Monday, August 25, 2014

If you have ever wondered why the Right Wing is always so down on a liberal arts degree, wonder no more.

So the other day I happened to see a description of exactly what the Liberal Art teaches us from UCLA, and I thought I would share a portion of it here with you:

Among the intellectual skills that are at the core of a liberal arts education are the following: 1) ability to speak and write effectively in more than one language; 2) ability to think critically, and to form one's own opinions by critically evaluating arguments and evidence rationally, and without prejudice; 3) enhanced ability in mathematics, and in scientific reasoning ; 3) ability to analyze literature and art to appreciate beauty and artistic creativity, for both pleasure and intellectual enrichment; 4) ability to engage questions of ethics and morality and to recognize responsibility for oneself and society; 5) ability to apply acquired knowledge and analytical skills to new situations, so as to find solutions to new problems that arise in an increasingly globalized and fast-changing world. In today's economy, employers desire transferable skills – skills that employees take with them to any job, such as written and verbal communication skills, the ability to solve complex problems, to work well with others, and to adapt in a changing workplace — all hallmarks of a liberal arts education. 

In short, a liberal arts education is aimed at teaching you how to think. It helps you to develop strength of mind, and an ordered intellect. To exercise the mind, any relevant discipline can be utilized – literature, sociology, or biology. The idea is that training the mind in one area will prepare it for learning in other areas as well. The following quote by educator Robert Harris makes this point well: "The mind is like a muscle; exercise makes it stronger and more able to grasp ideas and do intellectual work. Exercising the mind in one area – whether literature or sociology or accounting – will strengthen it for learning in other areas as well. What at first was difficult – the habits of attention and concentration, the ability to follow arguments, and the ability to distinguish the important from the trivial and to grasp new concepts – all these become easier as the mind is exercised and enlarged by varied study." Think of a liberal arts major as a gym for the mind.

A gym for the mind. That may be one of the better explanations for the benefits of  higher education that I have ever heard.

And it goes without saying that a strong mind is also less susceptible to superstition, manipulation, and intimidation. Which of course are all tools of the religious right, the conservatives, and the oppressors.

It is not liberal politics that they fear, it is the education which creates progressive thinkers in the first place.

Is it any wonder that they have worked so diligently to undermine intellectuals, attacked public school teachers, and worked to funnel children in to charter schools or homeschools?

In short the conservative credo is that learning is bad and must be stopped, while blind faith is good and must be encouraged.


  1. Anonymous2:33 AM

    If a Conservative visited the link you supplied, what do you suppose that person would jump all over??

    Perhaps this at the bottom of the page:

    Humanities Divistion

  2. fromthediagonal2:43 AM

    YES...YES...YES... on all counts!

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Please don't assume that home schools are necessarily anti- intellectual. There are more secular homeschoolers than you care to acknowledge in your haste to prejudge them all. That's very FOX of you.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Morgan, is that you ?

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Anonymous4:19 AM

      Please don't assume that home schools are necessarily anti- intellectual.
      Its not just that. All of them I've run across are not well socialized or integrated with the world in general. They don't know how to cope when things don't go their way. They don't have BASIC coping skills/mechanism in place.
      Public school all the way.
      Liberal Arts! This is why Liberal are smarter than Cons.

  4. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Businesses complain that graduates can't think critically and solve problems on their own. They wait to be told what to do. Science and engineering are beginning to borrow from the liberal arts to explicitly teach structured problem solving and out-of-the box thinking. 'bout time.

  5. The best example of this that I can think of is the Texas GOP coming out against Critical Thinking classes in its 2012 platform:

    "Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

    Why teach people how to approach problems if all of the answers are in one book?

  6. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Hey, back off on the homeschooling. We educated our children at home until we moved to an area that had a mulit-tiered, progressive school system. They all are doing quite well. Note - my wife has an undergrad degree in education.

    1. Pardon me, but if you think that most homeschooling done in this country is done by qualified parents with an undergrad degree in education, then you my friend have not been paying attention.

      And by the way I did not even attack homeschooling in this post. I merely mentioned that the desire to keep children from being exposed to critical thinking skills is one of the reasons that certain groups encourage homeschooling in America.

      And that my friend is simply a fact.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Gryphen, you are absolutely correct. I went to an extremely religious, extremely conservative Catholic college (funded by the Koch brothers, big surprise)--and I am the only one in my entire class who did NOT homeschool. I wanted my children exposed to a diverse and intellectually challenging environment.

      I am basically ostracized because of this. (Like I care, at this point--the college is basically just a funnel to places like National Review, the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity---NOT a true liberal (i.e. "liberating") arts school.)

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Gryphen5:54 AM

      Pardon me, but if you think that most homeschooling done in this country is done by qualified parents with an undergrad degree in education, then you my friend have not been paying attention.
      Yes and to add to that, we can thank GWB and I think the ONLY STATE that makes parents be qualified to teach Homeschool is Cali. At least that was it a few years ago.
      Otherwise there are NO Qualifications for homeschool ie: Sarah been homeskooling TriG. He can't even eat a fucking CHEERIO! That my friends is a fucking CRIME!
      Unless you live MILES and MILES away from civilization why homeschool? Oh right YOU don't want to infect your precious nra jr. Ferguson co-in -training in "Liberal thinking"!
      As it stands now, homeschool kids in most states the parent don't have to EVEN PROVE they are being homeschooled! That is why the epidemic of RW retards out there as seen here by the dumbassed retard Palin trolls, some of which are palins themselves none who have formally graduated.

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    O/T but did you catch this article, G?

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Liberal arts degrees are not an education. It is a four year vacation that makes the self important believe they are superior and intellectual, while the bachelor of science degrees in engineering and sciences are actually solving the worlds problems.

    1. Today's talking point from Faux Gnus?

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Anonymous @8:24-it's world's problems, not worlds problems.

      -Yours truly,
      Liberal Arts Grad

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Thanks for proving my point hrh. Does that meaningless little dig make you feel superior? You should go have an almond latte with soy milk to celebrate! Meanwhile disregard that internet you boast on, all your electronic devices, the trillions of line of code written, the roads and infrastructure all designed to allow you a very civilized way of life, your car (even your Prius), your cell phone, everything you use.... brought to you by scientists and engineers.

    4. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Anonymous8:24 AM

      Liberal arts degrees are not an education
      As IF any of them have a AS, BS or any kind of "degree" from a "Real" school not Hilsdale college?
      Or yes look at Michelle bachmann! Can ANYONE truly believe she is a actual Lawyer? Or Orly titz?

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Anonymous9:31 AM

      Thanks for proving my point hrh. Does that meaningless little dig make you feel superior?
      Oh my, my my someone is butthurt! Haz a sad. Hey Sarah go drink your retard dr. Pepper 'k? Or what about your Lite white mocha?
      Not brought to you by science engineers....Or Liberal Arts grads.
      by all the Willow palins of amerika!

    6. majii1:02 PM

      You could have fooled me if I didn't know any better. My liberal arts degrees allowed me to work in a professional field for 33 years at a job that I loved, until I decided to retire a few years ago. People who don't know what they're talking about should not comment on certain issues.

    7. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

      It's exactly this "Liberal Arts" isn't education, it's a vacation" attitude that this entry's about. How many people live productive lives with lucrative careers that have nothing to do with their degrees? I've hired more people with Liberal Arts Degrees for exactly the reasons highlighted, and because they learned the self discipline it takes to work with detailed information, blueprints, and excellent problem solving skills.
      Yeah, I hired engineers as well, who think the world should kiss their ring because work outside their field is "beneath them".

    8. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Praytell majii, what professional field did you work in? were you a registered licensed professional in your field? And being a lawyer doesn't count, any jackass can be a lawyer.

  9. Dan Heynen10:15 AM

    One more reason I'm thankful for my MLA degree from APU!

  10. Boscoe11:24 AM

    Sorry Gryph, but you're WAY overthinking this. The reason conservatives are down on Liberal Arts degrees, is that it has the words "Liberal" and "Arts" in the name. The end. You don't think any conservative has actually spent 30 seconds of their life actually RESEARCHING what one IS, do you? C'mon man, you know them better than that. ;P

    1. Do you know why I'm over thinking it?

      I studied liberal arts in college.

      See how that works?

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      "I studied liberal arts in college."

      Well, that is more than obvious Gryph, bunch of talking, not much doing.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    When I started working, the way things worked was you started from the bottom and worked your way up once you proved you're qualified and capable. I've had the good fortune of working in the same place for 25 years and earned the perks and pay scale.
    Part of my job includes hiring, training and firing people. I've found from experience that this "myth" about a Liberal Arts Degree is bullshit. Some of those with BA's and MBA's in specific fields often feel the world owes them, and doing any work other than what they studied for is somehow "beneath" them. I prefer people with a Liberal Arts background for many of the same reasons you noted, but above all, their ability to adapt, set and meet goals, and their self discipline and communication skills.
    There's a group of friends of mine who met and stayed in touch over the years. Two of ten are working in their degreed fields, a doctor and a lawyer.

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Oh god, what are you HR?

    2. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

      Technically, I'm a CPA then got my masters in Business Administration from LaSalle University. Now I'm in Human Resources, but I've done almost every job from file clerk to Accounts Receivable for the same company. It just changed owners, so I've got my fingers crossed and resume ready just in case.

  12. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I am the proud holder of a BA from UCLA.

    Thanks for posting, Gryphen


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