Sunday, August 03, 2014

Despite attempts to change her brand, Sarah Palin will forever simply be a kook.

Courtesy of Forbes: 

The previously unknown Alaska governor quickly became a new breed of working mother. A strong conservative woman. An unlikely but believable candidate to shatter the glass ceiling. A rallying force for the Tea Party and other right-wingers. A maverick, a rebel, a politician unafraid of speaking her mind—and who cared if it was uninformed or inappropriate? 

With John McCain (who is so not a kook that I can’t understand how his brand ever got commingled with Her Kookiness, because brands are judged by the company they keep), she tried her best to give Obama a run for his money and earn that erstwhile place a heartbeat away from the famous 3 a.m. phone call. When that didn’t work out, she traded politics for much-more-lucrative punditry and remained a force that shaped the American conversation, for better or worse. 

Last week she launched the online Sarah Palin Channel. “Join us as we discuss the great issues of the day and work toward solutions,” it says on the site, which includes posts ranging from her mother’s Word of the Day to a video called “The Truth About the War in Israel.” Even with this new development, Palin is in danger of becoming irrelevant, a punch line, a blooper in the historical record. 

That’s the danger of choosing kook as part of your personal brand. It gets attention, but it has an inherently limited shelf life. Eventually the novelty, controversy and “maverickness” of it wear off, then you have to amp it up and do something even kookier in order to remain in the public consciousness.

The author goes on to list a few of Palin's kookier moments, and then sums it up thusly:  

Thirty years ago, Geraldine Ferraro cracked the glass ceiling with dignity and grace, and she remains positively regarded by many Americans, whether or not they shared her politics. Her respectable brand endured, and she didn’t become a historical punch line. For 20 years, Hillary Clinton has been chipping away at it, making more cracks even as she endured scandals and cruel judgments. 

But the latest woman who was poised to reinvent American politics is now just coming off as cracked. Forget the ceiling. She needs a quick brand reinvention just to pick herself off the floor.

Oh yeah, I love reading things like this from what is ostensibly a conservative magazine about  Granny Grifter, and knowing that the rest of the world has finally come around to seeing Palin as most of us have all along. As a talentless political opportunist, with the ethics of a street hooker, and the intelligence of a garden slug.

At this point Palin really cannot do anything to repair her reputation, and the choices she IS making only further demonstrate her lack of credibility and her inability to participate in an actual conversations about politics or world events.

The woman has now become so frightened of being called out for her ignorance, that she is reduced to filming uninformed soliloquies where there is no one to correct, criticize, or request clarification from her. (And you know there is somebody who goes through those comments for her so that she is never confronted with a negative response to the stupid things that she says.)

She is like the woman who tries on a two piece bathing suit in the mirror, deems herself breathtaking, yet lacks the courage to wear it on the beach for fear of hearing a dissenting point of view.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Stop making fun of our former Goober-ner Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I like that.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You NAILED it Gryphen !!!

    1. F U McCain5:58 PM

      knowing that the rest of the world has finally come around to seeing Palin as most of us have all along. As a talentless political opportunist, with the ethics of a street hooker, and the intelligence of a garden slug.


      Bravo, Sir! That is "Our Sarah!"

    2. Cckids8:22 PM

      That's pretty unfair to streetwalkers. Most of them are working by necessity, and try to give value for money.

      In what way does that remind anyone of Palin??

    3. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Good point! She doesn't even qualify for that job, not to mention that it would be too much work and she would quit.

  3. the Stinking Sack of Shit Palin channel

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    It is so 'far waaaay past time' that Sarah Palin's tongue be deleted and/or her mouth sewn shut!

    America is sick to death of hearing from the idiot!

    Anyone noticing that her new website is failing? Nothing positive about it or her are being written anywhere! In fact, the nation media is drumming her down! Yea!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Palin's Truman Show has already taken it's first hiatus! Nothing new in a few days

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      @1:23 Maybe they are getting some therapy for Trig. Other idea? Bringing Willow and Bristol back to Arizona for refresher courses?

    3. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Holy Crap!!
      How many energy drinks did you have before typing that?

    4. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Anonymous10:18 PM
      Holy Crap!!
      How many energy drinks did you have before typing that?
      Hey HOLY I don't drink that crap. Maybe you're Idil does but not me.

    5. Anonymous10:05 AM

      In colle

    6. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I have not watched tv since I was in college & I listen to npr & Kpfa

    7. Anonymous11:44 AM

      My college-age daughter only listens to NPR. She has a good her on her shoulders,

    8. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I see that now that she pumped that junker baby out she's showing off again.

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM

    She's done.

    1. As Mr. B would say, "Stick a fork in him/her, s/he's done."

      Of course, he typically says that about professional athletes or politicians, folks with more meat on their bones to receive the fork tines. With $arah, the sensation would be more like sticking a fork in an electrical outlet.

      So let's not, and say we did...

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      sparkle pony's done shot her wad ...

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      You all have been saying "she's done" for years. Yet she stll stands, more popular than ever. Suck on that haters.

    4. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I think that "popular" doesn't mean what you think it means.

    5. Anonymous3:06 PM

      We "all" have been saying she's done for years because it was simply unbelievable that the anyone, anywhere would listen to her much less pay her any of their hard earned money. She is standing only because someone behind the scenes is propping her up. She's not standing on her own. "More popular than ever"? Where is she popular? Who is she popular with? Is the $9.95 per month cheaper to fake subscribers to her new website than it was to buy hundreds of thousands of her "followers" on Facebook and Twitter? If so, then the charade can go on for awhile but that doesn't mean that she's popular. Or listened to or most of all, respected.

    6. Anonymous3:15 PM

      2:41: you're the one sucking...

    7. Anonymous3:37 PM

      She was done in politics the minute she quit her elected position. Since then it's been a fun train wreck to watch.

    8. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Anonymous2:41 PM

      You all have been saying "she's done" for years. Yet she stll stands, more popular than ever. Suck on that haters.
      Suck on a dick brissie, hear you pretty good at that job...

    9. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Hey troll...YOU suck it. That stupid bitch lost (in her mind) to a better person, the way it's supposed to happen. Most of the world can't stand this idiot but she HAS become the global standard and symbol for stupid politicians (The Australian Sarah Palin and so on). Aren't you proud? What an accomplishment!

  6. Balzafiar12:25 PM

    “Join us as we discuss the great issues of the day and work toward solutions,”

    OK, Sarah, let us begin. Where is Trig's birth certificate? We want to see it.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Sarah's website hasn't changed for a day or so. So much for the great issues of the day and working for solutions. Ms. Political Analyst missed the Sunday talk shows, the escalation of events in the Middle East, the toxic water in Ohio. Maybe Sarah is busy living her life vibrantly so she can post a video of her pretending to do some "rod and reeling."

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I want to see the contents of her refrigerator again.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Sarah Palin proves once AGAIN (as to her website - 2:06 p.m.) that she is lazy, inept and a friggin' fraud!!! Why is anyone surprised?

    4. Anonymous9:10 PM

      How about a HS diploma from sarah. Did she graduate? Forget about the Birth thingy....she may never have graduated from HS,

    5. Anonymous9:57 AM

      that would be Todd the pimp that forgot to graduate. Simple Sarah took a few college courses so she has some kind of paper saying she qualified to enter.

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Sarah's Pay Me Blog will not last long.

    She is too dumb, lazy and drugged up to put in the required work.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Sarah Payme's thought process: there are 100 million households in Merika. 33% of them think Obama should be impeached, so they think just like ME. Half of them AT LEAST want to hear what I have to say on everything. That's 33 million times $10!!!!!!! I just have to do this stupid "TV" thing for a month, and I'm set for life!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Everyone who goes to her fucked up blog better check their computer for HERPES!
      Heard someone got a bad virus there like Ebola for computers....just saying don't go there.

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    You know things are bad when even VG over at C4P says he won't sign up because he doesn't need to support her "business Venture" but of coarse he would gladly show her the money if she runs for President! And he is not the only one, most of them are admitting to not buying it on the grounds of they can't afford it and maybe just maybe they are slowly getting a reality check so they are withholding their checks, although stupid knows no bounds also too.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Someone offered to pay VG's subscription if he couldn't afford it. He declined. The Pee's think that this is the beginning of Sarah's run for president. Yes, restricting your audience to the few people left who love you is a good way to run for president.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      If the 12:29 comment had been pro-Palin the regulars here would be all up in arms about the bad grammar. You are all a bunch of hateful hypocrites.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Someone on her fb page admitted they couldn't afford it, the next person commented if you're poor you don't deserve a subscription, oh well, there goes all for one and one for all..smh

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      12:29, go take a few quaaludes bristle.

    5. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Aw, @2:44 - Still hurt because you're functionally illiterate? It's not too late to get an education! We support you going back to school no matter how old you are!

    6. Anonymous5:27 PM

      2:44 PM, no we are SMART. You'd just like to rewrite history, wouldn't you, but she's even worse today than she was five years ago. Peddle it to Breitbart commenters, they're as dumb as you.

    7. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Then they better with hold their money from Scampac! how do they justify "private jets"?
      How. And all the plastic surgery she gets. The penis pants cost a fucking fortune and that fug yellow leather rag looks like something out of that movie BC with raquel welch.

  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    When Palin ran for VP in 2008, many drooled at her ability to attract a crowd. She had "it," whatever it was that made people like Karl Rove and Chris Matthew drool. If Palin had remained as Governor of Alaska, she could have been a contender.

    There turned out to be a couple of problems. The first problem was obvious as soon as Sarah gave an interview to Katie Couric. Actually, there were several segments filmed, walking past the UN, sitting in a studio while Palin had note cards in her lap. Check the video as check looks down at them in her lap and shuffled through them. Palin was dumb and she could not answer simple questions. What Supreme Court decision would people in Alaska always remember as wrong-- Exxon Valdez!

    Another fault that Palin had (and still has) is that she is not a team player. She was elected by running against the Alaska establishment. She couldn't follow the advice and directions from the McCain campaign. Those people had a lifetime as political analysts and managers. Sarah thought that she knew better. Michigan was lost, but Sarah wanted to return there and waste time and campaign resources. Not smart. Not even rogue. Stupid.

    Karl Rove said, when Palin quit her job as governor, that she should take some time off and read some books, study, learn, write a serious book about policy positions. He admired her charisma and the way that she easily connected with people-- and they connected with her. Karl had already shaped one empty suit with the same easy charm. He knew what he was talking about. Sarah was tone deaf to his message. She did not quit for political advantage. She quit to make money.

    For a while Palin did make money, millions on a cheesy book deal and making cheesy appearances on Fox. She got $100,000 to deliver the same old speech which she never bothered to learn. She would lose her place, try to find it in her notes, and ramble on. In a few years, Sarah became more manic, more uncontrolled, more rogue, more wacko, more unhinged. It's hard to keep up an act when there never was any substance there.

    Some of the things that Palin had going for her was her Right to Life position, Family Values and Trig, the DS child who became her son and badge of honor. How sad it is to learn that Trig has not had any therapy in the first 6 years of his life. Sarah is not associated with any of the DS organizations, who would have seen through her act in a minute. Sarah claimed to have read everything that she could when she learned about Trig's DS. She missed the part about the most important years being 0-3 for providing therapy for the child to realize his full potential. This is more than just being rogue, a kook or cute. This negligence. This is child abuse. It is the same as failing to feed and clothe Trig. And Sarah was stupid enough to say it in a video on her new show off pay per view tv channel which is really just another website or blog.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Alaska's Children Protection Agency needs to haul Sarah and Todd's asses off to jail. They have proven to be horrible parents time and time again throughout the years.

      Especially in regard to the DS kid! Is he even Sarah and Todd's birth child? Too many things out there that indicate NOT. DNA testing should be done. Release of the birth certificate needs to be done - adoptive parents perhaps? Who really are the birth parents of this poor, poor DS kid that will not amount to much due to the poor care he's been provided by the Palin?

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Sarah and Todd elected to be named as the public parents of Trig. It would be nice to know who Trig's birth parents are. If they never signed over official custody of him to Sarah and Todd, I see a court case that will be messier than the custody hearing coming up between Levi and Bristol. Hmmmmmm For the past 6 years, Sarah has been parading Trig around as if she actually gave birth to him, so she is at least partially responsible for his present care-- which seems to be less than minimum.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I've thought a lot about how Trig became increasingly impaired. I had an aunt with Down’s who was born in 1932. Then most mothers did nurse their babies. My mother said there was never any problem with solids because my grandmother nursed her until she could eat solids. Nursing is nature’s way to work the muscles necessary for properly eating solids. Palin said she was nursing Trig during the VP race. Yet, it was obvious this wasn’t true as bottles were seen in many photos and Trig left to Alaska at one point as she was so far behind in the run up to the debates she had to be sequestered. No committed to nursing mother would bottle feed a 5-month old baby if she considered continuing nursing, and the obvious distance put between Palin and her baby definitely was the end of nursing. It seems Palin could have been a more genuine mother to this very compromised little boy than she was. Anyone familiar with Down’s saw this immediately. The right to lifers have their own agendas and they were willing to overlook her poor parenting and obvious lies to progress their own agenda. Shame, shame, shame on all of them. We who have lived and live with our Down’s loved ones actually don’t need Sarah Palin’s support. She does not come close in parenting with genuine love, affection and joyous ambition for them as most who love and care for their Down’s family members.

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      No fucking way TRi-G was able to latch on to breaast and suck swallow and breathe.
      No fucking way.
      Brillow may have been pumping breast milk and infusing down a feeding tube though when he was in the nicu for months

    5. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Maybe this is a good time to reopen the speculation about another little DS baby, the one born with a ruffled ear. He was cuddled by Mercede, Bristol and Levi. He was clearly loved. He also looked quite frail. A mysterious person left comments under the name, "Me Again," comments which described a very premature special needs child born in February 2008. He was seen wearing a "Mommy's Little Valentine" T-shirt, so that puts it as early Feb.2008, maybe even a little earlier. If Ruffles never made it due to really serious jalth issues, the boy were are looking at may have been adopted to replace him-- and he never filled anyone's heart as much as little Ruffles did. Maybe it's time to reopen the discussion about Ruffles, if he was a different child and what happened to him. The current Trig does not deserve to be treated the way he is-- namely not receiving any therapy, having a stupid story read to him over and over for the last 2 or 3 years. By now, the reader should be interacting with Trig, asking him to point out the fish and count them. Sarah is a lousy mother.

    6. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Did BreitFart kick her ass to the curb also,too?

    7. Cracklin Charlie9:49 PM

      The current Trig and "Ruffles" are the same child.

      Trig is Ruffles.

      And Sarah is a lousy mother.

    8. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Don't forget that there is a baby picture of Trig with a feeding tube visible.

  10. The Screechy Wretch(tm) "is in danger of becoming irrelevant, a punch line, a blooper in the historical record. "

    In danger of becoming??? Yo, dog, that ship sailed so long ago that two other ships pulled in, got refitted with fancier trappings to attract a more upscale clientele, sailed, came back to port, took on a whole new crew and sailed again since she became undeniably and irretrievably irrelevant, a punchline, a blooper and a rapidly aging boil on the buttocks of the Republican Party!

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM



    2. Anonymous2:52 PM


    3. Suze Q3:27 PM

      Good one, Mr. Conehead! Boil on the buttocks, indeed.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    This post made my day! Finally the rest of the world now knows what old seditious sarah is all about, free money, expanding the pocketbook of her pac, nothing more nothing less, just send her some god damn money!!!! BWAHAHAHA fuck off seditious sarah, so enjoying your final swirl..

  12. Palin is a coward. Facebook, twitter, Fox, no questions she hasn't seen before interviews and now a pay wall.
    I love the quiet now. . . . .

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I agree 12:42! And, she's done it all to herself! Cracks me up! No more Sarah!!!! This last idea of hers is flunking miserably! No more seey, sista Sarah!!!! Americans could not be happier.

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    She's squeezed every last penny and drop out of her suckers.

    Was watching a CNN interview of Glenn Beck and it showed the professionalism in a special studio that gives his viewers lots of material and discussion. He doesn't use his family as bait to get viewers.

    Sarah fishes all right. She's a fisher of men who will pay. She baits them with her kids and special props to sound folksy and charming.

    Sarah, these old tricks are NOT working anymore.

    For 24/7 exposure, Sarah will have to confess.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Yep, I would sign up for her flunky website in a second if she was going to tell the real story of Trig. That's where the real money is for Sarah. You hear that, Sarah?

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    John McCain will never admit publicly his folly in bringing the Wasilla dingbat to the attention of the world, but we know he must pull his hair out in private. SP just gets more and more outrageous. Does anyone know how to get her to STFU?

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      I sometimes wonder does John enjoy looking at the Belmonts? Maybe it is her brojazzled truckers caps that wind his clock.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Let me think - - - - - - -um - - - - - - - - -um ------- got one hell of an idea!!!!!

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I say, "Let her keep on talking." Sarah is her own worst enemy. Until she posted that video, I guessed that Trig did not get therapy but Sarah confirmed it. Sarah admitted that she didn't belong to a DS organization. (They would see right through her). When she posted that video of her cutting up the Thanksgiving turkey (through its spine) she proved that she did not know which end of the turkey was up. Keith Olbermann had it right. That woman is an idiot. If Sarah is silent, we only think that she is an idiot. When she speaks or posts another video, we have proof of it.

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    That was a prettey vicious remark about innocent little garden slugs. They have to be pretty smart, since they are impossible to eradicate. Oh wait.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Garden slugs breed fast unlike politicians who Oh wait.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    What "brand?" She is--and always will be--a dumb fucking moron through and through. There is no changing that.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      You betcha!!

      wink wink

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Anon at 1:56PM
      She hasn't winked in 4 yrs , too much botox.

  17. But wait, if she is a no show in the msm for a few days ppl will miss her and beg for a showing. Watch some fool will say they wish sarah would post something, anything because he/she missed her.

    I really don't know why when their are many, many more kooks, the same or kookier) in the gop to choose.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Michelle Bachman is as much a mess as is Sarah Palin! Only thing is Michelle is smarter and more experienced as to the political scene.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      There will always be another nutcase from the Republican Party or the Tea party, declaring that the earth is flat, that carbon dioxide is good for you, that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and there is no point in studying history because it's all in the Bible. Maybe Joni will castrate a pig for us. Maybe Boehner will mistake the bottle with his fake tan for his whiskey and we won't see him after the explosion.

  18. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Kook! what a cut-low perfect term for Ms. Palin. Kook. I love it.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I think that "kook" describes someone a little off, wacko, harmlessly crazy. Sarah is dangerous. She has never gotten over losing in 2008. She grows nastier and more angry with each post. Bitter, vain, jealous, deeply disturbed. That's not being a "kook." She is dangerous.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      1:58 I totally agree with you. While having her called a "kook" is fun, it distracts from the real issue which is that she is dangerous. I'm certain that Hilter was labeled a kook by some; unfortunately we saw how that one turned out. Charismatic, angry, insane people are VERY dangerous. Fortunately Sarah's stupidity seems to have neutralized her potential, but I still don't like being that close to a possible disaster for humanity.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      1:58 PM
      Yeah, I agree with you. Sarah is "bitter, vain, jealous, deeply disturbed" ... and "she is dangerous".

      I'll go further though and say I don't want to see her just fade into the sunset or snow bank, I want to see somebody come out with the truth about her so that she's so embarrassed, so humiliated and so trapped by the truth that she won't have any choice but to plead guilty and disappear. She's done too much damage to the country and to innocents - think Tucson.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      There is NO way to humiliate a Palin, no way. DWTS while pregnant and most people KNEW it, did not phase Bristles. Had the baby, got paid a fortune for a crap reality how which only proved what a lousy mother she is. Giving "abstinence" speeches while shacking up with Gino. Taking Junker to Disney Land, footing all the expenses, now crying poverty. How do you humiliate someone who has no concept of what the word even means? I want Levi and Sunny to have this little slut investigated. How much child support does she get for her other kids? If she does not claim support, why, does she want Levi to pay support for all of them?

  19. Caroll Thompson1:26 PM

    Forbes is not known as a liberal magazine. So, when Forbes calls her out, the game is pretty much up. The Big Boys have had enough of her and are now working to brand her as a kook. And I must say they have done a pretty good job with this article.

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    GONE are the days where she made headlines for the "right" reasons. As the saying goes, you give people enough rope, they will hang themselves. I just can't get myself inside the mindset that you're so ALL that you'd go to such extremes on a worldwide stage to make such an absolute fool of yourself.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Swing Sarah, swing!

  21. Anonymous2:00 PM

    When the rope snaps her neck, please make sure that the mortician drives a stake through her evil heart. We don't want this day walker to come back to life.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      And her brainstem also too

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Will it be a public hanging for all to see in Alaska? With the mainstream media (that she hates) broadcasting it throughout the country?

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Spoofing Palin's New Money-Grabbing Gimmick

    If honesty were a priority in politics, this is what Sarah Palin's new channel would actually look like.

  23. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Stupid cow, just plowed through the wrong door...what took her so long? I guess The Lord does work in mysterious ways.
    That pay wall is solid.
    Let's put a banner on it:

    "Worst Governor Ever"

    The wizard of Flub will hear you now

    Free Trig

    Be aware of the bull (the pit wasn't real)

  24. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Peggy Hill: The Illuminati's Sarah Palin Prophecy

  25. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Hey give the good women a break, after all she favors going back to ACES despite having set up the environment for captain ZERO getting in bed with big oil. Although she flops around as a misguided minor politician looking for love, tip of the hat if she can keep the oil money going to Alaskans

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      'if she can keep the oil money going to Alaskans'

      You're already giving her the credit if the proposition passes?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      2:34 PM Captain Zero (given that name by Don Young, Rep of the U.S. Congress/Alaska) , a/k/a gov Shawn Parnell of Alaska was already in bed w/big oil. He came from the industry - Conaco (spelling) specifically and will probably go back to them (or lobby for them) if he loses his current reelection bid.

  26. Kook? Just kook?

    Try deranged sulfur-spewing rage-filled pit viper with an infected fang.

  27. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Sarah you've got competition to see who can out-crazy the crazy. It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference on the right between spoofs and reality. So which one is this?

    Bachmann Getting New Online Network, Will Compete With Palin Channel

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Remember, this is a fake news site.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

      So, chances are it's a spoof? Wow, who knew?

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I know it's a fake news site, but I still sent it to Palin via Twitter. Will she fall for it? ;-)

  28. TNBlueDot2:47 PM

    Love the photo used with this article! Not sure which is my favorite, this one or the braying donkey one. They're both priceless!

  29. Anonymous2:48 PM

    'Kook' = crazy, eccentric

    Is being seen as 'kooky' bad from Palin's perspective or is it one of the masks she purposefully adorns, hoping to hide her internal rage and offset her external viciousness?

  30. Ironically, the Word of the Day on Screechy's new vanity website is "inspefulate" which some dictionaries define as "the painful process by which a new venture rapidly fails in an hilarious or especially humiliating manner"

    Used in a sentence:

    "Her new website, which received no popular or critical acclaim, was totally inspefulating less than a week after its horrible debut.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Question: How many times has Sarah Palin used "inspefulate" in a sentence in her entire life?

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      OK, you got me with that fake word. It's been truculent, as fierce and nasty as Sarah Palin, all day long. Her website has not changed for a while. So much for news, breaking news, commenting about what's new.

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM


      Sarah Palin and her entire family can't pronounce, spell it or use it in a sentence.

    4. Dinty5:09 PM

      It's probably not a coincidence, my guess is there are people working for her who resent her and look for any opportunity to subtly humiliate her

    5. "…some dictionaries define"? What dictionaries. Here again, just a whiff of punkedness going on. Someone's, oh my. I might have to…oh no I won't. But really. If this is happening, I hate to miss it.

    6. pssst, omomma... The International Satire Guild requires every instance of certifiable satire to have at least one 'tell'. In this case 'some dictionaries define' is just stupid enough of a notion - as you detected - to be that tell.

      Now, that doesnt mean that inspefulate won't quickly enter the lexicon, particularly in future reference to the Screechy One and her ridiculous channel, because it probably deserves to be.

      Just a whiff, indeed....

  31. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Sarah Palin: the blooper reel of American politics.

  32. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Excellent, Anon 2:04PM. lol

  33. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Wonkette has a Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report, it's hilarious and a must read, the comments!lol!

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Link please

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      4:17 PM Link please? Just google wonkette.

    3. Anonymous6:54 PM

      From a commenter:

      Sarah Palin is perfect. She is the Platonic ideal of the horrible, vain, silly, impossibly greedy and untalented narcissist strain in American culture. Literally every vice characteristic of Americans is on display in Palin's every act.

      Sarah Palin is lazy, ignorant, hateful, self-centered, artlessly deceitful, full of contradictions and inconsistencies, riddled with hatred for outgroups and her personal enemies, whiny, incompetent, corrupt, and cruel for fun.

      She moves through life convinced down to her skinny little bones that the world owes her unlimited amounts of money, fame, and adulation. In a crowd of 30,000 roaring fans, she would still scan the audience for the three who aren't cheering themselves hoarse for her greatness. It's why she - and every other conservative - is miserably unhappy every minute of the day.

      Sarah Palin is coarse, rustic, and simpleminded. She keeps her temper on a hair trigger, ready to spring at the mildest criticism, and launches a torrent of insane lies against all of her perceived enemies.

      Back when people were dumb enough to trust her with power, she engaged in a long series of incredibly, reality-defying, crooked deals that almost always ended in tears and collapsing scenery. She used the power of the Mayor's office to censor books and steal land from private citizens. She used the power of the Governor's office to persecute disfavored family members and promote the dumping of cyanide in a salmon fishery.

      Sarah Palin is the skin of evil that we must slough off if we are ever to make progress. She is entirely without redeeming characteristics and filled to bursting with every hateful goblin our culture has ever produced. If Sarah Palin did not exist, we would have to invent her as a convenient shorthand for everything we do wrong.

      What's horrible is that there are plenty more like her.


    4. Anonymous6:29 AM

      That was really good! Thanks!

  34. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Oh, Its breathtaking alright!!!!

  35. TNBlueDot3:08 PM

    OMG! read the article re:Bachmann. Too funny! It's written so well the palinistas probably wouldn't recognize it as satire. I'd love to post it on her FB, but I've long since been blocked. The pee-ponders would probably believe it, but my posts are quickly deleted there. Oh well, I enjoyed it! Thanks for the link, Anony @2:36.

  36. Anonymous3:20 PM

    That article on Forbes has been up for more than 24 hours and it's got 21 comments. Half a dozen are from the same person trying to list her credentials. Not much interest in her from the people who read Forbes, I would say.

  37. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Thank you Forbes Magazine, what took so long?
    If your journalists had done their job back in 2008, "Her Kookiness" would have been exposed for what she really is a narcissistic, sociopathic, uneducated and unqualified grifter.

    1. Anonymous5:04 AM

      Anonymous3:37 PM
      You should post that in their comments...

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior) [all hail Sarah Palin], an overwhelming need for admiration [Sarah Palin's Alaska, Sarah Palin's One Nation bus tour which induded - Sarah Palin's history lessons - Sarah Palin's shrink wrapped bus tour - with Sarah Palin's face plastered on the side of the bus, Sarah Palin herself was seen seating in the jump seat driving slowly through cities, Sarah Palin's SarahPAC, Sarah Palin's Sarah Palin Channel, Sarah Palin's books, Sarah Palin's book tours, Sarah Palin's Facebook posts and her numerous followers, Amazing America with Sarah Palin tv show, Sarah Palin needed to be seen in the Rolling Thunder parade and on and on ], and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others [Trig and people like President Obama, First Lady Michelle and others who does not admire Sarah Palin]. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet [sounds familiar]. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.

    People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician [complain and constant criticism of President Obama].

    In laypeople terms, someone with this disorder may be described simply as a  “narcissist” or as someone with “narcissism.” Both of these terms generally refer to someone with narcissistic personality disorder.

    A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual’s culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. It typically leads to significant distress or impairment in social, work or other areas of functioning [sounds familiar]. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to early adulthood or adolescence [Sarah Heath the baricuda/ won the state championship].

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Explains why Sarah Palin just about complains about President Obama ever since Sarah Palin lost the presidency for John McCain.

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Sally Heath's word of the day:
      "inspefulate" which some dictionaries define as "the painful process by which a new venture rapidly fails in an hilarious or especially humiliating manner"

      "inspefulate": DWTS starring Bristol Palin

      "inspefulate": DWTS All-stars starring Bristol Palin

      "inspefulate": Life's A Tripp starring Bristol Palin

      "inspefulate": that reality show with the black man starring Bristol Palin

      "inspefulate": Todd's appearance in the 2014 Iron Dog, got lost and ended up at Sarah Palin's house

      "inspefulate": Stars Earn Stripes starring Todd Palin

      "inspefulate": Gov Sarah Palin's quit 1/2 through first term

      "inspefulate": Amazing America with Sarah Palin

      "inspefulate": Sarah Palin's Alaska

      "inspefulate": Track's marriage

      "inspefulate": Bristol engagement to Levi

      "inspefulate": Bristol's trial marriage with Gino

    3. Was she…predicting? That is hilarious!

    4. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Oh, so that's what that word means! I see it so often when I read the news and comics. thanks Sally!

  39. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Comment from Wonkette I believe this comment describes a person with narcissistic personality disorder.

    He_Who_Abides 109p · 6 hours ago

    Sarah Palin is perfect. She is the Platonic ideal of the horrible, vain, silly, impossibly greedy and untalented narcissist strain in American culture. Literally every vice characteristic of Americans is on display in Palin's every act. 

    Sarah Palin is lazy, ignorant, hateful, self-centered, artlessly deceitful, full of contradictions and inconsistencies, riddled with hatred for outgroups and her personal enemies, whiny, incompetent, corrupt, and cruel for fun. 

    She moves through life convinced down to her skinny little bones that the world owes her unlimited amounts of money, fame, and adulation. In a crowd of 30,000 roaring fans, she would still scan the audience for the three who aren't cheering themselves hoarse for her greatness. It's why she - and every other conservative - is miserably unhappy every minute of the day. 

    Sarah Palin is coarse, rustic, and simpleminded. She keeps her temper on a hair trigger, ready to spring at the mildest criticism, and launches a torrent of insane lies against all of her perceived enemies. 

    Back when people were dumb enough to trust her with power, she engaged in a long series of incredibly, reality-defying, crooked deals that almost always ended in tears and collapsing scenery. She used the power of the Mayor's office to censor books and steal land from private citizens. She used the power of the Governor's office to persecute disfavored family members and promote the dumping of cyanide in a salmon fishery. 

    Sarah Palin is the skin of evil that we must slough off if we are ever to make progress. She is entirely without redeeming characteristics and filled to bursting with every hateful goblin our culture has ever produced. If Sarah Palin did not exist, we would have to invent her as a convenient shorthand for everything we do wrong. 

    What's horrible is that there are plenty more like her.

  40. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Whoever picked Sally Heath's word of the day: "inspefulate" is probably unemployed today and is

    "COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT FROM THE MAN" aka The United States of America aka The Government

  41. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Sally Heath's word of the day:
    "inspefulate" which some dictionaries define as "the painful process by which a new venture rapidly fails in an hilarious or especially humiliating manner"

    "inspefulate": Todd's alleged prostitution business according to former prostitute and employee Shailey Tripp

    "Inspefulate": Palin family snowmobile business

    "Inspefulate": Palin family carwash business

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      "Inspefulate" sarahpalinchannel

      btw, how does a woman who can use "Inspefulate" raise a "college educated" daughter who can't even pronounce correctly most words over 5 letters, much less understand their meaning?

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      You are kidding, right?

      Seriously, that cannot be the word of the day...on a new website (venture) of Sarah Palin (spectacular failure on all levels).

      What words did Sally reject?


      (Quite frankly, none of these are as appropriate as "inspefulate" to describe the SP Channel.)

    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska when the State of Alaska closed the Palin carwash:

      State records show the business ran into trouble with Alaska's division of corporations business and professional licensing after Palin became governor of the state in 2006.

      A Feb. 11, 2007 letter to the governor's business partner advises that the car wash had "not filed its biennial report and/or paid its biennial fees," which were more than a year overdue.

      The warning letter was written on state letterhead, which carried Palin's name at the top, next to the state seal.

      On April 3, 2007, the state went further and issued a "certificate of involuntary dissolution" because of the car wash's failure to file its report and pay state licensing fees.

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      college educated?? rofl Are you one of those people that believe beauty school is college? Let's read some of those english essays....rofl.

    5. Anonymous7:35 PM

      When I go to Sarah's Channel, I mean new blog, I still see Sally's word of the day as truculant. In fact, Sarah hasn't changed the channel for a day or two.

    6. Anonymous8:12 PM

      7:35 It's actually correctly called a 'website'. She's tried to make it appear better by referring to it as a 'channel'.

      What else is new w/Sarah Palin...always putting things out there about her that are NEVER truthful! She's been caught time and time again doing it over the past years.

  42. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Game Change" was on HBO again this weekend. Steve Schmidt said it gave him PTSD, Nicolle Wallace wrote a fiction novel about if a woman VP became prez. The scenes where she watched herself on television and the reaction she got. Lamestream, $arah? Try OMFG they had your number while you pouted...and six years later, it's still the same. Just how big a maroon WILL you make of yourself? Was it worth it?

  43. Anonymous5:50 PM

    "Let's be independent together!"

    We're a Team of Independents! - Sarah Fucking Palin

  44. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I'm not so brazen as to speak for the hard working bloggers at Wonkette, but I somehow think they would not appreciate being called a "satirical site".

  45. Cut some slack on hookers. They work hard for the money. Sarah Palin. not so much.

  46. Anonymous6:37 PM

    McCain is a kook, as much as his partner in campaign. The only reason he wasn't prosecuted for his shenanigans on the USS Forrester and the men he murdered was because of his father.

    The only reason he became a POW is because he was cowboying around with a military plane and brought himself down, breaking his collar bone in the process. He is a traitor who spent five years in a hotel being treated like royalty because of his father.

    He never should have been allowed in politics, but it seems to attract criminals with sponsorships.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Remind me again. How many planes had McCain crashed before the one when he was captured? 4 or 5?

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Plus, he graduated from the military academy he attended at the bottom of his class. He did NOT follow in his father's military career footsteps at all!

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      no he did not. However, his father's military career saved Johnny boy's sorry ass.

  47. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The Princess Vacuity image above is almost as entertaining as the Braying Ass image. Both encapsulate essential components of her true nature. Wonkette has a hilarious image up where she is doing her 'wayward tongue thing' ... see Wonkette's "The Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report." All these wonderful images of Sarah should be included in any Wikipedia entry for little miss wind-between-the-ears. There are many more.

  48. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The ponders are all a-flutter because she's branched this little gem of a website out to Europe. Does she KNOW what people in Europe think of her? She is stupid beyond measure!

  49. Still working to figure out if inspefulate is actually a word [it's not] and if it was actually presented as the word of the day on SP website by her mom. Or someone. Maybe the punkster.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Inspefulate is Sarah' s attempt at describing what Toad does with his stable of hookers. He inspefulates them...a combination of Inspect and let them felate him so he can rate them. But Sarah also spelled it wrong.
      Inspefulate (sic) inspefelate

  50. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Talk about being a narcissist, if you look at Sarah Palin's Facebook page at the top header picture that has the mountain in it, you will see Sarah Palin's face plus she has her name shown four times. Can you find all four?

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      If you look at the header of Immoral Minority's page you will not see Gryphen's picture or his name placed four times. Why? Because Immoral Minority has never been about Gryphen. "This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable when they fall far short of the promises that they have made to both my fellow Alaskans and the American people."

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior) [all hail Sarah Palin], an overwhelming need for admiration

    3. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Yup I see Sarah Palin's name four times.

      That's like saying

      ME .

    4. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Actually I see five MEs.

      ME (name)
      ME (name)
      ME (name)
      ME (name)
      ME (Sarah Palin's picture)

  51. Anonymous8:58 PM

    First dud have you been sampling your products?

  52. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Say it ain't so uncle

  53. Anonymous9:33 PM


  54. Anonymous7:51 AM

  55. Anonymous10:03 AM

    :P Wonkette is a left-leaning American online magazine of topical satire and political gossip. Wikipedia

  56. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Under age Russian girls and underage natives were exploited by the Palins.

  57. Anonymous10:40 AM

    10:06, how many Wasilla girls?

  58. Anonymous11:42 AM

    It looks like brarstool is displaying her wares as she shows off on a bikini. I see the fruit does not fall far from the palin klan tree:

  59. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I see that now that barstool pumped that junker baby out she's showing off her merchandise again:

  60. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Bristhole Palin is still looking for a Trial Daddy. Junker had enough of her stupidity and fled the Dead Lake. What happened to the Penrose Magna cume laude graduates' jobs?

  61. Anonymous1:00 PM

    bristhole might be trying to "audition" for penthouse or whatever nudie magazine will take her, just like $carah was trying to audition for the view.
    Honestly, these people will try ANYTHING. They tried the lil retard, piper, junker, etc....what else will hey try.

  62. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Sarah Palin has a severe personality disorder. Why? Palins mother is a coldhearted narcissist behind the facade/maybe borderline too, and that leaves Sarah Palin with a severe attachment/personality disorder.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.