Friday, August 08, 2014

Despite evidence supporting the claim, Lisa Murkowski would really like Mark Begich to stop saying they work well together.

So recently in Alaska we have been seeing this ad playing all over the place.

Nice right?

Well not if you are Senator Murkowski and you stand to benefit if the Republicans can take over the Senate.

Here is more from Mediaite: 

Begich, who’s running for re-election in Alaska, began running an ad called “Great Team” which highlights the fact that he and Murkowski have voted the same nearly 80% of the time — a claim that’s actually supported by Politifact as “mostly true.” (It’s certainly much higher than most bipartisan Senate delegations.) 

But Murkowski, who stands to become the Chairwoman of the Energy Committee if the GOP wins the Senate, figuratively bolted from any accusations of bipartisanship by sending Begich a cease-and-desist letter. “This advertisement is factually incorrect,” it stated, according to TPM. “It also misuses Senator Murkowski’s image, and implies her support, without her permission — and, in fact, over her known objections.” 

It’s perfectly legal to use Murkowski’s image (the photo is an AP image), so Begich is in the clear. “Alaskans have responded positively to the message that Alaska’s congressional delegation works together across party lines to do what’s best for Alaska,” he added in a statement to The Hill.

Of course it does not hurt Murkowski in any way to be outed as working in a bipartisan fashion, as she is all but bulletproof up here.

But it does say something about the mindset in Alaska that Mark would rather be associated with a Republican Senator from his state than the Democratic President of the United States.

However I can guarantee you that after this election both Lisa and Mark will have no problem teaming up again.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You go, Mark Begich!!! You have my vote!

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I am an Alaskan and a Democrat who has had more respect for Lisa than for any other Republican I can think of in a long time, if ever. Naturally she makes me crazy on some issues, like that King Cove road (give it up already!) and definitely her stance on Pebble Mine, but gosh darn it, now she is acting like a real baby. Mark's ad is great and probably hits the nail right on the head when it comes to how a lot of Alaskans perceive our two senators. He swings a little right, she swings a little left, and they seem to get some important stuff actually accomplished for the state. They certainly both seem to be hard workers and do far more than just show up. Just have to say how disappointed I am that Lisa is using time and resources to make an issue out of a political ad that pretty much seems to tell lit like it is.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Well said 5:44

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Amen Nefer

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM


    US dropping bombs in Iraq... Where is Congress? Oh yeah, they're on vacation and cannot be bothered.

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    5:54 And, when they get back they are going to yell like crazy at what President Obama has done in Iraq w/o their consent. They are low-life lazy assholes in my opinion and need to be voted out of office in November - Republicans!!! Anyone of them that is up for reelection to include Republicans across the nation!

  5. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Is Mark Rep?

    And no intelligent, working person supports Obama.

    1. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Is your IQ low, @6:47?

    2. Anonymous11:56 PM

      Get a job.

    3. "Anonymous6:47 PM
      And no intelligent, working person supports Obama."
      Good thing you are anonymous. I would be embarrassed to attach my name to a comment so demonstrably untrue and stupid. You are a moron. And a liar.

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Off topic observation:
    The enemy of your enemy may not be your friend. Syrin, on the blogroll on the left, is obviously informed in the RW echo chamber of misinformation. I have known this for years but she really is spewing the nonsense now. Her posts are typical of Breitbart stuff. It's a strange link on a progressive blog. I'm all for different opinions, but only if they are factually based.

    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Gryphen supports her as an Alaskan plus she's against Palin.

    2. Anonymous11:55 PM

      Sherry's there for sentimental reasons. Even though she's a wingnut Sherry denounced Sarah Palin as an unethical phony when she first started getting elected.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Poor Lisa, she simply cannot get it through her well-coiffed head that her role is not PTA president (ever listen to her speeches) clip-clopping six paces behind Miss McConnell and his posse.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      She retained her office because of Dem crossover, we bothered to write her name in - correctly, on the ballot over whack-job Miller. She best step lightly, she doesn't have a primary this year.

  8. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Yeah, because the Republicans - State and national - truly love and respect Lisa Murkowski. I remember how much.

    It was the Democrats who got the old bat elected in 2012. If she goes all ugly wingnut on Begich the Democrats are liable to leave her hanging if she wants to run again (and she will want to run again; Republicans are power-crazed; the only politicians who ever retire voluntarily are Democrats, worse luck).

    Hey Lisa, If you have half a brain you'll shut up right now. How about turning your attention to your own party for a change? Or would they still tell you to fuck off?

  9. Anonymous1:17 AM

    O/T - just saw a Tea Party poll pushed by Palin followers: Should Palin run for office? 4,802 people took the time to vote & 1/3 say she should NOT! And that's all the support she has in the mighty Tea Party today!

  10. Bill F4:08 AM

    The fact a state could elect a Sarah Palin as their governor makes nothing a surprise coming from their elected Senators.

  11. Ratfish4:53 AM

    Ask Lisa Murkowski if the Republicans, Koch Brothers, and Karl Rove have permission to use Obama's and Reid's names in their Outside attack ads on Begich.

  12. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Oh, Lisa, grow up. This is exactly what is wrong with partisan politics. Instead of constantly focusing on our differences, why not accentuate areas where we can agree and cooperate. I am sure that your handlers encourage you to distance yourself from your fellow moderate (though Democratic) senator but why not just be your own person? You won a write-in election (okay, it was against a terribly flawed and unqualified Joe Miller) and you are a powerful force in Alaska, after all.

  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Never have trusted Lisa Murkowski and she is horrible to watch when she speaks...she's always so labored in her delivery! Anyone notice that besides me?

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Uh, you must be thinking of Palin

    2. Maple9:49 AM

      Is she worse than Susan Collins? It's actually painful to listen to Senator Collins give a speech or answer questions.

  14. This is one time I am not happy that they vote "alike 80% of the time". Begich voted nay on S. 2569: Bring Jobs Home Act, and he was the only Democrat who voted against it.


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