Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Well I think this seems very appropriate this morning.

I don't usually like to wish ill on anybody but it would be awfully great if a couple of our least favorite justice's had some health concerns that forced them out of the Supreme Court either before the need of Obama's term, or during Hillary's eight years in office.

It does not have to be fatal or anything, just severe enough to force them into an early retirement.


  1. lol, I had some pretty murderous thoughts myself yesterday and thought it was best to keep them to myself. Those 5 men that made this decision have the best health care that money can buy so unfortunately, they might be around for a long time.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Maybe their wives will take them out someday, you know, for the good of the country?

  2. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Funny cartoon, but total bullshit. Ginsburg and Sotomayor are depicted in the cartoon, but they didn't vote for this crap.

    Court ruled 5-4. All Republicans. Roberts and Alito appointed by Bush; Kennedy and Scalia appointed by Reagan; Thomas appointed by GHW Bush.

    Those are the 5 assholes that should be depicted in the cartoon.

    1. cckids8:24 AM

      I think the cartoon is referring to last weeks "buffer zone" decision about the clinics in Mass. Sadly, that vote was 9-0, with even the women voting that the free speech rights of every godbothering moron trump the basic human dignity of a woman trying to get health care she has chosen. ALL the Supremes are a bit too removed from the real world, as far as I can see.

  3. Anonymous2:42 AM

    The 4 NO votes: Ginsburg and Breyer (appointed by Clinton); Sotomayor and Kagan (appointed by Obama).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'll try it again, better stated.
      You'd think fossils would understand progressive- thinking evolution...

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    It would certainly be appropriate for a large group of enlightened citizens to picket and protest around the entrance to the Supreme Court building. If they tried to enforce a 35 foot or more zone, I think a lawsuit would be in order.

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Maybe not fatal, but definitely painful.

  7. Olivia4:54 AM

    At least of them already have debilitating mental illnesses caused by extreme conservatism and exposure to big money and they are still there. I can't imagine anything but death to create a vacancy.

    1. Olivia6:40 AM

      "At least four of them"

  8. Back in the Seventies, the old liberal William Douglas kept showing up to the Court even though he'd had a stroke and had to be pushed around in his wheelchair by his twenty-something 5th wife.

    The thing was, as a member of the House, Ford had tried to impeach Douglas and Douglas wasn't about to retire and let Ford pick his successor.

    Ultimately, he retired during the Ford Administration. But he was replaced with Justice Stevens, so... Douglas would have gotten the last laugh.

  9. Anonymous5:27 AM

    In all seriousness, if Scalia were to drop dead of, say a heart attack or stroke from all those years of greasy Italian food, I wonder what poor Clarence Thomas would do without his Massah. I doubt Ginny would let him retire.

  10. InvisibleDragon11:45 AM

    I do believe Alzheimer's might be a possibility. I know they're all very sheltered from the real world, but certain of them seem... oh, a little too sheltered for even the usual. Certain recent interviews come to mind.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    I don't know, Gryphen. Darth Cheyney was VP (in name only, he pulled President GWBush's strings) for eight long years without a heart, and look where that got us.
    My mentally ill mega church evangelical nutjob aunt called me to rub the ruling in my face. I told her they did the Democrats a HUGE favor. Add it to the shaming of Flukes, aspirin behind the knees, forced ultrasounds, etc. etc. and they've paved the way for Dems in red states to win seats just by using their own words and hung up.

  12. I would be fine with any of the RATS abandoning ship.

    Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia.

    Unfortunately Roberts is only 56 and likely to serve another 25 years. He is playing a long game and planning on instituting all his favorite conservative viewpoints through his activist rulings. Especially regarding campaign contributions, women's rights, religion, etc. I think we've already seen what he's capable of. It's just a glimmer of where he wants to take this country.

    We have already crossed the threshold of Fascism and we have George W. Bush and his nominee Roberts to thank for most of that.

    Helluva legacy, Bushie. You've managed to singlehandedly destroy what used to be the most democratic country in the world.


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