Thursday, July 31, 2014

Republicans block resolution to congratulate Pope Francis because he is "too liberal" and "sounds like Obama."

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A bipartisan congressional resolution that would honor Pope Francis before his potential appearance in Philadelphia next year may not be acted upon because of Republican worries that the pontiff is perceived as being “too liberal,” The Hill reports. 

House Resolution 440 aims to “congratulate Pope Francis on his election and recognize his inspirational statements and actions,” but according to one Republican backer of the legislation, the resolution is dead because Pope Francis is “sounding like Obama. [The pope] talks about equality — he actually used the term ‘trickle-down economics,’ which is politically charged.” 

Republicans are upset because of comments the Pope made concerning the free market. Last November, for example, Francis published his Evangelii Gandium, in which he noted that “[a]s long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems.” 

He also specifically attacked President Ronald Reagan’s signature economic policy, “trickle-down theory,” writing that “[s]ome people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.”

Well hell if he attacked Saint Ronnie then obviously the Republicans cannot support him in anyway. 

After all there are religious icons, and the there are RELIGIOUS ICONS!

I have to say I find it pretty damn funny that the Republicans, who have ALWAYS kissed up to the Pope, are now shunning him because some of the things he says are too much like something Jesus might say.

And let's face if it is a contest between Jesus and his holiness the Reagan, Jesus doesn't stand a chance.


  1. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Poor pope. He's crazy keen on forcing women to have gaggles of little babies and can't get any love from Republicans. Even rape can't get them together.

  2. Sally in MI5:12 AM

    I'm surprised they haven't made the leap between the Pope's words, Jesus and the President. Wasn't it Fox who started calling him "The One?" I am so sick of the GOP getting away with screwing everyone in this country but rich white bosses, and then stepping back and pretending they are for the people. I really think Ailes and Murdoch planned this all along to bring down America. They are far more evil than bin Laden. Destroy from within.

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Based on the Catholics I know and have known, and as a former born-and-raised Catholic (now heathen) myself, I would say that the majority of Catholics would soooooo choose the Pope over St. Ronnie if they had to make a choice.

    Now, I have no use for Pope Francis myself, because he's still a misogynist -- and economic equality will never happen as long as women are economically and legally hindered from having full control over their reproductive organs. That's one of the reasons I left the Catholic Church (well, that'n'the whole "this is bullshit!" realization). However, in all fairness, one of the things I took away with me was the Catholic teaching that good works are just as necessary as faith to get you into heaven (I just leave off the heaven part now).

    And despite my loathing of him, I still love that Francis is pissing off Republicans, because you gotta take what you can get. And I guarantee you that if they don't get over it and issue that fawning resolution, there are going to be a lot of royally pissed off Catholics.

    And trust me -- Catholics loooooove to feel persecuted.

    Your move, Repugs!

  4. Leland7:50 AM

    Nothing like pissing off - or trying too, at least - a Head of State!

    I guess it's those ignorant fundies again. You know, because they HATE anything that isn't THEIR religion?

    I wish I had the chance to slap each and every one of them - assuming I could do it without legal repercussions. The trouble is, I just wouldn't be able to do it. It's their ignorance talking after all.

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The Catholic Church holds rapist sperm in such high esteem that they are the natural allies of any political faction that suppresses women. Pretending there is controversy just keeps the low information types streaming their dollars to the right (heh, heh) people to maintain their power.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Well I guess what they are saying is that Obama is like the Pope by trying to live by Jesus' teachings, hence Obama is more Christian than they themselves are?

  7. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I'd take everything said by Pope Francis and President Obama over the Republicans any day and time!

    Can hardly wait to welcome our Catholic pope to the USA!

  8. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

    Well, anything, of course, that President Obama even proposes be done, will be met with obstinate foot stomping and a resounding "Hell No". I'm not "into" religious leaders, per se, but I wonder if one substituted, say, Billy Graham, Joel Orenstein, or Reverant Al Sharpton, Which would the Repugs vote down and why?
    They don't understand the meaning of "Detante" nor studying the subtleties of how certain actions and words of the President would be taken by other world leaders and peoples of the world in general.
    For the United States to earn respect, some must be given. What harm does an invitation to a religious leader to visit the US do? Little to none, but it boosts the economy, creates jobs, and helps how we're seen.


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