Police revealed the identity Friday of the officer who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown, along with a report indicating that Brown and a friend had been involved in a theft at a convenience store shortly before the shooting occurred.
According to the police report (embedded below), video surveillance allegedly showed Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, in an altercation with a store employee on Aug. 9. Brown and Johnson grabbed cigars from the store and behind the counter, the police report said. Before they left the store, the employee attempted to stop Brown from taking the merchandise, according to the report. Brown grabbed the employee by the shirt and pushed him into a display rack in the store, the report said, and Brown and Johnson left the store with the cigars.
Police also released the name of the police officer who shot Brown, Darren Wilson, and reported that he had suffered injuries to his face during the initial altercation on that sidewalk.
Brown is described as six foot four and just under three hundred pounds, which if he is the guy in this video, appears to be accurate.
Now I have seen more surveillance footage, and it clearly shows a guy with the suspect who looks exactly like the Dorian Johnson guy who claimed that the police shot Brown down like a dog.
Now currently THAT is the only eyewitness report of the incident that we have heard, and it is the one that has caused such an angry reaction from the people of Ferguson, and from supporters around the world.
But if Johnson was involved with the robbery, is his word to be trusted?
This is why I like to wait for all of the facts to come out before I weigh in on a subject like this.
Now the question is, considering Brown's size and the fact that he may in fact have attacked the officer, could the shooting have been justified? And is it ever justified to shoot a suspect wanted for nothing more than shoplifting and minor assault?
Tell me what you think.
However even if it turns out that it was justified, it in no way excuses the way in which some of the peaceful protesters were treated by police.
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Woman hit by rubber bullet in Ferguson, MO. |
Update: As many of you have pointed out that video which was released today was a red herring. (I wondered why it was only shown on Fox for most of the morning.)
In fact the Ferguson police chief has said the two were unrelated.
I'm sorry it took so long to provide an update, I was away from my computer until just this minute.
It's smearing the victim and changing the focus from the cold-blooded killing of an unarmed man - who had his hands up in surrender - to stoking racist fears. Whether anything happens to Wilson along the line of criminal charges, this is about poisoning a future jury in any civil action against the city.
ReplyDeleteIf the autopsy shows the number of bullets witnesses have mentioned and the dead kid was white, we would have never seen this video.
DeleteIf the person killed was white, none of you liberals would even be talking about it (be honest folks). To be fair though, it probably wouldn't have made national news, Al Sharpton wouln't have riled up the airwaves, and there wouldn't have been riots. And yes, white unarmed people do get shot and killed by the popo.
Delete@3:18 Use of the phrase "you liberals" means you have automatically lost. This is a corollary to Godwin's Law.
DeleteWell I really didn't have a better term to use 3:30, how should I classify 90% of the IM'rs then? Still, I notice you aren't arguing the point I made eh.... because... its true?
DeleteBy the way, I forgot what Godwin's Law is till I looked it up. I don't see the correlation really at all. I'm not comparing anything or anyone to nazis in this discussion... and don't most IMer's proudly wear their liberal badge, which is great, I generally agree with liberals on plenty of issues. But I don't go looking for causes that aren't there, or automatically call everything that happens racist just because a black guy was involved. Wait for the facts to come out for a clearer picture.
Delete@3:38 you have lost.
DeleteOk 3:38 I totally lost, I accept it. Can you tell me what I lost now so I know what it is that I lost?
DeleteThe tape's only value is as evidence in a robbery case. But that will never happen because a police officer shot and killed the alleged criminal. More bad police work from Ferguson. They just can't seem to do anything right
DeleteThe tape will be used as evidence in the shooting investigation.
Delete@dvlaries the fact that you claim he had his "hands up in surrender" proves that you are drinking the Kool-Aid. The autopsies have proven that he didn't have his hands up; luckily, he was shot 4 times in the arm, and if his hands had been up, the dorsal side of his arm would have been hit. That didn't happen.
DeleteThere were 3 eyewitnesses to the incident, and all three stated that Brown turned around, raised his hands to give up, and was shot anyway multiple times.
ReplyDeletewhat about the 5 black witnesses who clearly said he Did not have his hands up, I dont believe he should have been shot 6 times, but the autoposy speaks the truth & I also agree with anonymous 3:18 also 1st off stealing from a store owner & being aggressive pushing & grabbing the man with a attitiude of..." like F.U. I'm Not paying what you going to do about it" and I am far from racist, it happens to white people too and hispanics etc. getting shot by cops.
DeleteNO. Because I heard that the policeman who shot him didn't know about Brown stealing the Swisher cigars so it doesn't matter!
ReplyDeleteNO -- Michael Brown did not deserve to die! PERIOD. Yes, it is too bad that he has been shown to be a petty crook. But Brown still did not deserve to be shot and killed while in police custody. THAT is still the real issue here!
ReplyDeleteSo let's say someone gives you a loaded gun, then somebody twice your size comes at you with the intent to cause you physical harm. I would like to know
DeleteThere are some blog commenters who are trying to say that Michael Brown couldn't be the man in the store video because the man in the video is wearing white striped sock and sandals and shorts, and the murdered 18 year old in the street was wearing running shoes and trousers.
ReplyDeleteNo, that's not true. The murdered Michael Brown, as he was lying dead in the street, was wearing long shorts somehow pulled down over his buttocks revealing black underwear, with the hem of his long shorts nearly at his ankles, and was wearing no shoes at all, revealing his white striped socks.
So in attire alone he resembled the man in the video, and probably WAS the man.
Nevertheless, there was NO connection at the time of the store robbery that Michael Brown was the perp. He was stopped merely for jaywalking (and probably looking cheerful [at having just gotten away scott-free?]). He may have reacted with alarm at the cop yelling at him because HE knew what he'd done, but THE COP DIDN'T KNOW THAT.
When Michael Brown escaped the cop's grasp after being shot the first time, the cop STILL didn't know Brown may have just left the scene of a crime.
So, until that video and the still pictures were released to the media -- and therefore to the public, which includes a possible future jury pool -- the cop had NO conceivable reason to shoot Michael Brown even once, let along multiple times after he raised his arms in surrender.
And since when does an incident of shoplifting and intimidation without weapon warrant execution on the street?
Kajo I was getting ready to type my comment and read yours and saw you did it for me.
DeleteI will add this for gryphen-yes always good to get all the facts but the facts as you and the ferguson police do not warrant that 18 year old boy to be shot!! No his size doesn't matter at all!!! Police are trained in how to shoot to wound and incapacitate a suspect so as far as I am concerned 99% of cop killings are unjustified. The cop could have shot him in the knee and brown would have gone down. No justification for this killing regardless of whether brown stole a pack of cigars and/or manhandled the owner of the store.
Btw-brown does look like a bigger guy but the store owner looks to be on the smaller side
When did being a thuggish teenager get equated with murder? Aren't most teenagers a bit thuggish in their own way/attitude? If not then what is up with most teenage guys and their low hanging jeans-all races!!!
Rule number one! If you are getting away with something illegal do not draw attention to yourself.
DeleteSo, if you just robbed a convenience store and a cop tells you to get out of the street and get up on the sidewalk you say,"Yes sir, sorry sir." Then you do exactly what you were told.
Which makes one suspect he was not the robber.
Bit confused, the subject in the video is wearing socks and slip on sandals, the victim lying dead flat on the ground is wearing socks and tennis shoes, not to mention seems a bit smaller than that of the suspect in video stills.
ReplyDeleteTPM says that video is dated June rather than August.????????
ReplyDeleteShoplifting is a misdemeanor. Walking in the street while black is jaywalking at best. Neither offense warrants death by bullets. IMO the PO instigated the altercation.
ReplyDeleteDid the NY man selling individual cigarettes deserve a choke hold and death? Don't the police have more, er, 'pressing' things to do?
The PD released the video in the convenience store which does show a man who looks like Michael Brown BUT then the chief of police says they don't know for sure that it is Brown. And he also says that the policeman who shot Brown didn't know about the the store robbery when he stopped to tell them to get out of the street. My question is why did the policeman react with deadly anger if he only stopped to tell the two men to get out of the middle of the street?
ReplyDeleteA young woman appeared last night on one of the MSNBC shows. She drove up to pick up an employee for work and says she saw the entire thing. Her story is identical to Michael Brown's friend's story. She said she doesn't know either of them so it's not a friend issue.
The police should have released the video earlier or maybe not released it at all if it has nothing to do with the shooting. Either way, the penalty for shoplifting $50 worth of cigars shouldn't be death. They should have named the policeman immediately after it happened. I can understand that they were concerned about his safety but that's something that has to be faced so why not face it before the anger builds.
The story about the 3 Ferguson policemen and one policewoman beating an innocent man that they had mistakenly arrested, then filing charges on the victim for bleeding on their uniforms indicates that Ferguson has a race problem. I think they have been doing as they please toward blacks for years and it finally caught up with them.
It would seem so; well said.
DeleteIt doesn't change my opinion of the actual shooting at all.
ReplyDeleteThe police have confirmed that at the time the officer stopped Michael Brown, he knew nothing about the shoplifting/robbery. All the witness statements, not just Johnson's, state that Brown was trying to get away from the cop, not trying to get his gun, not assaulting him.
Shoplifting cigars, or pushing a shopkeeper, do NOT deserve a death sentence.
I also consider it infuriating that, again, a police department is putting the victim on trial. The two incidents are NOT RELATED. Michael Brown didn't have to be a perfect human being to not deserve being shot down in the street & left there for hours.
You may be correct. That, plus the fact that the autopsy showed no hands up and that he was facing the officer when shot tends to prove that all of the witness statements are false. It may be that there are no honest brokers in the entire witness pool. The best testimony may have been the surreptitious account from one of the gangsters who didn't know he was being recorded, and which supports the cop's account.
DeleteIt must be thoroughly terrifying to know that, but for the physical evidence supporting you, you are about to be railroaded by a cadre of witnesses who are willing to perjure themselves simply because the cop didn't look like you and the suspect did.
Where did you get that no hands up?
DeleteWow! I had no idea that rubber bullets would do that much damage.
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of the video: such a nice boy to be shot and killed like that, so someone said. The video proves otherwise if that is indeed him -- and I believe it is. It proves he's just a typical bully taking what he wants by intimidating others. With his massive size he could get away with that type of behavior.
If he had come after me I would have shot his ass too because he's at least twice my size.
Good riddance to a future career criminal. TND.
Wow! Much as I detest bullying, being a bully isn't a reason to die. Shooting someone because they're twice your size is also, too, not a reason to kill. Are you a Florida legislator?
DeleteWow Balzafiar! You're a coward AND a racist. A person stealing a cigar is not a sentence to death. You can put your gun away now fraidycat.
DeleteYour statements are abominable. There is nothing in the situation you describe (or what we know of the Brown case) to justify killing. You would be committing a homicide. Perhaps you are the one who is a future career criminal?
DeleteThe cop that shot him did not know about the theft of cigarellos or the pushing incident in the store. He shot him anyway.
DeleteThere are a number of eyewitnesses with the same story. He was gunned down in cold blood as he was running away.
You should change your name from ballsofire to something that demonstrates your true nature. You would shoot someone because they are bigger than you? You are a piece of work.
The fact that the cop did or didn't know about the theft is irrelevant. What is shown is Michael Brown was capable of threatening and using violence, no doubt his size makes that an easier task, and that he had done just that shortly before the shooting- take that into account for his frame of mind. It certainly makes the idea that he attacked the cop very plausible. With regards to the witnesses, there are a lot of factors at play... including the fact that witnesses testimony is shockingly innacurate- there have been plenty of scientific studies to this end- as well as people could simply be lying, or they might be totally correct, just dont hang your hat on it yet, just because you want to believe it.
Delete3:37 PM You must be drinking Fox News kool-aid. The autopsy will show the victim's position when he was shot several times.
Delete@ anon a 3:37 PM
DeleteOf course it is relevant. The cop stopped two young black males for JAYWALKING! and one ended up dead. As for the witnesses, the ocal Police hasn't interviewed them until a few, after the State Patrol took over the police dept. Other witnesses are scared to death and will only talk to the feds.
BTW I finished my RN degree when I weighed 106 lbs, At 106 lbs I was trained to take down a psych patient and did so that weighed 360 lbs, your arguuments are stupid and irrelevant because you clearly have no fucking clue what police officers or any other emergency personal are trained to do.
You must be one of those ammo-sexuals. Stop wimping out and be a man.
DeleteBet you all cheering Michael Brown's death are very publicly pious Christians, too. But your private anonymous words show you for the bloodthirsty Pharisees you are.
DeleteAre you guys just getting mad because as additional information is coming to light, like the strong arm robbery video right before the shooting, the storyline is starting to change, and not in the way that suits your agenda?
DeleteMaybe you should be a cop, in St Louis, 4:28, and you can show all those other cops how to deal with a 300 lb guy attacking you.
Delete4:27- you are hopefully right, the autopsy and other forensics will hopefully provide a clearer picture of what happened- shan't we all wait to find out that information before casting total judgement?
DeleteSounds like and smells like that scrawny leech with lipstick. Talkin shit as usual. Smells like shit always like stoogent. Coward and pathetic. Another ass clown visitor to IM.
DeleteIt is time to put the brakes on the local pd receiving hummers and tanks as gifts from the military complex. Somehow there might be a HUGE problem with this type of mentality. As someone said. A dog catcher with a tank is not a good idea. Kinda like georgie zimmerpuss and his gun that murdered a kid. Pussies and cowards need a gun to feel big. A good guy with a gun does not have to wave it around and shoot a kid. The cop should have called for back up if he feared for his life. The kid if guilty of theft would have been charged and convicted for that. The cop took a human life and this trend is alarming. We cannot be trigger happy at a jay walker. or movie goer or kid with skittles.
Delete!anon at 5:09 pm
DeleteOf course any person can take a larger person down with simple training. It doesn't matter what city you are in at all you fucking idiot. I'm betting I could take you , as a psych patient down any day of the week, in NYC, in St Louis, in Houston, in Portland, anywhere.
@Anon @ 5:06PM, the robbery video is irrelevant since the police dept has already stated that the officer involved knew nothing about it. Kind of like Bristol Palin claiming she was raped, but every boy from Wasilla that was inline to get lad knew she was willing, you just needed to pay her in a wine cooler.
Delete6:53 the video is absolutely relevant as it shows an aggressive assault and criminal behavior by Michael Brown just shortly before he was shot. What is irrelevant is that the cop was unaware of the robbery, if he was attacked, it doesn't matter what he knew or didn't know, he reacted.
Delete6:51 nobody is doubting your awesome takedown ability in any town USA, you have been very convincing and verbose about it. That is why you should go to St Louis and show the cops how to deal with getting attacked by 300lb + people, as every real life situation on the streets is just like the psych ward. You could be a hero in real life and not just the internets.
DeleteTaking something from the possession or person of another is not petty theft. It's forcible, or strong arm, robbery. All 50 states. The clerk was clearly manhandled, and was trying to prevent the person from leaving the premises with the loot. And it's a felony.
ReplyDeleteIt became a 'felony' because the person in the video manhandled the clerk. If he'd not done that, there would have been no charge levied against the robber.
DeleteHe had no weapon though, so killing is not justified. If the officer was like that clerk so small and he was really attacking the officer then it makes sense to me. But I don't think he was doing that to the officer.
ReplyDeleteThe cop was wrong in shooting and killing the kid who was unarmed! Hope they locate the cop - he needs to be charged w/murder.
ReplyDeleteDon't trust anything the town's police chief has done in Ferguson. He is the one that ordered his police force play war! What crap! The guy should be fired and I'm shocked that hasn't occurred as yet.
I agree; don't trust anything from the town's police. They had too much time to clean up the scene, prepare covering documents, tamper with evidence and witnesses, and they've proven to be trigger happy and racist warriors; not town cops. This is murder in my opinion.
DeleteOT Just read that Palin is endorsing Miller, per Fox.
ReplyDeleteHe's toast for sure now.
Mapping the Spread of the Military’s Surplus Gear
ReplyDeleteState and local police departments obtain some of their military-style equipment through a free Defense Department program created in the early 1990s. While the portion of their gear coming from the program is relatively small (most of it is paid for through department budgets and federal grants), detailed data from the Pentagon illustrates how ubiquitous such equipment has become. Highlighted counties have received guns, grenade launchers, vehicles, night vision or body armor through the program since 2006.
The man in the video is not Michael Brown. He is wearing shorts and sandals and Michael Brown was wearing long pants and shoes. The clothes dont match...and he didnt change his outfit in that length of time. It is pure slime from the police.
ReplyDeleteThe clothes do appear different until you enlarge one of the street photos...the side-view of the body.
DeleteAnyway, it doesn't matter. The police shooting was the murder of an unarmed man.
The theft and his murder are completely separate.
ReplyDeleteThe video would have identified him, he could later be arrested by more than one cop at his home, then tried and punished, if found guilty.
An unarmed teenager, in broad daylight, walking on a public street was shot and killed because -- why? There's no reason given. With all the expensive equipment deployed by the police, did they have cameras in their squad cars? Was the young man walking away? Was he posing an imminent threat to the cop or anyone else?
The whole sordid mess will come out, bit by bit. But this young man will be six feet underground, for having stolen some cigars and allegedly dissed a policeman.
Does anyone know what he is holding in his right hand? To me it looks like a plastic bottle........... Try enlarging the pic...
ReplyDeleteFirst it was reported he had taken a box of cigars worth $48. Later it was reported to be a pack of Cigarillos. Later it was reported to be a pack of Swisher sweets, normally used for rolling blunts. By the time it's over, it will be a pack of chewing gum.
DeleteStealing small cigars and pushing a clerk is not a death penalty offense in any of our 50 states, if in fact it is he on the video that was released. Get real! He was unarmed! This is infuriating.
ReplyDeletethat rubber bullet is more bullet than rubber - wtf?
ReplyDeleteThe police chief himself said that the two incidents (shoplifting and then walking in the street) were totally unrelated. The killer cop knew nothing about the theft. I don't care if Michael Brown committed theft. He did not deserve to get 9 bullets (including one in the back) for jaywalking.
ReplyDeleteHere in Seattle a couple of years back there was a homeless DEAF native American who used his pocket knife to whittle and sell his miniature totem poles. He was shot to death by a cop in the middle of the street because he didn't drop his knife when the cop yelled at him. He was DEAF!
It can happen to anyone, it's not right and it has to stop. Cops should be released WITHOUT pay. There are plenty of more people to replace them who would love to have a job and do it properly.
ReplyDeletePolice did NOT know Brown was a robbery suspect!
Also, the rubber bullets can kill and maim. Something is very wrong if when a large share of your populous want to know what is going on and why a young man was killed they do have the right to protest. There is something very , very wrong in a town where reporters are assaulted and dragged out of a McDonalds( they were paying customers--not a reporter alive that hasn't been told to buy a cup of coffee or a soda to have the right to be in an establishment) or citizens are shot with rubber bullets and tear gas.
OT - Here's the link to Palin's endorsement of Miller. I'm expecting an appropriately hilarious post from Gryphen.
G, re: your update about the video being a red herring. Well, Ferguson chief of police just said that officer became aware of robbery.
ReplyDeleteThe Ferguson Police Dept. is in way over their heads. They have no concept of crisis management. And as far as I can tell, all other authorities are leaving them to dig themselves in deeper. Every one is happy to let Ferguson take the heat.
As long as the "optics" don't degenerate to the level where photos from Middle East crisis spots are indistinguishable from those of Ferguson residents being tear gassed in their own back yards, I think there will be little intervention from anyone with
a brain.
First of all, you aren't hearing from the Ferguson police dept, you are hearing things from the State police.
DeleteWRONG on getting the info from the State police. This is my source.
DeleteFrom the St. Louis Post Dispatch
...Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Friday afternoon. Jackson sai the officer was aware cigars had been taken in the robbery of a store nearby, but did not know when he encountered Brow and Dorian Johnson that they might be suspects. [...] But Jackson told the Post Dispatch that the officer, Darren Wilson, saw cigars in Brown's hand and realized he might be the robber.
Has the thought occurred to any of those idiots in police department there that perhaps Michael Brown had visited the store earlier, bought the Cigarillos and the clerk failed to bag them with other purchases? How many times has that happened? It's happened to me several times. You have to return to the store. You get pissed off. That seems more plausible than he "strong arm robbed" them.
Hahaha. You are funny. You are joking yes?
DeleteMaybe you should go visit certain areas of St. Louis.
I was not joking. Are you honestly saying you have never had that happen to you? As far as visiting St. Louis; look at the crime stats for Ferguson, where this happened. It is a very low crime area. The only murder this car in Ferguson was Michael Brown.
Tex Mel I appreciate you wanting to provide this young man every reasonable doubt. But you are going to find out you are wrong on this one. It has been confirmed by police and even corroborated by Brown's friend that was with him.
DeleteQuotes from the incedent report:
"As (redacted) was placing the boxes on the counter, Brown grabbed a box of Swisher Sweets cigars and handed them to Johnson who was standing behind Brown. (Redacted) witnessed (redacted) tell Brown that he had to pay for those cigars first. That is when Brown reached across the counter and grabbed numerous packs of Swisher Sweets and turned to leave the store. (Redacted) then calls ‘911.’ Meanwhile (redacted) comes out from behind the counter and attempts to stop Brown from leaving. According to (redacted),(redacted) was trying to lock the door until Brown returned the merchandise to him. That is when Brown grabbed (redacted) by the shirt and forcefully pushed him back in to a display rack. (Redacted) backed away and Brown and Johnson exited the store with the cigars."
As a side note... 'failed to bag them with other purchases' I think is what got me laughing to begin with. If Brown had actually purchased the cigarillos (which he didn't as has been established), there would have been no other purchases to get lost in the 'bagging process' except for maybe a coke.... You really don't get this culture Texas Mel.
DeleteThe dork, fox new sp support. Same word salad. OMG she hasn't learned anything new. What a joke. Gee, what is she paying consultants for?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the dispatch audio tapes that Anonymous posted on YouTube, the St. Louis County dispatch got a request for information about the 'officer related shooting' from a news outlet. They didn't know anything, so they called Ferguson, who claimed to not know anything, either- so either the officer didn't report the shooting, or the department was trying to cover it up to the extent of keeping it from other county law enforcement agencies- who then sent their cars to the scene to try to figure out why a large crowd was gathering! Either way, something isn't right... that has nothing to do with whether a young man stole $50 worth of smokes from a convenience store.
ReplyDeleteIt's been covered up from minute one.
DeleteThe shooter claims he was "assaulted" by Mike Brown, hit in his face and has a boo-boo to prove it (remember Zimmerman's head boo-boo?). The shooter claims Mike Brown reached for his weapon, again like Zimmerman.
ReplyDeleteApparently some supporters of the shooter mistakenly believe that allegedly reaching for a cop's weapon justifies an execution.
That's the online buzz at the moment. Brown hit the cop, Brown reached for the cop's weapon, therefore Brown deserved to be assassinated. So very much like the Zimmerman case it's pathetic.
We would never knwo since they could put anyone with a black eye forward, but I can tell you as a non white person, I would be beaten to death by an officer before I responded in kind. I don't believe the late story, it's just a part of the cover up.
DeleteWhat does the tape have to do with what the police officer did? Nothing. The Police are putting this out there just to smear the kid, if that's really him in the clip, The police in that town have lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. You can't try a dead man, but you sure as hell better try the cop who killed this kid. Walking while being African American isn't a crime, last time I looked.
ReplyDeleteFrom now forward, the Public Relations folks will pull out all the stops. Why aren't the caucasian police not stepping up to the mic except for one?
Since when does a racially-motivated murder case NOT have so many "red herrings" that it reeks of dead fish?
ReplyDeleteI wish somebody would compare the actions Ferguson police are KNOWN to have with whatever official protocol their police force is sworn to follow -- aka "the law"?
Specifically, what's the by-the-book response when a petty robbery suspect known to be unarmed flees on foot but then suddenly stops and turns around with his hands raised?
I really doubt it's "Shoot!"
as big as he is, i too would shoot first ask questions later
ReplyDeleteNot really the point here, but the lady pictured who was shot with the rubber bullet is a Methodist Pastor. She's white, had her hands up and was in front of the protestors alone, with the hope of being able to mitigate the situation when she was directly shot. She even had a shirt on that proclaimed she was a Pastor. All you police apologists explain that won't you?
ReplyDeleteI have a Man from U.N.C.L.E. shirt. Doesn't make me a secret agent.
DeleteJust because she wore a shirt saying Pastor, the police can't just assume she is one.
I object to using these stupid security cam tapes for news. If they are to be used, the police should be asked to release the Date, time, and frame numbers for the stills. Watching the full video on HuffPo BlackVoices, I see nothing except a disagreement between a store clerk and a customer. All the rest is police innuendo. Did the store file a report of an incident that was not shown on the video? The police chief who released this knew exactly what he was doing. He threw gas on the fire, probably because he is smarting from having his job taken away and to show that he really knows (wink, wink) THOSE PEOPLE. Nothing, however, justifies the killing or the violence that has followed. This is WHY we have a constitution, so we can work things out with our words.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why the police don't use tranquilizer guns.
ReplyDeleteBecause if you overestimate the weight of the subject you can overdose them.
DeleteThat is how our beloved white deer was killed in Old Town, San Diego.
Peaceful protesters?
ReplyDeleteThe crowd set a gas station afire (most gas stations have thousands of gallons of gasoline on hand) and looted stores. Just last night they set a liquor store afire and looted more stores.
These are not peaceful protesters, but a violent crowd dangerous to the community.
If it's a red herring and the shooting was "cold blooded", how did the officer sustain those injuries? Did he beat himself?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned, the one eyewitness has no more credibility than the officer. Perhaps less if he was a friend and has an agenda against the police.
I understand looting has taken place. That doesn't sound like peaceful protesting to me.
When are the pictures of the cops's face that was beat up going to be shown? Why not right away ? Wouldn't that have stopped the protests??????
ReplyDeleteWhen are the photos of the policeman that was beat up in his face going to be shown?? Why not right away?