Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sit down kiddies, Sarah Palin's going to learn ya about unions.

Holy crap! Did you buy ANY of that?

Here was Wonkette's take on this drivel:

It start with some facts about the history of Labor Day that Sarah found on Wikipedia, about how hard-workin’ people built America. What do Republicans think of hard-workin’ Americans, you ask? “Fer ‘em!” Sarah replies. But then she brings up how Todd was in a union — elected treasurer, even! — and how that was fine because Todd was helpin’ some hard-workin’ guys up in Alaska, whereas the “union thugs,” the ones runnin’ the unions, they’re no good. She concludes this rambling saying that the true meaning of Labor Day is not about politics. 

At the end of the video, she takes a moment to address everyone who doesn’t have Labor Day off, and she thanks them for coming to work that day. 

So Palin has nothing against her union brothers and sisters' but flat out hate those union "thugs" don'tcha know?

I guess it does not dawn on Palin that those "thugs" ie union bosses, are union members as well who worked their way up. (And by the way if Todd was the treasurer, you know the guy that makes sure people pay their dues and keeps track of the payout, that kind of puts him in cahoots with those same thugs that Palin is dissing in this stupid video.

As for Palin's contention that the Republicans are on the side of union member, well that is simply Palin brand mooseshit.

Here is just a smattering of what the GOP has been up to lately to undermine or even destroy unions in this country, courtesy of Mother Jones:

From New Hampshire to Alaska, Republican lawmakers are waging war on organized labor. They're pushing bills to curb, if not eliminate, collective bargaining for public workers; make it harder for unions to collect member dues; and, in some states, allow workers to opt out of joining unions entirely but still enjoy union-won benefits. All told, it's one of the largest assaults on American unions in recent history. 

Behind the onslaught is a well-funded network of conservative think tanks that you've probably never heard of. Conceived by the same conservative ideologues who helped found the Heritage Foundation, the State Policy Network (SPN) is a little-known umbrella group with deep ties to the national conservative movement. Its mission is simple: to back a constellation of state-level think tanks loosely modeled after Heritage that promote free-market principles and rail against unions, regulation, and tax increases.

In the immortal words of Keith Olbermann, "The an idiot."


  1. Palin is a stupid old grifter.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Stupid & drunk lyin' grifter! She is so fucking stupid. Bitch Please! STFU.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Why didn't whoever is holding the camera tell $carah that she had bird poop all over her shoulder? Looks like it could have been a large American eagle that did that.

    3. Anonymous3:08 AM

      @ 1:42PM Sarah's top looks like the outfit she wore for the speech the time she claimed her luggage was lost.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    crosseyed retarded white trash harpy

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Demented c-nt.

  4. Palin has no idea how nutty it sounds to tell us her husband was a union officer and therefore leader but she hates union leaders who are *thugs*. Her points are undermined by her own illogic.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Todd is the very definition of "thug."

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      He learned his thug ways from his loud mouthed, churlish wife, or former wife per some reports.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Toad was the union treasurer-wonder how much money disappeared?

      "What do Republicans think of hard-workin’ Americans, you ask? “Fer ‘em!” Sarah replies. "

      What an idiot!!!-Rethugs hate the unions, does she really think right to work is about more jobs-No the goal is to dismantle the unions, what til we go back to child labor.

      She seems to get more stupid every day!!!

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      No the goal is to dismantle the unions, what til we go back to child labor.
      Didn't the fucktards make a law that kids can now work at 12 or something? WTF the kids should be in school! I didn't even like my kid working in HS b/c he had to work until MIDNIGHT (kentucky fried chicken) and get up early for school. Now they want little kids to work? WTF is wrong with this country?

    5. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Didn't the fucktards make a law that kids can now work at 12 or something?
      Yes, it is in the fine print under the 2nd Amendment-if you are old enough to carry a gun, you are old enough to work.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Skanky, Butthole, and Turd have no business celebrating Labor Day cuz they HAVEN'T WORKED in years!

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Palin truly is retarded!!!

    I think this is the only blog that actually gives her daily coverage! (other than her own!)

    We see little of her anywhere else and I truly thank god for that!

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She talks out of both sides of her asshole. Many of her followers are union members, but her fellow rethugs are doing everything to dismantle and degrade unions. Which is it stain? And for the love of Walmart, find better looking clothes! Tie dyes are very 70's.

  8. Beldar j Conehead12:24 PM

    Gryphen, we all knew this day would come...

    (For immediate release) It is with great sadness that we announce the so-called IM Troll will no longer be providing angry, off-putting and often nonsensical comments to this defunct blog. We thank the Troll for their loyal service. However, the recent allegations against the IM Troll are serious, disturbing and, if true, deeply disgusting to decent human beings of every walk of life. We urge all IM visitors to consider this a time of healing and until further notice all snarling, repetitious, hostile, mindless comments will by curated by IM's acting Director of Trollery, Brig. Gen. Sir Beldar J Conehead, MBE, 33 1/3rd Royal Synchronized Swimming Amphibious Commando Group, Twatley RAFB, Caramel Pudding, Spluttershire, England, UK (ret.)

    Here are some highlights of recent comments provided by the late but not lamented IM Troll

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, a waste of space, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She, on the other hand,
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, hard working, private, intilijant, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, matters not, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Carry on.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Unlamented for sure, but we know that you, Beldar, will selflessly go on out-trolling the troll.

      Thank you for your service!

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      And as for the "late" troll, yawn.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      NO ONE can hold a candle to your trolliness, BJC.

      Others must hang their heads in shame in the shimmering radiance of your trolling brilliance.

      Carry on...

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Thank you CBJ for your trolling efforts. None better.

      Your mention of the Royal Synchronized Amphibious Commando Group reminded me of this hilarious and oh-so-over-the-top-cute video of a bunch of creative 5th graders "synchronized swimming" on stage for a talent contest.

    5. anonymous@411

      That is hilarious. I dont recall 5th grade boys being that funny and I was one once.

      I have just one word to say, tho: martinshortchristopherguestharryshearersnlmenssynchronizedswimmingvideo

      And please get the initials right: it's BJC, not CBJ. I took the time and effort to get your name right, Anonymous, so please extend the same courtesy to me.

      Thank you.

    6. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Genius, Beldar. As ever, genius.
      M from MD

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    So Sarah has her own "news network" now? That's to steal FOX's audience away from them. "I'll show them" and all that.

    Did Palin's FOX contract run out? It was evident she was never prepared for any of her appearances. Not a single person can remember anything Sarah commented upon. Her fright wigs are as remembered as her gaffes, though.

    It's a joy watching this woman's nose dive.

    Keep 'em coming.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Christ, the woman was high on synthetic skunk half the time...

    2. Otto Katz4:11 PM

      UHP for 20 years. Sarah, up your ass with a Cactaceae Opuntia. Sideways.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    As a card carrying member of the International Union of Operating Engineers for the past 31 years I have two words for Sarah Palin.... FUCK YOU!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      AFT here. And if my photo were shown on her video I'd sue.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      CSEA for 15 years and counting. I agree Fuck you Palin!

    3. 11 years UAW here. Agree 100%.

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Carpenters Union 35 years...

    5. Anonymous3:51 PM

      CSEA, NYSUT and BUP - 31 years between 'em.

    6. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I'm not even a union member but yet agree with the lot of you: FUCK YOU SARAH!!!!

    7. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Teachers' Union 38 years. Agree with my fellow union brothers and sisters.

    8. Anonymous6:12 PM

      The Rethugs are Kocksuckers and union busters they don't want to pay a fair wage and and OT or give benefits. Since 08 PBO elected the GOP have managed now to bring us back to early sixties, no civil rights, no women's rights, thug cops and SARAH HEATH! She if the worst POS outside of the kocks and the GOP to walk this earth, FUCK HER!
      Bookbinders Union my whole family....
      Happy Labor DAY, UNION RULES!

    9. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Team Farmworkers LOCAL!
      My uncle marched with Caesar Chavez back in the day... For workers rights.
      The GOP is trying to take it all away by union busting and killing our POST office and give to NON union FEDEX that pays by the PIECE!!!
      Did you get that PIECE, like Slave shops across the pond!!!
      GO union. Boycott FEDEX and support the USPS which is thankfully still UNION!

    10. Anonymous6:22 PM

      If it weren't for the teacher unions there would be 50 children/class and the teachers would be cleaning the bathrooms.

    11. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Musician's Union.....same here!!!!!!

    12. Anonymous7:18 PM

      American Federation Of Musicians Of The
      United States and Canada. With you 100%

    13. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Wisconsin schoolteacher union thug here--still have my "This is what a union thug looks like" t-shirt from our anti-Walker protests in 2011! Hopefully he will be defeated in November!

    14. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Non-union member here, but in FULL SUPPORT of unions! Agree with all you guys above. (I work in a hospital in a department, that was told in no uncertain terms a couple of years ago, that if we EVER talked about union on the job, we could go out and find a new job... )

  11. Anonymous12:31 PM

    She clearly is ignorant of both history and economics.
    Miserably, egregiously ignorant.

    We can't educate her here about the concepts of labor and capital or globalization. It's enough to remind her that, as a "Christian," she is supposed to care deeply about her fellow man.
    She's just parroting the lines handed to her by the right-wing plutocrats intent on beggaring our country for their own advantage. Robber barons in another age -- crony capitalists now.
    Sarah, if you or your children were ever to really get jobs, you'd be grateful for the benefits fought for by the labor movement and now accepted for most employees: sick days, safety precautions, bathroom breaks, vacations, pensions.
    In addition to all her other hypocrisies, I'll bet Todd's getting a pension, as are her father and brother. If you want to be an honest woma, Sarah, you must send back any money gained for Todd by his union. In fact, his time off from working on the slope was undoubtedly a union benefit that you enjoyed for years.
    Yes, what an idiot, and an immoral one at that.

    We an assume that since she keeps posting on YouTube, her pay walled blog has been selling like warm cakes

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      The GOP have slowly brought us back to Upton Sinclairs "The Jungle"...

    2. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Palin has one goal in life --- revenge. Lucky for her there are people even more evil than she who are willing to fund her career as chief ankle-biter and lucky for them to find someone willing to do anything for a dollar.

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Was nice of Sarah Palin to come out and say she loves to suck Koch...

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Given her performance over the last six years, its,safe to say that she's especially fond of taking Koch up the ass.

  13. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I guess you still haven't seen the one where her hubby commutes 1,700 from the north slope to Juneau (mentioned twice) And, that she was living in Juneau when McCain called her, and that she first told him she had a lot on her plate, but why not run for VP, and then of course the required "Obama" bashing, that people don't respect us anymore (as though they would have respected us more if that dingbat was VP) that people from other countries have threatened us, apparently for the first time in her memory, and it's all Obama's fault. You know, the guy she's been ragging on for 6 years, instead of getting a job and now how great their work ethic is, on and on and on...................................

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Isn't the USA amazing? Only here can a white woman have a full time job bitching about a black man who sent her lazy ass back to Alaska.

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    What the fuck is a still worker? What an ignorant asshole. Now go grill your moose burger.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Never mind, I just figgered it out. A still worker is a proud member of the United Still Workers of Kentucky. The best moonshine around.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      United Still Workers of Kentucky! I love it.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      She loves the "Still workers" too have you seen her latest vids?


  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    You forgot to include this from Wonkette.

    Palin has overwhelmed our defenses. There is so much in that video that is so relentlessly, so aggressively wrong that we legitimately don’t know where to begin.

    Seriously, when even THEY don't know where to begin it's not looking good for the meth head.....

  16. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anti-UAW workers seek to form union at Volkswagen plant

  17. Chenagrrl12:41 PM

    This is the nitwit who stood in the wet snow of Madison, Wisconsin, and denounced unions with the boors bussed in by Breitbart and the Kochs braying in the background. She should have nothing to say about the day, except thanks for the day off.

  18. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sorry to bring up her appearance, but the Sarah Palin (TM) of today looks so vastly different from the 2008 Palin that she's becoming unrecognizable. The face lifts have pushed her eyebrows as far away from her eyes as they can travel, while her eyes have sunk so deep into their sockets they're barely visible. Only the fiery glint of hate and anger can be seen behind those glasses.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Her right eye is now open wider than her left eye. Also, too, and as usual, there's no evidence she has a brain.

    2. After reading your comment I went back and watch her video to see if her eyebrows moved while she was talking. I'm terrible in detecting if someone has had plastic surgery in the past, or even if they have had Botox injections, While watching the video with the sound off, I didn't see her eyebrows move up or down once. It's probably more of a symptom of having Botox injections than plastic surgery, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if she has had it done in the past. Especially, seeing how self conscious she seems to be about her body,from her days of being anorexic, to now when she appears to have more pounds on her than I've ever seen before.

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Gotta love those pointy eyebrows! Rather witch-like and goes really well with the claw like hand.

      Either her daughters skipped class that day or Penrose is a really crappy skin school. I've never seen triangular eyebrows up to the wig line before.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Anonymous2:09 PM

      Her right eye is now open wider than her left eye. Also, too, and as usual, there's no evidence she has a brain.
      She is no longer OZ but the Straw man "If I only had a brain"
      actually I think she is the wicked witch (in OZ) and waiting for the house to fall on her! "I'll get you my pretties and your little dog too"!!!
      She has the hate, the flying monkey's She is the wicked witch! When she goes (to jail or whatnot) we will sing "Ding dong...." like the UK did for Thatcher.
      What a fucking bitch, and she is like that, also,too!

  19. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Geez Louise, how many members of her extended family are on the public trough, as public employees either present or retired? If her husband worked for a certain number of years as a union member and was vested, he still has a nice little pension to look forward to. It's the same thing with coverage for free health care for life for many extended family members, yet railing against ObamaCare for headlines so that other families won't even get affordable INSURANCE. Same old thing. Maybe some member of the family will teach her how to spell "hypocrite".

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Teachers in Alaska are union members. That means the two Chuckies have been and are benefiting directly thanks to their union membership.

  20. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What are Stillworkers?

    Was Todd making moonshine?

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Maybe not...but $arah was certainly drinking it!

  21. Anonymous12:58 PM

    You just can't help yourself anymore, can you $arah? Idiot doesn't even begin to cover it. So pathetic to watch.

  22. Anonymous1:00 PM

    When does the "cutesy" end? I am so sick of this person. I just want her to STFU forever. Enjoy her illgotten money and STFU.

  23. Anonymous1:01 PM

    So, if all of these spew videos are free on her TV Channel, er blog, what are the poor fools paying for with their $100 a year? Even over at the pond they are griping that she only came on a couple of times at the beginning to comment on the comments. But no more. So, between FB, youtube, and Breitbart, the spiels are all free, and the poor fools who pay for the $100 get to see their own posts on TV. Er, the monitor of their computer. Come to think of it they already were commenting for free...............

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Oh but check out Chucky Jr's facebook. Sarah had a real down home barbeque with Phil Robertson as a guest and she interviewed him! oohh exciting, i bet that will make people sign up for her "channel" . A sorrier bunch of rubes i have never seen, but one must check out the pictures on Chuckles facebook page to appreciate the whole effect.

  24. Anonymous1:02 PM

    This is almost as stupid as her Paul Revere fiasco. There is just no end to her stupidity.

  25. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Other than peddling idiocy, ignorance, and hatred to those more limited than her (you have to give her credit for pulling the cretins out of the woodwork) , what does Sarah do? Does she consider fooling greater fools a career?

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      She's the PT Barnum of the political world. There's a sucker born every minute.

      The difference is, he brought joy to his audiences. She just spews hate.

  26. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sarah, do you know how hard union leaders fought to keep out Communist control of American labor?

    Do you know that many union members wear pink or white collars, not just blue, with hard hats?

    /s/ A proud retired member of The Newspaper Guild. Yes, it's for journalists, Sarah. If you knew the history of the profession you claim you trained for, you'd acknowledge how vitally the Guild changed working conditions for reporters. No such protection for blogs, however.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Proud member of Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists -- SAG-AFTRA. My SAG pension will be a lifeline when I retire. My union protects me and MOST IMPORTANT protects children.

  27. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Governor Todd Palin was a "proud card carrying union member" according to the quitter. (District 12 local 4959 ) As Governor, Todd Palin monitored union contract negotiations, was involved in a judicial appointment and had a say in state board appointments.

    US Steel had something to say about that in 2008:

    "It is important to realize that while the governor’s husband is a member of a union, this does not automatically qualify her for an on-the-job training program to become a heartbeat away from the presidency. McCain’s choice is another example of his poor judgment and his desire to play politics as usual. McCain-Palin is not a team that works for working families. The first-term governor’s record is thin and divisive. And John McCain has a life-long record of being for the rich and powerful. No union card can hide that any more than Ronald Reagan's union card did."

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      As I recall Sarah tried to get Levi an in with the Union on the North Slope by using her State of Alaska Governor letterhead as a job reference.

      But the Union had to let him go (actually he resigned, I believe) because Federal Funding rules required apprentices to have a high school diploma (or GED?) and Levi at the time had neither.

      Complain about unions except when it's to your benefit, right Sarah? You can't say Todd was a great union guy and not bad like all other union people.

      Well, obviously you can and did, but people can see right through you!

      PS....Levi is doing JUST FINE without your help, Sarah! You go for it, Levi

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I guess she forget about all the hard working UNION members who volunteered their time at Ground Zero on 9-11 and long afterwards helping search for human remains.

    1. Anita Winecooler3:29 PM


    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      BINGO! And where was $arah to be found? Nowhere, which, according to her ideology, would make her a Taliban sympathizer.

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      And don't forget that Mr. and Mrs. Chuckie went to Ground Zero to clean up rats.

      Here is a totally Right Wing account of the story. The guy is complaining about the way the Associate Press wrote the story compared to the NY Times.

      The reason I link to it is because the NY Times states that BOTH of Sarah's parents are retired school employees. Chuckie a science teacher, mom a retired secretary.

      Also, the same report says that they both worked for the U.S. Agriculture Dept. for 15 years. Why am I not surprised to hear they were on the guv'ment dole yet complain so much about the gov'ment? (Shades of Joe Miller?)

      Don't read the rest of the articles--you'll get ulcers. Sometimes I read these types of sites just to see how the other side think. A real eye-opener.

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Anonymous4:48 PM

      And don't forget that Mr. and Mrs. Chuckie went to Ground Zero to clean up rats.
      The hunted rats on the FEDS dime! They Flew to hunt rats on the FEDS/TAXPAYER dime! Who the fuck got them that ratfucking job? Stevens? Did he just "make up a ratcatcher" job for the old perv?
      Inquiring minds want to know?
      Cons are the biggest whiners evah! That article is so full of "whine" I wish I could drink it!
      And as far as rat killers and nuisance animals if we didn't kill off all the coyotes, skunks, raccoons, bears, wolves, mountain lions, falcons, hawks etc there would not be a overrun of rats!
      Chucktardsr. the perv is kind of funny, a rat.... killing rats...

    5. Science teacher my ass. he was an elementary school teacher (I don't think he graduated college or obtain an teaching certificate.) Also it's easy to teach 5 kids at a time. ak was probably desperate for teachers and hired his ass.

      his science knowledge is basically making working volcanoes and teaching children how to balance things.

  29. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Well, she says she and her family are "ready to serve" wherever they are needed. I guess that means she's trying to get drafted at the convention in 2016, like she was in 2012. Waiting to get drafted instead of actually running, you know, the part that's hard. The convention where they wouldn't even let her speak. I'm surprised that at C4P they don't even recognize that it's the same lame tale. Please send money to the pac, I might run some day. She has her same loyal team just waiting to help her "serve".

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:38 PM

      she and her family are "ready to serve"


      Oh my...does that mean right out of the package, no adding water or microwaving necessary?

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      RTS you know ask Brissie & willow and PIG RTS Mac & cheese!

  30. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Sarah lives to lie and hate. She is one twisted child.

  31. Crystal Sage1:21 PM

    That was just awful. And people are paying for this? She hasn't a clue about what the labor movement means to the people of the United States. Hey sista union bitch, tell us about the Triangle Shirt Fire and all those women killed while working piecework in deplorable conditions. Or the young children working in the cotton mills. It wasn't union thugs who fought to get workers' rights. It was people desperate to make enough to support their families in decent working conditions within a forty hour work week. From that, unions have fought for health care, equal pay and family/maternity leave. And so much more.

    Sarah, shut your stupid mouth. You know nothing and you do not deserve to honor workers on labor day. Only labor you've done is when you pushed out your four children. That's right: four.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    If Mrs. Palin was mayor of that tiny town for 6 years, wasn't she covered by union membership? In other parts of Alaska town employees are union members. She often says she comes from a family of teachers. So, aren't they all covered by unions, the kind that we support, ie public employee unions? Is it true that the State of Alaska forbids any cutting of public union retiree pensions? How can Mrs. Palin rant against unions, when so many of her own family depend on them? Was she a union member for the 2 years as governor before she abruptly quit? Was she covered by a public employees union when she was appointed by Murkowski for the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission? That's a state regulatory outfit, I would be surprised if those members didn't enjoy union benefits as state employees. So, how many years did Mrs. Palin enjoy union benefits, and was she vested? How many of her family members still belong to unions? What the heck is she trying to pull off with this BS about being against unions?

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      @1:33 You are right! Teachers belong to a union. Maybe Chuck and Chuckie didn't believe in paying their union dues. Sally was a school secretary.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Back when I was an ASEA member, the period for vesting was 5 years. That meant that if a person is vested, even for just 5 years of work, they are guaranteed benefits when they retire. Not as many benefits as people who stay as union members for their entire career, but these vested people with 5 years employment stay as union members for the purpose of their future retirement pay. If either of the Palins were vested they could still be members of the respective unions, at the very least they would be counting on benefits at retirement. Maybe Palin should tell us if she and her family have renounced benefits from past union membership. Anyway wouldn't it be interesting to know just how many members of her extended family are union members. Any retired ASEA members are protected by unions until they pass away. And tier one employees feed quite high on the hog, speaking of benefits. I guess she just counts on the gullible who think she really is against unions. If she WERE against unions, she'd be railing against the public employee type, where public employees actually strike against fellow AK citizens for higher wages and benefits. Happens all the time in AK.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Chuck Sr. was merely a part time substitute. He most likely was NOT a union member as that would be parting with $.

    4. Anita Winecooler3:25 PM

      Both my parents worked for the Garment Industry and were in the union for life. My father passed away, and my mom STILL gets a portion of his retirement benefits plus her own full amount from the now non existent ILGWU. International Ladies Garment Worker's Union.

  33. What in the ever loving fuck is she wearing?

    Also, wasn't she stopped for speeding in a Toyota Tundra and not the 'Murican Ford pictured in the video?

    1. Anita Winecooler3:21 PM

      The irony is that some 'Merkin Cars contain MORE foreign parts than "imports". That Toyota probably helped more Americans and American Businesses work than the "Economy Truck" she showed.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      As does her Blackberry: 100% Chinese.

  34. 30 seconds is all I got. G... I gotta hand it to you. You keep taking on the shit so WE don't have to. :-) Sarah: Keep talkin', darlin'. The entire world is NOW FINALLY seeing what we've already known for years. YOU, are a fucktard!

  35. I don't remember seeing a single black person among all the stock photos of "hard working Americans" in that terrible video.

    Admittedly, I may have missed a shot if it was there, as I always start focusing on how moronic and mentally unhinged Palin looks and sounds.

  36. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The Republicans have tried to get of the unions every way that they could think of. Adelson doesn't want the food and service unions of his Vegas hotels to be organized and ask for higher wages. Walker tried to get rid of unions in Wisconsin. Best example of how the Conservatives HATE the working class. They won't vote for raising the minimum wage.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      1:42 PM
      How right you are! And some Conservatives have openly called for doing away with the minimum wage as well as attacking the child labor laws.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      @1:42 Didn't Newt suggest that kids could work as school janitors?

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I think it was poor kids who he thought should have the honor, since they were getting free lunches and all.

  37. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Sarah manages to turn a little speech about Labor Day into a stand up comedy routine. Her facial movements and tics must be the sign of either 20 cups of morning coffee or medication. When she ran for VP in 2008, she didn't twitch like that. Maybe they mediated her then, and this is the real, goofy Sarah. Her voice inflections up and down and strange movements don't make the speech better. They make her look a joke.

    But, that's a good thing, because it distracts from listening to her lame message. Sarah and the Republicans have done everything to oppose unions and shut them down. They have voted against the minimum wage and equal pay for women. Remind me again about how Hobby Lobby treats its women employees. Women are workers, too. It's hard to listen to a speech about Labor Day from a woman who does not have a work ethic. Remember, she is a quitter. She quit her job as governor. Todd doesn't seem to work on the North Slope any more, now that Sarah is in the money.

  38. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The people who are using the mantra to thank those who are working on Labor day are the same ones who have fits about stores that remain open on Christmas!

    Not everybody celebrates Christmas. And if you don't want to utilize the businesses that are open on Christmas (movie theaters, airports, Chinese restaurants etc) then why can't you just enjoy your day off doing your thing at home without whining about those who are choosing what they do?

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Does Sarah even stop to think that there are people who HAVE to work on Labor Day? Doctors, nurses, hospital staff, airplane pilots, flight crew, air traffic control, baggage handlers, (the planes don't stop flying just because of an American holiday). Foreign jets are landing in our major airports every hour. The military! The police! The Fire Department! The Coast Guard, Immigration and Border Control, Customs agents! Somewhere, a mother and father are thankful for a pharmacy that is open and able to provide the medication that their sick child needs. That woman is an idiot!

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Ironic this. The people who work on public holidays usually get double pay, time and a half, whatever their contracts have specified. Many times, unions bargained for these special wages on holidays.

  39. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Her right eye is turned inwards even more than normal!!
    You have got to see a public video on her "channel" of her trying to train Jill Haddasah, the dog is so sick her her screeching voice and it's hard to hear the difference if she is saying Heel or Jill because of her weird way of talking, that dog is no therapy dog, all she does is want her tummy tickled and she can wait for a door to be opened, no different than any other dog, I can't see how Jill will assist Trig, especially if screech is trying to train her. The dog doesn't listen to screech any better than her kids do, its hilarious

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      probably not a therapy dog...just another tax deduction

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      If her eyes are crossed even worse than usual, that means that Glenn Rice is in town.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Jill probably wasn't service dog or therapy dog material. The puppy place promised to train her in 2 months, and it seems to have taken longer. Maybe the dog doesn't barge in and out through the door, but she didn't "hill." Sarah issued too many commands in too many different ways. And she called the dog by different names.

      Sarah and Todd have taken off for the fishing lodge, so good luck with that dog training. It's a good thing that Jill with be there to keep Trig company. I assume that neither the dog nor Trig belong at an exclusive fishing lodge, especially since Jill isn't trained, and it taking Trig fishing doesn't seem like a good idea.

  40. Well. I actually clicked play on the video. Sound off, of course.

    The opening line had to have been (in the first five seconds) "Look at my weirdly giant boobies!" Right?

  41. Anita Winecooler3:13 PM

    Screw You, Sarah, the horse you rode in on and who dressed you this morning. Had it NOT been for unions fighting for the rights of the workers, I'd have never gotten a scholarship, my immigrant parents who busted their backs in sweatshops for the Garment Industry would have been left to the whim of millionaire owners of industries with no accounting for employee rights, safety and advancements made by "union thugs's", collective bargaining, and a fair pay rate for a fair day of work. And my widowed mom wasn't forgotten by the union my dad worked for that doesn't even exist. They STILL send her his pension, it's not much, but every bit helps.
    This idiot's too stupid to be called idiot because at least an idiot knows what they shouldn't say. She supports non union labor? Pffft. I'm leaning toward "Imbecile", but even that's a stretch.

    Gee, learn something new every video. The secessionist pimp co governor fence builder was working on the north slope as the "treasurer" for IBEW? His fuse was blown WAY before that and all that's left of her is two fake knobs and a cut tube.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Two fake Knobs and a cut tube! love it

    2. abbafan5:16 PM

      Anita, I agree with you 110%!! My parents emigrated here to Canada after WWII, worked very hard, and raised five children. Labour Day holds special significance for our family - I have two older sisters who have been employed in the television industry for 40 years, and are card-carrying members of IATSE. I was a member of Labourers International for 10 years, specializing in industrial and underground mine construction. My late father was a proud card-carrying member of United Steelworkers for 34 years. Two years after he retired in 1983, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, which was a direct result of deplorable working conditions in the plant where he worked for one year after he was hired. I personally knew many immigrant families who were in the same position; however, many wives were widowed with school-aged children to support, and they had to take custodial jobs to make ends meet. Hundreds of good, hard-working men suffered immensely and succumbed to the inhuman conditions they endured. If it was not for the members of the local USW health and safety committee who tirelessly fought for survivors' benefits for these families, most of them would not have received anything at all! My father was informed one week before he died that my mother would receive FULL benefits upon his passing. My mother had many underlying health issues, and passed away in 1998; however, if it were not for the survivors' benefits that she received, it would have been quite a struggle. I am forever and eternally grateful to the members of the USW Local health and safety committee who campaigned tirelessly for these families, and who got their members' illnesses recognized as an industrial disease. I have read a book written by one of those members detailing their struggles with the company over many years ; these members' reputations were sullied by the company, but they persevered! Sadly, this gentleman passed away last year as a direct result of those same conditions the other men worked in. These men are the true heroes in my book, and will ALWAYS have my utmost respect! P.S. - Sarah, you seditious traitor, keep your fuckin' moth shut, you ignorant, uneducated retard. You demean every decent, honest hard-working man and woman who toil tirelessly to support their families. You know nothing of their struggles, since you obtained your wealth by false pretenses! You and Toad BOTH deserve to have your bare asses kicked in public, you fuckin' traitors!

    3. Anita Winecooler4:42 PM

      Abbafan, our experiences are very similar, although my Mom's still living and on dialysis, my father died of colon cancer, as had many of his co workers as well as Mesothelioma (a result of asbestos exposure). My whole family takes our citizenship seriously, and without the help of the unions, I doubt neither I nor my siblings would have the quality of life and educations we now enjoy.
      One generation plants a tree, and the next benefits from the shade and fruits of that tree.

  42. Caroll Thompson3:19 PM

    I guess Sarah has a lot of time on her hands since no one has paid her to campaign for them. I really think that no one will be asking Sarah to join them on the stump this election season. But she and her family are ready to grift - I mean serve.

  43. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Uses the offensive term "union thug" in a video praising unions, check. Claims Labor Day is no time for politics, after ranting about conservatives for 2 minutes, check. Sorry, Sarah, union members are not fooled by your pandering.

  44. PalinsHoax3:31 PM

    Speaking of labour Ol' TWOBULL, how did you experience labour when you had your faux- pregnancy-belly pregnancy?

    Oh that's right, it was your easiest pregnancy ever, wasn't it?

    For all you had to do was strap on, and strap off, that faux pregnancy belly.

    Hah! What a sleaze-bag.

  45. PalinsHoax3:49 PM

    Oh, and speaking of unions, Ol' "TAWD Do You Know Any Hookers in Anchorage", how about you give a little diatribe about the union of Tawdry and Shailey ~ you know, the hooker that he sang "You Light Up My Life" to.

    Or how about you give a soliloquy about your union with Curtis Menard, Jr., or Brad Hanson or Glen Rice?

    I'm sure there are many details that you can share about these unions.

  46. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Sad how unhappy liberals are in life. Maybe, go outside?


    Don't lie about others and read so much into something that you lose all sense?

    Just some suggestions to be happy.

    Or read "our sarah," a great TRUE book about a lovely family's adventure in a great state.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Hey, you're late to the gathering, Troll. Beldar covered your nonsense already and with greater wit.
      Buzz off.

    2. *GinaM reaching for her giant troll broom with matching dust pan starts singing*

      ♫Whistle while we do do do do do ♫

      SWEEP....SWEEP....SWEEEP....goes the troll at 5:04PM along with the troll's copy of "Our Baldy" by the Creepy's.

      *GinaM opens up IM's virtual front door and dumps the troll in the dirt*

      Whew....there....that should do it y'all! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Gee, thanks Trolly, we've really missed you. How ya been?

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Anonymous5:04 PM Chucktardjr oh the BBQ/PHOTO op over so SOON???
      We were all happy as clams until YOU showed up. Libs are happy, cons are whining ass titty babies.

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      So like we know its Chucktard jr! He wants us all to read HIS book of LIES!!!
      Good one chuckie. Good one.

    6. Anonymous5:41 AM

      read "our sarah?"


      Still pushing that POS campfire starter, ChuckTARD?

    7. Anonymous8:40 AM

      The book nobody wanted, that the sales were so dismal their book tour was cut short? THAT book? I must rush out and buy it, although I have NEVER seen it even at the dollar store. Grifting does not pay too well, huh Chuckles? $carah is finding that out finally. So many family members (increasing yearly) so few donations. What a shame.

  47. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I heard she is on life support? :(

  48. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Yes, it doesn't sound good but I had a friend that was to have been brain dead and she came back.

    She's a great mother and grandmother to have raise her amazing daughter and she is a terrific mother as well. Melissa was so good for Tripp, too bad Bristol couldn't do any better.

  49. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Fraudeena has her fake boobs on again. Trying to appeal to the crusty old white guys Fraudella? Fraudella, Fraudeena, Fraudette, fake boobs for old men. I'm sure you love those union guys! Trying to get them to pay for your channel?

  50. The comments are correct about the lazy toad being an "union thug." he also became an unofficial, not elected thug running wasilla and ak (per Frank Bailey book.)

    sarahy tell toad to turn in his wonderful pension. Hypocrite! she should have stfu instead of telling her convoluted story. It has the flair of her insane wild ride story.

    Can the insufferable witch tell us what a "Union thug" is? What laws are they breaking. Did they break some legs? Cement shoes maybe?

    Get the fuck out of here with your 1920s "Union thugs" bullshit. STFU sarahy with your backwards ass self. Your glog is a waste of time and space. Get a job, grifter.

  51. Anonymous12:08 AM

    People pay $9.99 for that?

    Its free on YouTube.

  52. Boscoe12:46 AM

    Yeah, Libruls! Conservatives are totes FOR those hard working American union workers!

    ...As long as they don't think they deserve access to healthcare or a livable wage.

    ...Or when they're trying to bust their unions and take away their ability to collectively bargain or sending their jobs to Oozbeckistanstan.

    But otherwise, TOTALLY FOR "EM!

  53. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I wonder if Palin paid for the rights to all the pictures and video of workers she put in her video. Do you think she honored the rights of the photographers and videographers whose work she used? Sarah slapped the Sarah Palin Channel logo on this, which means she's charging people to look at it..
    A clear copyright violation. There is no public domain or usage when you're charging for access.
    Another big fail.

  54. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Volkswagen tries to bring Germany’s worker-friendly policies to U.S.
    By Patrice Hill - The Washington Times - Sunday, August 31, 2014
    Do American auto workers have an inferiority complex?
    VW workers get paid $67 an hour in Germany. They make under
    $20 in the US. GOP lawmakers want to keep it that way
    Sadhbh Walshe, Wednesday 19 February 2014 12.15 EST
    VW's German workers win raises in pay deal
    Associated Press May 28, 2013 at 6:30 am
    How Germany Builds Twice as Many Cars as the
    U.S. While Paying Its Workers Twice as Much
    Frederick E. Allen, Forbes Staff 12/21/2011 @ 5:42PM
    A tale of two systems
    By Kevin C. Brown Dec. 21, 2011

  55. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Melissa is educated. She would NEVER have sex in a tent like Bristles did. Way too much CLASS.

  56. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I seriously doubt that Toad was treasurer of a Union.The ONLY way that dumbfuck could could count as high as eleven would be to take off his shoes and pants.

  57. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I won't bother viewing. She is stupid. Thanks for the post.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.