Saturday, August 02, 2014

KKK calls for killing undocumented immigrants the minute they cross the border. (Children included.)

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

One of the KKK’s Imperial Wizards told reporter Robert Ray that the people coming to the border are “criminals” and will “continue breaking the law” when they come into the country, not to mention bringing third world diseases. His conclusion: 

“If we can’t turn ‘em back, I think if we pop a couple of ‘em off and leave the corpses laying on the border, maybe they’ll see that we’re serious about stopping immigration.” 

There you have it. The KKK endorsing the extra-judicial killing of children.

In the video that accompanies this article after making this horrendous statement the Klan went on to condemn blacks, gays, and Jews, and then claimed they were Christians and not a hate group.

The truly troubling thing is that this mindset is not too far off the way that the militia members currently "helping" the border control are seeing things as well.

In their opinion these people are guilty the minute they set foot in America, and that the death penalty, delivered right on the spot, is the appropriate punishment.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I thought watching Palin crash and burn would be fun to watch, but watching the christian right implode is more fun! All those self described christian lawmakers in Washington, and not a sane one in the bunch! Where in the wholly bable (pun intended) does it say Thou shall lie to fulfill a political agenda, thumpers?

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      The only problem for the rest of us is that these crazies vote to pass laws that affect all of us. While I want to see them all implode, above all I want to see them voted out of office by sane Americans.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      A feature of democracy is that in the long term, it's the side with the best breeding program that wins. Sane Americans may not be propagating sufficiently.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM


  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What the fuck is wrong with our wonderful country?

    I just finished reading Sinclair Lewis's novel "It Can't Happen Here". Published in 1936, it explores the rise of a fascist state in the US.

    Lewis is claimed to have said: "When fascism comes to the US, it will be wrapped in the flag, and carrying a Bible." Although there is no substantive, definitive claim to Lewis saying or writing these specific words, "It Can't Happen Here" is the embodiment of the sentiment expressed.

    Lewis, (and Orwell, too,) could not foresee the technological advances ahead in their futures, but they illuminate the worst humanity can offer.

    If you are willing to read the story, be prepared for a nightmare or two, waking you up at 4 in the morning, horrified that you'd awakened into the novel. No shit.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      The USA is in very frightening times - no doubt about it!!! We have some creepy, evil people showing themselves today as Americans! They truly need to be kicked out of the country - KKK members, etc.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      @ 7:54 AM - What country would take these despicable creatures? Certainly not mine (Canada).

  4. Beldar Barada Nikto Conehead6:59 AM

    Is there ANY problem that can't be solved with a Second Amendment remedy?

    Like the wise old ammosexual once said "If a gun doesn't make your problem go away, you obviously need a bigger gun"

    Of course, that's the same wise old ammosexual who also said "I get such terrible headaches. It's mostly from the invisible CIA mind control ray gun my neighbor's cockapoo used to decrypt my manifesto. I know there's a coded message for me in the chemtrails over my house but a black ops ninja team is digging tunnels in my crawlspace and they steal my post-it notes whenever my meds make me pass out. The color blue is my sleeper cell wake-up command. And the color red. And a symbol that looks like a katana sword with a thick handle. I know about the blacks and Jews but they'd kill me if I told you what I know. I have a titanium/fiberglass alloy Masonic microchip in my left buttock that squeals at 45,000mhz which only I and two rare species of Honduran fruit bats can hear so I haven't slept thru the night since I was 18 years old. Food tastes like copper ever since I was alien-abducted in my sophomore year of college. On my TV, the static between stations is programmed by space aliens who are here to steal our fabric softener. I have a 55 gallon drum of fabric softener in my garage labelled 'maple syrup' because the aliens hate pancakes. On the road between my house and the clinic there are 3,521 yellow stripes and 1,222 white stripes which can be seen by passing spaceships. I save every fast food take-out wrapper because they can clone you from the DNA in your fingerprints on the paper. In a previous life I founded a secret society called Klaatu but I forgot the secret word when I was out-of-body-shipwrecked on the planet Goretex for 20,000 years. I have 3 Glocks, a Smith & Wesson .357 magnum, 2 Bushmasters with laser sights and an AK-47."

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Belarus, that is hilarious!

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Marry me, Beldar! LOL

    3. fromthediagonal3:50 PM

      Beldar, you must have had another sleepless night!
      There is no way you could do this kind of satire in bright daylight!
      Keep going, you are making not only my day, but that of many more somewhat sane readers!

    4. Inge, you're way too kind, but you're also assuming a lot. Truth be known, I sleep like a baby. Sure, it's the sleep of a colicky, wet-diapered baby, but still my sleep patterns have nothing to do with anything I chance to post here. If you, the "Marry me, Beldar" lady (please be a lady) or anyone else here derives the slightest enticklement from anything I do, then I say 'huzzah!'. (why 'huzzah' I can't begin to explain)

      Remember, also, too, that we're on the cusp of a post-satirical epoch in which reality is itself so outrageous that no one in their right mind - and especially not Gryphen - will continue to pay 7 figure salaries for churning out this nonsense a few times a week.

      So don't be surprised if someday - perhaps sooner than later - old Beldar will be forced to hang up his ancient Type-A-Rama(tm) word processor and return to his previous career as a daredevil "CAGE OF DEATH!" carnival motorcycle rider and professional competitive pie eater.

      (Let's keep this discussion just between us, OK? You know how jealous GinaM can get....)

    5. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

      Just curious, have you thought of having a channel of your own and charging folks, oh ten, twenty, or twenty nine ninety two dollars a month?

      Don't worry, your secrets safe with me.

    6. BJC4:38 PM
      (Let's keep this discussion just between us, OK? You know how jealous GinaM can get....)

      *GinaM whoozy from the medication after her major surgery last week...THANK YOU OBAMACARE!*

      Heyyy Beldy baby! I see you letting these ladies know that just cause I ain't around on occasion doesn't mean I don't have eyes (Hey Anita Girl!) on YOU! LOL!!!

      Okay...enough of that...back to bed for me...these drugs are something else...amirite Baldy or amirite! LOL!!!

    7. GinaM, put down the frying pan! You know the doctor said 'no lifting for 6 months'!! I have no idea to what you're referring and think perhaps it's a side effect of your medication. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery! That surgery makes you look at least 10 years younger.

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Caption contest: my penis is really bigger than this weapon.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    If it's was ONLY the KKK, but it's not.

    Democrat Rails Against Republicans Threatening Unarmed Children With Armed Militias

    House Republicans Vote To Deport 550,000 Kids Who Have Spent Much of Their Lives In The US

    Clueless House Republicans Cheer After Passing Racist Border Security Spending Bill

  7. Maple7:37 AM

    Wow -- the Democratic 2014 ads are just writing themselves, aren't they?

  8. Shari8:04 AM

    "There is nothing illegal about being a human being" Congressman John Lewis.

    1. Leland8:23 AM

      Shari, there is in the minds (?) of THESE fools!

    2. fromthediagonal3:57 PM

      The inhumanity of power hungry fanatics of all stripes of what we call homo sapiens has carried through history since time immemorial.

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Their Christian hearts go nuts over better inoculated children needing our help; how are they responding to that Samaritan's Purse doctor being medivaced to Georgia with Ebola from Liberia?

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    CNN Breaking News - Dr. Kent Brantly is American Ebola patient en route to Georgia from Liberia, Samaritan's Purse spokesman says.

  11. Leland8:26 AM

    One of my favorite MASH episodes was when they died the skin of a bigot brown. They did so because he asked them not to give him any of "that dark" blood.

    So MANY great episodes like that in that program.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      YES Leland! Remember it well!

    2. fromthediagonal4:09 PM

      Happened in the early seventies on a base in the UP of Michigan:
      Someone needed a blood transfusion and the request was: No colored blood! Yeah, guess what? Ignored, the person lived and the family was resentful!
      They were Resentful!
      My brain still stutters 53 years later.

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I cringe whenever I see a car sporting a Confederate flag. Now I have even more reason to.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM


    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Not silly. You are stupid. That evil flag and all the vileness that it stands for should have been stamped out a hundred years ago.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      No, it is a silly statement. You are stupid. It is also very bigoted and prejudiced and intolerant to judge people over a flag that is viewed very differently around the country for different reasons. Surprised the IM crowd is so racist and prejudiced, thought libs were more open minded and accepting of different cultures. Or is it just cultures that fit within your narrow view of the world?

    4. Leland3:25 PM

      @ 11:51.

      That flag may be viewed differently around the country, but mostly it is viewed as bigoted, ignorant and hateful.

      I grew up in South Carolina and I can attest to the fact it IS used as a sign of intolerance and hatred of the blacks. I have been all over this country - with the exception of Hawaii - and ALMOST EVERY person I have come across who displays that flag is exactly what makes Beaglemom cringe.

      And those who feel the flag is a GOOD thing generally are the type to call other people stupid and make intelligent people fearful.

    5. fromthediagonal4:10 PM


  13. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Ted Nugent will be at the Portland Expo Center August 5th. Because "Keep Portland Weird" is the motto here, they will not cancel him.

    HATE ON, Ted, you prick!

  14. Leland8:58 AM

    If the guy's defense lawyer doesn't appeal AND demand that judge's removal IMMEDIATELY, he/she is NOT a lawyer.

    At the very least he should get a new trial, but I'm willing to bet the lawyer will have a tough time getting that appeal considering WHERE this happened.

  15. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I'm much more horrified by the most tone deaf statement of the modern political era, "We tortured some folks," than I am by cartoon racists.

    1. Maple9:35 AM

      Why is that "tone deaf"? Instead of using euphemisms, he came out and said EXACTLY what was done, and it's way past time that the conservative chickenhawks heard it.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Obama considers waterboarding torture. Bush/Cheney waterboarded people. Therefore we TORTURED people from Obama's (and MOST people's) point of view. Including John FUCKING McCain.

      If you are 'horrified' at the TRUTH, that we used methods of torture to try to extract information from people, and that it was proven had NO success whatsoever in getting any valid information, well so am I. But if you're 'horrified' because he called it like it is. Then you may want to check your state of denial, because baby you are IN IT, right up to your eyeballs. Waterboarding is torture. Period.

  16. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Murder is still murder and if these monsters kill innocent people I hope they're caught and they end up on death row.
    M from Md

  17. Our Lad11:10 AM

    Feh. These dickless cocksuckers have been here since before baseball and they'll be here after Keith Richard. They'll still be playing dress up and fucking their sisters, who gives a rat's ass? It's a big country, these silly cunts are a tiny, loud part of it. Fuck 'em and feed 'em peanuts.

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    And look at that 'typical' family! 'Gun friendly' storybooks for kids? WTF? NOT my idea of wholesome, no fucking way.

    The co-founders of Michigan Open Carry have published a children’s book extolling the virtues of having fun while openly brandishing loaded firearms.

    My Parents Open Carry tells the story of “13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard [spending] a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together,” according to the book’s official site. However, “[w]hat’s not so typical is that Brenna’s parents lawfully open carry handguns for self-defense.”

    The book’s authors, Brian Jeffs and Nathan Nephew, claim that they were inspired to write the book because they “looked for pro-gun children’s books and couldn’t find any. Our goal was to provide a wholesome family book that reflects the views of the majority of the American people, i.e., that self-defense is a basic natural right and that firearms provide the most efficient means for that defense.”

  19. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    Wow, the kkk is so full of bravado! Shooting innocent kids on site, no questions asked. Judge, Jury and Executioners. These are grown men dressed like nuns to hide their mullets, and they want to be taken seriously? Epic fail, morons.

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Those KKK hood-lums sounds like Sarah Palin's base and I betcha those hooded terrorists subscribes to Sarah Palin Blog Channel.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Goober-ner Perry are you going to put a bounty on those little kids and allow hunters from airplanes to mow them down like former Goober-ner Sarah Palin did with those wolf pups in Alaska?


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