Monday, July 07, 2014

Sarah Palin responds to e-mail interview with incoherent babble, which somehow convinces people she wants a job on The View.

So apparently the Sportsman Channel is thrilled that Palin helped the channel nobody can find to attract six more viewers, so they are renewing "Amazing America" for a second season. (I wonder if this next season will see Palin actually do something out in that amazing America, and not just in front of a green screen?)

So to celebrate Palin agreed to an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

Not a face to face interview where she might say something stupid mind you, but an e-mail interview where she can have her answers edited for her by one of her SarahPAC paid writers, in the hopes that she will seem slightly less like a dipshit.

"Slightly less" being the key phrase here.

First the Hollywood Reporter asks her which episode was her favorite and of course she answers the one with the military hero, because you know mom of a combat veteran and all that crap.

Then HR asks her about plans for next season.

Her reply: 

We're really excited about the second season of Amazing America! We’re working on stories about people that go above and beyond to help others, really inspirational stuff that will encourage the entire nation. We’ve also got some amazing craftsmen lined up as well. I love showcasing skill and work ethic that deserves to be rewarded. It’s going to be a great season, families will love it together. I guarantee it! 

In other words it is going to suck just like this season .

HR then asks which shows she watches with her family, and she of course answers Amazing America because she is really never home to watch TV with her family, and this is a better option than admitting that fact.

HR then asks her if there are any other shows that she would like to do.

Her answer: 

Maybe. But the politics would have to be interspersed with a whole lot of fun and real life and inspiration showcasing American work ethic, because those topics are all pretty much the antithesis of today's politics, which I find incorrigibly disastrous! It'd be so much fun to shake it up taking on issues that make audiences objectively consider all sides, and I'd do it with my own real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense that I'm known for.  (Hah!) Media needs that today, versus the condescension that oozes from TV and radio. I hear everyone recently got canned from The View, maybe a show like that needs a punch of reality and a voice of reason from America's heartland to knock some humble sense into their scripts. You know, someone willing to go rogue. 

"Incorrigibly disastrous?"

"Condescension that oozes?"

"Knock some humble sense into their scripts?"

Who talks like that?

Anyhow this completely nonsensical bowl of tossed word salad piqued the interest of HuffPo who teased the idea that she might be serious about joining the cast of the View, before deciding later that she was probably full of shit.

However it was Palin's final response to a question from HR that really demonstrates why Palin can never actually have a real on air hosting job for a reputable network.

HR asks her whether she has read Hillary's book "hard Choices."

Her answer (Which I bet most of you can predict.):

So far just the passage about me because an attorney sent the passage to me. (Of course.) Hillary wrote about the 2008 campaign when the Obama camp asked her to basically engage in their familiar "politics of personal destruction" just hours after I was announced as the GOP's first female VP candidate. They couldn't attack my record as an executive, a Mayor, a Governor, an energy resources commissioner, nor a wife and mother, (Actually they could have attacked her on all of this. And in fact I believe that I and others did just that.) so ratcheting it all down she surmised the attacks would be based on gender! How passé. (Oooh, is that French?) How mighty hypocritical. Hillary refused to engage. I appreciated her boldness in explaining that behind-the-scenes campaign tactic of Obama's. (Now here is where the word salad gets deep and covered in a rich dressing of batshit crazy.) I've since pointed out there's no "war on women" if one doesn't react to that immature shot across the bow from the Liberal Left like America saw during that entire campaign. Don't retreat from such a shot. Just reload like I've been blessed to have the opportunity to do. And hey, I'm still standing! So flipping proud to be an American where I know first hand that anything is possible if you work hard, put your life in God's hands, serve something greater than self, and live life vibrantly! 

Damn!  Even if you wanted to write a parody response for Palin you could not do a better job than that!

No Sarah Palin is NOT going to be offered, or accept, a job on The View. (Could you imagine what Whoopi would do to her?)

However it does appear that she is actually going to return to cable televisions in her barely watched capacity as the green screen host for a show that features the hillbilly version of that 1980's classic "Real People."

And you thought cable TV could not get any worse.


  1. "I'd do it with my own real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense that I'm known for."
    That's what you're known for? Well, all righty then. {rolls eyes}

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Haha, I was just going to reference that same quote! "My own real-life groundedness" Yikes that sent shivers down my back

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      What? No starbursts?

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      "...from America's heartland..."

      Did Alaska shift south while I wasn't looking?

  2. "So far [and forever] just the passage about me..."
    Because that is all I care about.

    1. Because "reading is hard and there are so many words. Did you know that many words contain some of the same letters but mean entirely different stuff? How does all of that work, anyway? Can somebody explain exactly what it is that a vice-president does each day? What time does he or she have to be at work? Is it okay to be late? Can I get paid extra if I work from home sometimes? Can I make laws that allow me to make millions of dollars if I get in legal trouble and decide to quit suddenly? Do I have to read real books? Can my ex-husband read for me instead? "

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Big question, too, also. Can the VP leave work early to go by Taco Bell for crunch wraps and then go to her room and read People Magazine, even if she only came into work at 11:00 am and had a coffee break? Gee, sounds like my old job.
      ~Sarah Palin, former 1/2 Ass 1/2 term co-Guv.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      great comments for an illiterate vermin

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    WHAT the HELL would she know about work ethics? She hired a city manager to do the job of mayor of tiny Wasilla then QUIT as governor. Maybe the View will be interested, I hear they are considering hiring Monica Lewinsky. Boy, being a WHORE really pays off on TV, doesn't it?

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Oh, please. If you are credulous enough to give any credence to the bizarre rumor that The View would hire Monica Lewinsky, then you could give Sarah Palin a run in the delusional department.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      "WHAT the HELL would she know about work ethics? "

      ANSWER: how to pretend that she has any while still being lazy and generally, sorry as hell?

    3. Martha again5:48 PM

      I hate the word "whore." It's an ugly way to describe a young woman who had an affair.

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I truly wonder if there is a computer program out there that could take all of Sarah Palin's speeches; all of them; and search out the same words/phrases and show to the world in hard data that in reality; Sarah Palin has been saying the same 34 phrases for the whole time we've been forced to listen to her.
    Do a "cloud" on all her speeches, and you'd know that if she got a job on the View, that's all we'd hear from her. Living vibrantly, thanks to God, don't retreat, reload, buck up or stay in the truck.
    I'd go mad just imagining it, so I'm going to stop now...

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      commonsense conservative
      no one is going to make me sit down and shut up
      buck up or get back in the truck
      Polls?. they're for strippers and cross country skiers.
      My son is a combat veteran
      We eat, therefore we hunt.
      I only eat meat with fur on it.
      Have you seen Todd? (No seriously, have you seen him?)
      I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.
      Don't retreat, reload. (And by the way, they were not target marks. They were surveyors' marks).
      Palling around with terrorists (except for Todd and the AIP who are not terrorists. They just want to drop out of the United States)
      I'll keep doing it until a court tells me to stop. (And, then, I'll just keep on doing it anyway).
      Let Allah sort it out.
      As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border.
      Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.
      Death panels
      All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years.
      I'll find some and bring 'em to ya.
      Paul Revere really was ringing those bells and firing those warning shots.
      The Statute of Liberty is a warning not to go making the same mistakes that countries in Europe made.
      But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies.
      What exactly does the VP do every day?
      I told the Congress, 'Thanks, but no thanks,' on that Bridge to Nowhere."
      prayer warriors
      God opens the door a crack
      Drill, baby, drill

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Ouch. Make it stop.

      Thanks. Good dill.

    3. Martha again5:49 PM

      Flippin good

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    WTH? Politics of personal destruction? Projection. That is a load of sick and twisted spun from what Hilary Clinton wrote.

    The cable show must have done well enough to have a second season. Obviously Palin is waiting for her big tv break considering her self for the View. She is not even trust worthy what she will wear. I do not find anything she says as sense. A truly sensible person has an action plan, actually does things versus sensationalist things when she shows up somewhere for attention.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Or, some Koch money is being funneled/laundered through it to her.

  6. She did not write that "email interview" but she certainly had a hand in it. You can tell in it that she is feeling mighty gleeful. Her idiotic show got renewed. Money for no work. Sits on her ass in a studio while polishing her outdoorsy creds for fucking morons. She really is picturing herself on The View. It won't matter if she is never asked; in her mind, she will have turned them down.

    Anyway! The only thing that matters is She Is In The News Again! Someone "interviewed" her, and her stupid yattering about The View has been picked up by multiple outlets. Including Huffpo!

    I am a star, I am! Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup!

    1. Suzy Q4:50 PM

      Yea, I saw it on my homepage which is msn. She's a headline in the news again. Unfu$*ingbelievable! She better lose some more weight and have some more botox and plastic surgery so she's ready for that green screen! Fraud living vibrantly, indeed!

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    she will never have a real job again, she never has.. she is the queen of grifters and the only parenting she has done is to whore out her children in the hopes of getting more donations to her fake superpac. just shut the fuck up and take that last gasp,gasp,puff, puff seditious sarah you worthless cunt!

  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Here lady blah blah, let me fix a few things for you:
    "and I'd do it with my own real-life lunacy, deceitfulness and lack of commonsense that I'm known for."
    "They could always attack my record as an executive, a Mayor, a Governor, an energy resources commissioner, and a wife and mother, as I was unqualified and horrible at all of em."
    Then the most thin skinned, lazy woman to ever occupy the national stage goes on to say:
    "Just reload like I've been blessed to have the opportunity to do. And hey, I'm still standing! So flipping proud to be an American where I know first hand that anything is possible if you work hard, put your life in God's hands, serve something greater than self, and live life vibrantly!"
    You can't make this shit up. She's a drug addled, delusional narcissistic, opportunistic shrew.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      In describing her record she omitted a few details: She had to hire a City Manager to perform the duties of her Mayoral position, as Governor she showed up to work so infrequently that the Legislature took to wearing "Where's Sarah" buttons (and this was even before she took 3 months off work to campaign with McCain!) and she quit her position on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission because she was in over her head and bored by listening to all of the technical "energy talk". (Of course she said she quit because Randy Reuderich was being unethical but really, she would have found another excuse, you betcha...)

      Her work record is terrible. Her educational record is unverifiable. We have to take her on her word regarding the schools that she attended and that she graduated from Idaho because just like Trig's birth certificate, she's not bothered to provide any documentation of her matriculation.

      Her record as Mother? Ha, I guess if the apex of motherhood is based on how many vandals and pregnant unwed teens you have in your litter then Mrs. Palin is a glorious example of motherhood! In her opposite bizarro world I'm guessing Moms lose points for having college grads or children who waited until marriage to procreate.

      She's' a fraud, constantly in denial as to her achievements and those of her family. She has had to adopt this "down home aw shucks" persona because those are the only people that will buy her bullshit at face value because their families are underachieving hot messes as well. Nice try Mrs. Palin but the majority of the world realizes what a screw up you are even if you are a success in your own mind.

    2. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!1:39 PM

      Bravo, 9:46!!!

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Man! 9:46, you have nailed it. Especially the part about her parenting, She appeals to those who had no ambition for their children and she does it well. I just crack up when I hear her go on about how "exceptional" this country is and how we ought to believe it so. (And if we don’t we just aren’t Amerikan enough ... ) As if she has ever read Tocqueville ...

      Well, Sarah as a parent you sure didn’t take that to heart because the first thing a person who loves this country would do is to prepare their children to be contributing citizens and you have failed in this regard several times over.

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I wish that crossed retarded bitch would join the View. So much would come out about prostitution, fake America's energy expert, wild ride, Glenn Rice, Track's real father, etc etc.

  10. PalinsHoax9:14 AM

    Gryph, I think both you and Huffington Post used the wrong photo of the Ol' Can of Worms.

    The photo that should have been used is the one of her in NYC, chest thrust out, standing over the grate in the street.

    THAT photo truly reflects her version of "real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense".

    1. Sally in MI10:18 AM

      It just occurred to me..was she standing over that grate hoping for a Marilyn moment?

    2. abbafan12:03 PM

      Sally, that thought crossed my mind as well, but she will never have the looks or smarts that Ms. Monroe did!

    3. lostinmn1:21 PM

      Could you imagine the collective horror of having her hoo-hoo exposed to a camera for all to see. Probably goes commando at that. There are a lot of people out there whose eyes would boil and explode and we would never be able to block it from our mind.

    4. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Shoooooot me! I saw the wretched hooha!!!

  11. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "Families will love it together"

    GAKK my ears! I could never handle an hour of this mumbo jumbo, but it would be funny if I could

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Read the article on Huffington Post about "The View" and Palin's suggestion she might be interested in being a panelist on the show. There were a number of responses and not one positive thing was said about her doing the show!

    Palin would be horrible, nasty and unknowledgeable AND it would be too much work for her!

    Plus, Whoopi would make mince meat out of Palin within a week!!! Haha - makes me laugh thinking about it!

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I did read one sorta positive comment. One of her disgruntled fans advised us to 'not watch it then'.

      Okie dokie. Already don't watch it as I have a real JOB and my DVR queue is already overtaxed.

  13. Crystal Sage9:26 AM

    It would be the kiss of death to The View if Palin was hired. Which could be a good thing. The View should have been canceled years ago.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM


    2. Sally in MI10:17 AM

      Yeah, about the time they dumped Rosie for Hasselbeck..that's when I quit watching.

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      hasselbeck should join palin; both are right wing useless bigots

  14. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sarah would have a difficult time learning The View would NOT be all about her!

    She is not known in Alaska for working well w/others - is not a team player - has no work ethic - quits her jobs and commissions - was proven to be 'unethical' by the Alaska Legilsature and is one nasty broad!

    She'd be a disaster on "The View"! Poor Whoopi! It wouldn't take long for her to set her straight and then Sarah would quit!!!

  15. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Since Palin's never had a real job, it must be frustrating to job search when one doesn't know what kind of work they are out of.

    Executive??? rofl. Was that the few days she tried to get Piper's lemonade stand rolling to thwart the poor gent who complained about the traffic and general Palin nonsense parade.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Executive experience? Would that be when she was mayor of a small town, and had to hire a city manager in order to leave the place millions of dollars in debt? Or does executive experience count if you only serve half of your term as governor, after you have sworn an oath?

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      the only executive experience she has is helping toad get away with a sex trafficking ring

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Frank Murkowski (then Gov of Alaska) put Palin on a commission related to oil and gas with a salary of over $100,000 per year. She quit that too - fairly quickly!

      She knew damned well that the other members of the commission would quickly learn she was NOT qualified to serve w/them. I suspect she was afraid the fact would get out into the media and further embarrass her, so she really had no choice but to quit!

    4. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!1:45 PM

      They actually changed the rules after Sarah. You now have to have an actual background in and KNOWLEDGE of gas...unlike sarah.

    5. Anonymous2:25 PM

      That is the story from the other people on the commission,too. Alaska is desperate for expertise on the oil and gas commission. It is one of the few commissions people get paid to do. Most commissions are entirely volunteer and indeed there are some pretty committed volunteers who give of their time and expertise for this state without reserve. Murky actually gave her a job. It was a gift! and she was terrified to be found wanting as people on this commission actually have to be there, be cognizant and informed, do their homework and be dogged for the state’s interests. The outing of the other member fits her pattern well. Palin feels entitled beyond all reason and will do anything to get ahead. Look at her kids, after they didn’t show well on her arm they were sloughed off to other people to raise them. Sarah Palin was not about the state of Alaska, Sarah Palin was about Sarah Palin. She had no other obvious talent to get herself noticed excepting small town politics and in Alaska you would be amazed how far you can go on so little intelligence. There are so few of us and nobody likes politics if they can avoid it. We are a very polite state and very few of us discuss politics or religion because you just don’t want to get cross with the neighbors you depend on in this remote state.

  16. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I wonder what happened to her Rogue TV channel from Tapp that was suppose to launch in April or May?

    Maybe she's still working on that along with her fitness and wellbeing book.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Paula Deen is supposed to going that private internet TV route, too. Does Sarah actually think that her fans will pay $10 or $12 a month to watch her?

    2. Sally in MI10:16 AM

      Evidently whoever is running that channel thought so: I guess when only Todd signed up, they threw in the towel.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Yes, 9:32, I was wondering about that myself! Her Rouge TV channel was undoubtedly deemed a failure (by the backers) before it even started. LOL. Oh, the Palin curse. I do think Sarah has one more rung to fall...down to televangelism, when her secrets begin to be exposed. She'll be the "victim" of course, claiming ignorance and begging for support (money).

  17. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Wait.. I thought she was running for the Senate or president or
    forming a third party or something ?
    She really is a narcissist if she thinks anyone at ABC
    would even entertain the thought of having her spout her recycled gibberish day after day after day.
    It's always the same words and themes that she rearranges regardless of the topic.
    Palin reminds me of my father in law as he began his descent into Alzheimers.
    He had a loop of the same things that he would say over and over in every conversation, because
    that's all he could remember.
    He had an excuse , she doesn't.
    How come not a single right wing radio host has ever asked Palin to be the fill in host ?

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      No, Sarah is living her life vibrantly. She said so in her interview. The only other person who uses that language is the manipulation slander word-a-day troll.

    2. Sally in MI10:15 AM

      Exactly. Rush has talked about her, and hosted her and the girls in his studio, but she is not on air. Even her buddies in Alaska don't have her on. Sarah is toxic. A toxic landfill of hate, lies, and hubris. Sorry, Sarah, but you are not 'serving God' or people: as always, you are serving yourself.

    3. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!1:47 PM

      Think about it -

      You can't have an actual conversation with her. She only cares about what SHE has to say and when she speaks it's gibberish.

      That's why she can't and doesn't host.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      But but but what about Sarah's YOUNG Family?

  18. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Oh this is funny. She's baiting "Hollywood Reporter" for pre-answered questions in an e-mail, talking about how humble and common sense she is, and offers 'real-life groundedness'?


  19. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What Palin should have been questioned about in 2008 is sanity.

    Palin boasted about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and then avoiding neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to meander out to a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and be induced and attended by a doctor that rarely handles births at all.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Because it never happened.

    2. PalinsHoax10:19 AM

      EXACTLY!!! Let's hear her explain and justify the "Wild Ride" story on The View.

      I also want her to discuss how one becomes pregnant after having one's tubes tied and cauterized.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      @10:09 To boast about taking such unnecessary risks (even though they never happened) shows Palin's inability to see the tale of Trigg as other people do. Normal people see an insane risk. Palin sees a story that glorifies her. That is insanity.

    4. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Yes, it is insanity, 10:34 AM.

  20. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Not one show from the Sportsman network ever made it to the top 100 cable shows watched. All of the shows run by the same formula, shooting stuff, driving off road through lots of mud, shooting more stuff and talking like illiterate hillbillies (no disrespect intended to actual hillbillies). Sarah's show was more than pathetic, but it must have generated some kind of ratings buzz for them, or they don't have anything else.

    The good news couldn't be better. The show is set to air next April. So much for Sarah's presidential campaign. I would rather see her on the Sportsman Channel, and I get the feeling that Fox isn't interested in giving Sarah her own talk show or putting her on a talk show with other Foxes. Sportsman's NRA sponsored crap is about her speed. And good luck with that View hint. I can't imagine Sarah, the attentive mother of Trig hauling him, Piper and Todd to NYC. Good luck with that one.

  21. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Perfect example of an oxymoron:

    "Knock some humble sense into their scripts?"
    (If it's humble sense, the holder of some wouldn't have the arrogance to "knock it into.")

    Perfect example of moron:
    Sarah Palin

    1. That is just more evidence of her mouthing words with no sincerity behind them, only in this case, she slipped a bit in letting it out that she may talk about being humble, but she really believes she should be able to just belt her viewpoint into people.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      I agree that there is no sincerity behind the words, but I also think she doesn't even know what some of those words mean.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Sarah Palin humble? Give me a friggin' break! She doesn't have a humble bone in her malnourished body!

      She's assuredly been knocked down a zillion times from her pedestal throughout the recent years, but it's far from humbled her!

      She's never displayed/emitted one ounce of humbleness or apology throughout the past five years! She's remained ever arrogant, nasty, unkept, ticked off, drugged, poorly read and spoken and STILL having no clue what is going on around her in Alaska, the USA and the world!

  22. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Oh, by all MEANS get The View gig, $arah. You would be fodder for Stewart, Colbert, and SNL for the duration of your contract!

    Maybe you'd bond with Whoopi after all. She bragged years ago that she taught her 3-year-old grandson the f-word because it was so cute coming out of his mouth. Your grandson is on tape saying "faggot!"

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      And, Sarah could call Whoppi the 'n' word - remember she is as racist as they come!

      Whoopi would be the perfect person to clean Palin's clock - she'd never know what hit her! Would be damned fun to watch - ONLY reason I'd like seeing Palin hired for The View!

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I'll bet Disney/ABC execs are HOOTING! They learned their lesson with DWTS, just as NBC did with Tawd and SES.

      That narcisstic dope simply cannot she how much she is abhorred, can she?

    3. Anonymous6:50 PM

      11:07 Your typo in in misspelling Whoopi's name as Whoppi reminded me of the pic of Sarah's Whoppi daughter, Barstool, eating at a table outdoors, with half of a Whopper stuffed in her mouth. Barstool has always "eaten for 2", even during the brief periods she hasn't been knocked up since she turned 15.

      Great parenting by Sarah & Todd.

  23. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Everyone knows (from her behavior) that Sarah Palin never stays with a job. She just jumps from lily pad to lily pad, dumping the old (that doesn't pay enough) and embracing the new, until she gets bored with it.

    She's a walking talking product that she sells and she, as a product, has to re-invent new and exciting things to keep herself selling. She's now like the Shreddies that are now diamond-shaped, whereas before they were square.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    She should not have quit. end of story. No right to talk about work ethic then.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      She quit to "build up." How exactly has she built up America these past six years? The hate and divisiveness she sows does nothing but tear down. Evil incarnate!

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      She did not have a choice. It was resign or jail for conspiring to kill the president.

  25. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Funny how she loves using "we", as in "we're really excited" and "we're working on shows" or "we also got some".

    She is so fake, trying to make it appear she's the producer and "executive" director of the show and she has input into the whole thing; whereas all she's doing is reading someone else's script, going "aaawwwweeee-some".

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Her we's are all her other personalities.
      I'm not a schizophrenic and neither am I. See ya on the view sawah. Can't wait

  26. abbafan9:49 AM

    $arah had the gall to call Levi "Ricky Hollywood", so I will call her "Vicky Hollywood"! works both ways, you fuckin' deranged skank!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Sarah's more of the "Icky" Hollywood. After a meth/vodka rampage, she's "Sticky" Hollywood, from puking on herself. Seriously, she's so gross.

  27. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sarah has to be related to Yoda. They speak the same english; "families will love it together, they will".

  28. Pat in MA9:58 AM

    "make audiences objectively consider all sides" - translation - make the audience listen to MEEEEE because my side is right! As if the ignorant harpy is even aware of, never mind considers all sides of anything.

  29. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Eh, the "Imma gonna be on The View" tease is the same as her "Imma gonna be President!" tease she for 2012. Just keepin' her name in the news, in case there's a buck to be made out of it.

    She's a grifter, but she's a LAZY grifter. Sitting in front of a green screen is about as much WORK as she's willing to do. Everything else (Tweets, FB rants, etc) is foisted on her ghostwriters.

    I imagine sometime in the near future, they'll just rub some peanut butter on her gums and dub in her lines and catchphrases, just like Mr. Ed.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      The fact that feeble-minded Elisabeth Hasselbeck has "been there, done that" w The View already should put into perspective how far that show has dropped. So now Sarah begging for a spot becomes appropriate. She's a friggin nobody as always.

  30. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Well, being Queen of the Sportsman's Channel is something, I guess. The network execs seemed happy with the numbers even though the show wasn't often listed in the Top 100 viewed programs, so I guess their expectations were low. They said their viewership was up, but it doesn't take much to move the bar upwards when the original numbers for their network were so dismal.

    Let's all be happy that Mrs. Palin is a Sportsman Channel Reality Show host and doesn't hold any elected office or have a voice on a widely-viewed television program or news show (excepting her rare Fox appearances where every few months they haul her out to babble her same list of talking points lest anyone forget what she has to say)

    She gives speeches for high school graduations and lightly attended patriotic American screechfests. She no longer affects the national dialogue, her only job is a reality show host. Good for her, bless her heart and I'm sure if you asked her she'd tell you that this is exactly what she always envisioned herself doing and being at 50 years old, since she didn't get to be President and all that.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      All she ever really wanted was to be a celebrity and have the spotlight on her.

      She sure as hell never wanted to have to work or use her brain, such as it is.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      anon 10:01 So true. Sarah Palin can hardly draw an audience even on the fringe of society where she appears. She can't see that her trajectory is going down. Or she won't accept it. So yeah, Sarah. keep shooting off your mouth on those tiny platforms you now have. Even the fringe can see through you now.

    3. Suzy Q5:46 PM

      Did Sarah ever get to meet Ivana Trump? Remember when she snuck out of her job and went to the cosmetic counter at Macy's/Saks (?) to meet a real-life celebrity? And now Sarah's the celebrity! Who would have thought that hometown gal, Sary, would be the star of her own show on The Sportsman's Channel? I just bet it's Ivana who wants to meet Sarah Palin, world star extraordinaire, now.

    4. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Sarah's the Queen of the Green Screen. And remember John McCain's speech in 2008... He's the King of the Green Screen. Both unelectable and both nearly dead.

  31. Anonymous10:01 AM

    It was a no-lose proposition for the Sportsmans Channel: it has to fill up air- time, and they probably have a ton of these " inspirational" tapes done on the cheap by freelancers. They could probably get Palin to do the green screen for nothing -- they both get free publicity out of the deal. It's a sure bet that she's making less per episode this time around; who knows? Maybe she's paying them.

  32. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Although I've never watched The View, I think it's a show with 4 woman who hate each other, don't agree on anything, try to talk about current events. Lots of yelling and disrespect. People will tune in just to watch Whoopie eviscerate Sarah. Sarah can say whatever dumb stupid word salad she wants, and the audience will eat it up even if it doesn't make sense. Everyone loves watching a train wreck!

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I've watched The View off an on and it is not as described by 10:04. The current group is very respectful of each other w/o any screaming and yelling. They do have different opinions which is what the show is all about!

      I love Whoopi.

      Sarah Palin would never ever make it on the's all wishful thinking on her part...nothing more and nothing less. Plus, Palin is a racist and that is also known by the folks on The View!

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Agree w/ 11:02. Palin is not spontaneous, witty, quick, prepared, collaborative, thoughtful, intelligent, or commanding. She shrinks to nothing and clams up in a group like the View or even with the idiots at Fox. She's also very small, except for those stupid tits, and because she can't make up for her size with sparkle or presence (like Kelly Ripa, say), the group just talks around her. She's such a fucking transparent nitwit, how does she keep getting the attention she does????? I can't stand what it says about the world I'm living in.

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      If she's allowed to spew her drivel, they'll need to have subtitles or a translator for anyone to make sense of what she's trying to say.

    4. Anon 11:46, you're exactly right. I can't see her trying to be part of the conversation since she is what you described. OH, and those tits, those are fake just like her. I think she believes the old white Republican men will be distracted by her tits, and not the word salad that comes out of her mouth.

  33. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bekka sadistically shoves this shit up Sarah's fat ass all the time. Sarah just squeals with delight.

    It's a symbiotic relationship that pays the rent.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Palin has no ass. She just is an ass.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      hahahahaha good one!

  34. "Don't retreat from such a shot. Just reload like I've been blessed to have the opportunity to do."
    You loathsome monster.

    "And hey, I'm still standing!"
    Unlike the Tucson victims, including little nine year old Christina Taylor Green. You murderous, vile, depraved yes, monster.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      The door is open for her to Hell and that time for her cannot come fast enough! She's friggin' delusional!

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Sarah feels "blessed" that she can continue to shoot off her mouth at all those people she hates?

      watch out, people, when sarah starts to dance around her controversies - ("don't retreat, reload!), she is daring the media or anyone to call her out. I think she does this to assure herself that she is indeed untouchable.

      Sarah is a coward! Come-on, Sarah, comeout like a man. Stop hiding behind your girly-girl poses and the firewall of the social media. YOU are hiding in the truck and you know it.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Christians USE that term "I feel so blessed" to the point of nauseous! It is as ridiculous as it sounds!

      There is no Christian god that would 'bless' Sarah Palin, the evil woman, who has a seat in Hell awaiting her! She is a horrible sinner with a black, black soul!

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Even for OUR Sarah, that was some well grounded, hot mess. Drama, Drivel, and Divisiveness. Not to be confused with Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  36. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hey visitor from united states troll, do you ever take a break? Do you sleep at all? Are you so obsessed with the Palins that you can't sleep? Why hasn't Sarah Palin mentioned the success of 'AMERICA'S LAST STAND'? Didn't she draw thousands of fans? Not a peep from the Old Hag about that FAILURE by a has been quitter politician. What happened to Bristol's HOLO love in on Palin Quitter day July 3rd? What a group of Fakes. July 3, 2009, the best day for Alaska. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Heh Best Day for Murica.

  37. Anonymous11:02 AM

    rahrah palin talks about doing things
    the rest of us are busy getting things done
    she talks about when life will finally make her happy
    the rest of us are happy already

    I just had a MOST EXCELLANT 4th of July weekend, and I am too full of the love and fun to let rahrah palin's idiocy interfere in the least with my well-being

    sheesh, what an ultra maroon she is. it's beyond boring

  38. Anonymous11:07 AM


    Hollywood Reporter is pitiful to even contact this joke.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Paid ads & paid mentions.

  39. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Poll: Americans Blame Bush, Not Obama, For Iraq's Current Chaos

    Republicans have hammered President Obama in recent weeks for the unraveling security situation in Iraq, arguing that he should have left some American troops behind in the troubled country. But a poll released Monday found that Americans widely disagree with the GOP.

    The latest national survey from Quinnipiac University showed that 58 percent of American voters believe Obama's decision to withdraw troops in 2011 was the right thing to do.

    Conversely, 61 percent said that George W. Bush's decision to invade in 2003 was the wrong thing to do. Fifty-one percent of voters blame Bush for the current calamity in Iraq.

  40. Anonymous11:53 AM

    That photo of Palin (that IM puts up occasionally) which was taken on a street corner in New York City - where she looks like a whore (and on drugs!) - wearing her fake boobs, a blouse, short skirt, heels and is shown thrusting her chest up and out - should be sent to the management of The View and to each individual on the panel!

    I'm sure they'd never hire Palin for the show, but, that photo would be the nail in her coffin as it reflects the total mess which IS Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska!

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      in that photo, her tongue is peeking out, also, too.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      That tongue has probably gotten her further in life than her brain ever did and I don't mean speechifying.

    3. "...should be sent to the management of The View and to each individual on the panel! "
      I don't think that is necessary. After all, all of this talk of her on The View has come from Palin herself. She might just as well be prattling on about maybe maybe seeking a spot in NASA as an astronaut.

      There is no reason to believe that it has crossed the mind of anyone close to the show to consider that screeching, washed up old hag for even a nano-second.

    4. abbafan6:35 PM

      Nefer - simple $arah and her lazy slacker spawn are the perfect candidates to be astronauts; they took up space in school!

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Sarah Palin wants a job on the View

    People in hell wants ice water

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Sarah and Todd can't have any ice water.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      No she doesn't. She wants the attention she gets from people thinking that though.

    3. And Fatback Bristool wants a Big Mac or five.

  42. Anonymous12:44 PM

    How The (Never) Mighty Have Fallen: Sarah Palin Begs To Be Named Co-Host Of The View

    Sarah Palin has hit a new level of rock bottom as the former Alaska governor is openly campaigning/begging to be named a new co-host of The View.

    ...In case anybody at ABC is even thinking about this for half a second, let’s remind them of why hiring Sarah Palin is a horrible idea. Sarah Palin’s moment in the sun ended six years ago. Palin has never been a ratings draw. Her books don’t sell. She was let go by Fox News, because Roger Ailes realized that Sarah Palin does not equal ratings, and she wasn’t worth the million dollar contract that he signed her to. Palin vanished after leaving Fox. She had to take a reduced role, and a big pay cut to get back on television. Her reality show was canned after one season, and her daughter’s reality show didn’t even last a full season.

    The idea that Sarah Palin is popular is a myth that has largely been perpetuated by Sarah Palin in order to keep getting paid. For years, Palin has been among the most hated political figures in America. She makes viewers flee in droves, and The View has already been down that road with Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

    Palin’s campaigning for The View gig shows how far she has fallen.

    ...Palin needs to be in the public eye. She needs the attention and platform that The View could provide. Palin can’t handle the fact that she is a third banana on Fox News, an afterthought, a never-ending joke.

    Sarah Palin needs The View, but the last thing that The View needs is Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM


    2. If you are going to copy someone else's (author Jason Easley) article in its entirety, you should at least provide credit and a link.

      And better yet, provide just a snippet so the article will be read on the author's site.

  43. Anonymous1:02 PM

    She's too fucking lazy anyways.

  44. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Do the Tea Party supporters pay her to look that bad? If I were one of her unfortunate mentally challenged adult offspring, I would not tell anyone that she is my Mother. Sarah Palin is a mess.

  45. Anonymous1:19 PM

    The bitter harridan has more vile hate posted on her fakebook page about the president..sarah, catch a clue, nobody gives a flying fuck what you think about anything. now go do a load of wash and try to do something with that filthy rat's nest perched atop your empty head.
    BTW, you have as much of a chance of being offered a job on the View as charles manson does.
    If one looked up dumb bunny in the dictionary there would be a picture of you.

  46. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sarah Palin bite me.

  47. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sarah Who?

  48. Caroll Thompson1:47 PM

    I think it would be great to see Sarah Palin on The View. They should hire her and see how long it takes her to quit. She can't hack five days a week. And of course, the job is not as easy as it seems. You have to be current on the news of the day, which might prove difficult for Sarah. You have to discuss issues and not just spout out the same old slogans she has been spouting since 2008. But I would definitely watch The View if they hired Sarah Palin. I can hear Whoppi now asking Sarah to explain what it was she said.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      It would be funny for her to try.
      She wouldn't last a week, 10 days tops. It is too much work. Up early, staying on top of current events, think off the top of your head, unscripted, people in the audience who may hate her.
      It would be funny actually.
      Imagine if they had a childbirth ot pregnancy topic? Would she dare bring up the wild ride??

  49. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "Condescension that oozes” Whoa! That is some anger! She lives in an alternate universe. She implies mainstream media condescends to her sensibilities. In what world does this woman live?

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      She is highly delusional.

  50. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Palin, grasping at the last straw! Oh yes, the picture taken
    on a street corner, standing over a grate in NYC ..
    That is the real Sarah Palin! Posters would be great!

  51. Anonymous2:02 PM

    No Sarah you can't be a host on the View and do interviews from your house you bitch.

  52. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Ahh the Narcissistic Imbecile hard at work trying to stay in the news. Sarah Palin, you are a pathetic LOSER!!!

  53. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sarah has a contact with Fox and they don't seem to want to give Sarah her own show or put her on a panel show. She is stuck with 5 minute appearances every now and then. And then, there are her important duties reading the comments for the Sportsman Channel. Do you think that the Pee People have figured out yet that Sarah has no intentions of running for president?

  54. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "incoherent babble, which somehow convinces people she wants a job on The View"

    Gryphen knows Sarah Palin. HuffPost and any other journalist who suggest Sarah is interested in a spot on the View isn't paying attention.

    Sarah's comment about The View: “maybe a show like that needs a punch of reality and a voice of reason from America's heartland to knock some humble sense into their scripts.”

    Translation: the View is unreal, unreasonable, and nonsensical.
    That's not interest; it's a knife. It's likely that her agent already contacted the View producers and was told Palin is in the 'rejection' heap. Hell, Fox News rejected her for both Fox Fox & Friends and The Five.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Yep, that's sour grapes she's spewing there. I bet she did try to get on there and they weren't having it, so in her passive aggressive style, she's sticking it to them for not wanting her.

  55. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Oh c'mon now, faithful IMers, those omniscient pee puddlers are laughing at us libruls for going off about The View. She wasn't talking about herself, don'cha know, she was talking someone LIKE her. She's formin' that thurd party and runnin' for prez, yesiree! We're all so stooopid and they're so smaht! ;-)

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I suppose it's this sentence that got us all confused, "...and I'd do it with my own real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense that I'm known for," she said.

      In Palin world, 'I' is the new 'you' or 'someone else'???

      One thing I'm pretty sure is there is no tv show that will let her do what 'she's known for'. Sucking Koch butt and peripherals is still taboo on the networks.

  56. Anonymous3:41 PM

    She is utterly boring.

  57. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Sarah doesn't really want to be on the View; that would be too much like work. Besides do you really think she would or could go on air unscripted for an hour a day? Even she must know she can't pull that off.

    She just wanted the attention and press from implying that she wants that job, not to actually have to work!

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      I don't think she knows how dumb she is. Most dumb people don't.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      She has many personalities in her attempt to deal with her failings.

  58. Anonymous4:23 PM

    You know, it takes a special brand of stupid to fuck up an "e-mail interview." Kind of like failing a take-home exam.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      So true.
      Confession here:
      I once took a take home exam online, and had two computers going. One that i searched the answers on , one that I took the test. with.
      Is that what Sarah did????? Oh nooos

  59. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Will bendy straws be made available for her thighness?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      two, still in wrappers, one for each nostril

  60. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Yes, Sarah, please move to New York City where you will not be able to bully the media and the paparazzi the way you did in Alaska. Ask Alec Baldwin how that worked out for him. And if you live in NYC, there will be 8 or 9 million people who will see you when you go shopping, walk Trig to school, go to work or just hang out. And Todd, is he OK with living in NY? You know that you can't live there by yourself. You do need the big bodyguard to be by your side otherwise a total stranger might actually talk to you, and you would melt. Who lives in NYC? All of your good friends, Katie Couric, Nicole Wallace, almost anyone in media who would love a good story. And there's one more thing about living in New York, Sarah. Do not wear your Jewish star no matter how many Jewish people live in NY. You are not Jewish and there is not one Jewish person who sees that as a sign of respect. Quite the opposite-- it's a sign of disrespect to wear the symbol of a religion that is not yours. So come to NYC where people think fast, talk fast and don't tolerate fools.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Maybe Sarah would not mind staying by herself in NY. Would not have to take of Trig or be a mother to the rest of them.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      She'd last 10 days TOPS in NYC.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Luckily Trig lives with his family.

  61. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hey, Sarah, it's reality check time! If you possessed just 10% of the political, foreign policy and energy experience that John McCain got all worked up over in 2008 you'd be a fucking Superstar on Fox News and throughout the Republican Party. No offense Hun, you are a total dumbshit.

  62. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Question: What do you call a piece of dead fur sitting on top of a pair of star spangled shoe's?

    Answer: Sarah Palin with shit kicked out of her by Whoopi Goldberg.

  63. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Maybe The View could get Tina Fey to play Sarah Palin for a week?

  64. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Email interviews? Guess someone did the wash and she didn't want to be seen in clean clothes. Or she's so stoned she can't lift her head off the willow and giving dictation to Bristol, who in turn, is texting it to Nanny French.

    Best line: "Who talks like that?" LOL

    "The View" would be a riot. Replace the stupid one (hint, she's blonde and wears glasses) with Sarah, bring back Rosie O'Donnel, Whoopie, and Joy Behar. Watch Sarah ooze condescension, gulp air vibrantly, quit again, and walk off the stage while the world laughs.

  65. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Charles Pierce wrote an article about Palin on Esquire's "Politics Blog" . The article is funny and the comments are some of the best I have read over the past several years. Every comment is a keeper. Enjoy!

    1. Anonymous12:48 AM

      Wonkette, too, 7:53 PM. Face it, her days of any semblance of respect are gone.

  66. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Thanks Hobby Lobby and SCROTUS. I want my fucking Shariah Law Religious Freedom.
    ---The "Muslim ter'rists" infeel-trating our Gubmint

    FREEDUMB! Come n git u sum! Cuz it's free!!!

  67. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I haven't seen "The View" but from what I understand it is a talk show. What scripts? The closest thing to a script would be a discussion topic.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      I stopped watching it because all they did was scream at each other. Maybe Sarah is a natural after all. Pointless screaming and not understanding anything they say. Yes, Sarah is perfect.

  68. Anonymous8:04 PM

    1. Brisket claims to read
    2. Willblow's BD dress is quite similar to Taylor Swift's red dress
    3. Brisket is giving out reading assignments
    hahahahahah!!!! ROLF!!!

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Bristol's first "reading assignment" was for her fans to take a selfied with the book, hopefully in the same pretty dress that Taylor Swift is wearing.

      Bristol is TRYING to read the book. It is a book written for young adults. It won prizes for children's literature, and she is TRYING to read it. Aw, taking a photo with the book is good enough. Reading is hard work.

    2. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Didn't Mommie Dearest tell girls to quit taking selfies and get outdoors?

  69. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Anyone know when 2nd qtr SarahPAC numbers come out?

  70. Anonymous5:44 AM

    So Sarah Palin must not have an exclusive contract with Fox if she wants to be a host on the View and was on that piece of shit of a show she was recently on.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      She has not been on Fox very often. They must be glad to get rid of her.

  71. Anonymous6:16 AM

    "I want to Hear From Anyone Who Still Supports This Guy; I Want to Try to Figure You Out"

    Retard Sarah Palin posted that crap on her Facebook so her followers are posting all kind of comments about how they hate President Obama. Do you think whoever is monitoring her Facebook is allowing all comments to be posted fairly? Well I happened to catch this comment at the right time and when I refreshed her page it disappeared. So as far wanting to hear from everyone that is just a lie. This is the comment that was "Wite Out" as soon it appeared:

    Delay Connelly Broker Jennifer
    I support Obama ! Don't have to explain anything , God put him in office , and I trust gods judgement

    Whoever is monitoring that retard's Facebookis very selective.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      I just saw this comment on her Facebook then I refreshed her page and it was deleted.

      Tomas Resendiz
      Lol so if you post something negative about her comments your post gets deleted...‪#‎sarahpalinagainstfreedomofspeech‬ so much for freedom of speech! Your staff must be working overtime deleting peoples post. ‪#‎hypocrite‬

  72. Anonymous6:30 AM

    This comment appeared on Sarah Palin's Facebook and it shows how stupid her followers are. Sarah Palin never ran for president you ass wipe:

    Michael Capito
    We love you Sarah Palin you should run for president again

  73. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Oh oh, somebody is not doing their job on Sarah's Facebook.

    Charlotte Perez
    I support him

    16 minutes ago

    Hank Monroe
    Look at the stock market and the economy, and you will know why I still support him.

     · 19 minutes ago


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.