talk about following the law until you can specify whether it is the same version that was in effect when YOUR ancestors arrived.

    9. Anonymous4:30 PM

      3:34 PM

      My experience is similar. I have lived in a community where their labor has been the backbone. Yes, there have been bad situations and people but that is not the norm. Some great families. The rich use them in large quanities and don't always do well by them. Rich want cheap labor.

      Can you imagine the price of lettuce, strawberries et al if they were paid better and treated well?

    10. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Anonymous4:03 P
      anchor baby city? Is that where Michelle Malkin was born? Yep ms anchor baby herself.
      So rich when I hear them bitching about "Anchor babies" and half of them ARE Anchor babies.

    11. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Guess what? My grandma was secreted in on a ship when she escaped Germany. She had no papers,no ID,and barely spoke English until the day she died. She still manged to raise a good family and pay taxes. Unlike many US born,sort of English speaking people.

    12. Give me your tired, your poor,
      your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free;
      The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
      Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

    13. Anonymous4:49 PM

      403 pm

      Arizona.. what else would you expect? Look at the people in office in that state. McCain, Joe Arpaio a few good folk but the sickos are paid for my rich backers.

    14. Suzy Q5:09 PM

      4:03, so what European country did your ancestors come from and how many years ago? Are you Native American? The problem in this situation is there needs to be legislation. How about the politicians get going and solve this problem? Oh, yea, Darrell Issa sent a letter to Obama today and he's going to hold the country hostage again. 4:03, do you like paying the Congressmen and the Senators for doing absolutely nothing for the past two years? How about we withhold their salaries until they can work something out?

    15. Anonymous5:16 PM

      What will we learn from visiting birth wards, 4:03? Do the babies have stamps on their heads that say "anchor baby" on them? Just the babies with brown skin, right? How the fuck do you look at a birth ward and tell a baby's citizenship status, you racist bastard?

    16. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Arizona elected a Senior that is often off to foreign countries trying to drum up business for his rich cronies and himself. Go figure why the border on his state is so harsh and inhumane.

      violence in Mexico, terrorism crossing our borders, and one tool the terrorists use, illegal drugs – with special emphasis on methamphetamine!

      We have Sinaloa owning our streets. It is not a border town, it is a very wealthy place. The cheap labor is used. Gangs are also imported. Meth is the worst drug ever.

    17. ibwilliamsi5:44 PM

      Dear Dimwit at 2:44~

      Up until Reagan was President we were more than happy to have MIGRANT WORKERS come and go LEGALLY across our borders to do our dirty work in the fields and citizens held decent jobs. Then Reagan made them "illegal aliens" who would be arrested at the border and told to never return. Funny how they decided that it was just easier to not cross the border and take that chance.

      Own it.

    18. Sally in MI6:20 PM

      3:20...if the idiots in the GOP would actually pass some immigration reform, we might ALL know what the laws you even know what is required to become a citizen nowadays? We are helping a family from Micronesia. The father has diabetes and has had a leg amputated. He needs lots of help with his eyes. Our pastor, bless him, runs him to and from the doctor, the hospital, the dentist, the eye doctor. Our hospital has swallowed many a charge for this man. he is legally here, but cannot become a citizen. His daughter is here with her three kids. She just got remarried. Her husband works 14 hours days, six days a week, at a restaurant. He finally passed his driver's test, and they have a used car. They have never ASKED for help, but they are very very grateful to have been able to access the ACA. Are we as taxpayers subsidizing? Of course...this is America. I have contributed toward their rent and now toward a prothesis to enable this gentleman to walk again. I am thrilled that I can afford to be of help. I do not understand the hatred of the people trying to come here. But then, I don't understand the hatred of your party toward our fine President either. I realize the Kochs want to take over America, but how did they manage to create such animosity?

    19. Anonymous6:20 PM

      4:03 PM Is that like Your Maternity Ward, Trailer Park Trash City?

    20. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Bristol and Willow Palin left a few 'anchor babies' from their Trial Daddies in Arizona.

    21. Anonymous7:24 PM

      @ 3:20 - you don't exactly have much knowledge about US immigration history do you?

    22. Anonymous7:30 PM

      really ignorant, aren't you 3:20?

      NO, they didn't "learn the language." They got jobs based o who they knew here (their landsmen.) they lived in their ethnic neighborhood, shopped at ethnic stores, attended ethnic churches and sent their kids to ethnic parish schools. Many of the women NEVER learned English, living with their kids until they died of old age or loneliness and disorientation when their kids moved to the 'burbs in white flight.

    23. Anonymous7:33 PM

      @ 4:03- 50% of immigration violations are visa overstays.But OMG BROWN people!!!!!

    24. Anonymous11:15 PM

      It's SO funny, isn't it? How ALL of the good immigrant-hating, law-abiding, present-day American descendants of immigrants in times past like to claim that ALL of their ancestors came here - not out of any selfish desire or desperation to make their own lives better - but only out of complete adoration for the very laws and ideals of America. They NEVER broke a law or snuck in illegally out of desperation, none of them fled here as refugees from religious persecution or genocide, or were shipped here as indentured servants because of crimes committed in their native countries, and certainly none of them came here to make a living in the smuggling or slave trades. None drove off or killed the people already living here on the land they coveted, either! Oh No, especially not that one! Nope, to hear people tell it today, their ancestors all lined up at Ellis Island and patiently waited to be told how they could become proper American citizens, the correct and perfectly legal way!
      So does anyone know where the descendents of all THOSE OTHER people are today? Because I can never find anyone willing to admit that maybe their ancestors weren't perfect, law-abiding citizens when they came to this country. It's very troubling to me. We need to bring more attention to this matter, IMO.

    25. Anonymous6:30 AM

      "Illegal immigrants" do not "sit around collecting welfare." They work all of the time, doing any jobs that they can find and doing them well. They have to stay under the radar so they're not applying for welfare or child support and they seek medical help only when desperate. And they are certainly not showing up at the polls to vote on election days! The myths that the GOP, their minion teabagger friends and their media outlet (Fox News) have been floating around for years now have done nothing but fuel the fire of a difficult situation. Good grief! There was talk of the need for immigration reform when George W. Bush was in office and still, the GOP, his own party, refuses to cooperate.

  11. Anonymous3:42 PM

    So much for the founding fathers and the Statute of Liberty. Facepalm, SMH. I'm embarrassed for this country and these ignorant, insensitive, selfish, uncaring people.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Christians one and all.... Jesus would be sooooo proud of you.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      They call it "righteous anger." It's not.
      Just plain ol' HATE.
      Jesus would agree.

    2. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Indeed for Christians, they sure have the Devil's ways down pat!

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    It's obvious the protester teabaggers don't hold a job since they plenty of time to run around and hold HATE-FEASTS. Look! they can't even spell. At least these poor people are coming to work and yearn to be eductated. Something these hating-idiots don't even dream of doing.

  14. Anonymous4:00 PM

    As long as these poor people work and are hidden in the dark, the angry obese white haters are happy getting free stuff and cheap labor. I bet those demostrators don't work, yet they demand benefits and cheap labor. I know many such people who take advantage of cheap labor.

  15. fromthediagonal4:03 PM

    In-the-middle-of-nowhere small town syndrome?

  16. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Oh leave it to Fox's newest star Megyn to try, try, try again to connect President Obama with Bill Ayers, and, well, it didn't exactly go as she had planned...

    Fox News’ Latest Attempt To Connect Bill Ayers And President Obama Ends Disastrously (for Fox)

    In 2008, Ayers became a household name thanks mostly to then-Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin mentioning him repeatedly on the campaign trail. She claimed Barack Obama was “pallin’ around with terrorists.” Palin, and other conservatives, declared that Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist. Those lines became right-wing mantras during the 2008 campaign and continued even after Obama was elected. It was that type of irresponsible discourse that followed the President into Washington and helped create this current level of lowbrow disrespect POTUS has suffered at the hands of Republicans, who find their own behavior perfectly acceptable.

    ...Toward’s the end of Tuesday night’s interview, Kelly brought up President Obama and asked Ayers if they speak. She also wanted to know how close their views are. Ayers answer likely made many right-wingers’ minds explode.

    KELLY: Well, many members of the Weather Underground are now in academia. President Obama, let me ask you this, how much ideology did the two of you share?

    AYERS: Zero.

    KELLY: Good friends, not good friends?

    AYERS: I knew him as well as he knew 10,000 other people, and today I wish I knew him much better, and I wish he had listened to me.

    KELLY: Did he ever contact you once you became the story in his presidential race?

    AYERS: Absolutely not. And I didn’t contact him.

    KELLY: The entire time he’s been president, you haven’t been in contact –

    AYERS: Never. No. Although I wish I were, because I have a lot of advice for him.


    1. ibwilliamsi5:40 PM

      Phyllis Diller held my mom's hair back while she barfed from too much gin at The Purple Onion in San Francisco one time. I don't know why Phyllis never called me to tell me a joke and cheer me up from time to time... ;)

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      I wish FOX would go "KABOOM!!!!!"

  17. They're scared. They are ignorant. They are bigots who can't spell. . . The screamer remind me of photos of the woman screaming at the lone black student from Little Rock in the 50s.

  18. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I wish POTUS would sew that bastards mouth shut.
    That little fuckin' weasel.

  19. Anonymous4:39 PM

    We have a history, including this -

    In a highly publicized event in May–June 1939, the United States refused to admit over 900 Jewish refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the St. Louis. The St. Louis appeared off the coast of Florida shortly after Cuban authorities cancelled the refugees' transit visas and denied entry to most of the passengers, who were still waiting to receive visas to enter the United States. Denied permission to land in the United States, the ship was forced to return to Europe. The governments of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium each agreed to accept some of the passengers as refugees. Of the 908 St. Louis passengers who returned to Europe, 254 (nearly 28 percent) are known to have died in the Holocaust. 288 passengers found refuge in Britain. Of the 620 who returned to the continent, 366 (just over 59 percent) are known to have survived the war.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      And please re-read THE JUNGLE.

  20. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Am I the only one who suspects these "protesters" were paid for their participation and bussed in by (Two) Americans for (their own) Prosperity or some other front group for the Koch brothers?

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Either that or an organization like their church tells them crap and puts quilt trips on them.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      MSNBC Chris Hayes interviewed an activist that was there to support the people in the bus. He recognized some of the people who were protesting. They are an outside group, forgot name, that goes to protests. The group is on the Southern Poverty hate list. There were also local people. It wasn't big crowd. Just a nasty one.

    3. Anonymous6:11 AM

      I would not be the least surprised if the Kochs were not somewhere in the shadows. They created the teabaggers and they'll never give up. The worst kind of terrorist: rich and hidden.

  21. Anonymous5:00 PM

    the 3rd picture has a woman exactly like the one above. Racism is alive and well:

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Didn't I read something about that ugly face snarly woman and the girl going to school? They have made up.

      She was bursting with hate and really got into it.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Maybe, but either way repentance is a MOF. If the woman has a conscious or a heart, I hope she sees her photo and feels like shit, but that's wishful thinking. She's probably proud of herself.
      The photo should go viral. What am ugly ass hateful big mouth bitch. I bet she's a xtian as well.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      *conscience. OOPs!

  22. Anonymous5:04 PM


  23. Boscoe5:17 PM

    LOL I "love" the "punctuation". Morans.

    1. Ailsa6:32 PM

      The hate and ignorance is startling even by the usual standards of morons.

      Greg Lee @gregolee

      Covered immigration issue in #Murrieta. 1 protestor said "go back to China." 1 supporter told me to "go eat sushi." Long way to go folks.

  24. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    My parents came here by boat from Italy in the 1940's, There WAS bigotry and racism. They remembered seeing signs that said "No Irish/Italians Need Apply". I grew up in a socioeconomic mix of nationalities and races (read "Ghetto") where the rich kept to themselves and the poor knew their place. We were happy because we didn't know better. Dad made 95 cents and hour and Mom made 72 cents and hour, they became citizens, bought a house, and worked in sweatshops. All nationalities have their history, their truth. America wasn't always on the level as far as immigration, we turned back ships of Jewish refugees, many of whom died in concentration camps.

    After seeing this level of vitriol and hate against children, I fear history will repeat itself.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
      Upton Sinclair's THE JUNGLE
      Jane Addams' Hull House

  25. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Lawrence O’Donnell Show tonight. Murrieta, Calif. Good one.

  26. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The new face is the same old racist face. SMH

  27. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Know you history! 3rd class steerage wasn't much better.

  28. Anonymous7:46 PM

    You know how you can send virtual flowers? I would like to send Issa (is an ASSa) a virtual faceful of spit and kick in the ass.

  29. Anonymous8:12 PM

    FUCK YOU to anyone complaining about the cost of compassion, you piece of shit idiots.

    I've never heard a REAL selfmade man or woman complain about helping people who are busting their ass to better themselves or their family. But I've heard way too many goddam bigots griping and complaining, and I'll shame them to their goddam faces before they get all puffed up and leave, especially when they try to pretend they do more than they get credit for.

    I've challenged dozens of assholes in public to go get their fucking tax returns and show me, don't talk about it, how much you fucking pay. I've had two assholes take me up on it. One won't make eye contact ever again, and the other said I ought to be able to afford a better CPA and called me stupid.

    The loudest of these are like the punks bragging how many girls they screwed in junior high, and most of them are teBaggers today. And they STILL haven't sniffed on anything worth having, and what they ended up with was way past expiration date or used up by the time those broke-dicks got em some. Sorry Fucking Redneck Assholes.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Anonymous8:12 PM
      You took the words right out of my mouth. I have a "friend" who hates everyone with an accent. He complains about everyone, yet he retired at 40 because of a bad knee and won't work and didn't want to get re-trained. He is your typical Fox news & adoring fan of the teapartiers who do not work or pay taxes and bitch about everyone else.

  30. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Perhaps some of these fat fucking ignoramuses would like to pay $12 for a tomato given that none of them would probably consider picking vegetables for less than $20 a day?

  31. Chenagrrl6:42 AM

    I believe the guy in the pic is singer Lupillo Rivera. He was with a counter demonstration. Don't know if the woman is the person who spit on him.

  32. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Anonymous8:12 PM
    You took the words right out of my mouth. I have a "friend" who hates everyone with an accent. He complains about everyone, yet he retired at 40 because of a bad knee and won't work and didn't want to get re-trained. He is your typical Fox news & adoring fan of the teapartiers who do not work or pay taxes and bitch about everyone else.

  33. Anonymous8:03 AM

    My 50-year-old sister has 2 bad knees and works as a medical assistant & she's on her feet all day. She doesn't want to retire, she just wants the pain to be gone or get a job where she can sit.
    I know teaparty type people as well. They want their country back and want all the foreigners out & English only. I explained to one that we all pay taxes even if you have an accent or are a foreginer. Well, this friend is pissed that they get hired! So dam if you work and you're a foeigner, and dam if you don't get hired because you have an accent.

  34. Anonymous8:13 AM

    The GOP should be ashamed of themselves. These extreme views from guns, to ani-women's rights, to racism is getting completly out of control. How can such groups have so much power and why have we allowed them to have so much power. We must get out to vote. We need to vote such hateful inhuman groups out of office. We are so close to being in a Hitler-type environment. Juts look at the woman spitting on a human being. Is that the face of the country that we want to live in?
    Like the president said "Don't get angry, get out to vote." Let's do it!

  35. Anonymous8:16 AM

    That woman has instilled fear in me. Those people are all around us. I am afraid for my family, my life, my rights as a woman, and much more. :(

  36. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Seeing that photo makes me very uncomfortable. I hope that woman and those racist feel uncomfortable, too.

  37. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I applaud Rabbi Coskey. I've often thought of those people here because they want a better and safer life who live in fear of being discovered. It's not so different from the Jews who lived in hiding in Germany and in occupied Europe during WWII. No one should have to live in hiding or in fear - anywhere or at any time.

  38. Anonymous10:26 AM

    That's Lupillo Rivera in the first photo. That deranged racist woman spat on his face. He is a rich los angeles born mexican singer who pays more in income taxes than all the mouth-breathers protesting there put together.

  39. She probably turns immigrants back with her signs due to their realization that they have come to a country full of morons. They realize if they came here to get their kids into the school system they are screwed. This woman must have had the opportunity to go to school in the past and failed to learn, immigrants would be thrilled to do the work to become educated.


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