Friday, August 29, 2014

Tea Party group responds to attempts by President Obama to address global warming by using old school bumper stickers to piss of Prius owners. Seriously?

Courtesy of the Washington Times:  

Responding to the news that the Obama administration is working on an international climate change agreement that would not need the support of Congress, a tea party group is urging its members to tell Prius drivers how they feel by buying bumper stickers that say: “America Love it or Leave It.” blasted out a fundraising email warning that Obama administration wants to sidestep Congress on the issue “regardless of the fact it is a violation of the Constitutional powers of his office.” 

“The fight will continue and with your help, we will send these elected parasites packing in November,” the group said in an email. “For the rest of the week, here is something you can do to annoy every Prius driver with an Obama sticker in the back window. For every donation over $3 this week, we have brought back a classic phrase to make it clear how you feel. Bumper stickers will not change the world, but everyone will know exactly how you feel.” 

Yes it will certainly teach President Obama not to do his job if a bunch of rednecks start slapping  Vietnam era bumper stickers on their gas guzzling jalopies.

But seriously can we really expect anything more intelligent from this group of idiots?


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    It seems to me that if we are going to "love" America we have to do a better job taking care of it. That's something the Koch Brothers and their teabag puppets simply do not understand. Just look at the photos of the Maryland coast on if you need convincing.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      I agree. To not preserve the earth's atmosphere is to kill it, America included. The TP"s should follow their own advice and leave.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Our country ranks 19th in IQ among developed Nations. The mean average IQ for the USA is 98. The low end of average starts at 100.We have become a Nation of dumbfucks.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Well, the Toad can just get out his t-shirt. What idiots! I remember the Love it or leave it slogan was very divisive during the Vietnam years. Actually Sarah Palin (born in 1964) would not remember this, but she will certainly act as if she does. Being divisive brings her a lot of pleasure and is a sign of some serious mental instability.

  4. Boscoe9:28 AM

    Man, the predatory profiteering on the anger of ignorant, mislead stupid people has really become transparent!

    So, because "Emperor Obama" is going to do something that many believe is important, and frankly doesn't negatively impact teatards, said teatards need to rise up and show their "patriotic" disdain for anyone who thinks differently than them by... buying this here doodad I'm sellin'!

    LOL Buncha maroons, I tells ya.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I thought that Prius was an American made car.

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    That's so funny. I (and many other educators) use just that slogan to teach logical fallacies and underlying false assumption in critical thinking lessons.

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Haven't the Teabaggers figured out yet that they have very little impact across the country?

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      No...nut I'm guessing that's part of their "charm."

    2. On the contrary, Tea Baggers actually believe they are in the majority and most Americans support them and their ideology. When you point out to them that the majority of the voters elected Obama, they always find an excuse such as too many of the conservative voters were displeased with the choices and elected to stay home. They are a delusional group and if you go to the Conservatives4Palin web site you will discover that very quickly. The Palinbots actually believe that if she ran for President in 2016 against Hillary she would win in a landslide. They believe the majority of Americans would support Palin and who ever would run against her would lose, thats how delusional they actually are. The Palinbots in a nut shell is a very narrow minded, gullible, group of far right wing evangelicals who believe GOD speaks to Palin and directs her on her decisions. Some have even said that Palin is a gift from GOD. That's how sick and delusional they actually are.

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Of course it makes Baggers upset, they can't afford a new car, any car.

  9. "But seriously can we really expect anything more intelligent from this group of idiots?"
    In a word...NO!

  10. oh--speak of that era....I had a teeshirt that said "America: Change it or LOSE it"

  11. Otto Katz10:40 AM

    I have a Prius. I should get one of these and put it on it, right next to my Obama 2012 sticker.

  12. Do they really think they're going to piss of Prius owners with their stupid bumper stickers? I guess they also don't realize how stupid it makes them look by using a past slogan that got laughed at and ridiculed in the past. Another ignorant idea from the brain dead Tea Baggers who actually believe they are being clever with their idea.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      I'm a Prius owner and I there is no way I'll ever go back to a gas guzzler. Since I get 53.1 miles per gallon of gas, I have extra money each month for supporting the progressive candidates in the mid-term election.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Plus, how is pissing off Prius owners going to prove their supposed point about opposing executive action on climate change? Seriously, these people are incompetent, in addition to being jerks.

  13. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Doesn't Sarah drive herself a TOY-oh-tuh truck with a personal plate that says LUVUSA?

    Take that TTards!

  14. Pat in MA11:04 AM

    Go right ahead stupid teabaggers. I love America and I love getting 50+ mpg in my Prius! Morans.

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    If they're so angry, why don't they take their own advice and vamoose?

  16. Go to a Tea Party rally and count the number of Toyota's, Hyundai's, Kia's, Mitsubishi's, Honda's, Nissan's, Suzuki's and Subaru's there are in the parking area(s). WHY? Good gas mileage, cheap to buy and cheap to maintain cars. When you're on a pension or Social Security retirement, you drive what you can. And most retirees drive cheaper cars. Period.

    America, Love it or Leave It, indeed!

    1. Anonymous12:17 AM

      Yes, my Tea Party leaning idiot brother who adores Sarah Palin drives a Prius now. His liberal son and I warned him that he would be mistaken for a liberal, but that didn't change his mind.

  17. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Gryphen, this is Off Topic, but you may want to look at this article about politics and U.S. religions.


    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Her's another good link. Fred Clark slacktivist.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Not sure what you thought I meant.
      I'm an Atheist, not preaching anything.
      The Think Progress article has an interesting chart showing how most RWNJ are also the most extreme religions. I thought it was IM appropriate.

  18. Anonymous11:30 AM



  19. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Not sure why they single out Toyota's Prius for scorn. If they were also going after the oversized, Tundra type vehicles hogging up all the lanes and parking spaces too. Since I've seen lots of the typical angry youngish wannabee-macho types driving all sizes of trucks not made in the USA, I'm guessing they don't want to shame their own crowd.

    People who get behind silly things like this are already obvious, they don't have to put it in writing for the world to see. Most of us already recognize sore loser, right wingers on sight.

    My beloved Prius has a dash cam so I'm ready if any of those idiots tries to pull their nonsense and smokestack tricks and if the old crones in the crowd flash their bumper stickers it will just make me chuckle. Bunch of idiots, all of them.

  20. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    I just love seeing these stickers on hyundais, suzukis, isuzus, and korean made american cars (Aveo, Spark etc). What a stain they've left in America's history. They'll soon go the way of the do do's

  21. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Oh, everybody will know how you feel, all right. And know a whole lot more about you.

  22. Anonymous9:05 PM

    So how does telling Prius drivers to "love or leave" America translate into an opposition to the President using executive orders to deal with climate change?

    Even if I try to give these people the benefit of the doubt, they don't make sense.

  23. Anonymous9:09 PM

    It's very telling that the strongest motivation to conservatives is to "piss off" other people.

  24. Anonymous11:06 PM

    You know it, 9:09. Ever hear of "Rollin' Coal"? These "conservatives" intentionally modify their trucks to blow black smoke, and they aim it intentionally (yes, I realize I used that word twice) at bicyclists and Prius drivers. And they're PROUD of it!!! They smugly call it "Prius Repelant". They think they're being patriots! Who looks at themselves in the mirror and thinks "I pissed off and maybe even sickened someone who's trying to good for the environment! I done good!!!"


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