Friday, August 15, 2014

Sarah Palin, and her cub Bristol, pimping a Fox News exploitation piece while doubling down on calls for a religious war with Islam.

This from Joan of the Arctic's Facebook page: 

Be sure to tune in tomorrow at 7pm ET to FOX for Greta's special on the persecution of Christians around the globe.

She then links to Bristol's ghostwritten blog, which in turn posts a video of Greta Van Susteren  promoting the Christians Under Attack special appearing on Fox tonight. (Palin also posted a video previously

Of course as we know Christians are certainly being brutalized in Iraq by the ISIL, however they are far from the only group that is being targeted and in fact they are not the ones being targeted the most aggressively.

As I wrote last Saturday, the Iraqi people under attack include not just the Christians, but the Yazidi, Turkmen, Shaback, and Kurds.

As it turns out the Yazidi were the group most in danger and the Obama administration reached out to protect them and it appears that may have been successful.

However both the Palins and Fox News seem to be actively ignoring the fact that this ISIL group is going after all kinds of groups that it finds offensive to its political and religious beliefs, and are instead focusing on the Christians in an attempt to fan Islamophobia in this country.

This is an incredibly divisive and potentially dangerous tactic as it encourages people in America to think of the conflict in Iraq not as genocide, but instead as a religious conflict in which they have a vested interest because it involves "their" religious brothers and sisters.

I swear Sarah Palin and Fox News will not be happy until American forces show up in force on Iraqi soil to beat the infidels to death with steel covered Bibles while yelling at them to repent their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.

P.S. By the way Brancy offered up a way for people to help stop the "Christian massacre in Iraq," which included prayer, giving money to a religious organization, and signing a petition started by a Christian organization.

So in other words you can help by doing everything you can think of that falls short of actual help.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Funny Sarah and Bristol don't seem to worry at all about the Christian Palestinians being killed by Israel. There has always been a large Christian population in Gaza, as well as in places like Bethlehem. They're descendants of the ORIGINAL Christians--you know, Jews, Greeks, Philistines, etc, who converted thousands of years ago. Why isn't she outraged about that?

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      The same people who want to see the US implode are the people who attack Israel. Sure, Israel has its own issues as perpetrators, but they are victims.

      Forgetting that makes you someone who supports anti=semitism.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      BINGO. And I'll bet my weight in platinum that neither will watch the program.

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Um, anon at 9:40, I'm Jewish. One can be Jewish and still not support the murder of innocent women and children and the destruction of their homes. It's a matter of being educated and not bigoted. For too long, antisemitism has been used to silence outrage and cover up one of the great crimes of our age.

    4. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Not always supporting Israel on everything does not make anyone an anti-Semite. A triple negative so it's a positive!

    5. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Sorry, but if not supporting the bombings of schools and the outright murder of children makes me an anti-semite then sign me up. BTW Israel is ONLY our ally when we hand them dollars, I didn't see any Israeli troops supporting my son in Iraq or Afghanistan. More like a welfare country than an ally and I do not want my tax dollars going to murder children.

    6. Palestinians, Arabs, in fact most natives of the Middle East are ALL semites, including native Israelis. How the term anti-semitism came to be bandied about when what they really mean is anti-Jewish beats me!

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    But it is MONTHS until Christmas. And, as far as I can tell, Christmas is alive and well. It's just in December, Sarah and Bristol, not August. Most parents are busy now getting their children ready for school: new shoes, school supplies, maybe a new schoolbag or lunchbox, some new clothes. Both Sarah and Bristol have school-age children; why are they obsessing with Christmas now?

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Well, to be fair, Christmas is their most favorite time. They frequently mention the family traditions and events.

      But I doubt they're obsessing over this on the daily. Not when they live busy lives.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Most parents are busy now getting their children ready for school: new shoes, school supplies, maybe a new schoolbag or lunchbox, some new clothes.

      Yesterday I saw a sign outside a beauty shop (D—— L——) on West Broadway, advertising: "Back to School Special—Pedicure and Brazilian $59.99"

    3. Anonymous10:31 AM

      9:39 you mean busy picking the pockets of the faux xtristians and old drooling bigots? Then yeah, they're busy. Snort.

    4. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Oops. I thought Sarah and Bristol were resuming their war on the non-war on Christmas. I guess I'm relieved that they haven't brought that up.

      Well, I'm sorry that Christians are under siege in many places, but we know they are not under attack in the US. I don't think the US can do much about the rest of the world; does Sarah want President Obama to declare war on every non-Christian country? What would be the justifiable cause for such a war: just because Sarah Palin said so?

    5. Anonymous10:35 AM


      Of course they love christmas, they are greedy little bitches that don't even realize the reason for christmas, they just see it as a reason to purchase and receive gifts, oh, and maybe go to church, just to make their presence known that one day each year.

    6. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I just heard that Trig and Tripp will both be attending Cottonwood Creek Elementary in Wasilla. How sweet is that?

    7. Anonymous10:51 AM

      9:39 AM Why don't you hire an interpreter for your comments? You must be drunk.

    8. Anonymous10:53 AM

      9:39, God told Sarah that birthdays were their favorite because they "sure love cake!". Are you off your meds? Or on different ones?

    9. Anonymous11:13 AM

      No, no the shrews are bitching about the war on "Christians" now. A little closer in they'll start ragging about the war on "Christmas", that will give mama shrew another opportunity to promote her shitty holiday book. What next whining about the war on Chris Christie or Charlie Crist??? Oh wait, Charlie is a "libtard: now so fuck him...

    10. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Anon at 10:42 am
      Yes that is sweet, it is such a rare occurrence for a Palin to actually attend school.

    11. Anonymous11:42 AM

      10:42, you really think the Palins would appreciate you telling everyone where T and T are in school every day? I know they're all a bunch of careless selfish parents, but they would have a right to be pissed.

    12. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Anon 10:42 am

      I highly doubt Tripp and Trig are going to the same school. Sarah recently revealed that Trig still wears diapers, cannot communicate, and does not eat solid foods. In other words, at six years of age he still eats baby food and can't talk. She revealed he is JUST STARTING THERAPY at six years of age! No, he won't be going to a regular school.

    13. Anonymous11:55 AM

      10:42 AM Tripp should have started school 1 year ago. Bristol continues to LIE about his actual birth date.

    14. Anonymous12:17 PM


    15. Anonymous1:04 PM


      Sarah herself posted a photo of her dropping Trig off at Cottonwood, last spring. If she didn't want people to know where her grandsons go to school then she shouldn't have posted the photo. It was pretty easy to figure out that Tripp is going there as well because their homes (the home that Todd bought Bristol and the Palin's two homes) are in the same school district, duh. Another Mom posted on her Twitter that Tripp and Trig were both enrolled at her son's school, Cottonwood Elementary. Even without the Twitter confirmation from a fellow Mom it's a no-brainer to figure out that they would attend same school, since Tripp now has to spend time in AK to have visitation with his Dad.

  3. Bill F9:13 AM

    The religious right is doing their best to destroy Christianity.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      lol anti-semitism is alive and well in the year 2014.

      Don't forget that.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Agreed. That said, the title of the piece should be, "So-Called Christians Under Attack."

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      If only we could destroy ALL religions then the world would finally know peace.

    4. Anonymous11:16 AM

      9:36, lol, why don't you just fuck off?

    5. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Anon 9:36 AM
      You wouldn't know anti-semitism if it bit you on the ass!

    6. Anonymous12:46 PM

      9:36, Do you even know what a Semite is? That would be anyone who speaks a
      Semitic language. The largest number of these speak Arabic (300 million). Please educate yourself before you stupidly "lol".

    7. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Hey, the fundy xtians have to love themselves some Israel because it is the final peg in their religious journey to heaven. I don't think a lot of Jews are down with this "xtian love" because in the final days all the Jews have to become xtian in order for the xtian fundy evangelicals to find their place in heaven. Good luck with that fundy freaks!

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Greta is a Scientologist, isn't she? I thought they only took care of their own. Sounds like Bristles is prepping for a religious conversion, and a new "career" as a Christian spokesperson. Does she even KNOW what Brancy is posting on her blog, or does she just get paid for the use of her name?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      If Bristol is a real practicing Christian, who reads the Bible and posts comments about her favorite verses, then I am Santa Claus.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      How did you know that Bristol's favorite bible book was the Book of Santa Claus?

      Santa Claus 1:1-4

      1:Thou shalt revel in the presence of the Claus and make your chimney open and welcome and clean for him on the day of the gifting and leave the milk and the cookies and the carrots for the deer that do drive his sleigh and if you don't mind you could wear that sexy number from Victoria's Secret when greeting Santa in your fireplace and maybe have a nice little treat for Santa so that you also will receive your blessed gifts in his name in the multitude that your are expecting, because Santa, in all his goodness and grace is really just a quid pro quo kind of guy.

      2: Blessed be the Santa and in the name of Rudolph and the other 7 may your Christmases always be filled more with Santa than that other guy who thinks it's all about him.

      3: Wicked are those that should not believe in the Santa and the coal shall be stuffed in your stockings upon the discovery of the unfaithful and believers in the false idols of the Christmas season (you know who I'm talking about, starts with J and thinks this is all about him)

      4: What happens in your chimney stays in your chimney; there's a reason the Mrs. doesn't ride along, m'kay.

    3. Anonymous4:20 PM


  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    This is random but just discovered something. Remember that Juneau young man who died a few years back, Bristol's friend?

    Some of his family members work for the govt in Juneau.

    Now, I know most of the girls' friends in Juneau had high connected parents and I knew of one who was friends with Sarah. But there are apparently more.

    A bunch of people miss hanging out with the family at the House there. Bristol and friends frequently reminisce about their fun days. One friend is in med school.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      WTF does that have to do with this post? Bristol's fun days in Juneau consisted of having sex all over the school and at home. That is why she was 'removed' from School with 9 month mono and sent to a relative's home to complete her Tri-g Pregnancy. Your 'random' lies about the Palins are stupid. Are you still up, ALL NIGHT TROLL?

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      You're right. That's very random. And very pointless.

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Given that the the girls were taken out of school in Juneau after only 1 semester (spring semester 2007) I doubt that they forged many long term relationships there, although Bristol did have a history with a quite a few boys in Juneau, even though she was only there a short time. BP got in really tight with some of the rich party boys, and I bet they do "frequently reminisce about their fun days", the ones that are still alive. Sadly a few lost their lives to drugs and fast cars. If some of those boats could talk, the tales they would tell...the ones that didn't get torched, that is ;-)

    4. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Well, there was Dylan Kolvig and the party boat Pacifica that mysterisously (was covered up) fire that sunk the boat. Bristol was there at that party scene and Track was there too. I also suspect that was when Bristol got pregnant with TriG.

    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      9:38, what did bristley and her skank ass friends procure their meth from that "family house"?

    6. Anonymous11:26 AM

      I was under the impression that Sarah claimed that both Bristol and Willow had received threats of being raped. That was the reason that Sarah chose not to live in Juneau, where the governor is supposed to live. In fact, Sarah used that excuse to live in her own house and charge the State of Alaska a per diem for doing so. It was an ethics violation and she had to pay it back. (I'll do what I want to until the courts tell me I can't).

      Meanwhile, back to Juneau and the threats of rape. Sarah Palin was the Governor of Alaska at that time. She did not report the threats to the school, to the local police, to the State Police. She had all of the resources of the State of Alaska available, and she never reported any rape threats.

    7. Anonymous11:33 AM

      That is all libel. Sarah and Willow both have friendships from Juneau. those girls Sarah mention studying special ed ARE FROM JUNEAU and were friends when the family lived there. You've all "met" Bristol's best friend from there.

      Sorry for the randomness but randomness doesnt' invite LIBEL and acts of viciousness from bored commenters.

      And Willow was threatened. Sarah's security EMAILED her after they checked the threat out.

    8. Anonymous11:34 AM

      The only thing that is pointless is the libel here from haters with nothing better to do than lie about these people.

    9. Anonymous11:43 AM

      That Juneau High School story was pure bullshit put out there by Sarah. It was all about moving Bristol and Willow back to the Wasilla area where they were comfortable. They were NOT in Juneau and were not doing well in school!

    10. Anonymous11:48 AM

      11:26 AM Because there were no threats of 'rape'. Bristol and Willow were 'off the hook' and gave up sex willingly around their High School. They are known to be party animals. Remember Dylan Kolvig and his father's Party Boat? Remember Willow's 'Colony Girls Gang' House Party when all of them were arrested for trespassing and major vandalism at a neighbor's house? Sarah and Todd Palin had to scurry back to Wasilla to use their influence to get Willow out of jail and her case went away. Other teens were prosecuted. What upstanding citizens those Palins are.

    11. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Trig's daddy is Dylan Kolvig.

    12. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Bristol Palin was in trouble within a few weeks of being in Juneau. She was grounded and unable to attend a few of the governor’s balls. Straight from Todd Palin’s mouth at one of the balls. Bristol was caught sneaking out of the house.

    13. Cracklin Charlie8:52 PM

      Yeah, she was "in trouble". I think they used to call it that in the olden days. Now they say "she's pregnant".

      I think she was pregnant when she got to Juneau.

    14. Cracklin Charlie9:07 PM

      Sorry, but can I add one more observation...

      Bristol has two missing time periods.

      The first was in the early spring of 2007, when Sarah took her out of school due to alleged rape threats. Sarah made up those threats, to get her pregnant daughter out of Juneau. This child, Trig, was born in late spring, 2007.

      The second missing time period is in early spring of 2008. Bristol was again removed from school, and moved to her aunt's home, to recover from mono. This removal from school would have been to cover the birth of her second child, Tripp, in April, 2008.

    15. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Charlie, you nailed it. Those are my thoughts too.

    16. Anonymous10:07 PM

      11:33 AM If what you write is true, you must be a Palin Family member. Even they don't post as much information about their lives as you do. They 'rilly' needed that RESTRAINING ORDER for your stalking ass.

    17. Anonymous10:11 PM

      The DWTS baby is hidden from the public. Track was conned into claiming that Britta was Pregnant. Kyla Grace is the DWTS baby. We might never see pictures of the Junker Baby. Bristol has been a very busy-booty. That makes 4 babies by Bristol Palin with 4 different men.

    18. @Anon 11.33 PM

      The story you are telling is the rumor Sarah had to send out after McCain's team told her they didn't have time to deal with Trig's "rill" birth certificate. If she wanted the VP slot, Bristol had to be five-months pregnant to stop the rumors.

      Oh, what was Sarah to do? To make room for Bristol to have had these two babies, she put the word out that Bristol had a preemie, supposedly, in Jan./Feb., 2008. Now, there is no proof whatsoever, none, absolutely none, that this is true.

      However, there is proof that someone (probably Bristol) in that family had a baby right around April 17, 2008. Read the e-mail from the SOA, Benefits Div., addressed to "~Gov. Palin" asking for her new child's birth certificate. They were holding claims that needed to be paid and informed Sarah they needed it within 60 days of the date of birth. The e-mail was dated May 18, 2008. Why was the paperwork in Sarah's name that allowed her to use her insurance to pay for Trig's birth? I guess Dr. CBJ would have to answer that.

      Your comment does prove that Bristol wasn't seen during this period. There were no sightings of Bristol starting the middle of February until the Palin family walked out the back door of Mat-Su with Trig on Saturday, April 19, 2008. KTUU was camped across the street and took pictures of them.

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    A while back a guy called into Stephanie Miller's show and had this simple but dead on take on Christians; "True Christians try to fix themselves and help others. Fake Christians try to help themselves and fix others."

    I thought it fit Mrs. Todd Palin and her little mini me Bristol to a T.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      PERFECT!! Thank you!

  7. Anonymous10:18 AM

    You're basically saying the words of two people actually matter. That's like saying YOUR words matter.

    What matters is Israel is a victim AND perpetrator. What matter is the middle east is unaffected by opinions of the West.

    Bristol for one calls herself an irrelevant person. She is a normal girl, who happens to be slandered by bored people, whose life revolves around her family as it always has.

    Sarah is similar, except she uses her name to bring focus to important things, like media double standards. She also highlights just how hateful the left is. ONly a hateful person could turn the positive words of one woman into negative propaganda and lie.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      10:18 AM Trolling takes up all of your time. Defending 2 Skanks who Prey upon others for money is ignorant. Don't you have something to do that would benefit you?
      Why did you drop out of High School before you learned basic English Grammar? Nothing about the Grifting Palins is Positive. You are only exposing them for what they are.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      10:18 A "normal girl" with numerous plastic surgeries, numerous illigitimate kids, a life with NO JOB, yet flies back and forth between Alaska and Arizona? How "normal" is she???

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      10:18, blah, blah, blah....

    4. Anonymous11:22 AM

      For Christ's sake, Troll, would you please take a minute and read the comments. You are using the word "slander" all wrong. You think that it means insulting people. It is a legal term that means that you said something about another person that was a lie. Even though you knew it was a lie, you said it anyway. And, your saying it caused the person harm. Criticizing Sarah and Bristol is not slander.
      Grow up and learn to read and write before commenting. Your comments show how ignorant you are. Or else, you are the one with a serious problem.

      You love words like hate, propaganda, manipulation, lies, bored and get a life. Projection much?

    5. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Is simple lipo even considered PS?

      And what people write here ARE lies about "famous" people, though who don't live as famous people.

      That is libel. You are libelous.

      And the only manipulation is written by you all.

    6. Anonymous11:38 AM

      i'm not the one who completely fabricates the lives of people I don't know. I don't presume to know anyone I've never met, unlike everyone here.

      Nor do I choose to LIKE people I don't know. I know I can't have feelings about someone I've never met, nor dislike or like them either.

      THAT is common sense.

      And the way you all defend your friends for lying speaks volumes about you.

    7. Anonymous12:00 PM

      10:18, you sound so uneducated, are you Bristol?

    8. Anonymous12:21 PM

      10:18, what the who? I read your post more than once and still don't know what you said.
      Ok, now I'm sure the troll is none other than Our Sarah Lady of the Rotten Crotch.

    9. Anonymous1:41 PM


      I'm beginning to think that perhaps English isn't your first language? Your phrasing and use of words is so very stilted and complicated and not comfortable for the reader. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just trying to figure out how a person can have such a signature style of writing that is always just a little bit "off" and a little bit "wrong" but is always consistent in its "strangeness".

    10. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I’m incredibly amused by the word salad Ms Palin/troll/wannabe. You need a brain readjustment.

    11. Anonymous2:57 PM

      OMG I have fantasies of being a wait person in a restaurant and meeting the troll and having to take her order and it would be like:

      Waiter: Hi miss, may I interest you in an appetizer? Our special is roasted feta-stuffed dates, wrapped in bacon.

      Troll: I don't presume to know anything about the bacon-wrapped date appetizer therefore I cannot LIKE it or can find reason to find fault with it and because I'm mature and try not to ever be a hater I will order that and be mature and eat it even if I presume to NOT LIKE it or even KNOW what is in it and just, despite what my vast and effervescent COMMON SENSE tells me, eat it and be happy and positive and mature and never, ever be a hater and judge something I know nothing about.

      Waiter: Okay, then. I'm almost afraid to ask what you'd like to drink....

      Troll: Water, please.

    12. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Bristol is not a "girl", she's a woman, an adult. It's time she started acting like one. Her mother, also, too.

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Hey Bristle, why don't you enlist and go fight your own phony fucking war.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Haters be hat in

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Grown adults here cannot handle being nice. Though writing "grown adults" is presumptive.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM


      So what kind of "hat" do haters wear? Very curious to know, thanks in advance :-)

    4. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Do you post similar comments over at the PeaPond? Sure not very nice over there. Do you inform $arah that she is not very nice? We've got six years of her bad-mouthing bullshit as evidence that she's not very nice but her evil mouth passes your 'nice' test?

      Hmm, I think you're just another one of those 'do as I say not as I do people'. Like Palin and her mini-me.

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You know, the Anti-Christ Bitch and her hypocritical whelp need to shut it.
    I am sick of their poison. Whoever has the goods on this woman needs to grow a pair and publish what they know.
    M from MD

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I miss the good old days when we would just throw them to the lions.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Sarah and Bristol have been thrown to the wolves by many across the country. We don't need to worry about either of them having much influence anywhere anymore! Yea!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Christians looooooooove to feel persecuted! They really get off on it. Not the ones who really are being persecuted, of course. I mean the publicly pious, phony ones (like Sarah and Bristol Palin).

  12. Anonymous11:05 AM

    WTF?? Greta is a fucking scientologist...

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      But her viewers are Christians. She has also tagged along with Franklin Graham's charity, Samaritan's Purse. Yes, both Greta and her scientologist husband, John Coale, the guy who set up Sarah's illegal defense fund and her PAC.

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      11:18, Greta was among the people who got massively ripped off by a fellow Scientologist who turned into a ponzi schemer. I know the guy, and as soon as I get to know him better I want to congratulate him.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Has anyone noticed that Graham hasn't carted Palin around in his private plane in Alaska since they went to a village and delivered Sarah's supposed home made cookies - because the 'first people' of Alaska were hungry?

      Do you think he has realized what a fraud she is as to her supposed Christian faith? He assuredly knows she is not living the truth of the holy word!

    4. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Greta's viewers are too stupid to find out that she is a Scientologist. If they read it, they'd be too lazy to find out what it means.

    5. Anonymous1:15 PM

      11:38, she probably made a pass at him in hopes of getting her paws on some of that graham grifty $$.

    6. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Graham took Sarah and Bristol to Haiti for a photo Op.

    7. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Haiti, 12/13/10, Palins with Graham's Samaritans Purse.

      This photo shows a scarfed, baggy-shirted, and mysteriously plump Bristol. Dancing with the Stars Season 11 had just ended 3-weeks ago. Just look how she cradles that muffin top in her clasped hands...things that make ya go, hmmmm.?.?

    8. Anonymous3:37 PM

      2:44 Surely those Christians could all see that Bristol was pregnant? Wonder what they thought?

      A scarf in Haiti! Why didn't Sarah and Todd just allow Bristol to stay home? Wasn't it enough that they forced who to look ridiculous at the RNC?

      I guess not.

      What do these people think? Is it part of that "if we tell the lie often enough, it will become true" syndrome. "If we pretend that she's not pregnant, no one in the group will notice?

    9. Anonymous5:57 PM

      11:38, the only reason Franklin Graham would give Sarah Palin the boot would be if he thought she was costing him contributions. When it comes to being a fake Christian, he's an even bigger fraud than she is, because he does it for a living. It's just a sideline for her.

    10. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Bristol was too stupid to refuse to go along with the pregnancy coverups.

  13. Caroll Thompson11:11 AM

    I think old Sarah and her mini me are getting ready to fleece the church goers. They have fleeced all they can from politics and now they need a new source of suckers to send them money.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I bet you are right on the money!

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Honestly, after her "Baptism / Waterboarding" comment, I would hope even they have gotten her number.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      What is so funny is that in this 2010 interview Ben Barber, one of Bristol's ex paramours, opines on the relationship between Bristol and her parents and states that they've never had a very good relationship. Why, in these last few years has Bristol become a christian carbon copy of her Mother? Why is she doing Palin's bidding? I know Sarah and Todd provided the mortgage for her home and paid to remodel her fixer-upper. Could that be it? She's financially beholden to them and now has to help mommy in her crusade for christ? I don't get it. If I was Bristol I'd just write a tell-all about my fucked up family, make a few million of my own and be done with those idiots. Somehow though, they have her under their thumb and she is riding the rails as their own good little small "c" christian soldier.

  14. Anonymous11:14 AM

    And yet no word about the Sikh's and the Muslims that have been attacked and murdered in the USA.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Why can't you get it thru your head that a lot of us here are Atheist or Non-Deist or Agnostic. We see religion as the root of all evil and the cause of ALL of the strife and wars for the last thousands of years. None of it surprises us and none of it will stop until religion is as dead and disproven as alchemy.

      Myself at least, stop asking ME to care about any of this, because really I don't. These people have made a choice to choose sides through aligning with their various cults, and it's costing them their lives and the lives of those they love. Next month, those that are being killed will most likely be those that are killing the others. It's a vicious circle of fairy tales, and sky fairies and superstition; so sad that people let it rule their lives and lead to their demise.

      Enlightenment and education are the only way out of this vicious circle. I hold hope that one day a new society will be born out of the ashes of the bonfire of all of the world religions.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Thanks, Anon 1:52!

  15. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Screw Sarah Palin! She's the least practicing Christian in Alaska and Arizona!

    Should I review all the things where she has not followed the Christian teachings? Let's begin w/the fact she has not been a faithful wife, pregnant before married with another man's child, lies, begs for others money, has been a horrible mother (should we review all the kids?), unethical, blames others for everything, doesn't recognize what a failure and stupid idiot she is, a quitter and has zero work ethic.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      11:34 And those are her GOOD qualities!

  16. Anonymous11:42 AM

    It is frightening just how many, if it's even multiple people, here are so ignorant, judge to hastily, concoct lies so freely, and hate so easily.

    And to the ones who provide your libelous take on Juneau teens, who are 7 years older and actually WORKING instead of trashing people like you all, grow up.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Sure, the ones that aren't dead from fast cars and drug overdoses have found their way and have jobs and careers, most successful and wealthy people make damn sure that their kids will follow them educationally and career wise. Now if only one of those Palin kids could run for Mayor, perhaps he or she could follow in Mommy's footsteps, ya know, like other accomplished families do, create a dynasty....oh, never mind, I digress.

      From what you say, many of them have actual college degrees, good for them. They must be so proud of their friends, Willow and Bristol, with their 6-month beauty school certificates. Recent college grads talking beauty school with the girls that used to party with them on the boat...must be fun times indeed. Talk about two different worlds!

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      11:42 AM You don't know anybody in Juneau, so fuck off, Troll. You post more information(false) about the Palins than the Palins do, themselves. You are anxious to get into Bristol's panties, Pervert. Show up in Wasilla or Scottsdale, and see if you are welcome.

  17. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Right now, there is a group of people who are discriminated against on a regular basis. They are singled out by the police for traffic stops or for just walking down the street. Yes I am talking about Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Graner and every other person of color who is singled out for brutally bad treatment. The police (or wannabe police) would not treat a white person the same way. Read some of The comments written by Sarah's fans. Two days ago, they were cheering for the police-dressed-as-commandos, telling them to mow all of "those people" down with their tanks and their guns.

    Their hate does not stop with young black men. It is racist and it applies to all people of color, lumped together and given the stereotype of being on welfare and taking all of the hard earned money from the racists posting the comments. Their hatred extends to President Obama, Michelle, their daughters, Eric Holder and other minorities.

    There are as many white people using food stamps as blacks. One of Sarah's biggest fans is a Food Stamp King. We are paying for his medical care, his social security and his VA benefits with our taxes. But the hatred only works in one direction, and since he is white, no one is offended that he is receiving government hand outs.

    Sarah has not commented about a local government that buys military grade weapons to use to assault people who have the right to assemble. Sarah is talks about commonsense conservative constitutional rights, but those rights didn't seem to apply to the people in Ferguson. While she and Bristol are promoting a movie with the theme of Liberty (her description), she fails to notice that the liberty of citizens in Missouri is taken away from them and abused.

    If Sarah wants to promote a TV special about Christians under attack, maybe she should think about the Fox slogan of being "fair and balanced." Fair and Balanced would mean looking at all religious groups who are under attack, because antisemitism is alive and well in Europe. We really don't treat Muslims with the same respect in this country. They wanted to build a mosque in New York, and it was too close to the site of the former World Trade Center for some people. If a person chooses not to follow a religion, that is not accepted, either. As long as there is a serious problem with racism and discrimination in this country, I'm not going to worry about a Christian minister trying to practice his faith in a Muslim country. We have enough problems here at home that deserve far more attention than getting some ratings for Greta and some Facebook likes for Sarah and Bristol. They are a well coordinated tag team of self-promotion.

  18. Anonymous11:44 AM

    ... a conscienceless, amoral, shameless, and ignorant chucklehead stirring the pot of lethally intolerant religious zealots to get more money and attention. That's our Sarah.

  19. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The idea that Bristol cares one iota about anything remotely political or societal is just so ludicrous I literally don't have words to articulate just HOW ludicrous it is.

    Sarah is pimping Bristol, and Bristol is glossing up that collagen'd trout mouth and parading up and down the ho stroll with vigor, letting her name and image be used for any of Nancy's dunderheaded diatribes as well as Sarah's "let's get the last of the P'pers rill riled up so they'll send me their grocery money" screeds.

    And look for nancy, the woman who requested "a black child" rather than "any child who needs a home" when she adopted her daughter, to have ALL the answers on the racial unrest in Missouri. She will no doubt spew the most ignorant claptrap possible on "Bristol's" blog...and anytime anyone calls her on her blatant racism, she feigns innocence: "I can't be racist, I have a black daughter!"

    I swear, sometimes I'm positive the only reason she adopted that child was so she could have racism plausible deniability at the ready.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      You mean Bristol "I shoot a tree" Palin? Come on now, she's the voice of a generation (well, the generation that will be living in their parent's basements until their mid-30's) but still, she's a voice, and not only a voice, but a dancer as well, an abstinent dancer with an illegitimate baby and a new face! That girl has cred!

      I guess as far as Nancy French goes, she's just a fundy puppet, getting her daily cunnilingus from the great Jesus himself and always screaming for more, more, more...brainwashed, stupid, and unaware of how ill-suited she is for life in the "normal world".

      I feel for these people, I really do, in fact, nothing makes me more sad than to see a "brain on Jesus", but they seem to make out fine fleecing their own, a Ponzi scheme for Jesus, so be it. A disgusting confederacy of disgusting idiots, brainwashed, hence, brain-dead. A mutual masturbation society of jesus freaks. They always fear being "left behind" but ya know what, that's exactly what is happening to them right now. It's not happening fast enough for my taste, but at least it's happening.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I would love it if someone asked Bristol about something she supposedly wrote on her blog. I truly doubt she's ever read it.

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sometimes I think you should just block all the troll comments, as that would likely accelerate Palin's collapse. It seems like Sarah and Bristol, maybe Willow too, spend a large part of their day commenting here. I think you should shut that down and then watch the meltdown when they can't post their garbage rebuttals here.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:30 PM

      I vote no. If the troll comments here are what they seem to be, aren't they maybe a little glimpse inside the meltdown, so to speak? I'll admit that laughing at the trolls is my guilty pleasure, and I have so few of those these days.

      Besides, if Gryphen doesn't cover it, where would we watch the meltdown? It's not like anyone else is rushing out to cover Sarah Palin anymore.

      Thanks, Gryphen, for hours of information and entertainment.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      I don't believe in censorship. After being banned from Brancy's blog, I used discus, and a few of my posts showed up. "You Rock" "You're awesome", but when I mentioned her mom making a fool of herself on the channel, poof, I'm an outcast again. I'm with CC. the troll posts DO show the extent of their illness almost better than anything sarah or nanctol post.

    3. Anonymous5:32 AM

      I'm Anonymous 1:05 PM
      I wasn't suggesting censorship Anita, didn't think of it that way. You & Charlie have good points.
      I thought blocking the trolls would make Sarah's head explode and that would be quite entertaining.

      And without access to IM, Palin would have to post her responses on Facebook/YouTube. Which would show more people her vile, crazy behavior.

  21. Anonymous1:20 PM

    10:33- there were just as many photos of Palestinians cheering the deaths of Israelis. This is the problem-- stop demonizing one side or another. There is fault on both sides and extremists on both sides. ALL Israelis were not cheering, just like ALL Palestnians weren't!
    This division and demonization and lack of education of both sides of the conflict is the real problem and it's why I'm not hopeful there will ever be a solution!!

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      You are right, there will never be a resolution. I simply wish that America was not involved, I wish we didn't enable Israel with our tax dollars. I wish that we would cut them off financially and diplomatically and let them fight it out, to the bloody, bitter end, without any involvement from us.

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    OT For those of you who are brave enough to venture over to C4P, scroll down a little and enjoy the fun. Some of Sarah's devoted fans have not paid the subscription fee to be able to read and comment at Sarah's new channel (website). They will be happy to support her run for president (if she runs). They quote VG who believes in the free exchange of ideas. He doesn't want to have to pay to join. What's interesting is that Food Stamps Pete, the guy whose food bills are paid for by our taxes -- he posts material from SPC. Apparently, he has the money for a subscription. Seriously, Pete, pay for your own chocolate covered peanuts.

  23. Anonymous3:51 PM

    In other news, Palin has put the Kiss of Death to Joe Miller's Senate run:

  24. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Texas Gov Rick Perry indicted. Sarah Palin Curse?

  25. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Watch out Sarah, you be next.

    Texas Governor Rick Perry indicted for abuse of power.

    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for allegedly abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption — making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state's first indicted governor in nearly a century.

    A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit run by the office of Travis County Democratic District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. Lehmberg was convicted of drunken driving, but refused Perry's calls to resign.

    Perry's general counsel, Marry Anne Wiley, defended the governor's action.

    "The veto in question was made in accordance with the veto authority afforded to every governor under the Texas Constitution," she said. "We will continue to aggressively defend the governor's lawful and constitutional action, and believe we will ultimately prevail."

  26. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Solution: KILL RELIGION...have a nice weekend :).

  27. Anonymous4:56 PM

    This is such a great day. So far, I have read two reviews of the movie, "The Giver," and it gets a measly 2 stars out of 4. It is also described as the mainstay of middle school reading. I hope that Bristol was able to understand the little that she read of the book.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:44 PM

    Wow, from the mouths of the mother, daughter and holy ghostwriter! I kind of feel badly for mini me (Bristol Palin-Palin). She's under Mommy's thumb because she gives her nice things and money while praising her for her fierce independence and what a great mom she is and whatsnots. What a twisted, sick mom/daughter dynamic.
    Of course Madame French, Bristol's alter ego, offers suggestions to help that every christian should heed. Like the famoose chistmas song goes "a child, a child, shivers in the cold, let us bring him silver and gold" Ehhh, he didn't lose his atm card, he's cold, bring him flannel jammies and blankets.
    There's a riot over militarized police hitting peaceful protesters with tear gas and who knows what else, because and armed white police officer shot a black teen with his arms in the air in surrender, and left said teen in the street for four hours to die.
    No mention at all on her blog? Wonder what her "jesus" and her "god" recommend when someone's second amendment rights are taken away at the busy ends of loaded weapons? Instead "The takers" are reviewing a book/movie called "the givers".

    What's wrong with this picture??

  29. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I cannot imagine any sane person taking anything S. Palin says seriously, let alone, her under educated, barely GED, inexperienced, and naive offspring!! What hubris ale are they drinking to imagine that either one of them has anything of substance to say about any topic other than the color of their nails or shoes, or what cosmetic surgery to have next?

  30. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I felt so much genuine empathy and sympathy for Bristol when she was introduced on the stage of the RNC in 2008, as I'm sure most of us did. What with that god-awful dress she was made to wear to make her look pregnant when she was most likely post-partum and breast-feeding, with the fact that her mother felt it necessary to proclaim her daughter's current "pregnancy" to the ends of the earth to "prove" her own earlier "pregnancy," and with her boyfriend having been practically kidnapped by helicopter from Alaska and forced into engagement, probably at gunpoint, knowing the Palins, she was a very sympathetic figure. When Bristol made her statement that abstinence "is not realistic at all," I thought, how refreshing for her to publicly disagree with her mother. But I'm sure the shit hit the fan big time in their house, because shortly thereafter she had to walk back that statement. How could she stand up to Sarah, when most of Alaska was cowed by her? I don't think she wanted to be on DWTS either, but she had her arm twisted by that conniving mother of hers who, I'm sure, planted visions of mountains of cash in her head.

    Now she is an adult, however, and she can make some independent decisions if she wants to. She can choose to come clean and tell the story of "Life with Sarah" to explain the multiple pregnancies and what is was like to be so totally under her mother's thumb. This would be a legitimate best seller, for sure, if she told the truth. She has been struggling under the domination of this dangerously narcissistic mother for so long, but that domination could be shattered to smithereens if she would just decide to be the independent person that she has not been allowed to be. She would gain my admiration, and that of so many others, I'm sure, if she could buck her mother. It's not too late, Bristol!

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      I lost all sympathy for Bristol when she gave the big middle finger to all those haters that disagree with her dear mommy on national television. That one statement says it all-she is an evil, nasty, trashy person like her mother.

      As for the war on Christians-weren't they complaining a couple a weeks ago about housing children coming over the border, they are also Christians yet they want them deported immediately. Guess they only care about Christians that are thousands of miles away, not the one in their own backyard, which they could really help-bunch of hypocrites!!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.