Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cliven Bundy grandchildren pulled out of school because they are not allowed to carry knives.

Courtesy of My News 3:  

One of the sons of embattled rancher Cliven Bundy’s son has pulled his five children out of various Clark County School District locations after a dispute with school administrators. 

Officials at Virgin Valley High School in Mesquite told Ryan Bundy that his 15-year-old daughter was not allowed to bring her pocketknife to school. 

Clark County School policy states that pocket knives are not allowed on school property, as they are considered weapons. 

Bundy doesn’t see a knife as a weapon and explained he’s taught his children it is essential to always have a knife with them. 

"I've taught my children a knife is important to have,” he said. “It's a tool that you use, and you need to have one with you at all times."

Good point, you never know when you might have to cut a bitch. 

The father explained that his children use the knives around the ranch, probably cutting the testicles off of pigs and stabbing cows in the ass for shits and giggles.

Of course what the Bundy clan fails to realize is that they are no longer living on the frontier, and that knives sometimes get used for more than whittling the answers to the quiz on the wooden desk. Sometimes they get used to stab other children,

And its not like this is a new rule.

Hell there was a no knives allowed rule when I was in school, and I know that because some asshole tried to stab me during an altercation in the lunchroom.

I put his ass in the hospital and would have been expelled except that since he had introduced deadly force into a fistfight I got a free pass. (Good rule that one.)

Personally I am surprised the Bundy grandchildren are even IN public school.

After all aren't they afraid that the children might learn certain things?  Like perhaps the true intention of the 2nd Amendment, that blacks have the right to vote, or that women are allowed to get jobs too?


  1. One of the children was freaked out and said she hoped this all got resolved because she didn't want to be home schooled . . ..

    Yeah, no real education coming from her family of slack jawed yahoos---and she knows it.

  2. London Bridges6:40 AM

    gun story with a twist:

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Cliven Bundy ... "Let me tell you about the negro"

    All you need to know about this idiot.He is a darling of the white sheet anti gubmint black heliocopter mind control reptilian overlords RWNJ crowd. In other words: 'Palin folk'.

  4. Randall7:07 AM

    The name "Bundy" is going to go down in history as a punchline "Palin".

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      yup...if anyone remembers who they are... SP was anonymous before McCain introduced her to the world...she will be forgotten again. It's already happening....

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Why would anyone describe Cliven Bundy as "embattled." That word implies that some one or some entity has declared war on him. Not true. It's all up to him. He gets no sympathy from me. If he and his kids cannot abide by basic rules than they can emigrate to some more favorable place on the planet.

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    OK, Griff, I know you are a city dude, but you do carry a knife on a farm. I am over 60, female, and I have a knife in my pocket when I am out and about on the farm. I don't have any pigs and I do not stab my horses and chickens or dogs, but I do cut grass strings on hay or just strings when need be....or anything else that I need a knife for. I don't sleep with it, nor do I take it to town with me. They are a useful tool and no, I do not need a weapon. I live in the mountains where there is abundant wildlife including black bears and I still don't find it necessary to carry a gun.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      ?????? Your post has nothing to do with public schools not allowing students to carry weapons.

    2. For your information Anonymous 7:38, I live in Alaska.

      So yes I carry a knife with me when I go camping, and have one in my car at all times just in case.

      However I have always made damn sure not to have it on me when I enter a court building or an airport, and I have always made sure that children in my care did not take one into a school building.

      There are times when you might need to whittle a tree branch to cook marshmallows and times when you simply don't.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I agree-- on the farm it is needed

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      I don't live on a farm, but I always carry a knife around with me - except to government buildings, schools, or the airport.
      I mean the 'no knife in schools' rule has been around for at least twenty years, for crying out loud! He just wants to push his boundaries farther and farther, since he saw he can get away with not paying taxes and threatening federal officials. Now he wants his kids to be on the forefront with knifes in schools.

  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

    aahh, The poor tax cheat probably just wants to line them up to stand in front of him.

  8. Anonymous8:38 AM

    In my day (1950's) most guys carried a pocket knife all the time including in school, I did. But times change and so do the rules, usually for good reason. I don't believe in zero tolerance, anyone can make a mistake. Mr. Bundy and his clan have proven they don't accept the rules of society, which makes them just the type to wrongly use such a simple thing as a pocket knife. They are just the type that shows why certain rules are needed.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      "Mr. Bundy and his clan have proven they don't accept the rules of society, which makes them just the type to wrongly use such a simple thing as a pocket knife. They are just the type that shows why certain rules are needed."

      This ^^^^^^

  9. Bundy has a point. How on earth will the kiddies be able to sharpen their quill pens or cut the pigtails off of the girl in front of them? /snark

    Mr. "Let me tell you about the Negro" Bundy will forever be frozen in time between the covers of a McGuffey's reader. Sadly for him, the rest of us are bustling around in the 21st century.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Even when used correctly, tools with blades can be dangerous.

      I was an art major in college and one of my classes required us to make cardboard models of the houses we were designing. One of my classmates was using a utility knife when it slipped and cut the tip of her finger off. The ambulance carted her off to the hospital and my poor professor had to paw through the garbage, looking for the missing fingertip that someone had thrown out when they helpfully tried to clean up the mess!

      P.S. He DID find it and they were able to reattach it.

  10. Anonymous8:55 AM

    " never know when you might have to cut a bitch."


    I carry a slim Swiss Army knife all the time. It has one blade. I use it to open boxes, blister packs, bags of chips, etc... The small screwdriver is also great for prying lids open. The bottle and can opener get used all the time. I have another one on my desk.

    I carry another pocket knife that I use to slice apples and citrus fruit. It's also great for other food prep. This knife looks totally harmless and has a blue handle that has been described as "pretty" by women. It was actually designed to be a weapon. I can deploy this knife in a flash and know how to use it.

    Taking a child out of school because he can't carry a pocket knife is the dumbest fucking reason I have ever heard.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      But you, Anon 8:55, are an adult and can be trusted to use your knife as the tool it is. We are talking about children in public school.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM


      Hi Bekka.

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Until one of your kids is stabbed with a 'pocket' knife!!!

  11. O/T but Baldy related!

    Gryphen you have to watch this crazy eyed Baldy video that she posted on her stupid "BLOG"! She's pretty much confirming what Game Change said about her crazy ass....that she was not in any kind of shape or form QUALIFIED to be VP or even Governor for that matter!

    All of her characters have shown up to perform in this 22 minute Ode to Baldy! Every part played by Baldy of course! LOL!!

    She really let her CRAZY fly in this shit y'all!

    Now remember...the video is 22 minutes of Baldy telling LIES about her experience as the VP candidate....6 FUCKING YEARS AGO! So if her screechy voice is too much for you...use cotton balls and God Speed! LOL!!!


    It's FREE to watch...why I have no FUCKING idea! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Looking forward to the transcript, since I refuse to listen to her rants!!

      Wonder why she is bringing up this now, not getting any attention, no subscribers to her channel, didn't win an Emmey? Talk about living in the past.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Her eyebrows look really creepy. She seemed disappointed that McCain was on top of the ticket instead of her.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Poor Granny sary, she can't even sell her ramblings for free , let alone to her sheep for 10 bucks a month what the fuck( no Bristol, settle on down, that doesn't mean you have to fuck 10 extra drunks this weekend).
      Sary missed the part of her business plan where you need paying customers not just , well, according to Granny Sary, "takers"
      Poor Brisket and Wallow will be out on "the stroll" very soon.

  12. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Zero Tolerance rules in effect most places now would have expelled both of you Gryph...

    My son was attacked once also...and was suspended even though he never lifted a finger. Common Sense is not a part of Zero Tolerance. It doesn't exist anymore.

    1. Leland3:06 PM

      Did you try to sue?

  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    What does she keep doing with the right side of her mouth and jaw? Is that mannerism supposed to make her look thoughtful? I believe that when Chuck, Sr., said "we were very proud", I think that's a true statement as I'm sure that Sarah's entire family was extremely proud that she was chosen to be on McCain's ticket. That's another time somebody should have blinked because from then on out, they were all going to need to tell the truth: no more lies, exaggerations, pretending.

    At the very end, Sarah said, "whatever the country needs, we're ready to go". Grrrreat news! So GO, Sarah and take your entire klan with you. GO. Because that's what the country needs for you to do.

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    In 1976 in a beautiful, very small suburb, my son was sitting in his 7th grade class when the kid right behind him took out a knife and stabbed the boy across the aisle in the back. There was no known reason for the attack, no bullying or argument that anyone knew about. A case of one kid had a knife and the other kid had a back. Knives and guns do not belong in schools.

  15. Leland3:04 PM

    I graduated from high school in 1966. I was a substitute school bus driver for my senior year. (Yes, SC DID have student bus drivers then. We were required to obtain state issued chauffeur driver's licenses.) On one particular trip home, I was startled to hear one of my passengers scream in agony. Slamming on the brakes and turning on my flashers (overhead, as well), I raced to the back of the bus only to find one of the young boys - probably around ten - attacking another boy with a COMPASS! Yeah. That's right. A metal-pointed compass that was capable of drawing circles of up to about six inches.

    Do NOT tell me that students should be allowed to carry pocket knives! They WILL be used for assault by some idiot who gets mad.

    As for taking a student out of school because he can't carry a pocket knife? Yeah. STUPID! And a good way to make sure THEY will be as stupid as the parent who removes them.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

    The ONLY weapon needed in any school is a pen, pencil, paper, textbook, calculator, books, computers etc. You're in school to learn, if you want to use a knife, do it in the privacy of your own home, farm, car, camping, or woods.
    The Bundy clan doth protest too much. FWIW, a wooden cane and pointer were the preferred weapons for corporeal punishment in the Catholic School I attended, and kids used to stab each other with umbrellas in fights in the school yard.

    Good for "Virgin Valley" for standing their ground on the weapon issue.

  17. When I was in school every boy had a pocketknife and so did I. They were told to keep them in their pockets or lose them. There were no stabbings. I did get into trouble for having a swordfight with a seam ripper in sewing however. Miss Koster did not put up with nonsense including my putting pants on one day. OMG, how was I to learn anything without a skirt and pantyhose on? Fortunately some girl's parents sued the school district over the dress code that summer and pants were allowed. So pocketknives in jeans now instead of purses.


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