Sunday, August 17, 2014

Road Trip! Update!

I am right now visiting the Byron Glacier with Dennis Zaki who is up visiting from California.

I have not done nearly as much hiking this summer as usual, so I definitely need get out into the wilderness and replenish my batteries.

I will of course continue to check the blog today and okay comments even though I am not sitting at the desk in my office as usual.

I will also encourage Dennis to take some photos so I can share them with you.

Update: Well that was a blast!


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Question, do you ever leave Alaska? I know different strokes for different folks, but those Alaska reality shows really don't make it look so great

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      What part of it doesn't look great? Yeah, it's a little cold and dark for a few months but mostly it's a vast playground of sights and activities. Hawaii is a great option from November thru January, but other than that Alaska has been the best place I've ever lived. I guess if you don't like flying, hiking, ice-climbing, superb gardening and a general dearth of people in a very large space then perhaps this place isn't for you.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I love the Alaska/Hawaii combination too....perfect in every way!!!

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I was born and raised just outside of NYC and now live in Western NY. I'm fortunate to have visited Alaska 4 times in the last 10 years. Even though I'm not exactly the outdoorsy type, I absolutely adore Alaska and I'd move there in a NY minute if I didn't have ties and obligations here.

      Alaska has some of the most breathtaking scenery you can imagine, and wildlife living within blocks of downtown (and I'm not talking about pigeons!). The long summer days and cooler temperatures produce some of the most beautiful, brilliantly-colored flowers and enormous vegetables I've ever seen.

      And, believe it or not, the average snowfall in Anchorage is less than what I get here in western NY!

      Remember that 'reality' television is nothing close to reality, and is shot and edited to conform to a particular point of view and/or stereotype.

      There is nothing quite like watching humpback whales doing bubble net feeding, a grizzly mom and cubs wander down to a stream to look for salmon, or a sunset washing the Alaska Range in pinks and purples.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Wow! Beautiful pics Dennis! And I'm so glad you escaped from Alaska!!! Escaped from Palin thuggery!!!
      I do have one of Dennis's "Iconic" Bear in the Sunset in AK pic on my HD....its so beautiful...Alaska is beautiful. The mountains.... there is nothing like it. Except maybe the Himalayas!
      But for the most part the people are shit heads. Corruption all over, kills wolves and other wild life. I won't go back until things change and palin Thugs are GONE! Like in JAIL...GONE!

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Right on! Enjoy yourself and have a great day!

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    But......have a great time and post pics

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Byron is a lot of fun, but it's so much harder to get to now than it was 15 years ago! Be safe and have a great time.

  5. For a guy who hates crowds (that's me), for a guy who appreciates solitude and loneliness are not synonymous, you are making me drool with that picture. Take as much as time as you want; the Palin craziness can wait, and dailykos'll catch the rest. Have fun. :)

  6. Caroll Thompson1:24 PM

    No camping this summer? Every year I have read this blog, you take a camping trip and don't always have a good time. But I found it very funny to read your writing from the camp site (cold, wet, hungry, etc....).

    Looks very pretty out there. Don't slip on the ice and break your hip.

    1. There was really no ice where we were hiking but I did slip on some slick rocks.

      Emerged relatively unscathed however.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Those rocks are difficult to walk on.....been there and done that! But, glad you enjoyed your outdoor adventure, IM!

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Please have a well-deserved weekend, G.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Oops, meant a "great" well-deserved weekend.

  8. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Beautiful pictures. Almost surreal.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Thanks Gryph, for all you do. At times you probably don't believe it but you are making a difference. Many have fallen off the wayside but you are hanging strong. Don't leave us all alone in our fight to imprison our Mr. And Mrs. Sarah Palin. Dog bless you.

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I doubt I will ever make it to Alaska but so glad I got to see the photos! Have fun!


  11. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Nothing clears the mind and helps reset perspectives better than some time with mother nature. Have a great time.

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Thanks for posting your photo. I just showed my husband the guy that keeps me up to date with the wild, the weird, and other good stuff. The World According the Gryph!!!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  13. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    Thanks for sharing! It's a damn shame Sarah's given the entire state a bad reputation, but I've experienced it a few times and hope to make it back again when I hit the lottery. It should be on everyone's bucket list, the terrain, wildlife and the Northern Lights, alone are worth it. But it's greatest resource is it's people. I've done a lot of travelling, and Alaskan's go out of their way to help when they can, and if they can't, they'll take the time to find out.


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