Thursday, August 14, 2014

Joe Miller explains that his totally racist mailer is not totally racist, and does it by doubling down on racism.

"What? Me a racist?"
Courtesy of Salon: 

Attempting to defend himself against charges that showing a bunch of Latino gangsters alongside a warning of “20 million illegals” voting to abolish the Second Amendment is pretty racist, Miller said during a weekend television debate that he was simply confronting a “clear correlation.”

“If you end up granting amnesty to those who don’t value gun rights, who have not been raised in an environment where the Second Amendment is cherished — is considered to be a God-given right — the reality is over a generation or two, the likelihood is very strong that the Second Amendment will not be here,” Miller explained. “We have violent thugs coming across our border and doing violent things,” he went on to say.

So in the Vaguely Bearded One's world ANY brown people who cross our borders automatically do not value gun rights and are likely to be thugs who want to do violent things.

But that should not be construed as racism.

Speaking of not being a racist, my blogger buddy over at Fiery Blazing Handbasket reports that he recently received the following robo-call from the Miller campaign:  

(This is the Joe Miller campaign with an important message.) Hello, this is Sheriff Joe Arpaio. You know our borders are busted and Washington does nothing. But Joe Miller will stop the nonsense. Joe Miller is the only candidate for U.S. Senate with a plan to stop the invasion. Joe will end taxpayer benefits to illegals and foreign aid to nations encouraging illegal immigration and finish the border fence. This Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsing Joe Miller because he is Alaska's best choice for U.S. Senate.

Yes because when you are trying to convince people that you are not a racist the best tactic is to recruit a sheriff from all the way down in Arizona whose claim to fame is how badly he has treated minorities and immigrants.

Exactly who is running the Miller campaign these days? And does Miller realize that they don't want him to win?


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I got that phone call and immediately deleted it. Miller made a huge mistake in using that asshole from AZ as a supporter. The guy is a racist thug!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Joe Miller is so racist and extreme he's not even endorsed by the NRA. What's up with that? The ad deceptively listed his lifetime membership to detract from the lack of endorsement.

    I hope AKns aren't impressed by Sheriff Joe.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    So, Shurrif RPO, how is it possible that "Joe will end taxpayer benefits to illegals and foreign aid to nations..." all by himself? Does he really think that he can simply command what he wants by being elected as ONE senator?
    Oh, yeah, and how the hell do just 20 million voters in our whole population get to amend our Constitution? Did you fall asleep for the whole school year in Civics class?

    What a pair of buffoons you both are!!

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Can I call you Joe?
    Joe you are playing the Fear Factor card. You are using fear to get the white votes by saying that only brown convicts are coming over from Mae-e-co and that's not right you racist.

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I got a robocall from someone but the message started as soon as the answering machine picked up so I couldn't tell what it was about. Just knew it was some trash talk from someone about Joe Miller.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "is considered to be a God-given right" REALLY?!!!! God said let their be guns so that my (God's) children can murder each other?

    Gee I thought God would want us all to live to a ripe old age free from fear of nuts like the Millers and Palins of the world....

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM


    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Yeah, and it also took God about--let's see--in their calculations, about 5, 500 years to even inspire people to invent them. A little late on the uptake, isn't he?

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I think he's just pandering to his base because I suspect for this election, immigration is not a big issue. (Looking for contributions to his PAC and future speaker's fee ala Sarah?)

    For instance, I DO very much care about immigration and the plight of immigrants. But for me, this election is about Alaska and what happens on the southern border of the U.S. is not so important at the moment as what more directly affects Alaska.

    Talk to me about your ideas regarding oil development, protecting our fisheries and other resources, education, urban-rural differences, Native issues, the poor in rural areas, lack of good Internet access, supporting Alaska's military presence and troops, etc. and you'll get my attention.

    As long as the person is reasonable (which leaves good ole Joe out of the running) I think our Alaska Senator can work with others in Washington, D.C. to do the right thing for all of us Americans when it comes to US-Mexican border issues.

    Hey Joe and Sheriff R., what about "those dark skinned people" who come to this country by way of Canada? Why are only those entering through Mexico seen as bad?

    Think of all the jobs that could be created for northern states if you build a fence across the U.S.-Canada border. It's a lot longer than the U.S.-Mexican border. More jobs, longer-term jobs.

  8. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Doucecanoe up sh*t creek without a paddle.

  9. Randall6:25 PM

    Wait a minute...
    See those scary guys that Joe Miller says "Begich wants them to vote"?

    Well Joe Miller and his 2nd Amendment buddies want to relax gun laws to the point that those very scary guys get to have guns too!.

  10. Anonymous7:11 PM

    funny, I've looked over all the documents...and I can't find this God person's sign here X anywhere...

  11. " is considered to be a God-given right "
    By whom, you sorry sack of shit? The constitution was written by men, not God. It is not scripture to be revered without change forever. Indeed, the authors wisely anticipated changing times and values and incorporated into the constitution the means to change the constitution.

    The second amendment is but one change of many.

    If it is so sacred, so sacrosanct, so "God-given", why was it not in the original constitution? Does God commit whoopsies forgot something my bad? {crickets}

    Guess what Miller, you loathsome moist dog turd, the second amendment was a change to the constitution. It itself can be amended, and it will be, sooner or later.

    It was never meant to empower thugs, bullies, anger bears, criminals, or insecure wannabe men with itty bitty dicks.

    Sane, patriotic people will win out eventually over the mindless gun fetishists who have flat out stated that dead children don't matter.

    1. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Yes, and which "well regulated militia" do you belong to again? That's what I thought.

    2. Anonymous12:17 AM


  12. Anita Winecooler8:13 PM

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. The good news? Vaguely bearded birdbrain thought they meant "mime" and is a clown.

  13. Anonymous8:46 PM

    If owning a gun is a "god given right" then why aren't they mentioned in the bible....hmmmmm, interesting, no?

    1. Anonymous1:35 AM

      Yup. Near as I can make out, God stopped with the right to own a rock and a sling. Maybe we should do the same.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Well they aren't, but the principle is mentioned, when their god appointed Jesus says, "those who live by the sword shall die by the sword". That's in Mathew for you Jesus folks, in case you doubt me.

      Imagine that Jesus guy not supporting guys who live by swords (guns) and not mentioning the 2nd amendment while he was givin' that there sermon on the mount.

      Member that sermon on the mount thing? That's where Jesus guy fed some 5000 people, and gosh, he didn't even ask if they were rich or poor, or were illegal aliens, or even if they were or criminals.

      I guess that entire crowd musta been takers, and probably were made up of Romney's 47 percent what folks consider themselves victims., but that Jesus guy he fed them all just the same for some reason.

      Member that Jesus guy you supposedly Christian people?

  14. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Does no one remember that this clinker's security wanks "arrested", cuffed and detained a reporter for asking fuzzy a question? I'm surprised he isn't using that as a campaign issue; some of his idjit followers admire that sort of bullshit. A democracy requires informed voters. This is one thing that you all need to listen to: Vote! Always, every time. Never miss a vote, ever. When you get 20 percent of the voting populace showing up in the primaries, this is what you get, people. You get the fanatic's choice. Because THEY show up!

  15. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Whoever told him that unshaven look is good - LIED. He looks like HELL. Why do the worst people in Alaska run for office? He failed at his day job as a lawyer, so why not go for the gold - politics. Are the people in Alaska going to get "taken for a ride" by still another grifter?

  16. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Well, I don't "value gun rights" either so does Joe Miller want to deport me? What a lunatic he is. All of them. What has President Obama done to any of these right wingers personally that they react in such an absolutely crazy way? For some bizarre reason gun nuts like Miller and his right-wing ilk are so fearful that their guns might be taken that they are willing to tromp on the rest of the Constitution and terrorize the rest (the majority) of the population. Joe Miller, who supposedly studied the Constitution, since he somehow became an attorney, seems to be totally ignorant of everything except the poorly phrased Second Amendment. Please do not let him anywhere near Washington, DC. Keep Senator Begich there!

  17. Anonymous12:08 AM

    he looks like humphrey bogart in african queen!


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