Friday, July 11, 2014

After having won a Nobel Peace prize, and a Grammy, now the President is nominated for an Emmy.
Click image to play video
Courtesy of Politicususa:  

That web based Funny or Die clip has been nominated for an Emmy Award in the Outstanding Short-Format Live-Action Entertainment Program category. 

Really, Republicans deserve the credit for this Emmy nod (which is good since they can’t credit Obama for anything except blaming him for things they did), because if they hadn’t been fear-mongering about Obamacare in the first place, the President never would have had to take such extreme measures to get the word out.

I am sure that this is yet another thing that the Republicans will say the President is doing to distract from Benghazi, or the IRS "scandal," or the border problem, of whatever is the crisis du jour. 


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "It's a three inch horizontal."
    Gets me EVERY time! HAHAHAHAHA

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    You mean Sarah or Bristol haven't been nominated? For all their hard ass work and talent and God on their side and whatnot?

    When Sarah snarks that Obama is a celebrity, remember, her God Ronnie Reagan was an actor.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

      And Bristol chose a monkey mask..... go figure!

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    O/T but this is a hoot!

    GOP House Majority in Jeopardy Because Deadbeat Republicans Aren’t Paying Their Dues

    Speaker John Boehner is doubling as a collection agency these days. It seems the party of alleged fiscal conservatives is full of deadbeats, at least in the House — you know, the chamber from which all of the really crazy austerity comes. The chamber that shut down government. The chamber that demands everything but tax giveaways for corporations be paid for. So now, poor John Boehner has to run around strong arming the deadbeats in the House, when he’s not searching for a passable reason to sue the President.

    Alex Isenstadt and Jake Sherman reported for Politico, “House Republicans, so worried that a swelling cash deficit will keep them from making big gains this November, have begun cracking down on dozens of lawmakers who haven’t paid dues crucial to the party’s campaign accounts. It’s reached the point that Speaker John Boehner has dispatched his own team to twist some of the stragglers’ arms.”

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      As His Lawsuit Disintegrates Boehner Falls Apart During A Woozy Tirade Against Obama

      So Republicans thought it would be a super idea to post this little sound bite of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) looking woozy and ragey at the same time, accusing President Obama of never taking responsibility for anything.

      Watch here:

      Will Boehner Sue These Republicans Who Demanded Delaying the Employer Mandate?

      ...Sarah Palin also pushed for the elimination of the employer mandate. “Obamacare is presently hitting people who buy insurance on the individual market because they may not receive health coverage through their employers. It’s hurting millions! But you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet,” she wrote on Facebook. “Just wait until the Obamacare employer mandate kicks in next year. As I told Fox News Sunday, despite what the White House and media report, tens of millions more Americans are set to lose their employer provided insurance plans. The ramifications of this WILL fundamentally transform America.”

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Pay up you freaking deadbeats

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      OK, little troll, you do realize that is snark, yes? Coming to try and stir things up, but you're busted.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Hey, at least he now has 2 accomplishments. Only one slightly deserved, though he didn't create it. I don't recall that skit.

    The other was all facade and no substance.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Jealous, are we?

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      LOL! The accomplishments of President Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as some of the most enormous positive changes this country has ever seen.

      He will go down in history for not just the accomplishments BEFORE he became president, but all of the ones before.

      He will go down in history for his strong leadership, his kind nature, his blazing intelligence, his compassionate heart, his exemplary parenting, his committed marriage, his searing wit and delightful sense of humor, his melodic voice and his dazzling smile.

      He will go down in history for his brilliant political moves, his hugely successful foreign policy, his highly respected results as Commander in Chief and military strategist, his actions and words to facilitate peace all over the planet, his partnerships with foreign leaders and his popularity around the globe.

      It's only the uneducated, ignorant, lazy people who don't know about his accomplishments, because they don't do their homework, but facts and figures are what they are and this president and this man will be celebrated for CENTURIES TO COME for his stellar and unprecedented accomplishments and he will stand tall, towering over ALL presidents before him.

      And that just drives you insane, doesn't it, ugly troll?

      On the other hand, the myth of Palin's 'accomplishments' will go down in history as exactly what they are... myths. Sarah will be remembered as a blip, a pus filled scab on the ass of history, foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, desperate for attention and credibility. If she's remembered at all, that is.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Projection, Sarah?? Who slathers on the pancake makeup, lip gloss, eye liner, false boobs and fake hair? Who shouts any outrageous thing that she can in order to get noticed? Jealous, honey? You weren't running for President, and you never will. If anyone is the example of style over substance, it would be Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Bravo, 10:24!

    5. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      It's called "funny or die", if you don't think it's funny, your choice is crystal clear.

  6. Wouldn't the creators of the clip get the Emmy, not the President?

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Ha ha Suck it GOP! President Obama will go down as one of the best Presidents. They hate him because deep down they know it.
    Who is their main attraction for 2016? Rick Perry, West, and I can't remember the third. My apologies Rick for stealing your line you ding bat.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      LOL. You just know Perry got his new glasses so he could look more intelligent and run for President again. It's going to be quite entertaining just like last time. You can't fix stupid, just ask Sarah.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I guess Sarah Palin's ongoing series, Between Two Turd Piles, got the snub AGAIN!

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Thanks for the laugh.

  9. Anonymous10:19 AM

    President Obama is magnificent, gifted, brilliant and he grows more so each day. He doesn't need contrast to high light his astounding intellect and masterly skills. The Republican's contrast hasn't hurt when they use Palin's ill ilk. However, their mistakes make it obvious why they aren't electable. They can only get what they want by theft and with the lowlife behaviors they display.

    President Obama is all about being true, modest and a genius.

  10. Oh-oh, Scarah Paylin's gonna blow a fuse. Obama just keeps getting bigger and better while she just keeps sinking lower and lower. Hey Scarah, how low can you go??? You better see if they need any help over at the Wal-Mart.

  11. Beldar D'Nile Conehead10:45 AM

    Nice try, Gryphen, if that's even your real name! (Hint: it ISNT!)

    Your so-called President Barack HUSSEIN Obama is jumping from the frying into another slightly hotter, greasier frying pan and it ain't gonna be pretty!

    My anonymous sources tell me that Flox News is about to release a stunning new survey that proves once and for all, that the Kenyan muslin usurper-in-chief is THE WORST LEADER ON EARTH OF ALL TIME!!!

    That's right, libtards, Obama received 90% of the votes, overtaking the previous 'winner' Nefrihotep, ancient Egypt's so-called Web-Toed Boy Pharoah as the worst ever.

    And that's saying a lot as Nefrihotep only served as Pharoah for 60 days before being unceremoniously sacrificed to Kahi, the Avocado God. But in that short reign he notably authorized the tearing down of the pyramids to be replaced by a massive cilantro plantation and ordered Egyptian mathematicians to insert a new number between 6 and 7 called, not surprisingly, Nefrihotep.

    After his death, the order to raze the pyramids was rescinded, while the majority of respected modern day Egyptologists and almost half of the disrespected ones believe Nefrihotep's most important legacy is that 3000 years after he ruled the mighty Egyptian empire we still don't have a number between 6 and 7.

    60% of severe conservatives and 99% of people who "teabag at least 3 times a week" regard President Obama as being a WORSE leader that that unfortunate Pharoah. I don't make up the numbers, I just report them.

    And still you claim this Obama character is an effective leader just because of the improvement in the economy, the end of the pointless Bush wars and the successful implementation of the landmark Affordable Care Act?

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      hahahaha!!! From now on 6.5 shall always be known as Beldar to me.

  12. Anonymous11:13 AM

    It's kind of funny how no one here can read that op-ed and its rationale. You automatically read YOUR own hatred. Nothing about it is hateful.

    Bush had the same detractors and was NO different from Obama.

    It's not like Obama is anti war.

    Youre all hypocrites who trash and lies daily here.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Sarah Palin EMBODIES hatefulness. She sucks on it, bathes in it, rubs it into every nook and cranny of her decimated body. She thrives on the darkest of energies, worships the vilest of ideas and you are blind if you don't see that. Or full of hatred yourself.

      Obama stands head and shoulder above the Shrub, and that's driving you idiots nuts, isn't it?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

      Did you miss your eye doctor's appointment? Even Stevie Wonder can see the difference between President GW Bush (indian name "Chokes on Pretzels"
      and President Barack Hussein Obama (indian name "Blindfolded with both hands behind his back 3D Chess Champion) President Obama accomplishes more while putting his shoes on than President George "Whiskey" Bush did in eight years.

  13. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Oooooohhhhhh that just burns my ass. You will definitely read this on my Facebook when I get my ghostwriter to tell you how I feel.
    -Louise Sarah

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I'm sure folks in Detroit who are having their water shut off are thrilled he won an Emmy.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

      I'm sure Osama Bin Laden is thrilled he won the Emmy too.

    2. Anonymous4:18 AM

      Being nominated does not mean winning. And I think the blame for the Detroit situation lies squarely with the governor, gazillionaire Rick Snyder.

  15. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

    What's amazing about this clip is the President is just being his genuine self. Smart with a sense of humor. No acting, no melodramatic manifestos on facebook, just the genuine article.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.