Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Sarah Palin rant about impeachment proves a boon to Democratic fundraisers. Update!

Courtesy of Politico:

Sarah Palin this week joined a long line of Republican firebrands in raising the specter of impeachment against the president, writing in a op-ed: “The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.” 

And like clockwork, the Democratic outrage machine sprang to life — using her comments to mobilize grass-roots supporters and raise small dollar campaign donations from Obama die-hards. 

The result was a flood of grass-roots donations, according to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 

The DCCC sent at least two emails in 24 hours about Palin’s remarks to supporters — one unsigned under the subject line “BREAKING: Impeachment” and another under House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s name. 

In a third email to supporters with the subject line “Palin HUMILIATED,” the DCCC claimed it received nearly 10,000 donations in just 24 hours — double the committee’s typical donation rate. 

The committee said as a result of the flood of grass-roots donations, it was just short of a $3 million fundraising goal it set after House Speaker John Boehner threatened to sue Obama late last month — although it’s unclear how much of the money raised was in direct response to the impeachment-related emails. 

“Republican overreach continues to be a huge motivating factor for our grass roots. The response to impeachment has been well over six figures,” DCCC spokesman Josh Schwerin told POLITICO. 

I know it's not true, but every once in awhile I completely understand why some people think that Palin is an undercover operative for the Democratic party. 

Without her help the Democrats would not be doing nearly so well, and the Republicans might not be falling apart quite so rapidly.

P.S. And she is doing it again with yet ANOTHER ghostwritten op-ed over at Fox News.

In it she lays out a whole bunch of bogus reasons for why the President should be impeached.

I think this about sums up Palin's frustration at the fact he refuses to pay any attention to her: 

Obama can keep laughing and say, “so sue me” to the House’s tepid lawsuit threat. Let’s hear him laugh off impeachment. At the very least, despite his mocking the Constitution, this Constitutional process will put him on notice.

In my opinion not only is the President going to laugh off the idea of impeachment, so is the majority of the Republican party while the Democrats are crossing their fingers and hoping they go ahead with it. 

You know I have seen Palin manic before but this time somebody might need to trank her and slap a straightjacket on her before she hurts herself. Or somebody else.

Update: Well it looks like we can add Bill O'Reilly to list of people who are going to laugh off Palin's idea of impeaching the President. 

Damn, that's gotta sting!


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    why doesn't this brainless, yapping chihuahua bitch in heat sit down lick her ass and stfu?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      PLEASE!!!!!!!! I have two chihuahuas who are kind and loyal and all-around wonderful beings.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Wow! Great pic G!
      She looks really, fucking insane....!
      I mean we know she is...but look at that manic smile kind of like Jack Nicholson "Here's Johnny...."! Wig askew!

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Crazier than a shithouse rat!

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Excuse me, but Chihuahua's are highly intelliget dogs. And BTW all dogs are more intelligent than SP.

    5. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Eeeww..excuse me, but chihuahuas are shrill barking, shaking, shit and piss leaking sorry excuses for dogs.

    6. Anonymous4:09 PM


      I've known more people that are shrill barking, shaking, shit and piss leaking sorry excuses for people. The chihuahuas I've known are exceptional. Many dogs with bad owners go bad, you may hang out with the wrong people.

    7. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      Thanks, 3:10 "Shrill barking shaking shit and piss leaking sorry excuse" fits Sarah Palin to a "T", but I wouldn't compare her to any animal, especially those descended from wolves. Her appetite for gratuitous bloodlust knows no bounds.

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    When palin started spouting off during the 2008 campaign, the money started flowing in for the Democrats. She is still a worthless piece of dog crap and she doesn't know when to shut up. I wonder whether palin ever thinks about how she will be viewed after she is gone. I can guarantee her that it will be a time of laughter by all political parties. No one will miss her .

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      History will not be kind to a country filled with people who tolerated this vile woman and gave her a forum to ooze hate. People in this country actually supported and voted for Palin and her ilk. That she was tolerated says as much about us as it does about her. Greed and campaign money will be identified as the catalyst to our implosion by anyone who was paying attention.

      OTOH, look at who controls the media. They control the message and they will decide what ends up in the history books. If we could come back in 200 years we might learn that Sarah Palin singlehandedly saved the planet with her kindness and love. And Dick Cheney helped.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I googled Aimee Semple McPherson, just to see who she really was, because she is a name that is familiar, and which seemed a good example of how Palin will be seen in the future.
      However, I think Ms. McPherson had a lot more going for her than Ms. Palin does, and yet, how well do we know Ms. McP now? She's sort of a ghost of a notion of "religious lady", even tho' she seemed to have been quite the thing back in her time.
      I believe Palin will not be well-remembered into the future, since she really has nothing to offer posterity, except vituperative idiocy.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      1:42 History WILL be kind to America because the majority voted DOWN the ticket of McCain/Palin by a substantial margin! Americans saw right through the two of them and neither was good for America! And, time has proven that out and will continue to. I'm most eager to learn more about Palin that 'they' (campaign group) knew and were not able to disclose to the nation. We know we'll learn about it eventually.

      Palin was and is nothing more than an inept time bomb and a traitor to our country.

    4. Anonymous8:05 PM

      2:45 I've long seen many parallels with $arah and Aimee. The fairly quick rise to fame (or infamy), a vocal and adoring cult following lured by words and promises that could not be kept or met. The effort to keep up the act (money making scams) takes a toll which leads to eventual exposure.

      Aimee's 'kidnapping' was thought by the majority to be a hoax, a cover-up of her inability to keep the bible game going and a hope that it would mask what had really happened during her absence. $arah faked a birth to engender support with a similar religious leaning crowd.

      Aimee was undoubtedly a more well-intentioned and personable snake oil saleswoman but in the end these frauds are exposed and their careers end sadly. I think Palin has one more big trick in her bag hoping to save what's left of her misguided sheep and I get the feeling we may witness it sooner than later.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Yes she should be TRANKED but with enough so this stupid bitch is quiet FOREVER! I am loving her meltdown in front of the world couldn't happen to a better quitter, grifter,liar, skank! BWAHAHAHA vibrant my fucking ass!

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Well I hope we can see Sarah Hollywood melt down on TV live as she is living vibrantly!
      And watch as she is led out in matching bracelets doing the perp walk.... :)

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    That drunk-ass-wonky photo of hers is right up there with her FAUX NEWS stripper-in-pink debut & the chil-fil-a t-shirt.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      11:46 AM
      It is! Its like ALL her recent pics she looks nutzo!

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Your're right. I am not one to point out fuglies or make fun of them, but she's aked for it for too too long and she does look like CRAP.
    In her own words: "WTF!" & "we're going down."
    ~ Signed AFlakygirl

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    FYI Gryphen:

    Militia Efforts To Converge At The Border Fizzle Out

    What if militias announced a showdown with the feds and nobody came?

    That’s pretty much what happened in Texas this week, after a handful of militia activists called on their fellow militia members to intervene in the increasingly fraught humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, involving large numbers of children from Central America who are straining the government’s ability to process their complicated cases.

    For a Texas militiaman named Chris Davis, there was nothing complicated about it. In a video he posted at YouTube – which he has since been removed – he offered a simple solution for dealing with the young border crossers.

    “How?” Davis asked rhetorically. “You see an illegal, you point your gun right dead at them, right between the eyes, and say ‘Get back across the border, or you will be shot.’ Simple as that. If you get any flak from sheriffs, city, or feds, Border Patrol, tell them look — this is our birthright. We have a right to secure our own land. This is our land. This is our birthright.”

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Perhaps the idea of threatening and shooting children was a bit too much for even the most radical right winger!

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      what an idiot! As if kids come with legal or illegal stamped on their foreheads? Oh wait, what he really meant to say is "Hispanic- looking, brown- hued kids."

      What a racist fuckwad.

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Birthright? I think the Native Americans might have something to say about that.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Her "possy" is drying up and she's trying to not only convert others, but make the ones who deserted her come back, and thus grift to continue living her lavish life-style without working. how's that working out for ya sista . LOL

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Sarah can't get any traction on her rants, so she ups the ante. The result, millions pour into Dems coffers, America tells her to shut the fuck up, she's mocked on Twitter, she's laughed at by pundits and media talking heads. The more she squawks, the less people are paying attention. She's saturated the airwaves with hate and innuendo, violent rhetoric and seditious threats and STILL she's being laughed at.

    She's an impotent figure, flailing to get any, some, attention from the black guy in the White House, but it ain't gonna happen. Ever. And she will continue to become unglued, unhinged and melt down like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz.

    1. Sarah hollywood1:46 PM

      She is a dried up old skanky hobag.

  9. vegaslib12:00 PM

    She has gone off the deep end. Something must have happend to make her even more batshit crazy than ususal. Wonder if another one of her kids is knocked up or Todd finally left her skank ass.

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Palin whores out the Constitution like a cheap pimp who puts a girl he barely knows out on the street.

    You're going down, Sarah: You are the hole in your own boat and Davey Jones' locker awaits.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Or the cheap pimp at Rainbow Bay?

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      And, funniest of all, is the fact that she has not a clue what the Constitution is all about. Probably never took a government class. I can just imagine her grades in grade school civics.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah is so stupid. Her dog whistle is working all right, but it's summoning up all the Democrats. Keep it up, dummy.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      How is Trig's new puppy?

      Has Jill completed her training? Not that SP would get the View gig but would she plan to move Jill to the big city?

      Sometimes I wonder if Sarah remembers she has to pretend to be Trig's mother. Certainly she will find time for a photo op with Trig and his new puppy.

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sarah Palin is a fucking lunatic - ongoing proof coming out of her hole every day now! She's the laughing stock of our country.

    Thanks for helping the Democrats, Palin!

    Republicans/Teabaggers are going to lose seats they run for -across the nation - and, especially in the United States Congress!

    Bet the majority of them would love to knock her block off or something worse!

  13. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Someone PLEASE keep the children away from this ticking time bomb. No, seriously, something got into her bonnet and she has gone over the edge. Wonder what it could be? Is Levi giving Vicki Hollywood and her spawn trouble? Are some of Scarey's biggest secrets about to come out in court later this month?

    tick...tick...tick Sarah!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Luv the moniker Vickie Hollywood!

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Boehner himself has been a pretty good inspiration for Democrats to contribute to the party coffers: almost $3 million after he first announced the lawsuit. I love how the basis of the lawsuit keeps changing, from who knows what to jobs and now to the enforcement of the ACA! What will it be next: that President Obama made two inaugural addresses?

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Republican in the U.S. Congress have to be so ticked to see how well the Affordable Care Act is doing! It's a huge success in spite of their obstruction and will go down in history as being one of President Obama's biggest successes in his two terms as POTUS. I'm so proud of him!

      Screw you Republicans - Democrats have succeeded AGAIN! (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security - all things liked and used by millions of citizens across the USA!)

    4. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Perhaps SP and the Toad know something about why Shailey Tripp went missing for several days and then has been found in a Mississippi hospital? I can imagine Toad is freaked out about "Boys Will be Boys" becoming a movie@!

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The irony of SP being a top fundraiser for the dems.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Obama should take credit for it just to mock Boehner

  16. Anonymous12:43 PM

    She's trying to incite a riot!! She's trying to burn Rome!

    Hope no one is offended. This is all I can come up with: Dear Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be Done, On earth as it is in Heaven. GIve us this day our daily bread - forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation. Amen.

    Please God, keep America safe and please keep minorities and those who love righteous justice, safe. Amen.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      She's the antichrist. I agree with you.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      If not the anti-christ, definitely the
      Whore of Babble-On

  17. Anonymous12:46 PM

    RETARD SP must be having a ball at al lthe attention we're giving her. Well, $CARAH celebrate now because you're in the days of your LAST STAND. Things are not forever. It's only a matter of time that the pendelum swings back and hopefully hit you in the head.

  18. Anonymous12:51 PM

    From the Comments on Huffpo...and Palin is about as smart as a Pet Rock, also, too!

    Harold Jefferson Tribute
    One-liners are the only thing that keeps her in the news.

    Some contribution to society, huh?
    Reply · Like · 78 · Follow Post · 7 hours ago

    Joan Stroik · Top Commenter
    I think it's her paid press agent that really keeps her in the news. Chia pets and Pet Rocks were well known, too. Marketing is key.
    Reply · Like · 80 · 7 hours ago
    BarbandGary Levin · Follow · Indiana State University
    You betcha bycracky.
    Reply · Like · 40 · 7 hours ago
    Paul Rizzo · Follow · Top Commenter · Coastal Georgia Community College
    She has contributed alot to society. Thanks to her type of Republicanism I never have to worry about a Republican president ever again.

    Never thought I would see the day when the hyper conservative Hispanics would either not vote or vote Democrat. Some of these Hispanics are the text book definition of Republican but they have been demonized by the tea party.

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Impeachment is when Sarah Palin injects peaches into a pie. Imapplement if you like apple pie.

    Scarah is really proud of her poor essays and mental health problems. She has that "op-ed for Fox... Constitution’s remedy" malarkey on her FB. She is serious about calling for the end. She is at war with men who drink beer and play pool, she can't post enough photos. Actually nice photos, but she implies it is a bad thing and such people must go away for such imperial behavior.

    While her scandalous daughter's blog is advertising foriegn Christian beer. I guess Nancy has to earn ad money. Too bad if Guinness allows them to use them. It is a beer that tastes good. Ruins it for me to have charlatans assosciated with Ireland and their beer.
    The Christian Origin of the Guinness Beer Company

    Guinness made an ad that they describe like this:

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Guess I have had my last Guinness. How do we contact them to inform them a boycott is in effect.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      1:38 PM

      I don't know. I was a long time Guinness customer and sold many others on the beer. When I saw what Brancy did it turned my stomach. I will not make another purchase unless I learn they stand up against being associated with fakes.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Sarah Palin - had she stayed as quitter gov of Alaska is likely to have been impeached or put on trial for her unethical deeds. Don't forget - the Alaska Legislature found her to be 'unethical'! And, don't forget she resigned quickly - rushed - and scared to death! They "had" her and she knew it!

    4. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Holly Fisher of Charleston, Bristol Palin doesn't need your help to look like the Taliban. Guns, flags, or JESUS.... the Hobby Lobby picture she took in response to Bristol Palin’s failed “Hobby Lobby Love” Twitter campaign...... Bristol is ever bit the same crazy loser as her mother.

  20. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Look at that photo of Palin - she appears as a loony tune! She never should have undergone the facial surgeries she has had!

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      There were reports that even the nutcase faithful were underwhelmed by Palin's appearance at the event. I saw remarks like, she didn't say much beyond the same old platitudes. One wonders if people weren't quite candid enough to say what they were really thinking: whoa, the lady is batshit crazy.

  21. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I just watched all I could (1:30) of Palin in that video she made with the lime green top. She was high on something, absolutely no doubt about it in my book. The kind of blithering and voice shifts, really, I had to look away, it's just so obvious.

  22. Anonymous1:20 PM

    deTocqueville1 Cheetah444 • an hour ago
    Thank you. What an incredible piece of writing. It will ring through the next years, Constitutionally, philosphically and historically grounded, it articulates in clear, cogent terms the case for impeachment.


    Oh dear. How does one who can write and spell better than sarah even think this??

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Anonymous1:20 PM:
      she's deTocqueville1 Cheetah444 & wrote it herself.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      HAS TO BE satire. No one could possibly.

    3. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Who in the F*ck dressess like that to an "political" event. Leave it to Sarah to not have any sense of etiquette. If she's trying to show she's one of the people, it's not working. She looks filthy and like she just got out of bed.

    4. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Anonymous1:20 PM
      1) They are idiots
      2) paid trolls, paid to kiss her ass and write platitudes about Ms. Sarah Heath.
      Come on "cogent terms the case for impeachment. " Bwhahhaaaaaaa since when does ms. word salad speak "clearly and cogent" NEVER.

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      It's Bekki Mansour.

    6. Anonymous6:53 PM

      It has to be satire. No one could say that with a straight face.

  23. She is finished. Now even Fox won't agree with her. I bet her interview with O'Reilly took her over the top. So, what does she do, she reposts today on her FB for everyone to get out and support impeaching Obama. She is on her own now, McCain, O'Reilly and Boehner all think she is nuts and do not agree with her. She is on her own now, the only people listening to her are her followers. She is the best gift to the Dems. Do you think she could actually crack from all the people against her in her party?

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      She's still pissed off she was locked out of the Republican Hall in Florida when Romney was running. She was in the same city and they wouldn't let her in!!! Cracked me up!

      Must be fun being Sarah Palin - the most hated bitch in America!

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      1:32 PM

      'The World's most Prominent Idiot' is also an appellation she has nailed down.Every time she opens her yap, puerile lies and hateful stupidity gush forth. She is a disease.

  24. Randall1:26 PM

    I toldja so:
    a day or two ago I said "Every time Sarah Palin opens her mouth, another person registers as a Democrat."

    So, keep talking, Sarah - we can use the votes in November.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I sincerely hope she is turning the voters in Alaska!! A red state for a number of years - Alaska needs a huge change. Parnell isn't doing anything for the state - nor is the Alaska Legislature (Republican side!).

      I have two friends that have changed their registration from Republican to Democrat! Hope it's occurring one hundred fold. Getting out the voters is the next step in opposition to the asshole Republicans in the State of Alaska and across the country!

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Alaska was actually a progressive state before the influx of pipeliners from the south in the 1970s. It is time to turn Alaska blue again.

  25. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I just looked at Brisket's FB and she posted a blownup picture of her wonlky-eyed sister looking wonkier than ever. I think they go for that "retarded" look as a gesture towards Trigg, and $carah is looking hunchback & old. .

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Can you post it?

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Bristol's pack of lies isn't luring enough young people in to vote for the cray cray party. They need to start with Piper's peers. Piper is young and doesn't have so much baggage. She can look more Christian.

  26. Anonymous1:47 PM

    And another screed from Palin today where she admits impeachment would be, at best, an exercise in futility.

    Some argue that at best the House might vote for articles of impeachment, but the Senate is unlikely to convict. But that is no argument against holding a president accountable and sending the people’s message to all successors.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Oh fuck her, she doesn't represent " the people."
      She is an idiot

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      She quit? The coward is already back peddling. Pitiful Palin.

  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Don't understand why Fox News would allow this and yesterday's diatribe to be printed. I really thing Ailes is playing her. She thinks what she spews is intelligent and they are using her as a spectacle for viewers to watch her get caught in her own trap.

    This is historical. No female politician in the U.S. has ever made such a fool of herself and no female politician has ever been used by media like she has. Everyone gets something by allowing her to act out. No one cares anymore that she is hysterical and needs an emergency intervention.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Fox will do anything for ratings=money.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Everyone gets something by allowing her to act out.
      No. Women lose. She's taken everything that women have fought for and dumped us in the trash. She is an embarrassment.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      But, but, but FOX News ratings have dropped over what they use to be!!! And, the numbers of Americans that watch them are pretty minimal when you look at the numbers of actual voters in America.

      Their bullshit didn't stop President Obama from being elected both times. Their impact is not that significant when you look at the big picture! And, I'll bet they won't stop Hillay Clinton should she decide to run. Bet she'll be elected and Karl Rove will shit over their polls AGAIN! (which was the funniest thing I ever saw the night of the election!!!)

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Yesterday's piece was definitely written by Sarah, or it was a joke-piece, designed to make her look bad. That's why this ghost written piece had to be posted, to cover up the mess that they posted yesterday.

      And it's their own fault. Sarah would normally have posted her written outage on Breitbart, but Fox complained that they had a contract, so Sarah had to come to them first. Come to think of it, maybe that's why Sarah wrote such a God-awful, juvenile, immature piece of outrage yesterday, and today, Fox had a ghost writer fix it up to make things look better.

  28. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Three tirades in one week, I guess that means Tawd's girlfriend gave birth.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      If it is a boy, it will be Toad's ONLY biological son. He will be relieved, since his girls have proved to be without morals, getting pregnant yearly.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      @3:02 Hey, it runs in the family, Sally and Sarah had children born less than 9 months after they got married, and back in their days, they did get married.

  29. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The Kochs are making the old bitch work every day. She can't go on much longer.

    You have to wonder if the Kochs ever read the psychotic shit they're paying her for.... I bet they don't.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      They aren't paying her.

  30. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin sentenced to 10 years in prison on corruption and accepting kickbacks

    Sarah next ??

  31. Anonymous2:36 PM

    She's fuckin' nuts! Ask any Alaskan - they've known it for years! Resigning as quitter gov was the best thing she did for their state!

    When the Palins are in Wasilla - they basically hide out - they are not seen in Wasilla, Juneau, Fairbanks or Anchorage. They are afraid - very afraid. Cracks me up!

    Alaskans would be happy to be rid of the entire family - Heaths and Palins - forever! They are and have been nothing more than an embarrassment to their state and country.

    They are utter fools and idiots!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Easy enough to do Wasiila Alaska!
      Just keep pressuring, by publically asking how 1) CBJ could be a high risk obstetrician without the credentials, malpractice insurance or surgical skills required and 2) MatSu hospital allowed a high risk inducment in their facility when they are not credentialed for it, and do not have the required infrastructure to do so.

      Just keep harping on this and it can ALL be exposed.
      This is the key. The brass ring. This is the easiest way to prove she is not Tri-G's birth mother. (Who cares who is, that doesn't matter andd she doesn't need to be revealed) .ALL that matters is that it is not Sarah. Why did she lie??
      And the rest falls into place.
      TRUST ME.
      Unite Wasillians. YOU have the power. YOU have been complacent for far too long. There is no HIPAA to worry about, especially if fraud was involved. We do not need to know who really birthed Tri-G. CBJ doesn't have to reveal that/ CBJ could have delivered Tri-G from a non high risk mother, but even that is questionable. But she did NOT deliver her from Sarah Palin's tubally ligated lady parts.

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:28 PM

      I agree with you, 2:36, but they're not just utter fools and idiots. They may be idiot criminals who robbed your state's treasury, and may have committed other very serious offenses.

      I know that you're glad they're gone, and happy that they are ashamed to show their faces, and that may be punishment enough; but, I think there should be investigations. I don't hold Alaskan citizens responsible for Palin's apparent lawbreaking, or blame them for not exposing her many scandals. Accusations like that take iron clad evidence, and that evidence may no longer exist.

      I just like to think there is some justice in the world, and that some day, justice will be served here.

    3. Anonymous3:26 AM

      CBJs medical malpractice policy can be looked at via her carrier in 08. Logs of her surgical practice or witness attestations of her surgical skills (they do not exist) can't be fabricated. MatSus credentialing can't be messed with, especially via JCAHO. These are all concrete avenues.
      God almighty I wish lived in Wasilla. Fear or no fear, you don't fuck with me about anything medical..
      And I spoke with someone who is a HIPAA expert and MatSu staff would be protected by whistleblower laws.
      Britta Hanson works there now, after she got either a ADN or BSN. I expect soon she will be the DON - director of nursing lol. if it i s a fundy run institution, If she is worth her salt and worthy of such a position (she wouldn't be after a year of being a nurse), she would NOT want what occurred in 08 to happen in her hospital.

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:50 PM

    Damn, they got a lot of mileage out of this latest slobbering yapfest! Everyone loves to eyeball a train wreck, natural disaster or a Balloon Boy, and her masters know it. BTW, that pic of Blabby at the top makes her look like a demented ventriloquist dummy. Is that a signature Sarah Palin wighat she's barely wearing?

  33. Anonymous2:54 PM

    President Obama has had so many successes in his two terms so far!!! He should list them all - and, present them to the citizens of America in a speech and rub them in the faces of the Republicans that have constantly lied about his success!

    Boehner and McConnell (most especially) need to have their faces rubbed in them over and over again!

    President Obama - please list them in one of your speeches as you know the media will cover it over and over again!

  34. Anonymous3:03 PM

    So has Todd Palin found a woman who can STILL make babies?
    Sarah's TWOBULL put her Birthing to an end.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      How old is she? You know she is a woman?

  35. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What's the gossip about Willow and the Hospital? Was she having morning sickness? Don't any of those Palins know how to close their Fat Legs? How about 'just say no'.

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Not morning sickness,.
      And she's not fat. Are you?

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      8:26 PM Since you are a Palin insider, where are they hiding Bristol's and Willow's babies? We have seen both of them pregnant, after Tripp and Tri-g. Why are they hiding their babies, what are they ashamed of?

  36. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Froth at the mouth all you want tou hateful assholes but you can't deny that she is still a force to be reckond with. Look at the headlines she keeps making everytime she gives her opinion and keep deluding yourselves that she is not relevant. Such envy and jealousy eating you all alive.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      3:06 PM Fuck You and your word salad queen. Get a life, stop slandering, you are a liar, stop sniffing sarah's
      unwashed panties. How's that Rainbow Lodge new baby treatin' ya? Sarah Palin is as relevant as she was at the 2012 RNC Convention. Oh, that's right, she was uninvited, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Someone's Trollie panties are in a wad. 3:06 PM is an ASSCLOWN with NO LIFE. She is sooooo lonely and unwanted that she has to surf the internet 24/7 in search of companionship. Give up, Troll from UNITED STATES, nobody wants or likes YOU.

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Oh she's been relevant the last few days-- she's become HATED. Her stupidity and vitriolic rhetoric are turning people OFF. You speak of hatred, look no further than Sarah Palin, the Bitter Quitter Queen

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM


      Sarah Palin boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage).

      No one in their right mind would be envious of a woman so obviously insane.

    5. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Honey, she is a joke. People, even those at Fox News, are laughing at her. I do think it is sweet how you still think she is a force to be "reckond" with. Bless your heart.

    6. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I'm afraid you're confused, Anon@3:06; your pitiful princess is the frothing one. Force? Farce, maybe. She only generates mocking headlines, like, "Dumb Palin Idea." Do you read the comments that her screeds generate? Have you noticed that they ALWAYS run 10-to-1 against her--except over at the Clowns4Palin site. Envious? Jealous? Not by a long shot....

    7. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Force? BWAH HA HA HA !!!! How much force does it take to hide behind social media and only go out to some rigid scripted authoritarin arena? Sarah Palin has no force. She is a lazy paid ho who got in with some rich old crazy men who bought her and use her. She married a pimp and that is business with a Palin. The weakling coward will bail out on the "impeachment" bullshit she spews. She has zero force and can't go anyplace. It is all smoke and mirrors, 3:06 PM. I wish there was a gentle way to help the delusionals. Palin is inept, unfit, incompetent and idle. She can't write and that is done for her so others are fooled. You will never see Palin out front and center and active in the real world. All you see are staged photo shoots and occassional events. 99% of the people know that. The other people are lying to you.

    8. Anonymous5:14 PM

      New words; froth and delude. Someone has a summer workbook for English class.

      3:06 is right. All Sarah has to do is spit and the media will notice her. Good publicity, bad publicity, it doesn't matter as long as they spell her name correctly.

      Sarah has turned herself into a laughing stock, from her bad makeup, bad wig, strange facial gestures, weird way of talking, strange wardrobe, lack of intelligence, it all shows. It is not making Sarah popular with the Republicans. She has helped the Democrats raise lots of money. There really is such a thing as bad publicity.

    9. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Hatred.. Yes.
      Envy and jealousy. ??? No. That's hysterical. Jealous of what? She's a joke and fucked up personally. She's pathetic and so are you.
      What would we be jealous of? Her looks? Yikes. She looks like a shriveled bobble head? Her brains? Sorry.. The scarecrow has no brains. Her family??
      Talked about a dysfunctional irresponsible and lazy inbred group of people.
      I think you need to improve your talkng points honey

    10. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Oh, we know she makes headlines.
      But we sure aren't jealous of her.

    11. Cracklin Charlie9:10 PM

      I have a feeling that someone is trying to make Sarah seem like a crazy old bat; a harmless, but crazy, old bat.

      I think they do that so that no one finds out what she really is. I think that's their only hope of hiding all the gates.

    12. Anonymous10:29 PM

      Palin is known the world over as the living embodiment of recklessness, deceitfulness, vitriol, and stupidity. Her soul is twisted, there isn't any good in her...just as she projects those faults onto President Obama so she can rail at him nonstop. She is ugly and hateful through and through. No one here wants to be Palin - no matter how rich she may have gotten, she is toxic through and through. I hope eventually you'll figure this out like everyone else has. Now shut up with the ridiculous "jealousy" card, it's fairly obvious to most people who the jealous psycho is here.

    13. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Oh, and...dumbass? President Obama makes headlines too, just like other famous people. It doesn't do ONE THING to make Palin right about anything!! She's going down and your idiotic post proves that you know it deep down. Sux to be a Palin-worshiper.

  37. Anonymous3:23 PM

    The crap she spews is NOT a "force to be reckoned with" you hateful asshole.

    She is relevant in a kind of Is-it-going-to-rain-today kind of way.

    pffffft on you - LMAO!

  38. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sarah, if you had stuck to your promise after losing the election and worked hard with the disabled and Downs children, you might have been invited to visit the White House. You could have become a champion for children, congratulated by the President, maybe even given a medal.

    Ok, that's all I got, I'm laughing too hard.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Screw you. Ain't no money in helping them children. That's their parents job.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      @4:19 Damn straight. To quote Todd, "What's in it for us?"

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Tri-G? Her precious gift from god that she named for his DS?
      lol. He was her ticket to the WH until he wasn't. She can hardly stand him. Can you say RESENTMENT?

  39. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Everyone can do the math and see there is no possibility of the Senate convicting President Obama if he is impeached by the House. Sarah Palin is trying this impeach blitz to force a break up of the GOP, so she can be crowned head of one of the fragments, just the way a magic wand waved in 2008 and she got the VEEP candidate job.

    The GOP undoubtedly has the info to shutdown Palin's spews, but they appear to think they can use her to deflect voter's attention from the GOP's inability to get anything done in Congress.

    As long as Palin is "useful" she'll get to wallow in her fantasy of "leading" the "new" GOP.

  40. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I'm truly upset at the DCCC, at least give me some of that money.
    -Granny Louise

  41. Caroll Thompson4:27 PM

    The majority of Republicans want her to shut up. If this impeachment talk continues, all the D;s will go out and vote in November and turn the House a beautiful shade of blue.

    So, by all means Mrs. Palin, please proceed.

    By the way Sarah, is it true that Todd has a brand new love child as some of the IMer's have suggested? How's that working out for ya?

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      If that is true. Isn't this his second "love child"?

      How many females? What are the ages? Are he and his lover boy using a surrogate?

    2. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Tawd is bisexual.
      Whatever gets you the night.

  42. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Todd we are waiting for you to come out against Sarah's impeachment rants. Show America you are your own man and not Sarah's purse carrying bitch.

  43. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The ultimate insult to Sarah Palin is for the Democratic Party to invite Sarah to be the keynote speak at the Democratic National Convention.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      She knows no one would be in attendance! I know I wouldn't be!

  44. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I think Sarah ought to start cooking the meat she eats a little more thoroughly.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Yes, that mad cow thing is for real!

  45. Anonymous6:02 PM

    That picture of her is "something else"! LOL

    She looks awful.....really awful.

    It certainly shows her true personality.

  46. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    That photo shows the nervous breakdown to nowhere and the jolt she's going to get when the stupor wears off. She unwittingly is doing the Democratic Party a huge favor. It's not going to be pretty when payback hits, but I'm sure we'll all get a huge laugh as she tries to go rogue while going rogue against the GOP and Tea Party.
    But she can't do it by herself, she needs our help by giving small amounts to the Democrats we like and by getting out the vote as if our lives depended on it.

    This morning on "Mika and Joe Read Headlines", There was the mere mention of Sarah's rants and Mika just shook her head from side to side, thought for a few seconds, then said "That's it? Really? She implied wife beater in reference to President Obama?" And Joe quasi excused it " Oh, this kind of stuff goes on in every presidency.......both sides do it.... I remember blah blah blah"
    Then they showed names of possible candidates, I kid you not, The GOP "believes" Romney is a viable candidate by 39 percent, more than twenty points ahead of any of em all of em.

  47. Anonymous7:28 PM

    You keep screeching, $arah, you're making quite the spectacle of yourself, toots. Man oh man.....

  48. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "You don't bring a lawyer to a gunfight"?

    So very close to inciting violence again, sarah. Very close.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Did she ever apologize for Gabby Giffords? Oh double hockeys no. There's Gabby before it all happened on video saying how reckless it was to put sightings over districts and she still didn't take it down, Gabby is shot, out came the "blood libel." Holy crap, she gifted the pimp a big gun after Sandy Hook because she could! Hello????

      She wants President Obama assassinated, and she's working on it.

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:58 PM

      8:13, you are absolutely right. Why else would that tarantula needle him about going to the border, where all the absolute nuttiest of the gun nuts are "stationed"? Any chance those guys will give him the welcome he got in Denver?

      She really must be stopped.

  49. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Firebrand: asshole

  50. That's one hella hideous wig.

  51. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You don't bring a Palin to a Virgins' convention.


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