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Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page |
Which is kind of predictable because Right Wing blogs and news sites are jizzing themselves over the fact that Howard Stern actually agrees with them about something.
Of course the fact that Stern is Jewish might have something to do with his support of Israel. Whereas the support coming from the Fundamentalists is due to their belief that the Jews have to be there in order for Jesus to come back and take selfies with them.
However I don't know if Palin was so desperate to jump on the bandwagon that she forgot, or if one of her Facebook ghostwriters simply did not do their research, but Howard Stern essentially hates Sarah Palin's guts.
I mean really.
For example (Go to the 2:10 mark):
And that is just one example.
Go head and Google "Howard Stern on Sarah Palin." But I warn you he holds NOTHING back, and uses many grown up words.
So they say that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," but this may be pushing it a little.
I'll bet big bucks that Stern's feelings toward Palin have not softened at all.
So thoughtful of you to post that video, Gryphen! Sarah, I do hope you enjoyed it! Let me guess, you'll pretend that in the sacred interest of supporting Israel (in your case, solely for the ludicrous and delusional reason Gryphen mentioned), regardless of the egregiousness of its war crimes, you'll graciously and magnanimously overlook Stern's oh so accurate opinion of you and link arms and sing Kumbaya with him.
ReplyDeleteYou hilarious imbecile.
Sarah in the house...LOL...what else do you have to say $carah
DeleteHAHAHA..first sarah tries to be lback-loving, then she wants to look like child-hater-brewer, then she posts another black article (like she honestly cares for blacks & no one is buying it), and now she's quoting Stern! Like yeah, her little mind thinks that we will say "Stern said it so it must be ok to kill others."
Delete^ +1000 and LOL for the 'hilarious imbecile' association.
DeleteHoward Stern is not the only one with a good bead on Sarah.
This is the “Other Sarah” speaking.
DeleteYesterday, Americans and the media got their first glimpse of the real Sarah Palin; the McCain staff dubbed “Other Sarah”. The person behind the heavily imaged, cracking veneer of a hockey mom from Wasilla.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday stated that Zionism and the rebirth of the Jewish state would not have succeeded without the backing and support of Christian Zionism.
Who is Bibi ? Benjamin Netanyahu
from the link above (politicususa)
Delete"Like all narcissists, the signs are all there with Palin but the siren call of the mythical image is so compelling that the truth is overlooked. If Americans knew what the Republican Party knows and what Alaskans know, they would be terrified. But like all good narcissistic sociopaths (a label pinned on Palin by Republican colleagues in Alaska), Palin cons the uninformed and the innocent with doe eyed tales of her victimhood that quite simply make the stories from her real victims seem implausible.
"Even now, the press is sure she didn’t know what blood libel meant. This is how it goes with Sarah. The truth tries to speak but protective instincts of the well-intentioned but uninformed kick in and a willfully blinded press becomes complicit in selling a treacherous lie to Americans. And just like any bully, what Sarah does best is turn her victim’s cries into martyrdom for herself by co-opting the pain she inflicts on others.
"This is the real Sarah Palin, the “Other Sarah”, and she is not going to go away just because a few more people outed her. If you believe that, you misunderestimate her."
"you can't listen to this women without vomiting..." HS on palin http://austinisafecker.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/howard-stern-thinks-that-sarah-palin-is-dumb/
DeleteWhat a great name for a book:
DeleteThe Other Sarah. aka The Real Sarah
I love you Gryph, I really do. You have a good heart.
ReplyDeleteMe too. All in favor say aye!
Delete6:57 PM:
DeleteDoes ANYONE of her SarahPAC paid consultants do any kind of homework or are they grasping at straws? OMG, I am LMAOing here. $arah $arah $arah. Are you that desperate for attention that you post this thinking you'll be mentioned on his show Monday? You probably will be and it won't be good!
ReplyDeleteWhat a MAROON! You wonder why you're laughed at???
What's the homework here? It's a quote? You're all closed-minded. She doesn't care about his opinion when a quote makes sense. She doesnt care about what a bunch of strangers think of her ignorantly.
Delete5:28 OK, let's just say I go along with you. (I don't, but let's hypothesize.)
DeleteNow people are going to Google up and find that Howard Stern called Sarah an "imbecile" and a few other things.
Bloggers and news sites will use Sarah's posting of Stern's quote as a reason to bring up the recording of him calling her an imbecile and other assorted not-complimentary things.
Basically all Sarah's done is brought to the public awareness that Howard Stern thinks she is an imbecile and is appalled that she was actually on the ticket as V.P. candidate.
That not only reminds us and reinforces what we've all heard and thought about Sarah being unqualified for the job, but also reminds us that the Republicans were reckless in putting her on the ticket.
So...Let's just say Sarah was just posting a quote as you say. Now the whole world is reminded of what a fool and imbecile she is, how irresponsible the Republican Party was, and are wondering why doesn't someone put a sock in her mouth.
I vote that Sarah continues to post quotes as long as the quotes make sense. (Lordy knows that Palin can't make sense, might as well quote someone who does.)
5:28 Think you spelled that last word incorrectly. It's 'ignorance'. And, btw, she DOES care.
DeleteIn case you haven't noticed the 'job' she has carved out for herself depends on her getting others to think like she does. When the mojo isn't working and people aren't listening to her or going along with her bizarre ideas her bosses notice. This cuts off her easy money stream and that pisses her off more than anything. She doesn't have a real job because she doesn't have the skills or education to get the salary she now feels entitled to bank. What she can do, like so many charlatans and propagandists before her is to sell shit for a living. Her problem right now is few are buying her brand of crap and it's hitting her right in her designer wallet.
So she does care, she just looks like someone who doesn't.
Deleteshouldn't you be doing what you do best and getting laid/knocked up instead of posting anonymously ?!?
Bristles is a magician, who should try out for America's Got Talent. She makes babies disappear after being born, then denies she was ever pregnant!! Amazing We see her pregnant in photos, then a few months later she denies she was pregnant. Where do all the babies go? AWESOME and WHATNOT.
DeleteYeah troll, she doesn't care what a bunch of strangers say...unless they say something "good" about her or something she thinks backs up her stupid opinions. You are such an idiot!
DeleteHahaha, 3:07, that is their only talent!
DeleteI'm a liberal atheist. My husband and children are atheist but culturally Jews. My former son in law is Israeli. And yes,we are all pro Israel. I hate to be on the same side as Howard Stern and Palin, but this time I am.
ReplyDelete$arah is just trying to be on the right side of something, she doesn't understand any of it. Her visit there was photo-op and in the hotel the rest. He knows what she is. With your heritage, I can only imagine how upsetting this is to you.
DeleteI think you are on the wrong side on this one.
DeleteMy best friend is Jewish as is her husband. They are liberal, they both lost family members during the Holocaust, and they both despise Israel. They have been all over the world, and consider Israelis to be the nastiest people they have ever met. I was actually shocked to hear her opinion of Israel since it was so negative.
DeleteSo you might agree with Palin and Stern, but my Jewish friends sure don't.
DeleteYou actually believe that if someone is anti-Israel they are anti-America? What are you going to do about it? Crank up another House Committee on Un-American activity?
You say you are a liberal. And yet you deny the patriotism of anyone that is not pro-Israel. Other points of view being too much for your liberalism.
Before you get in a sulk, I'm an American mongrel of no particular faith with family members of many nationalities, races and religions. So maybe I'm just too unfortunate heritage-wise to take your restricted view of what it means to be pro-America.
The issue with being "pro" anything is that you get locked into that mindset and can't critically examine when and where the object of your affection might actually be in the wrong. It's not a particularly enlightened stance.
DeleteVery true 6:11
DeleteThere is NO Side
DeleteJust dead women and children. This is what religion does to the human mind.
Stern lost me in 1994 when he was suggesting he'd actually put himself on a libertarian ticket, but then learned there was no way to get around the full financial disclosure. It's hard to pretend the voice of the common man when they're gonna be seeing your tax returns for all your millions. Any gruesome detail about anybody's sex life, his own included, was game for his show, but his money? At last we learned something was indeed sacred.
ReplyDeleteStern is the exact reverse of an acquired taste, you eventually acquire some.
Obama got around it, among other things like Pac donations
DeleteHmm...we never saw Mitt's tax returns, nor Sarah's. Maybe he should run GOP...they seem to to whatever the heck they want to, no matter the law.
Delete5:27 I don't know if we saw Sarah's tax return, but someone released a summary of it.
DeleteRemember how everyone was making fun of the fact that she and Todd were worth just over a million bucks, but they had their taxes done by H&R Block?
Ha. Ha. H&R Block. That alone told me that they would not hang onto any money they had (not legally anyway). Who with any money goes to H&R Block?
That also told me all I needed to know about Sarah Palin's financial and business decision-making practices. She didn't belong in Juneau and she doesn't belong in any public office.
the candidates don't have to show their tax returns. The pacs have to.
DeleteHey dumbfuck @ 5:27 - President Obama does not illegally coordinate with PACs like your stupid, corrupt little money-laundering idol. Prove he has done so or SHUT THE FUCK UP you lying piece of trash!
DeleteSarah wants us to turn against each other....let's not allow it to happen. We should not & must not take her bait.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, because remember Sarah also claims little brown children from South America are terrorists, and carry diseases.etc .
DeleteWhat a dumbfuck that Sarah Palin is. Who does her research? Trig?
ReplyDeleteTrig's research would make more sense.
DeleteWhat's the research? It's a QUOTE. Not like she's you all and takes things out of context regularly
Deletewhat the F does that even mean???
Delete5:26 "Not like she's you all and takes things out of context regularly"
Not like she's you all??
And here I thought she was us all.......
i thought she was "all that and a bag of chips."
Delete8:52 We know she is the ONLY one who thinks she is "all that and a bag of chips" We think she is "all bones and a bag of hair"
DeleteI bet Stern is thrilled to see his mug on Palin's facebook. Maybe Palin will get another "disinvite" to whine about.
ReplyDeletePalin is just setting herself up to be the Victim again. She thinks by showing she holds no grudges (ahem!) and posting the Stern comment, if anyone comes after her she will be victimized once again. Poor thang.
DeletePalin is a TRUE leach.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you leach to ANYTHING which will bring you easy $$$....you lazy ass bitch always looking for FREE STUFF.
Yes because he offers her a lot. lmao you're weird
DeleteShe, unlike you, doesn't care about people's opinions of her, as they don't know her.
DeleteUnfortunately we know a ton about Sarah Palin. She has written a couple of books about herself and given many speeches and interviews. We know, for example, that she is very proud of
boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages).
Boast of that tells us all we need to know about Sarah Palin. She is insane.
"Yes because he offers her a lot."
DeleteReally? Who knew? What, pray tell, has he offered her? (wink, wink)
Thanks. It's leech
DeleteThe troll should preach to $carah about "people she does not know" We have ALL seen this skank in action, vile things she says about our President. He can not be held responsible for the millions who voted for him over little Johnny and $carah. The people spoke, we chose Obama, get over it. Get up off your lazy baby making arse and find a REAL job, Bristles. You will find out soon that kids NEED fathers, where are your baby daddies?.
DeleteWhy would she care of his opinion of her when posting something that makes sense?
ReplyDeleteShe knows people have irrational dislike for her. She obviously doesn't care. They don't KNOW her. Everyone has haters. Haters aren't sane people.
Hey anon, read the comment above. We all know WAY too much because she keeps posting dumb stuff on FB- not to mention TV appearances and those "best selling" books. I wish I knew less about her because the more I know, the more I dislike everything she stands for.
Delete5:25 I'm both sane and a palin hater. Kind of goes hand in hand.
DeleteYou're right and no one is less sane than your hater queen Palin herself.. She hates the president, she hates gays, she hates liberals, she hates people with an education, she hates "elites", she hates bloggers, she hates anyone that doesn't fall at her feet in awe, she hates, hates hates. That is your neanderthal narcissist for you in a nutshell. Since you know her SO well, why don't you identify yourself?
Delete"Why would she care of his opinion...."
DeleteIt's "care ABOUT" not "care of."
At what age did you drop out of school?
Delete5:25 AM Is here for her moring punishment. She has been frothing at the mouth all night, thinking about the Palins. It must SUCK to be so stupid and lonely, right, Troll?
We DO know her, that's the problem.
DeleteI cannot support a country that bombs innocents in UN shelters, walking to school, and everywhere else. That little twerp who was everywhere this week yammering about how they had to bomb the tunnels and they only did strategic strikes and they always warned people to evacuate before they bombed...really? And just where were the people to go? Israel has bombed their homes, their schools, their hospitals, and the escape routes. They have effectively barricaded Palestine and have for years withheld supplies, including water and fuel, from the area. Israel, with our full support, is committing genocide because they refuse to sit down with Hamas and allow Palestine a homeland, just as they were given in 1967. This is sick, and no democracy, in my view. Leave it to Sarah to pretend she supports Jews over this. Did she show a picture of her 'office with Jewish flags everywhere' too? Or just her bony chest with the kitschy huge Star of David? America needs to stop supporting this war. Do people know that Israel gets more of our dollars than any other nation?
ReplyDeleteTo me, the responses by Israel to aggressive actions by Hamas are so disproportionate as to be obscene and it's control of water and fuel is inhumane and barbaric. I know many support Israel. I don't.
DeleteNeither do I, and my Jewish friends are both embarrassed and very angry with Netanyahu who they view as a war criminal.
DeleteNot only is the official response disproportionate, but the photos of young Israelis cheering as bombs land and the genocidal comments of Israeli politician(s) are truly horrifying.
Delete6:15 There is a poster cheering at palin4america. In fact all of the others (Christians) are calling for annihilation of Israel's enemies.
DeleteThen posting a psalm from the bible of course. Assholes.
Why can't Sarah Palin come up with her own shit besides those tired old hillbilly crap like dead fish go with the flow, a fuck for a buck and all those simpleton sayings?
ReplyDelete"I wasn't speeding, I was qualifying"
DeleteHer entire vocabulary consists of cliches, slogans and bumper sticker logos.
6:44 PM
DeleteMost of her material is stolen, or from someone else.
Sarah Palin doesn't think. That's why she has to rely on others to tell her what to say.
DeleteO/T Margaret and Helen are back after 168 days.
DeleteSarah Palin not only quotes a man who thinks she's an imbecile, the village idiot wished George Washington a Happy Birthday on the 4th of July. Sarah actually thought George Washington's b'day was why we celebrate the 4th of July. Sarah tweeted:
ReplyDeleteIt's #July4th. Happy Birthday to George Washington, a great American patriot and conservative.
What a retard
DeleteAs much as that sounds like something SP would say, the "tweet" was a joke from someone else (but there are plenty of Palinisms to make fun of)!
DeleteAmerica 'Refudiates' Sarah Palin As 65% Reject Her Call For Obama Impeachment
Of course she knows about Stern's ignorant comments. She is able to rise above and quote a truth. Though people on here live only to lie and hate.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is too fucking stupid to recognize that the world is laughing at her.
DeleteAll points bulletin, a mental patient has escaped from the local state hospital. This person is delusional, please approach with caution.
DeleteOh that is rich. Sarah is a lead balloon when it comes to rising above ANYTHING! Sarah LIVES in the gutter. She thrives in the low level mud slinging environment. Sarah can't let go of anything. She holds grudges for YEARS. She's thin skinned and partisan as hell. She is desperate for attention, even if that means she has to co-opt other's clever thoughts or ideas, she won't hesitate to grab them and put them under her ideological 'banner'. We know all about Sarah, so your lameass comment is making me laugh out loud. Give it up, toots, Sarah is mentally ill, narcissistic and low class. Truth.
Delete6:17 she is egging him on, dying for a bit of attention. ANY attention. It's so obvious, how can anyone not see it?
DeleteRise above? No, she googled Israel and America and that quote came up..or more likely, RAM googled it for her. She is the most spiteful thing on the planet.
DeleteShe is trying to provoke Stern into making some more jokes about her. Then she can be the victim. At least she'll be noticed.
Delete6:`17 Why do you come to this thread? Lies and hate are $carah PayMe's speciality. No really thoughtful comment has EVER come from her. Every screech she makes includes jabs at a President who is way above her in intelligence and CLASS. The free ride is OVER, time to get REAL jobs, for all the low life, grifting PayMe family.
DeleteRise above? Do you mean like a fictional witch? Casper the friendly Ghost? Wow, and I thought teaching my dog to play dead was hard! Does she have any other magical powers besides levitation and the shortest gestational period on record for any living human being?
DeleteYes, She IS that stupid. She's been the brunt of jokes on his show since the Senile old cancer survivor introduced her and her vibrant family on television, then Bristol outed her pregnancy, and all gloves were off.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sarah, when are you doing an interview with Howie "Show me your tits" Stern?
The Universe will reject the old Bircher tea bag. She is despicable debri..
ReplyDeleteWe will never forget!
U.S. Jewish leaders slam Sarah Palin's blood libel accusation
NJDC, Jewish Funds for Justice say choice of phrase inappropriate, ADL say term 'blood libel' is 'fraught with pain in Jewish history.'
Jesus, Palin sure loves to use other people in everything she does.
ReplyDeleteGrifter gotta grift,
DeleteUser gotta use.
She couldn't think of her own comment on the situation??
ReplyDeleteIt was the next best thing to a bumper sticker or frig magnet. She is broadening her world.
DeleteShe is all over the map trying to raise her public profile. Baby will not be put in a corner. She's Dog's chosen one, don't cha know? Hilarious. Now she is quoting folks who unabashedly ridicule her. What's a (W)Hooah to do?
ReplyDeleteThey are putting her out to see where she sticks. She has been trying out for media, she may want to be Howard's sidekick... LOL
DeleteJewish Groups: ‘We Are Deeply Disturbed’ By Palin’s Use Of Anti-Semitic Term ‘Blood Libel,’ She Should Apologize
Palin apparently views herself among the real victims of the tragic shooting this weekend that killed six and wounded 14. This morning, Palin launched an aggressive Facebook and web-video campaign to counter what she deemed a “blood libel” against her by the media to connect her infamous cross-hairs map and other right-wing incendiary rhetoric to violence.
Sarah has really stepped in it before. Netanyahu considers Christian Zionists 'useful idiots'. I can't imagine he would think different of Palin. The Christian Zionists may hold her in high regard, they are crazy and want to annihilate. it's their religious thing.
After she snorts down/up whatever drugs she uses, Sarah asks Todd and her Dad, "Is it okay if I say this? Would this be a good idea?" And then based on whatever male authority figure gives her permission, she performs. Then she goes and binges and purges because she knows she has no spine.
ReplyDeleteWhat is RAM up to these days? Doesn't she write and and decide what SarahPac is going to do?
DeleteTo the IM Troll,
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get to know you better so I can understand your comments. All that you write is that we lie, Gryphen lies, we hate, Gryphen hates. We are all accused of manipulation, slander, distortion, but you never give any examples.
Where do you get your information? On-line? TV? Newspapers, magazines, any and all of them? All that you are doing is standing on the sidelines, yelling at people, repeating the same comments over and over.
Let's try to understand where you are coming from. Do you work? Do you go to school? Do you study the issues so that you know the truth of everything that is going on in the world? People who post here link to the source that supports their point of view. But, you don't do that. You don't cite the lies.
You keep accusing people of writing about people we don't know. I suspect that people in Alaska know Sarah Palin and her family very well. They were able to follow her from her role as the mayor who left Wasila in debt and had to hire a city manager to her short lived office as governor, and then she quit. We all got to see her when she ran for Vice President, and from what we have seen, she hasn't learned much since then.
How can we know someone we have never met? I never met Abraham Lincoln but I can read his writings, and I can read any number of biographies which document his life. We can say the same for many people in history, literature, celebrities and everyday people. We can judge Sarah and her family by the photos she posts, her facebook posts, the stories that she likes to tell, and the speeches that she gives. I liked reading her biography where she bragged about how her family crossed into Canada to take advantage of their free medical care, and then they returned to their home in Alaska. I liked reading her father's description of how Sarah's friends and relatives swamped all of the letters to editors and comment boxes with favorable comments about Governor Palin in order to drive up her favorable ratings. What a coincidence then after her failed VP run, those ratings dropped. We saw Sarah charge the State of Alaska for living in her own house and taking her family along on free vacations. We can judge people by their words and actions.
So, dear Troll, why don't you tell us about your qualifications to comment over and over about lies, slander, distortion, manipulation. Give us some examples of the lies, and by all means, correct them so we can learn the truth. If all that you are going to do is stand at the sidelines and insult people, then you remind me of Sarah Palin, who does exactly that when she writes and when she speaks. She is a heckler and so are you. One of the things that Sarah does is "projection," accusing others of something that describes her. You keep telling us to get a life. Unless you want to tell us all about yourself, I suggest that you stop the name-calling and follow your own advice-- get a life!
So well stated! Kudos.
DeleteUnfortunately, Dope-on-a-Rope doesn't have enough moral fiber to accept your challenge.
Many (not all) of the troll comments come from a severely mentally ill women on the east coast of the US. Her style is readily identifiable although some pranksters try to copy it. She has been doing this for years. She is lost in her make-believe world.
Delete7:19 Very well stated. The only item you did not cover was the ridiculous "gift from God" birth. None of us believe THAT lie.
Delete@11:18 PM If you can recognize the mentally disturbed person from the East Coast, why can't her friends and family recognize that this is a person calling out for help. The immature comments, posted over and over, remind me of a child throwing a tantrum. Sure, ignore her. But, isn't there someone among her friends and relatives who care about her and want to get her some help? Or are they content that she is busy typing away on a computer and not bothering them.
DeleteWhy do people keep saying the troll is some stranger on the east coast? Sure seems like the obsessive interest is a whole lot more personal than that.
DeleteOT dumber than Palin, more embarrassing than McCain, and sorta scary too.
ReplyDeleteFreshman Congressman's thinks two high ranking US officials are officials from India,
One important factor to consider when judging Israel's current actions is to acknowledge just who is in currently at the head of the government. He is to Israel what McCain would have been to the U.S. Netanyahu does not reflect the soul of most Jews in or out of Israel but he was elected and now all of Israel is 'blamed' for his actions.
ReplyDeleteIt's easier for a radical party to gain control when a country has so many political parties vying for that control. Here we really have only 2.5 parties with any following, Israel has about a dozen cutting the electoral pie.
Yes, you are spot on. Thanks.
Delete"Gabby Giffords shooting after Sarah had put a target on Giffords"
ReplyDeleteI think she wants to revisit the blood shed she hasn't been fully accountable for setting off. She and her ilk have the blood of a child and others on their hands along with what happened to Gabby.
It may be subconscious, but why else connect up with Howard Stern? Maybe RAM and whoever are thinking it is clever and bold and it will broaden her audience and make her look more inclusive of a wide spectrum of people. Idk. RAM isn't as stupid as Sarah. Could she be sabotaging Sarah?
Anybody who puts any thought into Howard Stern and Sarah Palin, the shooting in Tucson and how she handled her part is a major piece when those two names are linked.
I feel sure she just wants people to go on with the 'she is nuts' and hope Howard does something crude and derogatory because she does have the victim roll down. That would be simple and achieve her goals. Attention and victimized. Howard is big bad media for her.
I love Howard Stern but do not agree with him on Israel. As to Sarah, she hasn't the guts to go on his show. He is a very astute interviewer. He'd break her down in less than a minute. Maybe she wants to ride the Sybian(sp). LOL
ReplyDeleteSo sad that Hunter Thompsen isn't here to offer his take on palin. My guess is that he would deal with her like a rabid dog at an elementary school playground and toss the emaciated corpse in the nearest sewage ditch. Metaphorically speaking, of course
ReplyDeleteImagine what Ann Richards and Molly Ivins would have done with $carah!! Two smart, democratic, hilarious women from Tex-ass.
DeleteAnon 9:49p
DeleteI agree totally! He'd eat her alive - there wouldn't even be bone marrow left, just a large smoke ring rises off a pile of ashes! RIP Hunter!
For someone who "doesn't care" about other people's opinions, Sarah sure spends a lot of money for trolls to post here.
ReplyDelete"I've often found those who claim to be a victim are, in fact the silent aggressor." -- Anonymous
DeleteAs with nearly everything $arah Palin does, logic and rational thought process never enters in to her addled brain.
ReplyDeleteRAM or the other ghost writers really screwed up on this one though, because Paylin obviously knows nothing about Howard Stern and his opinion of Caribou Barbie.
I think they're baiting him. Hoping he'll respond as expected giving her a fresh new deck of victim cards.
DeleteHere's yet another reason to ignore Howard Stern. Israel took lessons from WWII- how to be genocidal aggressors. Hard to hate one aggressor and shower devotion on the other. Evil is evil.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a good idea if Sarah Palin did not make statements, whether cobbled from other people's statements or her very own,on subjects she knows absolutely nothing about. Yes, Sarah, you can be opposed to what Israel is doing without being anti-Semitic. We have Jewish friends who were born in Israel and who came to the US because they abhor the apartheid in their homeland. War, in the name of religion, is always wrong.
Old seditious sarah once again glomming on to something she has no business opening her maw about! Just another blatent,lame,vain attempt to play the victim, fuck off seditious sarah, go take care of wallows baby that you're passing off as yours
ReplyDeleteYou Are Not Anti-Semitic If You Are Against Palestinian Suffering
ReplyDeleteIf anyone seems to take the side of the suffering civilians in Gaza, they are called “anti-semitic.” People generally fail to realize Semitic means relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. So an anti-semite would be against both sides in this dreadful conflict. I must admit, I was one of those people who fell for the tired meme, “the Palestinians don’t care about their own people and use them as human shields.” I wrote an article about that a few days ago and I’ve evolved on my position in just one week. I must apologize for my misguided assumptions based on listening to the media, most of which have an axe to grind against the Muslims in this conflict. The problem is Hamas, not the innocent civilians of Gaza.
Sarah's pals 111% @ CNN in Atlanta
ReplyDelete"They look like Christian-Zionist war-mongerers."