Saturday, August 23, 2014

Newly released court documents show that Wisconsin Governor, and GOP rising star, Scott Walker may be in very, very hot water.

Courtesy of the AP: 

Newly released court documents include excerpts from emails showing that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's recall election campaign team told him to instruct donors to give to a key conservative group that would run ads for Walker and distribute money to other conservative groups backing him. 

The documents released Friday by a federal appeals court also show that prosecutors believe Walker personally solicited donations for conservative group Wisconsin Club for Growth to get around campaign finance limits and disclosure requirements as he fended off the recall attempt in 2012. 

Aides told Walker to tell donors that they could make unlimited donations to Wisconsin Club for Growth without having the gifts publicly disclosed. Wisconsin Club for Growth then funneled the money to other conservative groups that advertised on Walker's behalf. 

"As the Governor discussed ... he wants all the issue advocacy efforts run thru one group to ensure correct messaging," Walker fundraiser Kate Doner wrote to campaign adviser R.J. Johnson in April 2011, a little more than a year before the recall election. "We had some past problems with multiple groups doing work on 'behalf' of Gov. Walker and it caused some issues ... the Governor is encouraging all to invest in the Wisconsin Club for Growth." 

It's not clear whether Walker followed the instructions from his team. But the documents say millions of dollars later moved from donors he was set to speak with to Wisconsin Club for Growth, which in turn funded groups backing Walker in the recall election.

The documents are part of a secret investigation into whether Walker illegally coordinated with conservative groups and fundraisers in the run up to the 2012 recall election.

According to these documents it appears that he did just that.

I think my new favorite song when reporting on the Republican party is this one by Queen.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Ole doll-eyed Walker is a true scumbag a lap dog for the Cock brothers. He is a college dropout with aspirations to be POTUS..just like stain.
    I will truly enjoy watching his downfall.

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Perfect song for the occasion Gryph! I just hope there are a lot more investigations coming to light and to a court in America for all these GOP officials who feel that they are above the law! And may they all come out by the end of September to totally charge up the Democratic and Independent voters to get out and vote.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Jesus, can't any of these god fearing idiots do anything right?

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      My thoughts exactly!

    2. Leland5:30 AM

      Well, 12:35, they seem to be doing a good job of f**king up!

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    O/T but this is really great news, Gryphen!

    Obama Administration Calls The Supreme Court’s Bluff In Hobby Lobby

    For most of the last year, the Supreme Court has forced the Obama Administration into an elaborate dance, where the Court hands down orders casting doubt upon the administration’s efforts to ensure that all women have access to affordable birth control — while simultaneously implying that everything would be fine if the administration just designed their birth control policy a different way. Friday, the administration is expected to announce a new policy that appears designed to end this dance and force the justices to rule definitively on whether employers with religious objections to birth control effectively have the power to restrict their employees’ access to birth control coverage, no matter how the government structures its regulations.

    ...In any event, however, the Obama Administration’s new rules will likely put an end to the Supreme Court’s ability to move the goalposts every time someone raises a new objection to the administration’s policy. The administration has now crafted its rules to comply almost to the letter with the requirements suggested by previous Supreme Court opinions. Now, the rest of the country will have to wait to find out whether Hobby Lobby actually permits this latest set of rules — or whether the language in that decision leading the Obama Administration in this direction will simply end with Lucy pulling away the football one more time.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Obama Administration Puts Supreme Court in Check, Protects Americans’ Rights After Absurd Hobby Lobby Decision

    2. fromthediagonal2:21 PM

      I hope this will stand!

    3. All insurance plans under the law must provide certain minimum coverages.

      Currently, if your employer coverage meets those standards, you can buy still buy a plan on the exchange that you prefer to your employer's plan, but you cannot receive receive the subsidies you would otherwise qualify for.

      Hobby Lobby won't provide the required birth control coverage, fine. Their employees should then be eligible to shop around on the exchanges for a better plan and qualify for the subsidies based on their income.

      It would provide one more step away from the stupidity of employer based insurance and toward Medicare for all.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The question is whether or not he'll be called on the carpet for it. No offense to residents of WI who post here, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was re-elected. They had their chance to rid themselves of him. Maybe I'm wrong,but $$ or no $$, it comes down to the polls and lazy people who believe what they read or see without doing research that's at their fingertips.

    1. fromthediagonal2:27 PM

      You are right, Anon@12:38... proud
      "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up" willful ignorance will probably bring us down.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      I meant voting booth, not polls. Pardon the error.

    3. Anonymous7:55 PM

      fuck, we tried to get rid of this POS, there are just too many stupid people in this world, all those dumb ass cheese head wearers should be beat, they are mostly red neck repubs.
      from a 'scony girl

    4. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I'm in Wisconsin. I believe that we can vote him out. We really didn't "have our chance" with the recall, because many here do NOT fundamentally agree with the recall option no matter what. Many here would like to see the recall option gone. They believe that he needs to be voted out at general election, and I think that is what will happen. The fact that he "won the recall" was really only a statement about how a lot of wisconsin feels about recalls in general, and NOT an endorsement of Walker. I see evidence of that in the extreme tight polling numbers right now. Go Mary Burke!

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hmmm. All you need is Howard Cosell "Down goes Walker!" First Christie, then Perry, then Walker, and of course the serial plagerizer Paul. That leaves "Romney 2016"

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      " I'm a die hard-Dem! " But Governor Cuomo has me worried, he's another one under investigation.

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      1:45 -
      NYer here...I've been pretty disappointed in Cuomo and how he seems to be up to his ears in questionable behavior. After being such a pitbull as AG, the level of apparent corruption in his administration is shocking, although the NY legislature has always been a less-than-squeaky-clean place.

      I also have a problem with how he's treated teachers and, as much as I want far stricter gun control in this country, parts of the SAFE Act were an overreach and put the whole thing in danger of repeal . His apparent willingness to consider fracking in critical parts of western and central NY's watershed also scares me.

      Astorino is such a Tea Party clown that Cuomo is a shoe-in, but he's far less ethical and progressive than I had expected.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I couldn't stand that little, pompous prick the first time he opened his mouth. I would love to see him in stripes.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      yup, a trip to waupan would get his dick head on straight!

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I hope you're right! I would love to see this vile scumbag not just bite the dust but get buried under it for a long, long time to come.

  9. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hoe Hoe Hoe! That's John Doe!

    "It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." Ronald Reagan

  10. This is why we need widespread serious campaign finance reform.

    Perhaps in the form of money is NOT speech and taking money out of politics completely. No more political or campaign donations of any kind. PACs of any kind becoming illegal. I'd like to see lobbying forbidden too.

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Lets see:
    "Governor Ultrasound" McDonnell - indicted
    "Governor Good Hair" Perry - indicted
    Governor slimeball Walker - maybe indicted
    Governor Lane Closure Christi - could be indicted and could not even pass Romney's VP vetting in 2012
    Senator "water gulp" Rubio - book coming out about all his slimy dealings that could get him thrown out of Congress/indicted
    Bachmann - ongoing ethics investigation

    Yep -- sounds like the usual bunch of slimy GOP jerks for 2016 off to a good start.....and no doubt more dirt to come out about them.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      And this is the party that runs on a morals platform.

  12. AKinPA1:10 PM

    How could this idiot be considered a "rising star" even in the moronic GOP? He's a Palin clone: undereducated; got pranked thinking he was talking to one of the Koch brothers; shady dealings in office; and a stupid puppet without a mind of his own. The GOP--- singlehandedly making the US a laughingstock, third world country one idiotic clown car rising star at a time.

    1. You're right. He also has the dullest, dopiest, blandest face. He has the charisma of phlegm. I would think people would fall asleep looking at his name on the ballot.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      "He has the charisma of phlegm." I LOVE YOU!! hahaha

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      He grew up and brushed elbows with the wealthiest county in the state, he's just a puppet for Waukesha county's millions.
      I firmly believe that Mary Burke's polling numbers are so close right now because she ALSO came from the area (Hartland), and has powerful connections. I really, really hope we will take Walker down this fall.

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Braving snow showers and a frigid wind outside the state Capitol building, the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate told tea partyers she's glad to stand with Gov. Scott Walker. Hundreds of labor supporters surrounded the rally, trying to drown Palin out with chants of "Hey-hey, ho-ho, Scott Walker has got to go!" and "Recall Walker!"

    "Hey, folks! He's trying to save your jobs and your pensions!" Palin yelled into the microphone. "Your governor did the right thing and you won! Your beautiful state won! And people still have their jobs!"




  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Scott Walker
    Rick Perry

    Sarah Palin you are next if Alaska gets off their asses.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Exactly 1:32 ! Too many Alaskans that have the dirt on her but won't spill it. Get off your asses and bury this bitch !!!

  15. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

    Amazing how a Ponzi Scheme can ruin a career. It couldn't happen to a better specimen. Didn't Sarah run to his side during the recall election? I wonder what her cut was?

  16. London Bridges3:44 AM

    All these republican leaders look (and act) like they have an IQ of 75 or less. Perhaps this is a Koch brother screening criteria.
    Walker (who is not a college graduate) Issa, Pee Wee Ryan, Santorum, Perry, the list goes on and on. None of them are bright enough to attend clown college, either.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I would be thrilled if this nasty piece of slime got sent to prison, but I wonder how long it will take for Wisconsin to recover from the damage he's already inflicted.

    Like Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania, there may be hope to kick all these asshats out of office, but their legacy of destruction will live on long after they're gone.


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