Saturday, August 23, 2014

Apparently Governor Rick Perry does not even understand why he has been indicted.

Courtesy of Salon:  

Speaking to business leaders in New Hampshire on Friday, where Texas’ Republican Gov. Rick Perry believes he’s running for President in 2016, he was asked about the two-count felony indictment filed by a grand jury against him last week. As ABC News tells the story: 

Perry was a little unclear when explaining what felony charges were issued against him.”I’ve been indicted by that same body now for I think two counts, one of bribery, which I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t really understand the details here,” Perry said of the grand jury that indicted him. 

A grand jury indicted Perry last week on two felony counts — abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public official — over a 2013 veto threat. 

It’s really not that complicated. The indictment was only two pages. I’m not an attorney, and I couldn’t tell you how strong the case against him is at this point. Some legal experts describe it as weak at best or otherwise questionably Constitutional, even as local Texas reporters in paper after paper insist the charges are far more serious than how they are being portrayed by national media. But, without going into the specifics of the case, for now, even I can read a two-page indictment and see that it has nothing to do with “bribery.”

Damn this guy's a goober!

By the way journalists in Texas are quite unhappy that many in the media do not understand the severity of the charges against Perry, and want them to start taking them more seriously: 

Forrest Wilder, who is covering the story for the Texas Observer, noted in a recent piece that the criminal complaint against Perry filed in June 2013 by Texans for Public Justice was assigned to a Republican judge who then appointed a former prosecutor in the George H.W. Bush administration as special prosecutor. In comments to Media Matters, Wilder said the charges were something "we should take seriously." 

"There is nothing about this indictment process that suggests partisan bias," said Wilder. "You had a Republican judge who appointed a special prosecutor who has largely a Republican pedigree who presented testimony from 40 individuals. There were hundreds of documents reviewed and the grand jury decided to indict." 

He also called much of the national coverage "mystifying." "These are folks who have not been following this and conclude there was nothing to this; that is a rush to judgment," he said. "Every major news outlet in the state at this point has done a piece along the lines of 'hey guys, here are some things to consider, here are some things you are getting wrong.'"

In short,  Perry is in deep shit. And if he doesn't yet understand that, then he sure as hell better get somebody to explain that to him.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Perry's already got 4 high-priced lawyers to handle the details of this indictment. He can't bother to worry himself with all those silly little details. He has a presidential race to think about.


    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      That's funny

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Couldn't even remember the three agencies he would eliminate.

      Good luck, rick.

  2. Box of crayons and a Limbaugh coloring book for you sir, yes now off you go Gov. Perry.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Reminds me of Palin.. she to this day claims she was cleared of all charges. She was too damn stupid to read the documents for herself and her legal representation kept her ass out of prison making deals.

  4. Again. This asshat has been abusing his power for DECADES. This is not an exaggeration. Truth from a speeding incident to his Mofo crap, Even before this, his reputation of bully is rampant. State of TX employee for 20 years now . I've seen it too close for comfort. Urgh.

    BTW, Ricky, just come out of the closet already, would'ya? We all know you're gay. Just get it done already!

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      ^ hey, I work for the state of TX, too! But only 5 years. There's a great book out about the hunt to prove he's gay: Head Figure Head by Glen Maxey.

      Remember, below, and everyone else, 45 percent of us have NEVER voted for him.


    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Dave - @2:13 PM

      I feel for you and the rest of the 45% in Texas.


  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    And yet Texans of ordinary means have elected this corrupt doofus over and over again. It is dispiriting to see how misinformed and easily manipulated these folks are. They have nary a clue they are voting against their self interest.

    1. fromthediagonal2:39 PM

      Over and again, you are right.

  6. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Bribery is probably on his mind because he's probably also guilty of that. And no one has discovered that -- yet.

    1. Sally in MI10:24 AM

      Makes you Palin continually bringing up crony capitalism and Trig's birth certificate....the guilty must feel a LITTLE remorse.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      He obviously just confused the solution he came up with for dealing with the charges for the specifics of the charges. Only a fool would confuse those two.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Rick Perry makes George W Bush look intelligent.

    1. Sally in MI10:23 AM

      And that's a tall order....of course, Bush had Cheney feeding him thoughts...Perry just has the equally idiotic Abbott.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Yes. When Perry is released from prison he need to take finger painting lessons from a gorilla just to compete with Dubya's watercolors. Pretty sure Rick ate a lot of paste in elementary school too.


    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Well, here's hoping that "the equally idiotic Abbott" doesn't become the next governor of TX!

    4. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I will never understand the likes of any of these (insert laundry list) so-called leaders or WHY people keep voting for them.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Goodhair knows very well why he's been indicted. Feigning ignorance is part of the shtick of pretending the charges are too insignificant for someone of his "importance" to take seriously.

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    MSNBC has been interviewing people out of Texas and showing the contrast between coverage down here and that of the beltway media. They also pointed out that if Perry was so upset about that DA being arrested and convicted of DUI that he wanted her to resign, then why didn't he ask the two Republican DA's who were convicted of DUI during his tenure of resigning also? Maybe because they didn't run the group that investigated ethical violation in the Legislature? And it would do him no good to replace them with another Republican like he wanted to do with the Democrat.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Can I get a OOOPS?

  9. I think part of the disconnect is because most governors have more power vested in them by their states' constitution than Texas gives. Media are used to governors that actually govern while the Texas governor is supposed to be pretty powerless. Perry tried to grab more than the position allows.

  10. Those t-shirts they'rte selling indicate that he's been indicted for what he;;s doing along the border... so I think perhaps the newly-indicted should have to take a class to understand the system.

    Or something.

    You know... a "So You've Been Indicted" class.

  11. Gryphen, I strongly urge you not to be smug or to misunderestimate Governor Goober. It's entirely likely that his apparent lack of knowledge or intelligence is the fault of some unfortunate campaign lackey who simply forgot to pack the guv's Acme(tm)-brand Smart Man Spectacles for this road trip. I suspect that lackey is currently hanging naked upside down in the official goobernatorial mansion's recently remodeled dungeon with electrodes clamped to his - or her - nipples and I doubt this gaffe will occur again.

    Of course, it's also entirely likely that the 2016 GOP presidential hopeful will creatively mine new veins of gaffe-tastic material before the campaign is over or later today, whichever comes first.

    1. fromthediagonal2:43 PM

      Oh yeah... Beldar! You just make my day.

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    We in Wisconsin hope that Scott "Son of a Preacher Man" Walker is in even deeper shit:

    1. fromthediagonal2:45 PM

      Good, now do something about educating you neighbors, Please!

    2. R. SIeger10:11 AM

      God Bless Scott Walker for reforming the pensions in Wisconsin and standing up to the special interests.despite George Soros' lackeys.

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Texas Judge Warns Rick Perry Not To Threaten Grand Jury

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Ever since this thing started, Perry's people have been making plans and pushing the "partisan" meme. And it's working. He owns the narrative--That being he's a victim of having done the right thing and now he's being prosecuted for it. And the mainstream media is lapping it up.

    The charges are serious. And if there is actual proof that he sent his people to make a deal with the DA after he vetoed the funds for the integrity unit, he's going to have tough row to hoe to prove he's innocent. But right now, he's playing the tough cowboy, standing up the evil Dems and he's winning the PR race. And he's taking Wendy Davis and every other Dem running for office with him every time that horrid video of the DA's arrest is shown or a t-shirt with her mug shot on it sells. He wins points.

    I'm am sincerely hoping the grand jury knows about links to Perry's efforts to get the DA to resign, as in concrete proof he did it--I so want to him on Dancing With The Stars...Sooner instead of later!

  15. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Here is another good reason why Perry should stop running for President. Before he opens his mouth, someone on his staff should explain the situation to him. There is probably a procedure to get rid of anyone who holds public office. Vetoing the bill which funded the woman's department is not the way to do it because it ends up penalizing the state. If Perry can't remember three things, he should have a good staff that can explain things to him.

  16. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Man! That is some serious denial! But, if you remember Palin was in denial too regarding her abuse of power. She thought she was above reproach. As an Alaskan, I will never forgive the power she granted Todd Palin. He is a worm. And, I am sure worms are smarter and have superior ethics as compared to Todd Palin. I am so embarrassed to think these two sat in the governor’s office.

  17. He doesn't understand?

    In what way is this a surprise to anyone?

  18. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I guess that photo above is Perry's 'deeply introspective' look.

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    is he bringing in Bush as character witness

  20. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    Doh!!! Did he ever come up with the third branch of Government from the GOP debate? Someone toss ice water on him and see if he gets it. (no offense to anyone with ALS or their families) but he's too stupid for his own good.
    Texas journalists have raised my esteem of Texas up a few notches.

  21. R. SIeger10:08 AM

    Yeah Perry is sleazy but Ronnie Earle and Rosemary Lehmberg are paragons of ethics and virtue. The problem for Republicans is that the state capital is in Austin; they should consider moving it to another city with more integrity and smarter jurors.


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