Sunday, August 03, 2014

Chuck Norris is now the face of the NRA's campaign to get Ammosexuals to the polls. And just when I thought I could not dislike him more.

Courtesy of Trigger the Vote: 


The NRA Freedom Action Foundation's Trigger the Vote program is a national non-partisan voter registration effort to ensure gun owners across the country are registered to vote.

Apparently Chuck's goal is to get a gun into every hand, a Bible into every classroom, and a teabagging lunatic into every political office.


Here is video of Bruce Lee kicking Chuck's ass in the final fight of Return of the Dragon. (In the end Lee breaks his neck.)

It may seem childish, but it always makes me feel better.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I'm not comfortable with criticizing looks when the politics are the real concern- but that guy is one ugly dude. There, I said it.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      At first look, I thought they had made a Western version of Planet of the Apes. Old Chuck looks really simian. He is so old he wears a toupee and dyes his 'scruff'.

    2. Excuse me 4:34 that isn't a wig. It's hair attached to his hat. TUVM

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Another empathy devoid "got mine, screw you" idiot stoking up their idiots to vote for more of the same stupid failed policies.

    November folks; bring your neighbors, family, friends and a few strangers to vote out and out vote the stupid.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Ah yes, the big tough guy that would tattoo God Bless America on every atheist and agnostic if he were in charge. Well, guess what Chuck, you aren't and you never will be.

  4. What happened?

    Ted Nugent turned them down?

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Male version of snowdrift snooki...

  6. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Do they have no one whose big time wasn't c. 1993? Someone who's not mildewed?

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Chuck, you'd make perfect Nazi (or Taliban warlord)...seriously.

  8. Randall5:10 PM

    Anyone who thinks the right thing to do would be to put a Bible in a classroom understands neither.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    So he traded in his Bible and Total Gym and acting (lmao) to push the NRA? Good Move, moron. I suppose a REAL gun user, like Chuck Sr, Bristol Palin-Palin or Todd the Pimppusher. didn't make sense, so they chose a failed martial artists who marries women a third his age.

  10. Chuck could have at least removed his pet raccoon from his back before the start of the fake fighting.


    1. He's kept a lot of hair removal teams swimming in green waxing his body. Anyone that's watched Bruce Lee wipe the floor with him knows he has hair all over; his back, neck, shoulders, arms, chest. I'm sure his butt too. He must go to weekly waxing sessions hours long to manscape everything but his chest.

      I won't insult Neaderthals but making any comparisons. They were an intelligent and peaceful people.

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    yuck. yucky chucky looks like botox ugly. wow....these people and their distorted faces. whats up with that?

    1. Anonymous11:27 PM

      Shows them as the devils they really are.

  12. Anonymous8:59 PM

    must have tiny gonads and itty bitty weenie.

  13. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Norris, like Sarah Palin, is a has been. Hoping this position as honorary chairman gets him a little attention.

  14. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Who resurected this zombie?

  15. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Not to mention a tattoo on every head.

  16. when walker texas ranger was on the tv we would laugh at how silly it was.

  17. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Honestly...that photo of him looks like he's right out of some evolutionary display at the Smithsonian...


  18. OML! What is he? What? About 100 years old.? In kick-ass time that's about 150 years.

    Nobody went for "what norris can beat' in about 40 years. By the time the msm caught on, it was way out of style. In gop time, it's about 100 years behind the times.

    The only thing norris is going to beat these days is eastwood's (lazyboy) chair.

  19. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Wonder how many of his current followers know he's 74 years old and his real name isn't Chuck it's Carlos - LOL


  20. Anonymous4:25 AM

    He is like

  21. Anonymous4:26 AM

    He is just like Nugent, ugly inside AND out. Lousy actor also, too.

  22. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Does Chuck Norris have a plastic face or is that just too much Botox? It has obviously also affected his brain.

  23. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Why does Chuck Norris wear a beard? To cover the scars given to him by Bruce Lee. Apparently, Bruce scrambled Walker Texas teabaggers brains as well.


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