Thursday, July 10, 2014

So President Obama met with Governor Rick Perry in Texas yesterday. How did that go?

Yeah it really does not look like Perry enjoyed the encounter.

So of course he went on Fox News afterward to complain about it:  

Hours after their meeting, Governor Perry appeared on Sean Hannity’s television program Wednesday night, and criticized the President. “A leader acts, and what I haven’t seen out of this president are actions that makes me think he understands what’s going on.” 

For his part, President Obama says he hopes Governor Perry will talk to the Texas Republican Congressional delegation and pressure them to pass his proposal for nearly $4 billion in emergency funding to shore up the border. “If the Texas delegation is prepared to move, this thing can get done next week.”

Rick Perry is such a douchenozzle.

Here the President is trying to find a workable solution to the problem, and he even said “There’s nothing that the Governor indicated he’d like to see that I have a philosophical objection to,” and yet all Perry can do is attempt to garner street cred from the Right Wing lunatics running his party these days by dogging the President behind his back.

Well that and engage in border guard cosplay with Sean Hannity.

Yep, douchenozzle.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    bottom pic; those two fuk_tards think they're on the mekong delta ?

    guaranteed in a firefight those two dipshits would be knockin' each other over tuckin' tail and runnin' ..

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Why are they wearing baseball caps? It doesn't fit with the arsenal they use in these pictures. They look stupid and like they would be in the way if anything were to happen.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Oh, look river monsters!

    3. Aww, that is absolutely precious. They look so cute and butch on their little playdate.

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      poseur boi's

    5. Anonymous2:21 PM

      The pic of Hannity and Perry really just needs one more thing. An outline of a child with crosshairs.

    6. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Since the dork glasses did not work to make Perry look intelligent, maybe he thought standing next to constipated Hannity might do the trick? No, Rick, does not work, now you BOTH look stupid.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Why are Perry and Hannity in costumes and posing with props? Isn't this about a humanitarian crisis and children? They will scare any children that see them and all those weapons. How odd they would choose a photo op that would terrorize children. They are tormenting children, making them worse victims and doing nothing about the situation the children are caught up in.

    It is the human traffickers and cartels that are dangerous. A couple of showboating fools is not the way to handle those problems.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Why are Perry and Hannity in costumes and posing with props?

      Those aren't props- those are their penises, sheesh.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      $carah missed a golden opportunity. Toad could have flown a "heelicopter" with her hanging out with a rifle.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Perry has already proven himself to be an idiot to the nation! I have zero respect for the little runt! President Obama is so, so much smarter! No comparison and Ricky Boy is in way over his head!

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Jeezus H Christ. I got nothin'.
    These ops are akin to Bushie, in full uniform, on the ship off CA declaring victory. Completely photo-oped for political purpose.
    Where's Stain when u need her? Heck, If Hannity thinks he's important enough to be there, then I should get my azz down there too. Hear Beck's comin' also. Where's drone when u need it?

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      These ops are akin to Bushie, in full uniform, on the ship off CA declaring victory.

      EXACTLY. That was the very first thing that came to my mind. They will never learn.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Oops I first read Bushie as Barbie, more appropriate actually...

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    P.B.O.: Wait, did you just say that you are running for President in 2016? You have it planned that Sarah will always have that missing third agency that's gone written on her palm? Please proceed. Please Proceed Governor!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      12:32 PM Sarah Palin doesn't deserve the title 'gov' - she should be referred to only as 'quitter gov (w/no capita letter gl!!!).

      She didn't even serve half a term in Alaska and has been proven to be nothing more than a liar and fraud!

  6. Anonymous12:34 PM

    That photo of Perry cracks me up! And, then look at President his smile.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      That's photo of Perry and President Obama is a classic, Perry pouting and the president laughing. How funny.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      I love how Perry has traded in his cowboy boots and stuck glasses on his old face just to look smarter! He's re-branding for another run, just watch.

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Did anyone notice that gal sitting by perry dog -giggling and him rolling back and forth inhis chair? President Obama was waiting on all the flirting subsided to continue his conversation.

  8. Pat in MA12:49 PM

    A leader acts? Oh you mean he should use his executive powers? Go all YEE-HAW on the kids and their parents? But if he uses his executive powers when FORCED to, you all want to sue him? And all because this @#$#@@# Congress can't DO ANYTHING? Douchenozzle is putting it mildly. The President said it came down to politics vs solving the problem. Well we know how that is going to go, and if this crap doesn't wake people up and help us take back control of Congress, we're doomed.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM



  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Perry and Hannity = macho-wannabe's. Pathetic really.
    M from MD

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Ricky you really need to get that stick out of your ass. It might leave splinters that get infected and then you will die and where will the world be without your wisdom and knowledge.

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Love how Perry doesn't get to sit at the big kids' table across from the President

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The gop is also trying to make a big deal about the President not going to the border. What is the hell is he supposed to do at the border? With all the talk about having private militias show up to stop the flow of refugees from Central America, I sure as hell don't want President Obama in the middle of that action. It isn't like there is a certain place along the border that all the action takes place. Perry continues to look stupid along with his stupid "sister sarah".

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      He went to the border several years ago, and all he got from the repugs was "photo op" shouted at him.

      I think he's done putting up with their shit. He's doing his job.

    2. Pat in MA4:06 PM

      I agree, he's no longer constrained by worrying about being reelected, just wants to get something, anything DONE. I am amazed that this man hasn't blown a gasket by now. They keep hurling hate and obstacles at him every step of the way and he keeps moving forward with calm, grace, and even humor.

  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    weathered 1/2 witted ken doll & neanderthal, water boarding isn't torture, seany, what a match made in heaven...all they need is brainless barbie from the tundra for the perfect menage a trois. ricky perry can manhandle her like he did at the governors' convention and sean can sniff her filthy panties as usual...

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    1:10 President Obama went to the border in 2011 and then the Republican, TX guys admonished him as it being a waste of his time!

    He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!

    Fuck the Republicans and their treatment of our POTUS.

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    AlwaysThink came up with this great version of the picture:

    (Perry, Palin & grumpy cat) at the meeting

  16. That picture is absolutely hilarious LMAO. Once again I have aspirated green tea.

  17. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hannity playing the wannabe tough-guy...again.

  18. hedgewytch2:06 PM

    It's Perry's Christy Hurricane Sandy moment! Remember what happened to Christy when he met with the Pres after Sandy and accepted aid? The GOP branded him a RINO. Perry is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He desperately needs those funds for Texas and the border issues, but if it seems like he asks for them/welcomes it, the Teabaggers will hang 'em high! LOL!

  19. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The President must be thinking "Which dumbass told him and PayMe that wearing glasses make them look smart? It is NOT working" Perry looks like an idiot. Molly Ivins used to call him l Governor Goodhair. I miss her humor, and Ann Richards, too. Since the President landed in Dubya's hometown of Dallas, I thought he might be there to defend HIS policies. Maybe he was not capable of leaving the facility? I think he is being treated for Dementia or Alzheimers, just as Reagan was, and the citizens were not told.

  20. Beldar Journey Conehead2:53 PM

    "border guard cosplay with Sean Hannity."

    Something tells me that neither one of them is wearing pants. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    It's critically important, tho, to constantly remind everyone that Rick Perry is not remotely related to mega-talented 80s rock star and former Journey frontman Steve Perry.

    I think we owe Steve that much.

    1. Not wearing pants hahaha I'm hurting. Was lying back with Dr Pepper not complete swallowed. Now I can't stop hiccuping but can't breathe for having inhaled about 2 oz. Damn u Beldar, little warning next time.

      If I don't die, I'll be cleaning/shampooing this couch tomorrow nite.l

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    What is important is how it looks, according to one law enforcement officer, “The Texas boats looked badass” The boats had mounted machine guns and were accompanied by a helicopter to assist in the border tour (5 boat tour), the officer said.

    July 10, 2014. Texas Department of Public Safety law enforcement officials on the Rio Grande in Mission, Texas, Anzalduas Park.

    Rick Perry is a whiny bitch, he wants the National Guard. President Obama said he would be open to the National Guard suggestion, but that it was only a temporary fix.

    Obama’s schedule for the day

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Did you read the comments at The Blaze by all the fanboys gushing about how "manly" Perry looked in the picture and praising Putin? Blech!

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Both those "men" have very girly hands.

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      I was thinking the same thing. Sean's dainty wrist screams for a Wonder Woman bracelet. I wonder where he could get one...

  22. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Wow, is that a real picture?
    Thats probably what babies know!

  23. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Rachel Maddow reflected on when Rick Perry was in the midst of running for POTUS and eventually backed out. He proved himself to be an idiot - time and time again. As she indicated - he looked good on paper and that was all!

    I'll bet the time President Obama just spent with Perry was interesting! And, I'll suggest that President Obama didn't trust him as far as he could throw him!

    Watch what Perry has bee doing since: countering the POTUS and their meeting - connecting w/Hannity (FOX) - they go to the border - carry big guns, etc.!

    No one is fighting on the border - the National Guard requested by Perry isn't needed - people are giving themselves up at the border to our guards - they are not running. They want to cross into America!

    Perry and Palin could be brother and sister - both are idiots!

  24. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    Well, it looks like President Obama had a FABULOUS time! Rick Perry? not so much, has the same look on his face Sarah has when passing a mirror.

    Love the display of the guntards acting all macho. Unarmed women and kids met with military assault weapons. Anything to whip out the guns and ammo, but it's overkill for nothing.

  25. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Dept of Public Safety patrolling the Rio Grande.

  26. Top seeks bottom...must carry a big gun.
    Call: 1-800 Im-a-dick


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