Monday, July 14, 2014

Marine Sgt. becomes angry with his wife exercises his 2nd Amendment rights until she is dead.

Courtesy of WITN:  

Deputies say a Marine Corps sergeant who shot and killed his wife Sunday night is in jail without bond. 

Details were just released Monday morning of the woman's death. 

Onslow County authorities say Jordan Skaggs, 31, was shot multiple times to her chest while inside the couple's home on Cherry Blossom Lane, which is about four miles southwest of Richlands. 

Deputies say Sgt. Christopher Skaggs has been charged with murder. A news release says the Marine "went into a rage, got his handgun and began shooting the victim." 

Sheriff Ed Brown says the couple has three children, and they were next door swimming when the shooting happened. 

The Marine Corps says Sgt. Skaggs is an infantryman on staff at the School of Infantry East at Camp Geiger, New River Air Station.

THIS is how most gun deaths occur in this country.

Somebody gets angry at a friend, neighbor, or spouse, and pick up a gun to teach them a lesson.

It happens everyday, ALL over this country.

Guns that are purchased to keep a family safe are rarely utilized for that purpose.

Oh and as for the idea of guns protecting you from a robbery?

Yeah well tell that to this guy.

But to kill or injure a family member?

That happens all too frequently.

And this guy was a trained soldier, which also puts to rest the argument that gun deaths are mostly the result of untrained people using them.

(H/T to Liberaland.)


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Bowe Bergdahl’s Return To Active Duty Has Officially Broken Fox News

    This development has sent Fox News’ show for complete idiots, Fox & Friends, into a psychotic break with reality, claiming that Bergdahl is being threatened into silence by the sinister Barack Obama. And also, inevitably, BENGHAZI.

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Gryphen, I thought you might want to see this:

    The Republican Myth of Obama’s ‘Part-Time America’ Gets Destroyed With One Graph

    Derek Thompson slayed the Republican talking point about Obama’s “Part-Time America” today in The Atlantic in an article entitled, “Here’s What Obama’s ‘Part-Time America’ Really Looks Like.”

    The president's critics love this talking point. But since 2010, full-time jobs are up 7.6 million, and part-time jobs have declined by more than 900,000.

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    My heart goes out to those little ones who will return from their fun outing to find that their mother is dead and their father is a murdering asshole. How tragic that this happens so often, and the children are the ones that suffer in one way or another. The scar that is left is irreparable.

    What kind of monster is this man to behave in this way. What kind of damaged being would blithely take another's life? Well, I guess that's what our military does. Trains men to kill and they are unable to discern between their wives and the enemy. It will happen again and again since there is a certain bloodlust that occurs with the taking of human life. It becomes commonplace and simply transfers into the domestic setting when they leave the military. Of course not all soldiers will act out this way, but way too many will, and do.

    I fear for the families, the wives, the girlfriends of these trained killers. They are vulnerable when they should be feeling safe and protected, but when the one who is supposed to protect you turns on you and makes you the victim, it all becomes pure insanity.

    1. Yeah, the kids. Their factor made me immediately associate another such murder, even if guns weren't involved. Had her neighbors not happened upon her wandering dog with bloody paws, Nicole Simpson (and Ron Goldman) would very likely not have been discovered till the next morning by her children, in just the way their father had rendered her.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Three more little kids have lost their mother and are traumatized for life, not to mention the terror that they've probably experienced in the past living around that man.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      There's just something about the Marines that tends to turn out sadistic, twisted sociopaths.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      WHAT A MAN.........NOT.

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I just got a call to of a survey . Terry Lynn Land, who is a Koch/ALEC puppet of Snyder as MI Secretary of State, is running for Levin's Senate seat. She is self-funding, but Gary Peters is close. The survey wanted to know how likely I was to vote for either of them. When we finished that question , I was asked the following :"no matter how you feel about Obamacare, which of the following concerns you the most? That people are paying far higher premiums? That people can't see their own doctors? That Medicare funds are being used to cover the law?"
    My answer? " None of those bother me because they are not true."
    Please, respond to the Koch surveys. They need to know we are not all stupid.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I haven't been contacted but these fake surveys drive me crazy. And I am simply furious at the fact that the GOP is completely controlled by the Koch brothers, about whom most Americans know absolutely nothing.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      What a skewed poll that is! Good lord, I'm so glad you answered the way you did! Sort of along with lines of 'when did you stop beating your wife'. The Kochsuckers are the scum of the earth. No surprise Sarah cozies up to them.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      It is not a poll. It is called push polling and they are actually trying to plant a message in your head with the form of their skewed questions.

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Men are trained to kill under the guise of military service, but they're still trained to kill, encouraged to kill, celebrated when they kill and then when they come home, all of sudden killing isn't acceptable, they're punished for it, imprisoned for it. I can't imagine how fucked up their psyches must be living in the horrors of war and then to return stateside and be expected to curb that barbaric behavior that they've lived with for so long. It must be terribly confusing for them to have it drilled into their heads, daily, non stop to kill, kill, kill. Even though it is the 'enemy' that they are being trained to kill, that doesn't matter, because, obviously, that wife became the 'enemy' enough so that he felt the need to end her life in a vicious and violent way. No different than on the battle field. And yet it is different. Completely different. But how does that battered and twisted psyche know the difference once it gets the taste for blood and control and power? He put her down, the same way he was trained to put down a person in a village in Iraq or Afghanistan. No different in his mind. And innocents all over the country will be paying that price in the months and years to come. The gun proliferation in this country runs exactly parallel with war activities. The more there is rah, rah USA war, the more killers will use their guns with abandon. It's all they know.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      My dad killed plenty of people during WWII, and observed mayhem of all kinds.

      It's not necessarily true that armed training and combat makes people into reflexive killers. My dad certainly wasn't.

      Many killers, however, display psychological problems before acting. Because the USA has decided psychological screening is not a prerequisite for having firearms, we see a higher rate of deaths by nuts with guns. It's a math thing.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      So how do you account for all the in-family murder-by-gun by non-former military members?

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      >>My dad killed plenty of people during WWII, and observed mayhem of all kinds.

      I'm the one that wrote that comment. My dad also served in WWII and in fact was captured by Nazis and escaped, twice, from their camps. I would say that there was a very different approach to the war mentality then than there is now, as well as a very different society, belief structure and common agreement of what constituted proper behavior. It's not that way now. The training that the troops get now is completely different than WWII, so I rest my case. And I hope you also read what I wrote about it not applying to all of our troops. Unfortunately, history is bearing itself out with daily statistics that support my statements.

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM


      My dad was in a German prison camp, too. Small world.

      This is what the German's thought about his outfit:

      "American parachutists -- devils in baggy pants -- are less than 100 meters from my outpost line. I can't sleep at night; they pop up from nowhere and we never know when or how they will strike next. Seems like the black-hearted devils are everywhere..."

      You think the training is completely different than WWII. I disagree.

  7. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Unfortunately this happens all too often. Google marines and murder....and you'll find daily headlines. Just gruesome.

    They are the smallest branch of the military with the biggest amount of domestic abuse and other violent crimes.

  8. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Jesse, why did you remove the story about Bowe Bergdahl? I just sent the link to everyone in my family. And I can't imagine why you would take it down. We need to show Sgt. Bergdahl as much support as we can.

    1. I did not remove anything.

      It is still up at the top of the comments.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      It's also on the other thread. You should know by now that Gryphen doesn't take down comments. He may sift through them before posting, but once posted, they stay. That's one of the things that makes his blog superior. He lets people speak, even if they're trolls and troublemakers, and lets the IM community weed them out.

      Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Ready to Return to Active Duty, Can Leave Base

      Atrocious ‘Patriotic’ Conservatives React to Bergdahl’s Return to Active Duty (Screenshots)

      We all knew it was coming: The moment it was announced that Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl would be returning to active duty, it was only a matter of time before right-wingers would express their outrage in the form of violent threats.

    3. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Jesse, it was me who posted the original comment. It's the damnedest thing- I have reloaded IM over and over...and that one post is just NOT visible to me. (Though it was when you first posted)

      Makes me wonder what else I'm missing. :/

  9. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Ammonsexuals everywhere: YAWN.

    They don't care. The tragedy of the loss of human life via gunfire is not even within their frame of reference. The only tragedy to them is the thread of being parted from their precious dick extenders. The murder by gun of a young mother by her husband/father of her young children is less than nothing to them. They are just too in thrall to their own guns. They are sick, sick, sick fucks.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I want so much to say that you're wrong, but I can't, because you're right. And that makes me weep for humankind.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    3. Anonymous3:00 AM

      Returning to active duty a traitor lol u praise him without judgement even knowing some facts

  10. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    I don't think there's a direct correlation with active duty and ammoseual gratuitous violence and armed conflict resolution to "win an argument" or "prove a point". The access to guns and the shooter's free will and frame of mind are what's wrong.
    My daughter's marrying into a family with many members previously involved with the military and active armed duty. They're all happily married, contribute to society, and hold down jobs while taking advantage of educational benefits and the GI Bill. I guess this post blows the NRA's "Good Guys with guns" bullshit. This man knew he was killing his wife and the mother of his children, and that's whats most disturbing. So he "won" and argument, but at what cost?

  11. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I think that there is a very disturbing amount of owners with guns and drug abuse. This looks to me like just another one of those cases. What a crying shame. So here we have guns and drugs once again.

  12. Was he "standing his ground" against a spatula?

  13. You people are funny blogging as if you knew this man or this situation. You all think off one mans actions you can umbrella judgement over everything an anything guns marines military drugs an guns ect,

  14. They should feel safe haha please most women cheat on their husbands who are in the military, husband gone wife cheats husband can't wait to see wife finds out she's been cheating husband went thru hell find this out hmmmm I wonder how that conversation goes

    1. Stephen Andersen, I do know this man. How dare you insinuate that his wife is at fault for this.

  15. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Funny how you think it is the gun at fault. Do you honestly believe that if he didn't have a gun she would still be here? If someone is that mentally unstable, they aren't going to stop because they don't have a gun. If he chose to break her neck, would you blame it on his military training? Get a real grip people. This is the story of the U.S. today. Trying to lay blame on something instead of continuing down the list until you arrive at the real problem.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.