Tuesday, July 08, 2014

New survey shows that majority of Americans blame Bush for situation in Iraq, and that he was wrong to take us there in the first place.

Courtesy of TPM:

Republicans have hammered President Obama in recent weeks for the unraveling security situation in Iraq, arguing that he should have left some American troops behind in the troubled country. But a poll released Monday found that Americans widely disagree with the GOP. 

The latest national survey from Quinnipiac University showed that 58 percent of American voters believe Obama's decision to withdraw troops in 2011 was the right thing to do. 

Conversely, 61 percent said that George W. Bush's decision to invade in 2003 was the wrong thing to do. Fifty-one percent of voters blame Bush for the current calamity in Iraq.

I find that only 51% of Americans think the current Iraq situation is Bush's fault to be troubling since he is the reason we were there in the first place and also brokered the deal for our withdraw. 

It is clearly 100% his fault and anybody who does not know that is probably too stupid to understand the questions in this survey.

And further evidence of that fact is that 39% thought that Bush did a better job at conducting foreign policy than Obama who got 35%.

On the other hand 51% of the respondents said that we should NOT send troops into Iraq to defeat Islamic militants, as opposed to 39% who think we should.

There were also some gun control questions in this poll whihc showed that 50% of the respondents thought that there should be stricter gun control laws, to 47% opposed. And a full 92% who believe that ALL gun owners should be subjected to a background check.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Little Georgie always wanted to be a "war president" and besides Saddam threatened to "kill my Dad", so thereHe could care less about the lives lost, destroyed, all the blood shed. Or is it haunting him? Those self portraits of him in the shower, in the bathtub tells me he is trying to wash all that blood off. I wonder if he is suffering from dementia or Alzheimers? Painting is used as therapy lots of times, and Georgie sure churned out a whole shitload of paintings. Where is he these days, defending HIS wars with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest of the cowards who did not serve? Georgie went AWOL from the National Guard, so he really did not serve as Rove and the others want people to believe.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      You know, 4:22 AM, from day one he started beating the war drum that it was all to avenge Daddy and had absolutely nothing with WMDs, which we now know it didn't. He can scrub himself and paint all he wants to alleviate his guilt but that blood is never going away. The same goes for Darth, Rummy, Wolfie, and Rice.

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Maybe he's drinking again. One reason Barbara Bush doesn't want anymore scrutiny of her family.

  3. Leland5:30 AM

    Unfortunately, only history will actually judge this asshole.

    There is no way in hell the RWNJ's are going to admit anything about his guilt if they have so many who still believe it was President Obama's fault the economy collapsed.

  4. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Damn straight Bush was wrong for getting us into a war with Iraq and our soldiers died for nothing. It was that fuckers fault our economy tanked.

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Cheney was in trouble with Halliburton, they were facing bankruptcy with him as CEO. Appointing himself VP was PERFECT for him. Give Halliburton no-bid contracts, make himself millions of $$$ what could go wrong? He feld those secret energy meetings, had the records sealed. Enron was one of the companies, they were going to split Iraq oilfields amongst them. The soldiers were collateral damage to these warhawks, money is what drives them. Besides, their kids would all be safe no military service for THEM. 5 deferment Dickless Cheney is one evil bastard, who should rot in Hell. Even the Devil does not want him, too much competition. Same with his vile daughter Lizzie the wannabe Senator from - well - ANYWHERE.

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You trust polls? REALLY? After knowing how liberals manipulate things and stalk things and flat out lie?

    I know that isn't partisan but you cannot deny it happens on the left. Not when your President has such a shady history

    1. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

      Yeah, this liberal was out stalking doorknobs today. Every morning in our email box we get a list of things to stalk and our quota. If we don't meet it, we're forced to read troll comments like yours.
      If you are a citizen of America, President Obama is YOUR President, if you don't like it, I have a boarder for you to cross.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    The poll might be a little off, you know, those lonely trolls with landlines who like to talk for hours. The economy is doing beyond what was expected, President Obama's done a stellar job at cleaning up the bullshit unjust wars President GWBush started.
    History won't be kind to President Bush or all his enablers and evildoers that cheered him along. I'm under the impression it's more than being back on the bottle, and whatever "it" is, doesn't look good at all. His dad's jumping out of planes, living life vibrantly, he's holed up on the ranch, enjoying his new hobby of painting his feet, portraits of dead dogs, and his legs in a bathtub. Almost as tasteless as Jerry River's "70 is the new 50" selfie.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.