An Ohio man is dead after police are called into a Walmart for reports of a man walking through the store with a rifle. It turns out, a law enforcement source for WHIO said, that it wasn't a real gun but a toy, either a BB or pellet gun, that he had opened at the store Tuesday night.
WHIO reported a couple were in the hardware department when they saw John Crawford walking past them with a rifle pointed toward the sky. They followed Crawford through the store as they called 911 and warned other shoppers to stay away.
One witness, Ronald Ritchie said Crawford "was just waving it at children and people. Items.... I couldn't hear anything that he was saying. I'm thinking that he is either going to rob the place or he's there to shoot somebody else." The man looked kind of serious, Ronald Ritchie said. "He didn't really want to be looked at and when people did look at him, he was pointing the gun at them. He was pointing at people, children walking by."
Ritchie said he wasn't pointing it as if he was going to shoot, but waving it in their direction.
The couple didn't know police had arrived until they saw four or five officers appear in the pet section, where Crawford was standing.
"I heard, 'put it down, put it down,' " April Ritchie said. "I heard two shots after I saw him turn. He still had the weapon in his hand."
The Ritchies said the man fell backward when he was hit by the gunfire, but got back up and went toward the officer who shot him. That officer then tackled the man. Officers then handcuffed him and turned him on his back, Ronald Ritchie said.
So here's the thing.
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John Crawford |
Here is more from Raw Story:
The mother of Crawford’s children said she was speaking to him by cell phone when he was confronted by police in the store.
“He said he was at the video games playing videos, and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were,” said LeeCee Johnson. “The next thing I know, he said, ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting, and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him.”
“I could hear him just crying and screaming,” Johnson said. “I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.”
Ohio’s attorney general, who was asked by Beavercreek police to investigate the case, confirmed Crawford was holding a MK-177 (.177 caliber) BB/Pellet Rifle when he was shot to death.
So it appears that Crawford was killed for carrying an item through the store that he found while shopping IN the store. There is something truly fucked up about that.
Now eyewitness reports suggest that Crawford appeared to be attempting to load the weapon, and did not comply with the police when they asked him to drop it, however I still cannot get over the feeling that if his skin had been lighter he would have walked away from this incident unscathed.
Honestly folks, it doesn't take a goddamn rocket scientist to figure out visually if a gun is real or not -- and the police of all people should be able to do so. So a man who was probably a very good, decent man is dead because of some trigger-happy cop.
ReplyDeleteI truly grieve for Mr. Crawford's family.
And don't they carry Tasers ?? Pepper spray ??
DeleteApparently you don't realize that a BB gun can kill you or your loved one.
DeleteSorry, but as a child I was in the hospital for 12 days while my parents waited to find out if I was going to live because a crazy neighbor shot into our yard because he "didn't want Indians living next door". BB guns and pellet guns can injure, maim, and kill.
DeleteAt Wal*Mart, it doesn't matter if it was a toy gun or a real gun--they sell both. However, I'm pretty confident no one would have called the cops if a white guy was walking through the store with a brand new gun--or it the person was waving it around, they would have confronted him. Because he was black, they assumed he was up to no good.
DeleteThe overzealous dumb couple, lets call them 'the supids', who followed this guy around the store for no reason, and the overzealous cops who shot him are 99% to blame for this event. Thats the reality. It is not because the guy was black, its not because of guns, it is because of basic human stupidity.
DeleteWearing a hoodie while black, shopping while black, driving while black, and the list goes on; oh yeah, we're in the post racial era. /sarcasm
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, I looked up the MK-177 (.177 caliber) BB/Pellet Rifle. Obviously non-lethal, but maybe we can teach the police their colors, since weapon identification is beyond them. Toy guns have the red tip. So maybe we should have yellow tips on the non-lethal, but not quite a toy models?
But the fact remains, as you pointed out Gryphen, had Mr. Crawford been white, he probably would have been given ample time to lay down the MK-177 (.177 caliber) BB/Pellet Rifle, assume the position and all the other scared officer commands before they open fire.
Meanwhile, punk white guys walk the streets with assault rifles, mouth off to the cops and walk away.
.177 cal bb guns dont have red or orange tips. r tart
DeleteFirst of all, neither a BB gun or pellet gun are toys. They can cause injury and even death if the pellets or BBs would strike a person in a few key areas. As and for this man being shot, I don't even care what color his skin was but I will agree it may have ended differently if he was white. But because he was trying to load this weapon in a populated store, was waving it around at people, and refused to lower the weapon when asked by law enforcement I could care less if he is dead.
ReplyDeleteOne less ammosexual as far as I am concerned.
I think it's too soon to trust the witnesses. They could be the same people who called the police, now trying to justify their actions...or other racists.
Deletehowever I still cannot get over the feeling that if his skin had been lighter he would have walked away from this incident unscathed.
ReplyDeleteWell, let's put it this way.
The big shopping mall directly across the street spent several years fighting the public bus system from starting a new route to bring the inner-city (Dayton) people out to (mostly white) Beavercreek. The state finally had to threaten to withhold major road funding before they caved to the bus route.
To be fair to the cops, the 911 caller inside the store was trailing the guy and giving descriptions to the dispatcher. He said the guy was waving the gun at people and that he apparently had tried to load it at one point. He was told twice to drop the "gun" and he did not comply. Then he charged at an officer. Young and dumb, and now dead. As is the mother of four who died of cardiac arrest while trying to quickly exit the store.
Sad story all around.
Well now see I have a problem with the "He was trying to load the gun" story.
DeleteBB guns and real guns do not load the same. And the ammunition for a BB gun is pretty easy to identify, even from a distance.
So one would think that seeing him trying to load the weapon would have made it immediately clear he did not have a real gun.
Except the caller/witness stayed back a respectably safe distance. And this pellet gun did not have an orange tip like the one in the photo above. It was designed to look "badass" as one local pawn shop dealer put it. Again, he was told TWICE to drop it, but didn't obey. Bad call on his part. Being white(r) might have at least bought him a third warning.
DeleteOh, and it was a pellet gun, not a BB gun.
DeleteYou must be at least 18 to buy them, and they come with several warnings that they are NOT a toy and extreme caution is to be used with them as they CAN cause extreme injury/death. That's what mine said when we bought it for critter control out here in the country.
He may very well have escaped with his life if he were a white guy, but it still sounds like he was doing something pretty stupid. If I saw anyone carrying/waving a gun of any type in Walmart, I'd freak out and call the police, too.
ReplyDeleteThe witness statements are all changing from day to day; and police won't release the store videotape. Coercion and cover-up have started already. This whole incident stinks to high heaven.
ReplyDeleteAnd one of the cops that shot him killed another black man a couple years ago.
As much as I like to read your opinions and agree with you on most things, you have this one dead wrong. My daughter lives in Beavercreek and this Wal-Mart is in the back yard of WPAFB. Not only that, but there is a fairly large college campus about a mile away. They are quite used to diversity in this part of town. It's also a fairly safe area. I don't think it would have mattered if he was brown, white, yellow or green. If you are waving a gun around anywhere in this day and age, be it fake or real, you are taking your life into your own hands. Wal-mart also sells real guns, so he could have easily also taken one of those of the shelf. If you had seen the gun in question (they showed it on the local news, no orange tip) you would have thought it was real. Some nutter is walking around Wal-Mart with a gun, you are an officer, it looks like a real gun, and he is pointing it at you. What else would you do? I'm just glad some idiot (ammosexual as you call them) didn't wander in and start shooting up the joint. Then we would have more casualties than just the suspect.
ReplyDeleteThis happened in my hometown, so I've been following pretty closely. All the pictures on the gun in question that have been posted by local news stations show that it did not have an orange tip because bb/pellet guns are not considered toys. Beavercreek, Ohio is also not someplace you're going to find people carrying AR-15s to Walmart for the heck of it, and I'm sure this guy really did scare people. No matter what color you are, if a policeman tells you to drop a gun you do it...the first time they ask.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say to everyone defending the police shooting this man is this. Ohio has open carry---which I hate. But if this man had been an obese white man in camo the police would have done EVERYTHING in their power not to shoot him. EVERYTHING. And diversity in the neighborhood has nothing to do with cops shooting black men.
ReplyDeleteExactly right.
DeleteI haven't read any of the comments but I think you're right! Any black person carrying a guy will get shot without hesitation while the white guys get a pass.
ReplyDeleteYet another reason to completely avoid going into Walmart at all costs. I would rather spend a little more somewhere else than support that skanky business.
ReplyDeleteThe cops will lie to protect their asses. They murdered this man in cold blood and should be prosecuted. Instead, the murder will be found 'justifiable'. It always is.
ReplyDeleteCops always get away with murder.
How exactly are the cops going to lie when it happened in the middleof Walmart, with a lot of witnesses and security video? This didn't exactly happen in a dark deserted alley...
Deleteeasy..they just say "I feared for my life"--that exact canned phrase--and then it becomes a justifiable use of force.
DeleteI hate Ohio.
ReplyDeleteThere's very little to like about Ohio. Once the river was on fire and now there's an entire city whose water is poisoned and they can't drink or bathe it. Ohio is kind of the armpit of America, well, one of the armpits of America.
DeleteThere should not even be anything called a "toy gun". No toy guns for children, no plastic guns or BB guns sold to kids. Weapons should only be available from certified gun dealers and there should NOT be availability of "pretend" weapons sitting on big box store shelves. A weapon is a serious device and those using it should have to pass background checks and proficiency tests before using one. No pretend plastic guns, period, no BB guns, period. You grow up, hit age of consent pass your test and your background check and you can own a real weapon. It makes me sick to see little kids with plastic guns and it makes me even sicker the parents that would purchase them.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at the you tube video a few posts back, when a guy is proving to the police it's ok to open carry and how patient the cops were with him, letting him vent etc.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he had a lot of melanin, if the cops would have been as patient, and that was a REAL GUN.
I'm of the opinion the kid's skin color did have something to do with the results.
Every black person who thinks these open-carry laws are for us, too, here's some news: we can't even safely hold a BB gun in a Walmart.
Ohio man was carrying variable pump air rifle — not a toy — when cops killed him: attorney general
ReplyDeleteJohn Crawford's girlfriend said that police fatally shot him at a Walmart in Ohio Tuesday while he was holding a toy gun. On Thursday, the Attorney General's Bureau of Criminal Investigation said that the weapon was an MK-177 (.177 caliber) BB/Pellet Rifle, manufactured by Crosman.
If the cops, who are extensively trained to deal with this kind of situation, can't tell the difference between a 'good guy with a gun' and a 'bad guy with a gun', how are the rest of us supposed to tell the difference when we see some idiot with a rifle slung across his back in the middle of Walmart?
ReplyDeleteI suppose if they're white, have a beer belly, and are wearing camo, then they're okay. Is that how it works?
OH, I would so question the validity of those eyewitness reports.
ReplyDeleteThat couple is shitting their pants to absolve themselves of this man's death. They'll say anything to appear to be innocent of racism. Likewise the police will be covering their asses too.
Yes, shopping while black. Obviously a death penalty offense in this white Walmart.
Of course, we we didn't sell TOY guns or even real guns, even BB and pellet guns, nothing like this would happen. (OK so, they'll start shooting blacks for other reasons but it won't be for carrying a "gun".)
New reports say this was a pellet gun. What? Wal-Mart Stores are now leaving pellet guns on the shelves? Usually even they are behind the counter, or is this the brave new 2nd Amendment future that the grizzled girl is so fond of yapping about. Other reports from Dayton make this sound as though the cops were cowboys. It wasn't even a standoff. Police seem very ill-trained to deal with the realities of the 2nd Amendment world. Oh and my property is posted No Shooting, but am surrounded by ammosexuals who feel free to shoot into it.