Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Today's man shoots self and wife while cleaning gun story comes to us from Indiana.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

An Indiana man accidentally shot himself and his wife Sunday evening while cleaning his gun. 

Phillip Vincze thought the weapon was clear of bullets when he pulled the trigger and shot himself through the hand, said Elkhart County sheriff’s deputies. 

The bullet then struck his wife, Jennette Collins, in both legs, deputies said. 

Vincze and his wife were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 

The shooting, which deputies described as an accident, remains under investigation.

You know we have heard repeatedly the mantra, "guns don't kill people, people kill people."

However the more of these stories I see the more it seems that the guns are REALLY trying to take people out, and are simply biding their time until somebody handles them and gives them the opportunity to blow an innocent bystander away.

And actually since some of these shootings, and gun deaths, happen when a person is NOT actively aiming the weapon at anybody it almost seems that the gun deserves the majority of the blame.

After all when was the last time you were cleaning your car and it suddenly roared into life and ran down a neighbor?


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Yes, isn't it amazing how many gun "accidents" there have been recently? Hmmm.

  2. Randall6:30 AM

    "Guns don't kill people..."
    That's true: BULLETS kill people.
    Outlaw BULLETS!

    I don't see anything in the 2nd Amendment guaranteeing the right to have bullets.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    She's 'reloaded'


  4. “After all when was the last time you were cleaning your car and it suddenly roared into life and ran down a neighbor?"

    I have a funny story about that, actually... No I don't.

  5. Beldar Bushmaster Conehead7:01 AM

    Gryphen - if that's even your real name which the Bible teaches us that it is almost certainly not - your anti-gun tirades are getting old, even tho - I will admit - many victims of "unloaded" guns are not.

    You prattle on endlessly about the so-called VICTIMS but you NEVER mention the guns themselves. TYPICAL LIBTARD HYPOCRISY!

    Let me tell you something, buddy boy! Guns have feelings, too, ya know! All these years they've sat neglected in closets and under pillows and now all of the sudden, because of our gun fetish-friendly severely conservative Supreme Court, guns have been liberated! Finally free to express their inner - and outer - gun-ness!

    So, sure, there's going to be a certain... friskiness, as guns get used to being bandied about in the open, as commonly as everyday consumer goods like cell phones, cufflinks and machetes. And yes, unsuspecting people will be shot and people will die, but that's just the price of total gun freedom that the tribal warriors of Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Uganda have known for decades!

    Trust the NRA when they tell us that "accidental" gun deaths are just the unavoidable collateral damage of a nation happily enjoying the greatest gift that God can bestow on His most favored peoples: unrestricted, unlimited access to and use of guns and ammunition! PRAISE JEEBUS!!!

    I can't reveal my sources, but there's a VERY strong likelihood that the Supremes are poised to - by a nearly unanimous hyper-partisan 5-4 vote - declare that GUNS ARE PEOPLE, TOO, just like corporations!!! And in the strangest of all possible ironies, guns will apparently be granted the unqualified right to gay marriage, birth control, and small amounts of marijuana for personal use, also, too.

    As the Gipper used to say, "It's mourning in America again!"

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      SCOTUS can't wait to hear your case!

  6. Stephen King could write a book.

  7. It's not easy to admit that I'm from Indiana sometimes...

  8. Suzy Q9:08 AM

    I'm from Indiana and I had not heard about this story. I LOVE your take on it, Gryphen. Your humor is appreciated and a good retort to the NRA head, LaPierre. Answer to your rhetorical question, I can't remember the last time I was cleaning my car and it roared to life and ran down the neighbor. Good logic, makes about as much sense as the good guy/bad guy gun argument that the ammosexuals throw around out there.

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Ammosexuals Suing University For Right To Bring Guns On Campus

    Ohio State University has a no-guns-on-campus rule. It’s a safety issue. But gun advocates must always have their guns, as they believe their right to be armed at all times trumps any other concern others may have.


  10. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    This particular gun needs more practice aiming. Willing to wager this gun owner will never forget to check the chamber before "cleaning" the gun to make absolutely certain it's empty?


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