Monday, August 04, 2014

Cliven Bundy believes that God was on his side during the standoff. Isn't that what every megalomaniac believes?

Courtesy of Politico:  

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy claims the April confrontation between the federal government and his armed supporters was part of an age-old spiritual battle between good and evil. 

Bundy, a Mormon, told an Independent American Party gathering in St. George, Utah, on Saturday that God provided him personal inspiration in the showdown over cattle in Bunkerville, Nevada, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. 

“The Lord told me … if [the local sheriff doesn’t] take away these arms from federal agents, we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war. He said, `This is your chance to straighten this thing up,’” Bundy said, according to The Spectrum of St. George. 

Bundy said people from across the country rallied around him because they were “spiritually touched,” and he suggested they would not have prevailed had God not been on their side. 

“If the standoff with the Bundys was wrong, would the Lord have been with us?” he asked, noting no one was killed as tensions escalated. “Could those people that stood [with me] without fear and went through that spiritual experience … have done that without the Lord being there? No, they couldn’t.” 

Those people stood with Bundy without fear becasue they trusted that their government would not open fire on them without provocation.

Sadly the federal agents who were simply doing their jobs did not have the same assurances.

Combining this kind of mystical magical thinking, with the sovereign citizen mentality, and military style weaponry. means that it is only a matter of time before some anti-government moron suddenly decides to become a martyr for the cause by killing a federal agent and getting his ass blown away.

The Feds are doing the right thing by waiting it out and going through legal channels to deal with Bundy. But this mindset of good vs evil, citizens vs the government, shows no signs of tapering off.


  1. Screw this old piece of crap living for free when his neighbors pay their bills. He thinks some space alien or Mormon moon god was with him. He's crazier than a shit house rat.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Spot on. A shit house rat describes him perfectly.

  2. Randall9:15 AM

    There is NO ONE more dangerous than someone who believes "God is on their side".

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Sarah and Bristol, and to and extend Willow, were always saying God was on their side and whatnot also in all their public decisions and lifestyle choices perhaps there.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      doG is on their side.

  3. WA Skeptic9:16 AM

    Unfortunately, it's one of these selfsame adherents to the Sovereign Citizen movements that assassinated a policeman and wound up in a shootout in Walmart last month. It's only a matter of time before it really gets to be "Beirut" in our country.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Rhetoric like Bundy's landed our friend Schaeffer in a federal prison for 26 years. Please proceed Cliven.

    1. I am sure that, like Mitt, He had on his "magic underwear".
      How can you loose?

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I love this guy. Wait until Mitt tries to runs again, and someone asks him about his religion (finally!) They can bring up Bundy and ask if Mittens has the same sense of entitlement because God talk to him too. It will be great! Keep talking, Clive.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Exactly! I'm from the same state (the northern part, though) as Bundy, and we have a perpetual candidate (Janine Hansen) in this area who is also IAP and Mormon. They disgrace the name of reasonable Mormons in my acquaintance. And, no, Romney is NOT a reasonable Mormon. IMO, any church that gives 12 year old boys more power/status in the church than an adult woman is bat-s@#$ crazy.

  6. I sure wish assholes like Bundy, Palin, Santorum, etc, would using God, as their excuse for their hate.

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Wow, is he ever delusional!

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Clive is a Mormon ... he can marry Bristol.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    He also asked, "where's the black and brown people?" at his little gathering. Wasn't it this last spring that he asserted he had every right to call blacks "Negroes" and they were better off as slaves picking cotton? And he wonders why they aren't interested in HIS version of freedom and liberty! Sheesh.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    because they were “spiritually touched,”

    Yeah, they were 'touched' alright, but not by any spirit.

  11. “The Lord told me …" should be grounds for involuntary commitment and extensive psychiatric evaluation for anyone using it as an excuse to commit crimes or run for political office

  12. erica from dallas10:24 AM

    The Lord told me Clive Bundy is nuts!

  13. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Oh yeah, when little brown or black people get anything, they are the takers. When asshats like this use and refuse to pay, they are spiritually touched and god told them to.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM


    2. Anonymous11:43 AM


    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Where's the damn "Like" button?

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Ted Cruz’s dad wants pastors to hand out biblical voting guides in church to save America

    During a speech in Texas last week, Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), encouraged religious leaders to “restore America” by distributing biblical voting guides in church.

    “When government ceases to work towards those ends it is our right, and it is I believe our duty, to remove that government and replace it with another government,” the conservative pastor said July 31 at Trinity I.S.D. Auditorium, paraphrasing the Declaration of Independence.

    The event was promoted by the Trinity County Republican Party of Texas.

    “And we have an unprecedented opportunity to do that right now in these next elections,” Cruz continued. “But we cannot do that if we sit at home. I want to encourage of all of you, I want to repeat what I said to the pastors this month, every church in America needs to have a voter registration table in the lobby.”

    So much for the separation of church and state and tax free entities.

    1. Can you spell T-H-E-O-C-R-A-C-Y?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Way past time to tax the churches.

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I think it is time for churches to rise up against this type of hypocrisy. From now on I will be asking my churchgoing friends why they think this behavior is in their best interest. Anyone who has a brain knows the separation of church and state works both ways. Raphael Cruz is simply ignorant. I see no better way for this country to come to blows than to invoke a theocracy. Imagine how many churches would divide and conquer immediately.

    4. Anonymous3:01 PM

      "the conservative pastor said July 31 at Trinity I.S.D. Auditorium"

      Trinity I.S.D. Auditorium = Trinity Independent School District Auditorium, right? If I'm right, then so much for separation of church and state.

  15. Anonymous10:36 AM

    GOP bill would give adoption agencies the right to discriminate against same-sex couples

  16. Yeah, and if God gets too busy, they can always use their wives who will be on their side to be human shields.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      That's why they all have extras.

  17. Anonymous11:44 AM

    It isn't good vs evil. It is "God is on my side" mindset. I find that much more disturbing.

  18. Anonymous11:45 AM

    There is only scriptural reference where Jesus commented about taxes. In response to complaints that taxes were too high, he simple said to pay them, that taxes owed belonged to Caesar. He did have alot to say about taking care of the weak, poor and sick, however. Wonder if that would be in the biblical voting guide? The religious right is not about religion at all, but money.

  19. Gryphen, you're sure to be amused -- and RELIEVED -- to read this:

    Now none of us have to spend money on checking out, because Wonkette's Fartknocker is doing that for us!

  20. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Looks like Sarah's posted new stuff on her Vanity website. Something about a 'hot' Todd and the IRS.

  21. Anonymous11:52 AM


    Sarah Palin to headline political talk in Phoenix

    Posted: Aug 04, 2014 3:04 AM PDT
    Updated: Aug 04, 2014 3:04 AM PDT
    PHOENIX (AP) - Sarah Palin will be the headline speaker at a conservative talk radio station's event in Phoenix next month.

    KKNT-AM says the former Alaska governor will give remarks at a discussion about this year's election races and other issues at Grand Canyon University Arena on Sept. 4.

    Other speakers scheduled to attend the "United We Stand" event include comedian Paul Rodriguez and author Dinesh D'Souza.

    The radio station, also known as 960 The Patriot, says the ticketed event will focus on finding common dialogue between tea party supporters, moderates and libertarians.

    Topics that will be addressed include health care, national security and energy independence.

    The event is scheduled for 7 p.m.

    Palin will participate in a VIP meet-and-greet before the event.

  22. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The Grifting Wing vs. The Governing Wing

    While the Tea Party is busy lining their pockets, the rest of the Republicans are actually trying to get things done. defines a grifter as: A grifter is a con artist—someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there’s one type of person you don’t want to trust, it’s a grifter: Someone who cheats someone out of money.

    Historically, grifters have taken many shapes. They were the snake-oil salesmen who rolled into town promising a magical, cure-all elixir at a price. The grifter was long gone by the time people discovered the magical elixir was no more magical than water. They were the sideshow con men offering fantastic prizes in games that were rigged so that no one could actually win them. They were the Ponzi scheme operators who got rich promising fantastically high investment returns but returning nothing for those sorry investors at the bottom of the pyramid.

    Over the last few years we have seen the rise of a new grifter—the political grifter. And the most important battle being waged today isn’t the one about which party controls the House or the Senate, it’s about who controls the Republican Party: the grifting wing or the governing wing.

    Today’s political grifters are a lot like the grifters of old—lining their pockets with the hard-earned money of working men and women be promising things in return that they know they can’t deliver.

    Political grifting is a lucrative business. Groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Patriots are run by men and women who have made millions by playing on the fears and anger about the dysfunction in Washington.

  23. "...the rest of the Republicans are actually trying to get things done". Huh? Don't think so.

  24. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    No Offense, but God needs to switch sides, ASAP.

  25. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    Let me guess.... under the bleachers were 12 bucks?

    OT, Looks like Nancy got fired. Bristol changed the name of her blug to "a blug about life, family and alaska, from "A blug about Faith and being a Mom". I guess "Faith" and being a "Mom" were too hard, and she quit, poor thang!!


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