Monday, August 04, 2014

Thanks to Stand Your Ground law Florida man who shot and killed a one time friend who was unarmed and walking away will not be charged.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

In early July, 20-year-old Colt Thriemer shot dead a one-time friend in a Wal-Mart parking lot, saying he feared for his life. Witnesses gathered for a truck meet that night say victim Thomas James Brown, 21, was walking away toward his car when Thriemer fired ten shots. Some say Brown had threatened to kill Thriemer over the course of several weeks. The story as told by prosecutors in a detailed legal memo suggests drug transactions, addiction, and monetary debts all played a role in the scenario leading up to Brown’s death. 

But these facts will never play out in a trial, because prosecutors have decided not to charge Thriemer citing Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. 

“The Stand Your Ground statute makes no exception from the immunity because Brown may have been walking away from Thriemer at the time the deadly force was used,” the memo from the State Attorney’s office states. “The Stand Your Ground law does not require Thriemer to wait until Brown in fact retrieved a gun before he fired. Under the current state of the law and the facts of this case, Thriemer was legally allowed to use deadly force based on a reasonable belief that his life was in danger and that he was about to become the victim of an armed robbery.”

I cannot get over how this law simply allows you to murder somebody simply because you "thought" they might come after you at some point. 

Isn't this the same kind of thinking that got us into the Iraq War?

Look this guy who was shot, Thomas James Brown, sounds like a real POS. And there is a part of me who wants to say that he got what he deserved.

Except that he didn't deserve it.  At least not yet.

IF he were reaching for a gun in his pocket, then maybe.

IF he were actively beating on the defendant with a lead pipe, then maybe.

But he was walking away.

Seriously do you have any idea how many dead bodies I would have sent to the morgue if I killed every person who threatened to kill me or beat my ass? It would be dozens.

People say things in the heat of anger, but unless they are actively attempted to take your life you have NO right to end theirs.

"Only use as much force as absolutely necessary." I learned that as a boy of ten, yet these so-called adults cannot seem to figure it out.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Yet another reason never to visit Florida. How can it be ever justified to fire ten shots at a person who is walking in the opposite direction? No one is safe in Florida now.

    1. Irishgirl7:55 AM

      I made it there and back. Of course I was accosted by a traffic cop (a she) who demanded to know why we were parked with the hazard lights on. My Floridian friend (CC from Palingates) had gone to get her credit card which she had left behind at a restaurant. The traffic cop wanted me to move the car. I refused. I told her that there was no way I was driving uninsured on the wrong side of the road in an automatic car that I didn't own. She was very smart with me and asked if we could drive in Europe. I buttoned my lips because I had heard all sorts of tales of law enforcement in Florida.

      CC got a fine!

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    OMG Gryphen!
    Three stories and not one about Sissypants Sarah. Do you know how PISSED she will be? What were you thinking? I mean WTF, Dude? It's all about Sarah 24/7. Sarah who?

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      She has diminished herself and it is wonderful!!!

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    A lady in Florida just got 6 months in jail for public sex at The Villages.

    If she had shot him dead when they were done, she would have walked free.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Did the man get the same sentence? I'm just curious and I do think the sentence is bizarre either way.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Yes the man got the same sentence - 6 months in the pokey (pun intended). What I find bizarre about this case is the public sex that frequently goes on in The Villages, a retirement community. The 68 year old woman was on probation for drunken driving her golf cart so she was in violation of her probation.

      Incidentally, Sarah campaigned at The Villages in 2008 and was there again in October, 2013, on her book tour. It's a big Republican, Tea Bagger community.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      The Villiages is this freaky place where people drive hopped up golf carts and fly don't tread on me flags everywhere. Our neighbors bought into the "lifestyle" they sold in the brochures, sold their house and moved. Now they're stuck in Crazy Town and no sane folk visit them anymore. We made the pilgrimage ONCE and swore never again.
      And this was before the baggers and Sarah became popular. Think Old Golf Players acting like "Stepford wives".

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Correction Gryphen,
    The law that allows white people to get away with murder.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      That is so true 8:08! Whites are allowed to kill the black and brown people in Florida w/no consequences. However, if it were the other way around, the whites would be rioting in their streets!

      We need to treat everyone the same and stop this discrimination, racism and blatant murders!

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    If some miracle allowed me to win multiple millions $$ in the lottery, the first thing I would do is initiate an educational/billboard campaign to discourage US and foreign tourists from visiting FL until these horrendous "right to murder" laws are repealed. SInce the series of ugly deaths and attendant publicity do not sway these gun obsessed sociopaths "governing" there, then ultimately a big loss of $$ surely will. Europeans and other foreign tourists have a right to know which US states will allow them to be murdered with no repercussions under these laws. Ugly Americans, indeed. Off to buy a lottery ticket. The time has come, gun obsessed cretins.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    My nephew in FL mentioned he met Obama and Biden when he was stationed in Iraq. Then he mentioned he thinks Obama is a POS and he wants him dead. He said his buddy asked him why he did not shoot Obama when he was armed.

    If in FL can Obama shoot ten rounds into anyone who talks of killing him?

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Had Colt filed for a restraining order against his old friend?

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    We are one sick nation and I'm happy as hell I don't live in couldn't pay me to move there!

    1. AKinPA12:18 PM

      At this rate, you couldn't pay me to visit there. I wonder if you can conceal carry or open carry in Disneyworld.

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The Democratic and Independent parties need to be working on getting out the voters in November (across the nation). These asshole Republicans need to be drummed out of office - throughout the nation and in the U.S. Congress.

    They are killing the poor, middle class, road systems, killing job bills in Congress as well as impeding the workings of our government.

    Thank god we have President Obama and VP Biden leading our country!!

    Can you imagine if it were McCain or Romney? Shit, we'd be in wars throughout the world and have no money to pay for them - putting Americans in even more peril.

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The question Democrats, liberals, and progressives have to answer themselves is, what happens if the GOP retains the House -- quite likely -- and takes control of the Senate?

    How many of these events are guaranteed?

    Impeachment of President Barack Obama

    Censure of President Barack Obama

    Repeal of (part of) Obamacare

    Wave of "religious liberty" laws

    Wave of anti-choice, anti-women laws

    Wave of anti-LGBT laws

    Further culling of voting rights

    No liberal or progressive judges confirmed

    The end of the EPA, food stamps, and even unions

    Immigration "reform" that deports 11-13 million people

    Of course, the President would have to sign or veto some of these, but the GOP can force his hand.

    What other outcomes do you foresee?

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Why Are Smart Guys Nate Silver and Ezra Klein Acting Like the GOP’s Useful Idiots?

  12. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Another reason to boycott Florida. Sorry, if my family wanted to go see Disney, we'd pay extra to go to California. There are places in the south that are still fighting the civil war.
    This guy may have been a jerk, but how was he a threat while walking away?


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