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This picture has nothing to do with the post, I just like it. |
I am going to spare you the whole thing as it is fairly toxic, but here are a few fecal encrusted chunks for you:
There is absolutely nothing important going on in the world right now.
There are no security threats, no worldwide turmoil affecting America’s interests, no civil war in Syria, South Sudan, or Libya. No war on our ally, Israel. No Ebola epidemic devastating West Africa and spreading. No race riots tearing apart a whole community in Missouri. No Russian aggression in Ukraine. No deranged North Korean dictator testing more missiles. No Chinese jets getting up close and personal with our American military. No brave American journalist sickeningly beheaded by Muslim terrorist savages rampaging through the Middle East seizing oil fields and committing genocide on Christians and Kurds. No illegal immigration crisis as thousands of unaccompanied minors illegally walk right across our unsecured borders. No scandals in Obama’s White House. No worried servicemen and women coping with ill-advised U.S. Military chainsaw cuts. And no increase in our nation’s debt. Nope. It’s been one lazy summer with nothing to do, not a thing to worry about in No Drama Obama land.
Proving once again that not only did Palin not understand the job of VP but she clearly does NOT understand that the President of the United States is NEVER truly on vacation. Just because he does not call her up to give her constant updates on what his daily schedule looks like does not mean he is not addressing many of these problems. (You know except for the imaginary ones that she stuck in there.)
Oh you're going to love this next part:
And this utter state of calm also explains why Harry Reid’s first order of business when the Senate returns from vacation is to gut our First Amendment rights.
Reid and his minions in the democrat party think that what America really needs right now is a constitutional amendment to limit the amount of funds we can spend on elections. Don’t know when the conversion happened, but suddenly LIBERALS are worried about the undo influence of money in getting candidates elected!
I know what you're thinking, "Oh Gryphen I think you made a typo." But no, I didn't.
I simply cut and pasted the above from her Facebook page, which means that neither she, NOR her ghostwriter, know how to spell "undue."
As for what Harry Reid is proposing, I think that almost ALL Americans would love to see an amendment that kept corporations from buying elections in this country.
I know I would.
Palin goes on quite a ghostwritten rant about it actually. Which includes this nugget:
“There’s nothing going on in the world in these lazy days of summer, so let’s light a campfire and tear up our First Amendment for kindling!” said no American ever. But that doesn’t matter to Harry and his party pals. They just need another political gimmick to distract from the utter failure of everything they’ve touched in the last six years.
Actually considering the obstructionism, what the President has accomplished has almost been miraculous.
Then Palin decides to go old school:
Why bother with addressing the failure of Obamacare? Why deal with the crisis at our border as lawbreakers threaten the livelihoods of working class Americans? Why deal with the Islamic organizations steamrolling through the Middle East, hell-bent on meeting us on our shores? Why deal with declining middle class incomes and stagnant job growth and unsustainable big brother government largesse? Why bother trying to fix anything Americans are actually concerned about? Nah, Harry says, “Let’s attack the Constitution instead, again!”
Let's do these one at a time shall we?
First off Obamacare is anything but a failure. In fact it is now helping to reduce the deficit.
Second the "crisis" at our borders is not only completely exaggerated, but it is the Congress who stands in the way of any reform to our immigration policies.
Thirdly those Islamic organizations "steamrolling though the Middle East" are the direct result of the destabilizing influence from the Iraq war, and are NOT the fault of President Obama. (Even Rand Paul agrees with that.)
As for job growth it continues to rise at better than expected numbers even though the Republicans are doing everything in their power to sabotage any success. But I get it, President Obama is not repairing the damage done to the nation's economy by the last Republican president fast enough for SOME people.
No the President may not be perfect, but he is accomplishing some herculean tasks in the face of constant adversity from the Republicans and a barrage of criticisms from failed politicians turned Koch brother paid mouth pieces.
And doing it all while also playing a few rounds of golf, and enjoying a little relaxation time with his family.
Sounds like he is living vibrantly to me.
Okay Sarah, you now have a black dog like your Barack. Now how about worrying about Trig wearing his prescription glasses, teaching him how to eat solid foods and using the toilet? So sad.
ReplyDeleteIs that why Bristol's heart hurts over Trig? Is it because Trig's needs has been neglected over all these years?
DeleteSurprised VP (In Name Only) Sarah Palin didn't name her black dog BO after President Barack Obama's black dog?
DeleteBristol, if you hurt so much about Trig, why don't you make sure that he gets a pair of glasses and wears them? You made Tripp wear glasses for a little while. Or was he posing for photos to show that he looked like the Christmas Story kid?
DeleteBristol must be busy, rescheduled court event September 8 is coming up. She is blessed to have Nancy French working for her mom's Bristol Blog.
DeleteBristol is the Palin that knows about vacationing. And pontoon. Thank you Joan and Melissa Rivers for the boat. Bristol needs to vacation.
The pose
The unposed pose. When you give up on looking posed.
anon @ 9:20am
DeleteHmmmm....sure isn't Alaaaaska that pontoon boat is in. Why would a "vibrantly living employed person" have their boat in another state? In the "outside"?
bustol needs a boob job or detachable boobs like her dizzy mother occasionally uses. If it weren't for the fringes on the top, I would think it's a kid of twelve. Flat as her ass.
DeletePump, pump time bustol.
Remember the legend that she had to have a breast reduction in 2007 because they were so huge.. It was the excuse not to visit Mercede when she had mono and was with Levi on a date.
DeleteIf she did, Sarah would be picking up Barack's shit.
That does make me smile. :)
No deranged North Korean dictator testing more missiles.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Sarah why are you calling your ally in North Korea leader deranged? Are you throwing him under your bus too?
How could she have forgotten BENGHAZI!!!!! ? And also, too, the 'honorable Marine' who is still in a Mexican jail even though all he did was get lost on poorly signed Mexican roads.
ReplyDeleteArchie Butt
I believe that what that Marine did was to ignore the laws about firearms and ammo, and *cross in to Mexico* with multiple guns and ammo inside his truck.
DeleteYou can't just drive into Mexico on poorly signed roads in Southern California , at least not since the 1920's
He knowingly crossed the border , and didn't remember all his guns, or he just thought it was no big deal since it was his normal routine to drive around with an arsenal in his truck.
Hadn't he already been in Mexico just hours earlier?
DeleteA. J., the line about the 'honorable marine' was a bit of sarcasm. He didn't get lost. He knew exactly where he was but didn't think he was going to get caught.
DeleteArchie Butt
DeleteHe knew that he was bringing weapons into another country and I am glad he got caught.
hahahaahahahahahahahaha !
ReplyDeleteThe QUITTER actually criticizes someone working, cause she doesn't realize how stupid she looks doing such.
And no one will tell her otherwise in her family. Way too much entertainment for them and they are all racists and like to see irrelevant crap thrown at people of color.
Plus she is trying to make money off every racist person in America.
My first thought exactly:
DeleteWell, he could just quit, right, Nasty?
It's also amusing b/c Gryphen had the post a bit ago about PBO's vacations vs. Bush. We know Nasty saw it. So transparent (except in Government, right, Nasty?).
ReplyDeleteGryphen, as you know, I was recently appointed Archbishop of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am, of course, humbled by and most deserving of the honor. Part of my duties as Archbishop include cheerful public blasphemy and taking over as Official Troll of your defunct blog, effective immediately. As a tribute to the outgoing troll, I have compiled a list of his/her/its greatest and most disturbing IM troll comments. Note: these comments should NOT be used for the diagnoses of mental illness without the involvement of a licensed mental health professional.
Here ya go:
IM commenters
- are haters, nasty, suckers, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, seriously disturbed, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, LIBERAL...
- don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
- should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...
- is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, hard working, private, intelojunt, living vibrantly, happy...
- is probably not even his real name, matters not, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing
I feel sorry for you. smh
Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
Accept no Substitute!
Beldar J Conehead puts the FUNC in Defunct Blog Trolling.
A proud Conehead Family Tradition since earlier in the week.
Thank you for your hard work on this Labor Day weekend! :)
DeleteAnd once again, Beldar out-trolls the troll! It can stay in bed today, the job is done.
DeleteCan we start a petition to get "Anonymous group" to post a copy of Trig's birth certificate from State of Alaska files.
ReplyDeleteThis would instantly put an END to Sarah Palin. The truth will set us free from this fraud and fake forever.
They'd only do that if Sarah was important and had some power. They don't go after just any old lying bitchez.
DeleteThe Palins can prove Trig's birth easy in a court of law. I suspect they are frauds using Trig to gain fame and fortune under a false pretense. Trig is 6 now and he has an employment record. I want to see that as well. His employer must have records unless they neglected to give him fair treatment.
DeletePershaps the Palins can prove they are his parents or they adopted him? If not, I am concerned about human trafficking.
Anonymous8:00 AM
It is Labor Day wk end. Children do work and should be celebrated and shown respect for their part.
DeleteWhere can we start with a child like Trig Palin?
Sarah will say he has been traveling and doing political campaigns with her baby because she is such a caring mother.
human trafficking....errrr....like underage illegal prostitutes?
DeleteThis is something Cindy McCain would know more about. Unless she quit on that already. Human trafficking.... She was promoting herself as an activist and she was going to bring awareness about the horrible crimes that are getting worse by the day. She had a cause and she wanted to make a difference, at least there was one week end she was playing that roll.
DeleteIf Cindy McCain knows that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig, she would know Sarah had every right to take the baby with a weak heart in public time and again. For Sarah and John to promote themselves as pro-life, family values was vital to their campaign. At the same time Trig was with his mother on stage and other places he posed for photos with her. It was Sarah's job, not Trig at work. Sarah was selling that she could do everything, her day job and mother all her children, including Trig with Down syndrome. And no one was to be neglected, that would be failure and/or a lie. She was taking her Down syndrome baby to work because she was so good at motherhood and she had that image to sell.
John McCain was also benefiting from Trig being right there like he was working just as hard as any of them. Or just another baby going to work with a parent? Maybe Trig was working harder because he sacrificed so much to be with Sarah.
Trig could have been spending his time getting the theraphy he needed to learn basic life skills like eating. They did pose with him as a baby when they would read books, that may have substituted for actual therapy that would have helped him learn to form words. However, it was good salesmanship and Trig was a good model.
Children can be trafficked for labor, adoption and reasons other than sex. Even a parent that takes a child across a state line in the wrong situation can be charged with trafficking. Say a pimp takes their children into another state as part of advertising for their business. They don't sell the children to do sex, they just use them as a lure. To advertise an older working person. Parents can exploit their own children and when they are caught they could do time.
Sarah and Todd, and even if John McCain did exploit Trig Palin it is criminal and if they took him out of state it would be human trafficking. Did they take him out of state as part of other fraud? These are things the public needs to know.
The problem is in America the public can't know the facts that John McCain may or may not know. What documents did McCain see that were verified in regard to Trig? Who is Trig? Was he with his birth parents? Was he adopted? Are his papers legal and in order? John had to know about all the suspicious behaviors and things in regard to Sarah's 2008 pregnancy stories. As incompetent as he was with vetting Sarah Palin how could he risk not vetting a baby that he could be exploiting?
Since 2008 Trig Palin is a child that appears to be exploited. Sarah Palin is said to be his mother, she is responsible as far as we know. She finally came out some and she has been neglecting Trig since 2008. The damage she did to him is in his lack of abilities due to her negligence. Is that it? Is that all we can know? What about the baby that was neglected and exploited going back to 2008?
Why can't we get answers?
Why bother with addressing the failure of SarahCare? Why deal with the crisis concerning Trig?
ReplyDeleteSarahCare has insured that all the Palin kids has completed high school, all are enrolled in college and Trig can eat solid foods, speak more than two words and can use the restroom. All is well in Sarah Palin's house thanks to SarahCare.
Hey, dumbass, the congress in on a five-week vacation as well...you upset about that? Fuck off, hypocrite.
DeleteSurprised she didn't write this at the end of each paragraph "....And be sure to contribute to my PAC (Ponzi Scheme) so I can afford the 'postage' to fight these injustices !"
ReplyDeleteGryphie attacks Sarah Palin to make himself feel better while Obama plans his next vacation and who his golf buddies will be.
ReplyDeleteMust be a day of the week ending in "day"
One day they'll build a crane big enough to get you out of the house- then you might have something interesting to say.
DeleteProlly not, tho.
Look fool, just take your idiocy over to WND or the Blaze to entertain your fellow mouth breathing cousin humpers.
DeleteYou can write whatever you want here, but the stupidity, lies and crimes of your $arah will follow her all the days of her sad drug addicted life
Go on think like that. I know for sure this POTUS is working and is all cool while unknown wheels are turning. Don't you get it, your mom is a fool.
DeleteYawn. Go take your meds, dear, and bless your tiny black heart.
DeleteOoh, burn. {rolls eyes}
DeleteAren't you embarrassed to so publicly flaunt your stupidity?
Sorry sweetcakes, the Honorable Rev. BJC is in the game now, you're going to have to pick up your game if you expect to keep up
DeleteBefore you start yammering your ignorant mouth you need to look up the FACTS about presidential vacation time- can anyone beat the Bush? Did you complain then? If not, shut up.
DeleteHaha, somebody peed in the Old Grifter's cornflakes. She just can't get over this man. It must be painful for her--all of that unrequited stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe woman is basically jobless but always seems to be worried about the President's vacations when she is on a constant one. Jeez Palin has really become the crazy old Aunt who is pretty sure the neighbors are coming in her room putting probes in her head.
Yes, she is sad, never work again in a political office. Lets hope and pray. She really thinks she was a presidential candidate. In her reality she was running for Prez. Poor fat old john.
DeleteBut, But doesn't Sarah have her very own Commercial Halibut Fishing business?
DeleteCrazy old granny.
DeleteShe is gonna have to go get a Public Administration degree already! She has learned nothing and it will soon be seven years later! The dolt.
DeleteSarah, in Alaska we thought you quit your job as our governor to take care of Trig's needs? Why have you been stalking our president since you quit? That's why Bristol gave birth to a boy in her senior year of high school, Willow quit high school, Kayla and Tripp live in broken homes, Trig has his issues and a prostitute claims Todd is her lover / pimp. Some mother / wife / grandma you are.
ReplyDeletetypical religious repub
Delete7:14 I don't recall Sarah EVER saying she was quitting to take care of Trig's needs. (She was going to "progress" Alaska, without a title, don't'cha know?)
DeleteIn fact, I don't remember her EVER saying anything about taking care of Trig's needs, even now. That's the problem, so doesn't take care of Trig's needs. Only hers.
(I kept hoping the McCain campaign would boot her off the ticket and use "taking care of Trig's needs" as a polite, face-saving gesture to Palin who was so dismally unqualified for the job.)
"so let’s light a campfire and tear up our First Amendment for kindling!”
ReplyDeleteDear Screechy,
If you were 1/8 the Alaskan outdoors woman you implausibly claim to be you would know that a "torn up" document is called "tinder" - highly combustible paper, leaves, dried thin plant stalks, etc - in the context of fire starting. Setting fire to that tinder would, in turn, cause "kindling" - small, easily combustible twigs, or thicker branch shavings - to catch fire and ultimately set the actual split wood or logs on fire.
Aren't you glad you read Gryphen's blog? You learned something today!
I feel sorry for you. smh
DeleteSarah Pailin shows nothing but respect for legal documents. She buys them by the truck load. Just ask her hair and skin school pawns. We know Track Palin sends the family photos of his half brother (who may have a birth certificate to prove who he really is) in a graduation gown. Now would Track do that if half bro didn't have legal diploma?
DeleteHAHAHAHAHA she is a maroon.
DeleteAre you talking about TriG or the other half brother...that also lives in the valley? Todd got around...
DeleteA modern President is never unplugged. I don't begrudge any President, including Bush for taking time off beyond a typical two weeks off. Being on his ranch when he made decisions is not what made him a bad President.
ReplyDeleteThe presidency is a terrifically stressful and aging job, as is evident from pictures of any of them since photography was available. Even Reagan was probably grayer at the end of terms . (We'll never know for sure because he kept that tin of Kiwi shoe polish always handy.)
The rest of her moronic blathering same ol' same ol' is just more noisy stupid and proud of it.
Geez, just look how much Sarah has aged just ragging and raging on about our President and what has she got to show for it? NADA
Love that picture too and it should be the official icon for The Immoral Minority.
ReplyDeleteWe all know where Sarah is when a post comes up. Her little bony fingers are clicking in a frenzy on her little I-phone, stamping her feet and yelling out orders at her skeleton staff, "make it stop!" "Todddddddd!!!!"
I don't get it. The "job creators" are making record profits, and keeping it all for themselves. The right lose their minds at the slightest suggestion that they "spread the wealth". In other words, letting the money "trickle down". So how do they turn around and blame Obama for stagnant wages? Wouldn't any attempt at trying to influence them to share their profits with their employees be considered "socialism"?
ReplyDelete"Trickle down" doesn't work. "Spreading the wealth is really the wealthy paying their fair share. I think I get your gist tho.
DeleteThis Labor Day they may honor the little guy.
DeleteTrig Palin. He hasn't quit and he does his best to take his cues.
Manic , hysterical, frantic, weird, possessed and just flat out creepy behavior.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is the neighbor that worries about the length of her neighbor's grass while her yard is infested with weeds.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin seems to have dropped the impeach theme. I suppose someone finally paid her enough to switch gears.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have a president on vacation (although as always on 24/7 duty) than have a vice president that boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome infant and then bypassing neonatal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to supposedly be induced to give birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by a doctor that rarely delivers babies.
Sarah Palin seems to have dropped the impeach theme.....
DeleteIt was such a big deal and she was going to have a series of videos. She quits on everything except her hate and child neglect.
It looks like some big wing nut got through to messy Sarah and let her know she was making all Republicans look as cray cray as Sarah Palin.
Oh, go bag your head, you dried-up old ho. Go fake another animal-loving family picture to try to hide the fact that Trig doesn't want his new dog near him any more than he wants you near him.
DeleteOh my!
So let me get this right...
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY time that President Obama is allowed to take vacation is when there is NOTHING happening anywhere in the entire world.
No wars, no natural disasters, no terrorist plots, no economic implosions, no political or religious clashes, no oil spills, no epidemics, no famines, no crimes, no industrial accidents, no species on the brink of extinction and NO splinters in the toes of anyone walking on the boardwalk in Atlantic City.
Okay, got it.
Uh oh...a volcano is steaming in Iceland. Better rush back to the White House just in case...
DeleteShe and GVS (Greta) and Fox and the whole clan of right-wingers keep harping on President Obama's vacationing. He deserves that time of relaxation and even then, it's got to be a real challenge for any man to relax with all the interruptions and stresses of his job, not to mention that the man actually cares about people and he shows that murders and brutality affects him greatly. The man has a Damocles sword over him at all times.
ReplyDeleteIt really bugs me to no end to hear the incessant screaching from these harpies about him enjoying a game of golf. Do their little brains not understand the concept of running an administration from different locations in this high-tech age?
It's most frustrating to hear this when we know they hate this man, they don't have a shred of decency, they'd criticize him even if he never took any vacation; they'd then accuse him of being a workaholic. It never ends.
Epscially ironic is that these accusations coem from a woman ( I use that term loosely) who phones it in (her FAUX SPEW appearances) from AK or AZ, who attempted to govern AL not from it's capital of Juneau, but from her shadow residence in Wasilly.
DeleteThe only difference between President Obama working and being on vacation is the geographic location. He still meets with his staff, still gets daily security briefings, still connects with other national and world leaders when necessary, and still keeps a thousand balls spinning furiously in the air.
DeleteIf he should prefer to do it in the beautiful setting of Martha's Vineyard instead of Washington, DC, more power to him.
Actually, I would much prefer a President who has a chance to get away and de-stress occasionally than have him under pressure 24/7. His decisions affect the entire world and are much better made by someone who's not about to have a physical or emotional meltdown!
sarahy and the rest of the clowns don't get it. Only idiots wouldn't know that a vacation for dems means still on the job.
DeleteA vacation for gop means no communication. We know what bush did at his in-house briefings...NOTHING. Cutting brush was more important than tending to the illegal wars he started and didn't finish.
STFU sarahy.
Whereof! dear where to begin?
ReplyDeleteFor starters, Sarah, your buddy Ted Cruz and his Tea Party gang on Capitol Hill are just now completing their FIVE WEEK summer vacation, which was preceded by their late-Spring holiday in June. I'll bet some of them even played golf or tennis or some of those other elite sports. We know that Rand Paul and Ted were both in the Hamptons, schmoozing with the plutocrats and trolling for dollars.
You were not invited. Jealous much?
Since you seem to be developing a penchant for Yiddish, here's another vocabulary word for you: schmendrick.
Well gee Sarah, I guess I won't vote for President Obama again.
ReplyDeleteMe neither.
DeleteWho would listen to this failed governor accuse others??
ReplyDeleteWho would heed a screed from a woman who boarded a plane in labor without getting a doctor's physical examination, and flying hours back to Alaska from Texas? Who would even take into account anything a woman like this says? A woman, who by her own words, didn't stop by an NICU-equipped hospital for her premature labour with an unborn down syndrome infant? Who would have faith in a woman who delivered a down syndrome child in a non-equipped NICU, knowing that it might have a hole in it's heart and jaundiced and have life-threatening conditions?
What mother would say she insisted on delivering a known down syndrome child 12 hours away from where she was standing, 10 minutes from one of the top-quality highly acclaimed hospitals in Texas, because she didn't want a fish-picker from Texas.
Who'd listen to anything this monster of a mother would say? What mother would take those RISKS of her precious unborn son like that? How dare she judge others on their behavior. She is the most reckless, dangerous woman to even carry children in her womb. WHAT mother would ever do what Sarah Palin did to TRIG Palin before he entered this world?
She risked his life and paraded him around her office and media 3 days after he was born, he, being premature, and being exceedingly vulnerable to germs and needing care in feeding, like all premature infants and more especially, infants with disabilities.
LUDICROUS! This woman is a danger to society, and she thinks she has a voice to condemn POTUS?
Your recap of her sordid 'birthing' fable would be far more damaging to Palin's reputation had she actually been pregnant with TriG.
DeleteLucky for her it was all bullshit so she'll never face charges for that particular episode of child endangerment and/or abuse. Her other abuse charges are still on the table. Adoptive parents are expected to actually care for their charges, not fob them off on nannies and sitters while hob-nobbing with the dregs of society.
She did not risk Trig's life by flying from Texas to AK because Palin WAS NEVER PREGNANT WITH TRIG.
DeleteI don't buy her birthing fable either, but the media, who may venture here from time to time, need to see the crap she pulled with her birthing 'tale'.
DeleteBy her own words, she says this is what happened. By her own confession, she convicts herself. It would be nice if media would read her own rendition of this reckless birthing story and see how ridiculous it is. Then maybe they'd challenge her a bit more on her rants.
I've always thought the wild ride story made her look much worse than faking a pregnancy ever could. There could be many reasons for faking a pregnancy and it usually doesn't endanger anyone's life.
DeleteHowever, in making the choices that she made (according to her story), Palin put not only Trig's life in danger, but the lives of herself and every other passenger and crew member on the planes along the way. If something had gone wrong and they needed to make an emergency landing, it could have been a danger to everyone else who was on those flights.
Instead of being portrayed as a stupid and devious liar faking a pregnancy, she presents herself as a willfully irresponsible person who cares more for what town's name goes on her child's birth certificate than the health and safety of thousands of people, including the baby she claims to love.
She was never fucking pregnant.
DeleteI would like to know how many vacations Trig Palin gets. We see him working hard all the time, the lines are blurred when it comes to his leisure time. Is he paid for overtime? Does he get paid vacations? Sarah told us how she has neglected Trig. We need to know about other abuse. How many children go to work almost as soon as they leave the womb? Trig is special and unique in many ways.
ReplyDeleteTrig Palin's career.
John McCain, Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Track Palin, Bristol Palin, Willow Palin, Piper Palin, Levi Johnston, Trig Palin. 2008 Republican National Convention: Day 3
Xcel Energy Center on September 3, 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Trig Palin, she forgot to protect his face from the sun.
How does Trig's career compare with other stars?
Other Actors with Down syndrome
Not only didn't protect from the sun, but look how windy it is with the long hair blowing. Poor kid must have been chilled.
DeleteThey made such a big deal with Bristol and that stretched out against her blanket at the convention, but they forgot he needed a blanket in the wind.
Do people not know what to do with babies in that family? Are they ignorant or just don't care--or both?
Thanks for your last part in getting facts straight. We always need to read the real facts when it comes to that scara.
ReplyDeleteUm didn't she learn anything, Mr President and his team were working all along on Husinsaine. So, stfu, she who is a dork.
Hey, Hadassah, do you, or whomever pens this crap FOR you, think before you post? I thought not. Good GOD, seek HELP.
ReplyDeleteSo our slimy little seditious $arah is up early to rag, yet again, on nothing. I'm sure the 100 or so mouth-breathers who read her latest diatribe will be up in arms when they discover that the President doesn't work 24/7 and especially not when everyone else in D.C. has gone home. If he did, it might take a few extra 'executive orders' and we know how our sulky little sluttish ankle-biter feels about that.
ReplyDeleteWord of warning about the other D.C. denizens. Don't stand in the path of a Repub whenever Congress takes 'another' vacation or when Thursdays roll around when they are occasionally in session, you'll be trampled far worse than those poor souls who run with the bulls.
Sounds like Harpy Heath is now jealous that she can't play golf. Did Boehner and his big bad boys club not invite the dollar $cholar? Sucks to be on the outside hey $ista $arah? Golf pic 3...2...1..
ReplyDeletehell..no doubt she'll fake a golf pic sometime in the near future... Hope it looks a little more real than her fake running marathon pictures.
DeleteI find the GOP funny. They want to impeach President Obama because they think he does too much (all those executive orders) and then they complain if he takes any vacation time. You cannot have it both ways, GOP. Let's face it. The GOP has viciously opposed President Obama ever since he was inaugurated. The now six-year tantrum by the GOP in Congress is nothing more than sedition. And their complaints about the president fly in the face of facts: GOP presidents and their executive orders and GOP presidents and their vacation time.
Don't forget, these are the same people who vacillate between the President being an uncontrolled tyrant who is intent on destroying the Constitution to proclaim himself dictator for life, and being a naive and completely incompetent pretender who can't find his way out of a paper bag.
DeleteAnd sometimes this amazing transformation happens within the same conversation!
Sarah, I know your puppet masters have told you to write "democrat party," all in lower case, but you look illiterate when you do.
ReplyDeleteIt's upper-case "Democratic," and it's an adjective, democratic. not a noun, democrat.
poor little butt-hurt palin, language, spelling and common sense is so hard for her.
DeleteLevin does it, so she copies him. democrat party She doesn't do or say anything original.
Deletethis dumb twunt and her layabout family have been on vacation 24/7 since we learned her name....
ReplyDeleteShe parrots every Koch Bros. John Birch rant a la Glenn Beck wrapped up in a tea party shit bag.
ReplyDeleteRemind me again, what exactly does Sarah do? Her profession seems to consist of selling herself. She tapes a few videos which people have to pay to see. Judging from the length of the post about President Obama's vacation, someone wrote it for her. We haven't seen Sarah at her paid job, commenting on Fox ever since she started her own private pay per view tv channel, I mean blog. Posing for pictures and writing facebook comments is not a job. Well, in Sarah's case it is because it is the only way that she can keep her name in the media and hope to attract some donations. It is a tireless job, that self promotion racket. We saw Sarah's video of the boys from New Jersey visiting her. She is so lazy that she doesn't even bother to clean up her own house. Sarah is hardly the person to criticize a work ethic since she quit her job as governor.
ReplyDeleteShe, who ignored and neglected Trig from getting the therapy he needs, shouldn't be criticizing a President who is constantly on the job even while on vacation.
DeleteRemind me again, what exactly does Sarah do?
DeleteShe instructs Nancy French on how to run Bristol's Blog and Facebook. Bristol has a court date September 8. They want Bristol to look like she isn't part of a family that neglects a child born with Down syndrome.
This is latest image they want to sell.
Sarah also dabbles in other projects that are all doomed to failure. Her main political purpose is to attack and send out hate. No one else is stupid enough to do it as bad as Sarah can. She'll do anything for money as long as she can lie and she hopes to provoke violence any chance she can. Most of her time has been to neglect her children and they are all coming out poorly developed. Except for breeding purposes.
Wow, you libruls really just don't pay attention, do you. What does Sarah Palin do? She lives vibrantly. Growing baby carrots and whatnot. Giving big policy speeches to crowds that number well into the dozens. Running half-marathons and doing hot yoga and what not. Offering endorsements and photo ops to losing candidates all across this great land. Graciously hosting visitors who wander in off the street.
DeleteAll these things and more. And to think some people with no lives still don't get it. smh
Delete"Remind me again, what exactly does Sarah do? Her profession seems to consist of selling herself."
DeleteOtherwise known as being a whore.
Todd gives Sarah lots of advice.
I like the needy buddies they take in. I betcha you can always get some good Alaskan Thunder Fuck Cannabis Strain or a few seeds in that area. If not she might host a street visitor that runs an ad front business on the east coast. That could be all kinds of fun. As long as they aren't some perv stalker like the ones that go to her house or are after Bristol's life.
DeleteShe is just vile. Vile.
ReplyDeleteBurn our First Amendment in a campfire? Really?
ReplyDeleteSarah's sour grapes doth drip with bile and envy.
It's instantly easier to picture Palin over a campfire cauldron muttering stuff about eye of newt and tongue of dog since that's pretty much what she's reduced herself to.
Sarah wants to roast marshmallows and make s'mores in order to insult Michelle Obama's healthy eating program. Have another Twinkie, Sarah. Give one to Trig, too, also.
DeleteYes, the Palins, Bristol too. Will feed their poor kids pop sickles and anything with poison, like dyed foods. Macaroni in a box is the only thing the lazy poser Bristol will bother to cook. Another passive aggressive way to hate while selling yourself as some kind of 'love bug'.
DeleteAre these the same 1st Amendment rights that should have allowed Eahn Emanuel to say "retarded" in a private meeting?
DeleteWas that Bristol and Todd that took Tripp to a take your child to work TV show? Why was Tripp there if he needed to sleep? He did look like a plastic doll or dead, he was so still.
DeleteI don't get why he was there at all. Everyone knew Bristol had a baby. She was working and selling herself on TV. She wasn't that mature or she wouldn't have needed parental supervision (Palin-style they like to look like wardens with their prisoners).
Why would a television network want to be a part of Bristol's crazy job promotion when she was using a kid that needed what kids need. Why didn't Todd baby sit Tripp in their motel if she had to take him to NYC. I suppose Levi wouldn't have watched him back home in Alaska?
8:34 Please don't give her ideas. Poor Jill.
Delete"tongue of dog"
The President just gave a new conference yesterday where he addressed the problems with Russia and the Middle East. No matter where he is, there is always someone there with "the briefcase," the so-called red button or red phone. With cell phones, they are all in contact with anyone around the world at the touch of a button. We always see Sarah holding her cell phone so she can be in touch with anyone. Guess what. The President can also be in touch with anyone at a moment's notice. By the way, GWB took more vacation time than any other president, and he had two wars going on at the same time. All of this criticism coming from a quitter.
ReplyDeleteIt is rather ironic that TriG's "therapy" dog could be named after Jill Biden and Hadassah Lieberman. The wife of VP "Can I call you Joe?" And, the wife of the guy that McCain wanted to choose as his running mate. Both women are highly educated and are successful without the wink, wiggle and wagging finger that Sarah based her career.
ReplyDeleteBitchin', Sarah, Bitchin'!
RJ in Brownbackistan
You've hit the nail on the head. I got the Jill Biden, I forgot Lieberman's wife, and I'm from Connecticut. Her junior high school mentality named the new bitch after the two women she considers bitches. What a bitch.
DeleteBINGO! That explains it. She make a crazy back story, but we all know how the Palins do the passive aggressive "hidden agenda" thing.
DeleteTripp - Name of Bristol's son and Todd's prostitute (Google the book Boys Will be Boys)
Why would you name your beautiful little daughter so her initials spell PIG?
And all the others...weird names are OK, it's the weird ever-changing backstories that are so telling.
Right on, sister!
ReplyDeleteLet's impeach Obama ASAP so we can live for the next two years with President Joseph R. Biden.
That's O'Biden to you!
DeleteAnd unlike Obama, Biden really IS a librul. But I think the GOPers think Mitt would take over if Obama is impeached. They aren't too bright.
DeleteThis coming from the woman who QUIT her elected position after being absent from her job post so often that her co-workers took to wearing "Where's Sarah" buttons. The disconnect is strong with this one.
ReplyDeleteRemember "Where's Sarah?"
ReplyDeleteLets see if IM can help you find Sarah. No Sarah is not at her sister's college dorm with Glenn, Curt Menard Jr is not with us anymore and Brad Hanson is not on talking terms with Sarah since you know what. Whose left? Well Sarah is most likely stalking President Obama.
DeleteHow many days did she actually spend in her office as Gov? Not counting quitting early of course.
Deletenone... if you count full days. Todd, otoh, was constantly in the building.
Delete9:41 You win the prize for best comment!
Delete12:16 You get runner up for reminding us all that she seldom was there a full work day.
Don't forget she hired an office manager to do her mayoral work-one long vacation for sarah!!!
DeleteSarah Palin's Facebook;:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin
Yesterday at 5:09pm · Edited ·
Turn on your TV at 7pm eastern on Monday to Fox News Channel — or DVR it now if you can’t watch live!
Sarah stop trying to lick Roger Aile's butt hole. He already has a wrinkly old newscaster, he doesn't want another. Sarah your days of usefulness has been over since you started looking like your mother.
she's done at fux, that's why she started her "highly successful" sarah channel...does she even have 100 subscribers? lol
DeleteShe's the night of Labor Day because everyone else at Fox is on vacation.
DeleteThe best part of President Obama is that he is no drama Obama. We don't need any chicken littles like Sarah Palin going around yelling that the sky is falling. That is never helpful.
ReplyDeleteBut even I cannot believe that Sarah is so dumb that she cannot spell undue. Does she know the difference between to, too and two? How about there and they're? Thank God Obama won the election (twice Sarah, Obama was elected twice - put that in your pipe and smoke it).
dumbass henny penny running around squawking like a chicken.
DeleteHer pipe is always full.
DeleteI like Gryphen's catch of "undo" which means to reverse the cause of something as opposed to "undue" not necessary, unwarranted, excessive. 10 points off for the journalism major.
ReplyDeleteI feel confident that followers of IM don't need that lesson. I will assume you are addressing the trolls.
Delete@9:20 Yes, IM followers know the difference. The troll doesn't read or the troll would have learned the difference between libel and slander. The comment was meant for Sarah, who does read IM. She doesn't like to be criticized and she wasn't much of a journalism major.
DeleteThey should be tackling the hard issues, like did you see the color of the suit he was wearing? Now that is worthy of outrage!
ReplyDeleteNo one takes more time off then Sarah Palin she is smart enough not to work. That way she can claim she isn't taking time of from a job she doesn't have.
My favorite comment on the suite: The Audacity of Taupe
DeleteWhy deal with the crisis at our border as lawbreakers threaten the livelihoods of working class Americans?
ReplyDeleteThose little kids who are fleeing violence in their own countries are turning themselves in at the border in order to go through a legal process. As little kids, they will not be stealing anyone's jobs.
They most certainly won't be stealing any of the UNEMPLOYED Palins' jobs. Sarah and her Dysfunctional Family of sexual perverts and Drug Addicts should not criticize others. From a Family where child abuse is apparent, and drugs and alcohol are the norm, Sarah should STFU.
DeleteGee Sarah do you think America wants a president whose spouse is a pimp and has delinquent children or a president that kept our country out of a bad depression? Sarah? Sarah?
ReplyDelete"unsustainable big brother government largesse"
ReplyDeleteMrs Palin, does this include free-for-life federally sponsored Alaska Native Health Care? Does it include SSI payments for life for disabled or "special needs" people? We haven't heard you weigh in on these freebies.
Big Brother Government means controlling people by spying on them and regulating them. Largesse means handing out all kinds of welfare checks and taking care of people. Giving nice stuff to people vs. government control are a contradiction of terms.
DeleteThis is who she resonates with. from FB
Ann Derryberry You got that right Sarah Palin. People over seas don't like American and to kill use. You know Obama you have to go play golf that is not a president. The president so and do things to make or country save. That is a president my I am wrong. I am tell you the truth Obama.
And now you know why they think she can be President.
Wow, the Palin fan's writing style and talent nearly on a par with seditious $carah although the bot's message is easier to understand than the average Palin screed, lol.
Delete"And now you know why they think she can be President."
DeleteAnd also why they see her as one of them. Can you imagine what those meet-n-greets with her fans are like?! They speak the same language, lol
Why do you think Sarah is high as a kite when she is forced to be around her supporters, hmmm?
DeleteI think it is trying to communicate with us.
DeleteI'm afraid I am going to have to correct your paper, Sarah. As a journalism major, you have engaged in exaggerated hyperbole. Example. "Why deal with the Islamic organizations steamrolling through the Middle East, hell-bent on meeting us on our shores?" You see, if they are steam-rolling their way through the Middle East, once that steam roller hits water, it won't be going anywhere. The big scare about Iraq was the nuclear cloud that Cheney and Rice kept scaring us about, while Iraq lacked the technology to arm a nuclear warhead and they lacked the equipment capable of delivering it. If Iraq doesn't have that technology and Syria doesn't have that technology, where do you think that ISIS will get it?
ReplyDeleteHeh- wtf! She forgot to mention Benghazi in her diatribe. I checked her post out at facebook. With modern technology I let my fingers do the walking instead of reading her unhinged rant. Anyway, she forgot to include Benghazi.
ReplyDeleteAlso too, on this date in 2009, a door was opened for her. She tried to run through it but a blah man and a majority of the voters slammed it shut in her face. It has been a downhill slide for her ever since. Now she's obviously irrelevant and clearly a crazy woman shouting at the world.
I wonder if not sitting in the oval office with Sarah Palin a missed heartbeat away from the presidency might have saved his life, if you know what I mean.
About that Ebola epidemic devastating West Africa and spreading. What does Sarah Palin expect President Obama to do about disease control? As I remember the story, two workers from Franklin Graham's charity were the ones who were infected. Both workers were flown back to the US where they were treated with amazing drugs that seem to have addressed. the problem. I suggest that Samaratan's purse, who has a presence in Africa already, collect donations, load up the plane with doctors, nurses and vaccine and finish the job that they were doing. Our government does not treat disease on a world wide basis. We treat disease here at home, asking people to immunize their kids and get flu shots. And, we seem to have developed a treatment that addresses Ebola. If you would like do do a good deed, Sarah, get on a plane with Graham and fly to Africa to be the next Mother Theresa. The US does not treat disease around the world, but people like Bill Gates contributes millions to stamp out malaria and other diseases. Sarah, get your facts straight.
ReplyDeleteThey're out of the anti-Ebola vaccine, which was still at the testing stage when they rushed it through for those two. It will be months before there's more available.
DeleteThe Canadian-designed version is months away from production too.
Telling that she has to post her screeds on FB because no one is watching at her "TV Channel".
ReplyDeleteExactly. And apparently she thinks that on Labor Day weekend she should be anti-American and hate on our President. The Palin Curse yet again.
DeleteDidn't she use the Martin Luther King remembrance day to pivot to a spew on the 1st black president? http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/01/20/palin-slams-obama-in-mlk-post/
DeleteFor someone who quit her job halfway through shows her stupidity to criticize a President who has the hardest job in the country and works very hard at it.
ReplyDeleteReally, no Labor Day for you sp.
DeleteWhat a hoot. The woman with adult children that can't hold a job, so much they don't bother to work. The woman who wrecks a strip mall when she worked to hire a city manager..... the woman who quits a job..... the woman who out sources any work if she is to write..... the woman who takes a new baby to work because she claims she can do all her jobs, yet she does next to nothing. Unless neglecting a child for 7 years is her job.
DeleteNo way should that loser celebrate Labor Day.
She didn't even have the labor she said she had in 2008.
So seditious sarah isn't getting enough face time with the media so she goes on yet another meth fueled, racist rant against our President! Seditious sarah you are a worthless cunt! Just go the fuck away, no one cares about what you think or say you stupid vapid cunt. Just days until barstools custody hearing that's why she's ranting stupid fucking cunt!
ReplyDeleteSt. Ronnie, with pictures & everything.
I lived in St Ronnie territory (no one I knew liked him except his foreman, who I knew). I always knew when Ronnie was around because of the constant helicopters. I was told that Nancy would often send off for meals to LA or further away.
DeleteThey were vacationing all the time. We were told he it was working vacations.
Sarah Palin is an idiot and does nothing but propaganda.
Before skanky's mods scrub this from her hatebook post:
ReplyDeleteMax Damage And if Palin was President she would have me believe she would not vacation and we would have no hunger, no illness, no unemployment, and world peace. Wow can you say delusional? I have seen you Palin, seen you talking aimlessly saying words that make no sense, babbling on and on like a lunatic, making up words that again make you look insane. When you seem to make any sense it is obviously a writer who is not insane prompting you. Any time you go off script you again sound baffled and disconnected totally out of touch with reality, someone with a God complex. Go away, far far away. You with your finger poised above the button scares me more than any horror film I have ever seen. Go away...
God that is good.
Deleteanother comment on her hatebook post soon to be scrubbed:
ReplyDeleteChuck Garbett Max Damage-She's an airhead-has never had an original thought in her life!
Memo to Sarah:
ReplyDeleteI know that you keep teasing your fans that you will run for president so that they will continue to give you money. That worked in 2011, right up until the deadline to file for some primaries in 2012. Now, you're getting all tough again, attacking your former opponent from 2008, even though he will not be running in 2016. Neither will you. You don't show one ounce of leadership, offering solutions to the problems that you have outlined.
Many of the problems are not the responsibility of the President of the United States. He needs the vote from Congress to declare war (unlike GWB). Fighting world wide terrorism and disease should be the responsibility of the United Nations because so many other nations are involved. The US already offers plenty of foreign aid through a number of programs. Again, that money has to be authorized by a Congress that is on vacation, and when they are in session, they have vowed to do nothing.
I hope that Fox will see your latest outburst and ask you to give a five minute commentary. Other than your facebook, your private blog and a few posts at Breitbart, you don't have much of a forum. It's easy to criticize. A leader would offer solutions. You are just pretending to be a political voice so people will reward you with donations. Otherwise, you are just screaming to get attention, while in your house, there is someone who really does need attention. And, his buddy the dog will not provide the speech therapy and exercises to help him reach his full potential. If you can't take care of one child with special needs, you can't take care of 300 million people. As Curtis Menard once warned you, stay home and take care of your own.
Yes and after Curtis Menard criticized her parenting (or lack there of) his plane crashed and he was killed The reason for the crash? Water if the fuel.
DeleteNever a positive word or thought from this woman. She's so far down at the bottom of the barrel that she must beat down others to build herself up. So much negativity.
ReplyDeleteSarah is so far gone that Bristol has started to post pictures of her demise.
DeleteSarah poops or peeps won't read that. They will die if they see the truth. They can only exist on lies.
ReplyDeleteAnd the state that elected the idiot Pence (uberR) and did not expanded Medicaid will see the highest insurance rate increase of any state in the nation. 15% versus an average of 8%.
ReplyDeleteGuess you're not aware Sarah that Putin's finally reared his head. You're days late in a news cycle where timing is everything. By the time you get to Putin, there will be some other world horror to transfix the media. Get with the program [hahhaahahaaahahahahahaaaa]
ReplyDeleteYeah, he reared his head and headed for Ukraine, Sarah. Since you are a Putin expert, what should we do about Russian aggression?
DeleteWe'll look forward to your ideas in your next post.
It is Labor Day week end. Will she consider or neglect workers like Trig Palin?
Can she only produce negative?
Labor Day Celebrations Should Also Pay Tribute to Immigrant Workers
I was reading that if President Obama took as many vacation days as George W He would have to spend the rest of his Presidency on vacation. JFC I wish this Bitch would just shut up and go away. Fuck you John McCain. This moronic POS is your legacy.
ReplyDeleteYou forget, Anon 7:58, that George W. Bush didn't have all that much going on during his presidency that required a lot of attention so naturally he could afford to take a lot of vacation time. Just a little terrorist attack, a couple of very trivial wars that were all but wrapped up in a couple of months, and a few minor economic hiccups. That's all. Oh, and he didn't really have to clean up much of mess left behind by Bill Clinton, either.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pure-T idiot. the insufferable witch forgot that President Obama has to tend to more important things than a insane quitter. A vacation isn't quitting you frothy assclown.
ReplyDeleteI wish the retard would just sit on her greedyblog -- glog with her ratty, greasy hair and in her nasty pj's and shut her immature, juvenile, crazy herpes and write lies about how wonderful her dysfunctional family is. ahahahaha What used douchewater sarahy is.
When her idol chimpy-bush was in office doing major damage, where was her voice? chimpy did nothing for the people but harm.
she wants our President to run around like a chicken with its head off, like she would act, if she doesn't quit first. All spazzed out. her ghostwriter is an idiot like old pioneer sarahy.
Yay rant on Game!
DeleteYo Track, don't slack or "Sarah will hate you"
ReplyDeleteYou have a cush job looking things up on the tubes. We know you will be big for the week end and celebrating Labor Day. Beer-fest for days!
August 29th
Too much party time and you slept and didn't do your job? Bad boys make bad dads. Get back to work, Track.
LABOR DAY WEEK END! Show some appreciation.
The President has the nerve to sleep and not work. Right sarahy?
ReplyDeleteOf course she would. Track was kicked out and sent to the midwest. Bristol was kicked out and sent to her aunt's house. Willow was kicked out and sent to the Kline Institute. Piper lives with anyone but Sarah and TriG .....Dog knows.
ReplyDeleteNice ear on the boy.
ReplyDeleteLook at you, all cutesie, sitting in your basement in your peejays,$arah, screaming at the world. LOL
ReplyDeleteIf being an idiot pays off in this country, why am I not rich?
ReplyDeleteSarah is so lucky.
The retard should not even mention Labor Day because she has done little to be associated w/the celebration of the day! i.e.:
ReplyDeleteMayor (small town Wasilla, AK)- hired someone else to do the job and left it in huge debt!
Gov of Alaska (very small populated state!) -she quit even though Toad tried to cover her throughout her 'cut short' term!
Channel 2 in Anchorage - 'supposed' sports announcer for the Great Alaska Shootout (basketball tourney) - she was either fired or let go - had a sleepover with one of the black players and the word got out!
Since then - zero - nada - nothing. Oh, except for the run for VP along w/John McCain who ran for POTUS against Barack Obama and Joe Biden who beat them substantially! Thank god!
Sarah Palin is a joke throughout America! I would not want to claim her were she a part of my family. Cannot imagine having to be associated with her. What a friggin' embarrassment!
lol, now grifterella is calling out Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller because there apparently was a story listing grifty's demands to appear on the tonight show with Leno. This childish shrew's skin is so effin' thin, she belongs in the freakin' 7th grade. Can this dumb bitch ever rise above anything??
ReplyDeleteHer sick need to respond to every perceived slight is one of the reasons she is such a loser.
DeleteThere was a time folks said Piper was living with the grandparents.
ReplyDeleteTrig lives with whoever is neglecting him at the time. They have the sport theft house and the new one next door with Track and the needy boys. There may also be a white house next to that one. Trig may live there with recycling cult people who play nanny. We just know he is neglected, damaged and way behind his potential.
Proof positive that she reads your blog, Gryphen. And she did it to herself.....ROTFLMAO
ReplyDeletesimple retarded bitch.
ReplyDeleteIsn't she a warm fart on a cold toilet seat? The queen of pretend pregnancies can't spell "undue", or is that a letter without postage on it? Yeah, she graduated with a degree in journalism.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sarah, what did YOU do on your summer vacation? Did you go on a humanitarian trip your church (one of those Bible believin' ones in Alaskahhh) and have to be rescued by tax dollars and cured while leaving the ones who need it to die?
Did you buy a "Mother of the bride" outfit? Eat at Chic Fil A? Go to hobby lobby to decorate your "PAC cave"? Take a bath?
I got an idea, toss your wig in the race and do President Obama's Job for an hour. What a moron, she quit her own job and gives advice on facebook? LMAO
Never been proven that she graduated with a degree in journalism. i seriously doubt she graduated from high school.
DeleteThis just in off the news ticker, Brancy does a post called "Pray for Joan Rivers" Repeat, Brancy does a post called "Pray for Joan Rivers". Bristol developed a "soft spot" during her time on wife swap.
ReplyDeleteBristol, stop the lies and leave Joan alone. She's in a medically induced coma. The soft spot was she was kind to one so undeserving, held a dinner in your honor and you rumpled your face because you don't know how to eat "clayfish" (lobster), made fun of your family, dancing with the stars, your weight and told you what pregnant teens and their offspring were called when she was a teen.
Nancy is not convincing when she plays Bristol. That brief remark was pc polite but did not sound like Bristol wrote it.
DeleteSarah Palin's Facebook token was bone chilling cold. I had no idea she hated Joan so much. Someone told her to do something and she could barely manage a link to her other blog called Bristol's Blog.
Joan tried to school the girl, the best that anyone could.
@ 10:46, you forgot to add that Dick Cheney was really running the show.
ReplyDeleteGuess she thinks she covered her bases for her up coming speech with her blog on Trig therapy/photos, back to harping about President Obama. blah blah lazy, vacations too much blah blah
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, Sarah, you are on one long 6 year vacation because you have no career or job.
Really amazing the media didn't pick up on her stupidity back in 2008-oh right, she was given a free pass because they were translating her "word salad" into comprehensible English.
That scathing rant against President Obama is the behavior
ReplyDeleteof a woman scorned. She has always played up to people
in important positions to hopefully be included , and she never is. She is completely ignored by the most important
man on Planet Earth , and this fact , plus the fact that she
came out the loser, eats at her constantly. This is how she gets back at him because it is impossible for her to key and slash the leather seats of his hot car...the Presidential
Limousine. At the same time, she is so infatuated with him
it is driving her nuts! She has a very intense crush on
our President, and to him she is nothing more than a piece of
lint to flick off of his sleeve , and she knows it!
She does realize that in order to take the same amount of vacation time as George W. Bush, Obama would have to take the rest of his term in office off.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps, that is what she's hoping for?
12:18 PM The Kline Institute treats psychiatric cases. Does Willow have a problem?
ReplyDeleteThat mouth is the perfect shape for sucking on a penis!
ReplyDelete10:19 explains some pictures where Willings face is really swollen. Lithium dies that to patients who take it - and the dazed look on her face. Sorry for long url
AND AND AND she was never in Labor with Tri-G either also too
ReplyDeleteSarah, I hope you choke on your own spittle.