Thursday, August 07, 2014

Driving evil out by hitting parishioners with your coat, you know because religion makes so much sense.

That's Benny Hinn, and that is only one of the absolutely ridiculous things he does not stage to convince ignorant people that he is channeling God's power.

Here is the video just in case you think this is made up.

Charlatans come in many different forms, and use numerous tricks to fleece their marks, but religion provides perhaps the best tool for taking money from the simple that was ever invented.


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Years ago 60 Minutes did a piece on this guy. People lined up onstage and stepped forward so he hit them on the forehead with the palm of his hand. He had people throw away crutches, stand up from wheelchairs. It was as though Jeebus had come to earth!! 60 Minutes went checking on a couple, found out they were not cured. Then his wife filed for divorce, and he was quiet for a while. Lives lavishly, several homes, private jet. He wore Nehru jackets then, and had an entourage like a Senator!! This is what $carah aspires to, idol status, but she has blown it big time.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      The CBC did a scathing piece on him as well and cornered him when he came to Canada:

      I do sincerely hope that Hinn--and every other motherfucker like him--suffers the most horrific fate imaginable in whatever afterlife awaits him.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Thats fricken awesome! I'd love to stand up on stage swinging and hitting people with my coat, he must have taken out six people with that first swing! I'm an instant fan of his methods, I could waste some serious internet time watching this dude hit people with his coat.

    3. detroitsam9:28 PM

      The only way the people Hinn hit with his coat actually were affected is if he had a ton of bricks sewn in the pockets.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Benny puts two rolls of quarters in each pocket. Remember, it's all about the $$$!

  3. Anonymous4:22 AM

    So everybody knows that "preachers" like Benny Hinn are in it for the money but how crazy and weak do people have to be to voluntarily be his victims? Incomprehensible.

    1. Maple5:12 AM

      I wonder that too. We can understand charlatans like Hinn, but we cannot get our heads around the folks who follow these people and give them money, and so willingly believe them. Yes, it's like the fans of Simple Sarah. We see right through her, why can't they?

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Cult-following mentality. There is no educating of these people, they're looking for something missing in their lives and think they've found "it" with these charlatans.

    3. As the guy said years ago, "There's one born every minute."

  4. Again, this is the kind of thing that makes me so glad my parents got me out of Catholic school after 6th grade. I don't think I've been in a confessional since 13, and haven't bothered with the show of communion in ages too.

    This is just plain madness, but we do know that there are people out there who keep maniacs like Palin, Santorum, Cruz, Bachmann, Rick Perry, Huckabee in the public eye, sometimes winning elections, and those people have to some from somewhere, and this is them.

    I'm grateful to have made it to 60, lived a healthy and happy life, haven't hurt anyone, and did it without religion ...including whatever this bullshit is.

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    And now for something completely different. It looks like a GIF assembled from some funny Monty Python silliness.

  6. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Estimated $42 million net worth, damn you religious people are suckers.... this guy is a fraud and you're throwing away your hard earned money so this lazy s.o.b doesn't have to get a real job.

  7. Anonymous6:23 AM

    And they'd have us believe that President Obama is the threat to this country? Nope, these religious charlatans, including the faux religious like Sarah, are so very dangerous, because they use mind control to take over. Then they blame everything on anyone who doesn't 'believe,' and warn that God will come down and smite them if they don't keep giving money and pretending to be 'healed' or whatever. It's sick. And they are starting earlier and earlier with their little summer camp indoctrinations. Thank you for keeping the word out...people forget if they don't have this in their midst.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    LMAO!!! That gave me the giggles. What a bunch of lunatics!

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    They're all in on it. They dudes getting hit by the coat and flying off. The security staff. All in on it. Seriously, do you thing Benny didn't make everyone sign liability waivers? It's just a circus show.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Could be worse. Could be Beni Hana with all those knives.

  11. WA Skeptic1:13 PM

    My mother was brought up in a Depression-Era fundamentalist "Holy Roller" church; when she could she got out. When she had children we were "allowed" some exposure to organized religion but let us make up our own minds about staying. I am happy to report that none of us are religous at all. Whew!

  12. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    He's so charming and welcoming, I can see why people want to be annointed by his body odor and brut colgne NOT,

    saw a documentary awhile back all about all sorts of charlatains, gypseys, tramps and thieves for jesus. One makes the people take a brief survey, then, when called for the laying of hands, their list of problems were read verbatim into the microphone stuck in the guy's ear, and people would toss their canes, walk, be healed.... fall out of their skin and writhe on stage as the demons were driven from them....
    Then there was this fake "surgery" where the minister would roll chicken gizzards, lint, hearts etc real tight, then make motions and sounds while "pulling" the offending stuff piece by piece by reaching into the abdomen..... And people are sending their life savings while these fools live in mansions, drive luxury cars and have air conditioned dog houses etc etc.
    Nauseating, cruel and exploiting the "less fortunate" among us.


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