Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A small update on the Palin brawl police report.

I have been asked repeatedly if there is any news on the police report, so I reached out to Jennifer Castro earlier today and this was her response: 

Hi Jesse, 

The municipal prosecutor’s office informed me on Monday they expect to have their review completed by the end of next week. No new information has been released at this time. 

Thank you, 

Jennifer Castro 
APD Communications Director

I know that that by the end of next week it will mean that it has taken almost a month to finally get a report together for release.  I have no good explanation for why this is taking so long, but if I had to guess I would suggest that it is because the APD is aware of how much attention the report will receive and are being somewhat overly cautious.

I have also been trying to chase down some leads on any videos or pictures, but so far there is really no news.

As many of you have noticed there are trolls who have already started their victory dance and declared the investigation dead and that no videos of pictures will ever see the light of day.

I have heard nothing to suggest that any of that is true, so keep a happy thought and just maybe this thing will go the way all of us are hoping it will.

By the way I still remember when the trolls came stopping by to tell all of us that Sarah Palin was going to be President and that would really fix our wagons. 

And boy that sure worked out well didn't it?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Just because the Popo doesn't charge violent Brisket doesn't mean there still aren't stories and videos floating around out there. One of these days one of the Palin's is going to punch the wrong person, a person that is carrying for self defense. Brisket better keep her fists outta Texas because NO jury would convict a Texan for using a firearm for self defense. Heck Gov Perry didn't say boo when a county sheriffs dept shot down his own uncle.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      It's always sad to learn of a corrupt police department or prosecutor's office. I feel sorry for the people of Anchorage. Maybe like the Palins, someday something will catch up with them. The rest of America is watching.

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't think the APD has any intention of releasing the report or filing charges.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Maybe a milk toast report, but certainly no charges.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Of course not. Just like the e-mails, just like Malia's FOIA requests. Heck they gave D'Souza five years probation, you think these low lifes are going down? Expect more of the same, PLENTY more.

      And there's the pee puddle locked in bible verses, anger, and racial hatred thinking she's the savior when, in reality, if they'd open their damn eyes and SEE what she's about hell, what am I saying, they all took "The Pledge." Sheesh.

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Posted on Courtview:

      09/23/2014 Order Case Motion #13: Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Bristol Palin Should Not Be Held In Contempt And Sanctioned And Motion For The Return of Child To Alaska, Case Motion #14: Motion for Interim Custody Schedule, Case Motion #16: Motion for Entry of Judgment for Collection of Respondent's Past Due Child Support Payments and for Statement of Respondent's Current Interim Child Support Obligation

    4. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Did bp flee to AZ with Tripp so he couldn't give his eyewitness account of events?

    5. "Mr. Klingmayer repeated hit Bristol Palin's fist with his face."

    6. Anonymous9:18 PM

      This is the judge's order on Levi's earlier Motion. It is most likely the order approving or disapproving the settlement agreement.

    7. Anonymous1:30 AM

      Looks like new motions. There was a settlement agreement reached the beginning of September.

    8. Anonymous2:48 AM

      Sadly this actually could happen . I think Sarah would ask for this - at least her 6 year old personality would.

    9. Anonymous6:29 AM

      What the flying eff is a "milk toast" report?

      I am not usually the grammar police but damn...that incorrect usage then spelling it like that...yikes!

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Straight from the puddle:

    happymullah • an hour ago

    They kept telling Sarah Palin to just go away.
    Guess what. Even if she wanted to oblige them, her supporters wouldn't let her go, which was why the tickets to her event in Joplin, MO were sold out.

    The leftists never understand this.

    When Sarah announced that she would not run for the presidency last October, 2011 they thought her days were over due to the deep disappointment of her base, many of them had expected her to run for the POTUS 2012.
    Yet three days later, at Liberty University, 10,000 conservatives lift to their feet, welcoming her to the podium.

    This is a fact: Through thick and thin they will always support Sarah.

    When Sarah and Fox parted their ways, her haters gleefully exclaimed, "That's it she's gone." Yet in a few short months, Fox hired her back with Ailes issuing a statement that he hoped Palin continue to speak her mind. That was quite a shout-out by the cable network to show their confidence in her.
    Come to think of it, that behind the scene, FoxNews may have been inundated with calls for her reinstatement.

    The muted behind-the-scene chatters may have been that in the GOP hierarchy the discussion of what to do with Sarah Palin had weighed heavily on them. It could even be likely that the secret they have been hiding, after their own analysis of the internal 2012 electoral data, that had they unequivocally embraced Sarah Palin, we would have a President Romney instead.

    So much water under the bridge.

    It's not hard to imagine that the party hierarchy may have panicked that they could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in winning control of the Senate because of the sinking poll numbers of Kansas Pat Roberts.
    They have studied the numbers and the conclusion must have led them to the only option, however unpleasant to them, that only Sarah Palin could rescue the GOP candidate and thus the Senate control itself.

    How much coaxing and cajoling in their plea for her to come to their candidate's rescue? What I'd pay to watch the pretentious head-honcho rinos prostrating themselves at her feet begging for mercy!!

    Ultimately this fearless woman, whom they had talked much behind closed doors, relented.
    It would be very interesting to hear what she say tomorrow morning.


    Pardon me for the length of that but, as always, if $arah is your only hope, good luck with that. Those people over there are the most deluded bunch. Blind as bats.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Deluded indeed! How can free seats be "sold out"??? "There will be no charge for tickets, but because the event is a fundraiser there will be opportunities to make donations." Hell, I can't stand the grifter trash and I would go, just on the chance I could tell her to her face. "Sold Out!" My ass!

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      "Someone" lays awake at night and makes shit up in it's fantasy land. They're cowards and bullies. If it wants to call that fearless, let it. I call it mental.

    3. Whatever6:21 PM

      Also, too, isn't that the University that made attendance MANDATORY.

    4. Anonymous6:32 PM So many issues with that rambling rant. Where to start? I won't bother with the "sold out" free tickets. 1. "they thought her days were over due to the deep disappointment of her base" No, we knew her days were over, because she isn't POTUS material. 2. "Yet three days later, at Liberty University, 10,000 conservatives lift to their feet, welcoming her " Let us know when 10,000 people are enough to get anyone elected to any office in any large city/state, let alone POTUS. 3. "This is a fact: Through thick and thin they will always support Sarah." Blind allegiance is not a good thing (think Hitler). I am not a Fox News follower, so I won't weigh in on that rant. 4. "It's not hard to imagine that the party hierarchy may have panicked that they could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in winning control of the Senate because of the sinking poll numbers of Kansas Pat Roberts.
      They have studied the numbers and the conclusion must have led them to the only option, however unpleasant to them, that only Sarah Palin could rescue the GOP candidate and thus the Senate control itself." Wow! That is laying it on pretty thick. You might want to hold off on this position, as you will look pretty foolish if he doesn't pull off a win! 5. "How much coaxing and cajoling in their plea for her to come to their candidate's rescue" Or perhaps Sarah placed a few calls and offered (begged) to be on the stage, as she needs to get anything on the internet other than Palin Family Brawl when her name is searched.
      Sarah Palin will never run for POTUS. She knows there is too much dirt out there on her and she can't hide it from serious vetting. Never gonna happen. Never. But, she will continue to never close that door, because that is the door where all the cash flows in.

    5. Anonymous6:52 PM

      That was Liberty, Whatever, if memory serves.

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      happymullah was the biggest cheerleader when SPC reared its head to resounding thud. "It" quit after awhile.

    7. Anonymous10:11 PM

      At Liberty University it is mandatory that all students attend weekly convocation. It is true that Palin was invited to speak there. It was also true that she autographed and gave away free copies of her book.

    8. Whatever10:54 PM

      6:52 and 10:11 Thanks.

      This is the link to Gryphen's coverage. It was during Sarah's Christmas book tour.

      He makes mention (questions the veracity of) 10,000 and possible mandatory attendance.

      (The University's own article stated there were 10,000 in attendance.)

      I believe someone said they required attendance, which makes sense, but I guess I cannot say as a fact.

    9. Whatever11:02 PM

      Good comments on the Liberty University site about there not being a war on Christmas. I'm surprised they didn't delete them. They must not check their comments.

      I'll share the longest (there are three) as it mentions Sarah and her book which was the reason for the article.

      I found it when I Googled looking for the number of people at the event the ranting guy mentioned.

      There is no “War on Christmas.” Just because Sarah Palin writes a book about it, or Bill O’Reilly bloviates about it on Fox News, doesn’t make it so. How COULD there be a “War on Christmas?” After all, Christmas is the ONLY religious holiday in the U.S. that causes the public and private sector to grind virtually to a halt, so non-Christians have no choice but to go along with it.

      And despite what many conservative Christians would like you to believe, there is also no “persecution of Christians” going on the United States. How could there be? MOST Americans identify as Christian, and virtually ALL religious programming on TV and radio is Christian-oriented.

      So why all the outrage? It isn’t because Christians are suddenly getting the short end of the stick, but because American government and society are becoming more sensitve to the fact that ours is a religiously pluralistic society, that a growing percentage of our population is either non-Christian or non-religious, and that under the Constitution no one faith takes precedence over all others. What Bill O’Reilly and Sarah Palin see as a “War on Christmas” is actually a society in which Christianity is not receiving preferential treatment.

      Comment by Chuck Anziulewicz — December 14, 2013 @ 9:16 am

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    While she's waiting for the APD report, Sarah could demonstrate her work ethic by updating several articles and features on her "channel."
    "Hi, Mom, it's me, Sarah. I don't wanna complain, but you and Dad are getting paid to keep your postings up-to- date. So far, your words " of the day" are up for two days or more. 'What the Chuck?' Is gathering dust.
    "Remember, to earn a buck get off your butt and stay outta da truck. Okay, I know it's hard for your arthritic fingers to type in a new word, but you always told me life isn't easy or fair. So, tell Dad that I'm giving you both fair warning. I'll have to make it Todd's Word of the Day and brother Chuckie's "What the Chuck?" If you two don't stop lazing around on your Social Security and Pension income. Always taking!
    "So, no more postal money orders for you two if you don't get busy."

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Do you really think either Sally or Chuck contribute to the website? More like Sarah pays them a little stipend to use them and their names as props just like she oversees and directs a ghostwritten blog that uses Bristol's name.

    2. she is probably just using their name so she won't be the only one looking like a retarded fool. she does the same thing when she wants her rubes to believe that she is getting good comments, she writes her own glowing reviews.

      It's just her and her flunky ghostwriter.

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "I have also been trying to chase down some leads on any videos or pictures, but so far there is really no news."

    Well, that is disappointing but not surprising. Sarah wins again.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Regardless, Sarah isn't winning. The news of this trashy brawl has circled the globe three times already. She is the laughing stock of the world.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Nice try, troll.

      The cops told everyone to hold their videos until their "investigation" is finished.

      Tell $arah to start packing. $he's finished in Alaska.

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      $arah's done, troll, everyone and their dog knows it.

    4. Anonymous5:49 PM

      5:29 PM
      If I ever have an opportunity to tell Sarah anything, I'll tell the nasty skank to go fuck herself. I'm not a troll but I am disappointed.

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Thats right Anondereangement 523
      the lie circles the globe before truth gets its pants on. But once truth gets its pants on, rest assured lie will get his ass kicked.
      LOL Anondereangement 529 pd would notbe able to stop video from hitting the web. And wait, wasnt the conspiracy dingaling that Sarah bought all the phones that night????? Try to get your lies straight.

    6. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Anon 6:12--I realize it is difficult but without proper spelling or punctuation, your "clever" little remarks read like the rantings of a drunken middle-schooler.

    7. Anonymous6:57 PM

      If I had video and the cops told me to hold it, I wouldn't mention to anyone what I had. Only the select few that might pay a bundle since the price is going up. I would not sell to anything Palin I don't care how much her backers would fork over.

      I hope she is living in la la land that she and the cops are in control. She has a very uncertain future and will need more drugs to keep her feeling safe.

    8. Anonymous7:15 PM

      6:12-- you sound demented!! And I'm not a troll either. Is that you CW. Being overly aggressive and cuckoo again are you? Nuttier than two fruitcakes!

    9. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Uh, what? Take your delusional, illiterate self to the pee pond where you belong, Dope On A Rope. You just proved you're an idiot, but i'm betting that you thought you were quite clever. Epic fail.

    10. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Anonymous5:36 PM

      5:29-- why do you assume 5:00 is a troll? You are so nasty! Read the persons comment. They aren't a troll necessarily. Damn some people that write here are such assholes.

      HEY - YOU - 5:36

      5:29 here. I suggest you re-read my post. Then read yours. Then tell me who typed the nasty post!

      LMAO@U potty mouth! Let me guess - you're a Christian, aren't you?

    11. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Where has it been reported that the APD asked people to sit on their brawl footage and photos?

    12. Anonymous10:16 PM

      9:29 PM

      That is one of the big issues in Ak. There is little reporting, zip investigating. There were witnesses that said APD told people that no one was to talk or release their evidence, waiting for APD to do their job. lol

      I don't know how accurate the witnesses are. Several make more sense than the APD. When there is no media reporting and nothing from corrupt law it is hard to tell what is what.

      Alleged eye witnesses did say things about the APD. Supposed that Sarah was buying or trying to buy people's cell phones. When APD arrived they were to get them for her.

      Something like that. The APD won't answer any questions. I would think we will hear from witnesses one day unless they have really been worked over and remain silent.

    13. Whatever11:12 PM

      9:29 It was in the comments of an earlier post. Todd's Broken Tooth (?) who was there said her contacts from the party were told by APD to not share video or photos while they were investigating.

    14. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I am not a troll. I think Sarah Palin is a poor excuse of a human being. That being said, I don't believe photos or videos of the brawl will ever see the light of day for several reasons. First and foremost being the guests in attendance were not expecting a brawl to take place. They weren't clutching their cell phones and cameras anxiously waiting to capture the Palin family behaving badly, they were simply enjoying themselves at the low key party. Secondly, when a brawl breaks out most people are probably startled and doing their best to get out of the way and avoid the brawl altogether. Some people may want to see what's going on and get into the action. Either way, their first thought wasn't to take photos or make videos with their cell phone. As Eric Thompson's wife said in hindsight, "I wish I had thought to make a video my cell phone." And finally, the brawl ended quickly with the Palin family getting their asses handed to them. I seriously doubt anyone captured any video incriminating the Palin family. The iron dog racers in attendance don't want this kind of attention because it reflects poorly on them. I'm not the least bit surprised there aren't photos or videos of the brawl. I'm surprised so many people can't believe no one took photos or videos. Different events occur every day, just because the event wasn't recorded on film doesn't mean it didn't happen. Multiple witnesses have spoken to the press about the brawl so it definitely took place on Sept. 6th. It's a fact, you don't need a photo to prove it happened.

  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Paula Deen, noted Southern bigot and butter eater, has announced that she's starting her own " network," known to the rest of the world as a "website."
    I hope she didn't steal the idea from Sarah's channel/ website, or Sarah will sue Paula and all her little muffins, too!

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      I wonder if she is with TAPP. It seems those two men really have no scruples about who they will work with. But I bet Sarah is not making them much money. It's obvious that channel is a huge flop!

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Quote from TAPP founders:
      'Exactly why we are building digital channels to connect super-fans to the people they adore!'

      Really? that's their business plan? getting people to pay to watch their idols...getting minor 'celebrities' to sacrifice their privacy? how's it working with the Palin Channel?

      Here is a review from Forbes Magazine:

  7. Anonymous5:05 PM

    "They expect to have their review completed...."

    But when do they expect to release that review to the public?

  8. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I think it is time to start showing support again for Eric
    Thompson. You said you had his him your

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      The total is $9145 -- wish ir was lots more

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      I don't mean by money... he has enough for
      a security system...I mean keep his name in
      the mix because he is your Ace In the Hole.
      He stepped up.
      Just an outsiders observation.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      What is the money for?

    4. Anonymous8:00 PM

      6:38 PM

      That's a head-scratcher. Could it be for food and mortgage/rent, gas and utilities and the other expenses most of us have? He may be out of work for a long time. He may even have to relocate out of state. He may need a lot more money than he has raised if he can't get a job where the corrupt and ruthless Palin hooligans wield the power to destroy a person's livelihood.

    5. Anonymous8:56 PM

      He has money for a security system... He NEEDS a security system now. That's why he i vested in one. Besides, I believe you can buy a decent one at Costco for less than $250.
      He needs money right now, because he HAS LOST HIS LONGTIME JOB BECAUSE OF THE ALASKAN MAFIA FAMILY.

  9. Sarahs Smelly Thong5:16 PM

    The "Proud to Be Valley Trash" Palin klan will have no satisfaction unless the APD issues a report that the brawl and subsequent publicity and non-investigation was all Alinksy tactics. Nothing but cheap muslim/liberal/Obama plot to character assassinate the rill conservative North Star of the Mama Grizzlies.

    I wonder if the so called negotiations about the wording of the statement are causing the delays? Or maybe it is the Valley Trash insisting the APD announce that they are preparing to go all Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis on her critics?

    Maybe it is the "Joan of Arc Bonfire of Her Vanity" wording that APD won't sign off on?

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I don't think any of will be surprised if no pictures or video show up. We all know the kind of money the Palins have and the kind of power they have. EVERYONE knows it happened, so if there are no pictures, that just reinforces the depth of their corruption in AK. No shock there. From the comments I have read on other sites, people are totally turned of by their classless, trashy behavior, especially Sarah saying, "Don't you know who I am?!" It is a real turn-off to have someone talking like they are better than other people. It makes people angry. That was a big mistake on Trashy Turd's part.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Maybe it's best there isn't a video. We can let our imaginations run wild, with the exceptions of Mr and Ms Thompsons descriptions. One thing I don't want to see is palin's exposed thong ass. We're talking nightmares here.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      The APD will have what they collected that night. If the case is over and no charges they are to return phones and all. Peeps will know if their property was tampered with or stolen.

      Sarah and the failin' Palins are trash and that is old news.

      The APD being as corrupt as they should make it to current news. What are Alaskans waiting for? Soon someone will die or a child severely injured. Too much for even the pros of corruption at APD to keep covered. They know it is coming. The local media and press needs to push just how corrupt the police are in Alaska. They would be saving lives. they may even save Tripp or Trig from great harm or slow death.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Where was it reported that the APD confiscated phones?

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I shared the brawl story with two people who saw through Palin. I accurately stated what witnesses who. Requested anonymity shared as well as Mr. Thompson who was fired.

      Despite their dislike of Palin both simply stated in their opinion that once any fighting began people expect a former VP candidate to leave immediately and collect their kids.

    5. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Where is it reported that Tripp Johnston was at the brawl playing on a runway and drinking beer?

      His mother was so drunk she and the family abandoned him.

      Where is the reporting?

      Only some initial statements by Amanda.

      The only reporting is done by Sarah Palin and she is proud that Bristol protected someone. Track was a great hero who maybe made a little mistake. That is the only reporting.

      Thankfully Sarah is a journalist and can make the only reports. Who needs APD or an honest prosecutor?

    6. bustol didn't protect anyone (she should had been protecting her drunkard wild child, tripp) she attacked and threw sucker punches at the elder male host, Kory. This after she couldn't reach his wife.

      the insufferable witch is uncouth, loud, conceited, delusional and violent and sets a fine example for the repub party.

      the dysfunctional klan arrived at the party as if they were superstars who won a Academy Award. When in fact sarahy is a failed vp candidate whose klan became failed, uninteresting reality characters.

      Proof they believe their own hype. What buffoons.

  11. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I'm afraid of the report. Afraid that it will say nothing to implicate the Palins and offer no more details than already known. It will basically be the same as the first report given by Jennifer Castro. No mention of who was involved, but just that a brawl took place and no charges filed.

    Wish I could believe, but at this point, they've said nothing, and a 'brawl' shouldn't take all this time to investigate.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      First, they gather all the facts from police investigation.
      Then, they have to come up with an explanation for why they decided not to prosecute anyone.
      Finally, they wait until the time is right to release the report without attracting any media attention.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      I'm in Chicago and we always bust our crooked politicians. Happens all the time and nobody gets killed as least not lately. Strength in numbers, Alaskans, strength in numbers. The palin's have been weakened, now is the time to strike. I can't believe that one person hasn't made one photo or one video available. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      If they get off scot free I for one will bombard them with inquisitive e mails. If we all make a stink we might get some attention. What the hell is going on up there that everyone is so fuckin' afraid?

    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      I for one will bombard them with inquisitive e mails.... calls and contact of all kinds would have been best to start right away. That is how it is done in other places.

      Better late than never. The public needs to wake up. It is not about the Palins or the cops so to speak. It is about their own safety, public safety and well being. It is the world they want for their children.

      It is the Alaskan's legacy.

    5. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Anon 639 Baaaaaaaaaahahahaha you're in Chitcago and you always bust yor politicians Baaaaaaaaaahahahaha please you made one of the biggest crooks potus Baaaaaaaaaahahahaha.

    6. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Anon 745 sounds like the Alinsky legacy.

    7. Anonymous9:04 PM

      6:39, I'm born and raised Chicago, gone a long time now thankfully. They only politcians they bust are the ones selectively taken down for a reason.

    8. Anonymous10:27 PM

      I'm for Ak turning over one more time and taking it like they do,

    9. 8:08

      You poor delusional old insane troll. Obamacare can help you with your retarded made up lies. I think it's the little purple pill. Fool.

  12. Anonymous5:33 PM

    From what I have read that Casto woman is a palin panty sniffer from way back. No way will they ever release the truth. Why do the people in Alaska allow this?

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Oh yes...I see we're already concocting conspiracy theories lololololol.

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Castro was a journalism student at the UofIdaho when she wrote an article about former UofI student Palin for the school magazine based on a phone interview with Chuck and Sally Heath. I think it would be silly to think that anything less than flattering would have been published.
      After graduating, Castro was hired by KTUU, starting in fall 2008. She only lasted there for a little over 2 years. She's worked for the APD since May 2013. As the APD spokesperson, she doesn't make policy or have any say in the result of APD investigations. There's no evidence to validate an accusation that she's a 'palin panty sniffer' but that's a great way to make an objective person wary of Palin critics.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      It's politics, media, and blogs in Alaska, 5:33 PM. It's a very corrupt state. You only encourage trolls with your demeanor.

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      6:06 sorry, some of the people here are over the top and it doesn't make a good impression. On the other hand, the APD has covered up a lot in the past, so that is where the reaction is from. It isn't fair to Ms Castro though and reinforces what Sarah and her fans say about her critics. The hatred is over the top but it's just a few people here, not all.

    5. Anonymous @ 6:06 PM,
      Let's just say Jennifer Castro probably has the same attitude about Sarah Palin that Scott Conroy and Shushannah Walshe do.

      Is that tactful enough for you?

    6. Anonymous8:10 PM

      KaJo - Your comparison doesn't make sense to me. I think it's premature, unsupported, and off-base. Tact has nothing to do with it.

      I realize I'm being pissy but I'm in a pissy mood and more easily frustrated by Palin critics who attack anyone who doesn't conform to their expectation of what amounts to the mirror opposite of c4p-type Palin fanatics. I saw where Gryphen was attacked by Palin critics for merely contacting Castro--a contact, by the way, which validated the brawl as fact and facilitated media coverage.

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Wheeler was NOT elected by Anchorage voters. Appointment by the Mayor, Dan Sullivan (R)?

  14. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anchorage residents: You can show your concern about the appearance that the city of Anchorage protects the Palin family by showing up and speaking at the Assembly meeting. You don't have to be on the agenda.

    "It is possible to talk with the Assembly without being on the agenda. "Audience Participation" is scheduled at the end of the Assembly's regular Tuesday evening agenda. No prior sign-up is required."
    Speakers are allowed 3 minutes.

    Or how about contacting your district's Assembly rep?

    I know, easy for me to say from my comfy, safe couch several thousand mile away.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Too heavy Republican! They'd stop that 'anti Palin' thing dead in its tracks!

      They voted down the legalization of pot last night at their Assembly meeting, when it wasn't needed or required. They were just making an idiotic statement!

      The voters will make the decision in November!

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Have you been to an assembly meeting? City Council meeting in any state? They don't listen to anything!

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      6:28 pm Yes. I have gone to City Council meetings so I'm not encouraging Anchorage residents to do something I haven't done in my hometown. Our meetings are televised and written up in the local paper so all opinions get covered and it's difficult for the council to completely ignore opposing views. There's no doubt, however, that citizens and businesses with the most money ultimately get almost everything they want. Corruption is the greatest at the local level.

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      6:28 PM

      Ours are live and taped. People can use them on the community TV shows if there is an issue. It is not about meetings to tell you that you exist or you are right or wrong.

  15. Another picture that looks weird to me. Todd looks like the "Jolly Green Giant" next to teeny, tiny Tripp. Is this another one of their photoshopped jobs?

    Just curious...

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I wouldn't put anything past 'em -- I'm still hoping to someday see that Greatest PhotoShop FAIL album -- but what mostly strikes me is that this is a very old photo. Look how young/short Piper is.

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      That's all Sarah releases anymore is OLD pictures. Look what they've become!

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      when the photo first came out, we all agreed there is some serious photoshopping going on. I think Willow was in NY at the time, and Trig is gigantic compared to Tripp even if they ARE at different distances.

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      I am always intrigued by the body posture of the Palins in the group photos. Props that separate all the members of the family, no closeness or warmth towards other members of the family.
      This contrasts greatly with 60+ years of my families' group photos, even though none of them are professional shots: 45+ sibs, spouses & partners, nieces & nephews, great nieces & nephews and grand kids all squished together, everyone holding anyone they can get their arms around, no props whatsoever.
      Palin's photos are worth a thousand words.
      BTW, if there were photos or videos of the Palin Brawl, the police would NOT tell the owners of them to "just hold on to them". The police would at least make a copy of anything.
      As a former prosecutor, my experience is one of waiting for police reports to come in, then evaluating the reports, looking at the report to see if it meets BARD, (part of the Code of Professional Responsibility for Prosecutors), and requesting any follow up work from law enforcement.
      Knowing Bristol Palin's fist hit Korey's face multiple times is different than proving it.
      That said, the Palins need to go down. However, they are sinking their own skiff/pontoon/Willieboat.

  16. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:49 PM

    I'm just noticing the picture's details. I've seen it a few times bc it was the ad for SP's Alaska, but if it hasn't been noted before:

    Look at the ridiculous visuals.

    Todd is a *commercial fisherman* -- so they gave him a recreational fishing pole to hold? OMG, that is ridiculous.

    Piper is leaning against...a dirt bike? Of course it can't be a *regular* bike, for a kid. It has to be "loud and crazy", y'know, like those "outdoorsy" Palins.

    And is that a DUNE buggy behind the bike?

    I love the smell of emissions in the morning (as they deplete the ozone of this beautiful country that God gave us...#blessed)

    And finally, what the hell is Track wearing? A backpack? Like a soldier's backpack?

    Jesus Christ. Couldn't find a FAKE Army uniform for him to wear? Why couldn't he wear his own 'duds?

    You know, the kind with his NAME sewn on the front. My husband has his from 30 years ago.

    Oh damn - I forgot Trig! (copyright: Sarah Palin)

    I remember reading that they used to give Mr. Ed peanut butter so that when he was eating it it looked like he was talking. (It worked!)

    But what if they did something similar to Trig. Maybe he was not into Sarah holding him

    ("Oh, ha ha, he's just tired and cranky" - Sarah. Sure. More like he hates your guts, Grandma.)

    You would have to distract him with something he liked MORE than he dislikes Sarah.

    I think they have to work hard to get pictures where he isn't trying to swat her away from him. He knows she's a cold stranger. He knows.

    1. Why not. she treats the little guy like a trained animal. Performing for sarahy blog. she got me when she mocked and held trig responsible for not eating a cheerio. she was so cold and distance in her explanation.that I had to puke.

  17. Anonymous5:57 PM

    That is another OLD photo!

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    If the AK police did not address the prostitution issues, why on earth would anyone think they will do the right thing with a mere brawl?

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      So true!!

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      If it's any bit of hope - Dave 'Praise the Lord Palin' Parker is gone. Would anyone else have the chutzpah to issue a 'press release' as written/dictated by the Palins' legal mouthpiece?

      Then again, I'm wondering if Palin's puppet masters are still interested in paying to protect their rapidly tarnishing 'brand' -the deep-discount, white-trash, low-class political gadfly.

    3. Because the ho-ring isn't as truthful as the palin's brawl.

  19. Ambassador Beldar J Conehead, Northern South Dakota and Southern North Dakota (ret.)6:04 PM

    Gryphen, I pray to Zeus you are joking about some kind of special troll dance. Is there really a dance? Even tho I'm a fake troll, I take professional trollery very seriously and I would be very upset to find out that all along there's been a dance that no one bothered to teach me!

    While I take a little time out to compose myself, may I share with you and your libtard blog buddies some shit that trolls say?

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    In Non-Bizzaro World, she
    - is divisive, mean-spirited, thin-skinned, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, mercenary, self-absorbed, reckless, foolish, inarticulate, shameless, cynical, obsessed, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, unprepared, sour, counterproductive

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a defunct blog that nobody reads (but still magically attracted 24.5 million page views)

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    *** *** ******** ***** ******
    ******* *** ********* ******

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

  20. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Another "iceberg" tease that will never materialize, just like every other for the last 6 years. None of the media (including bloggers) want to completely expose Palin and have her go away. They just want to keep you hanging on - it's much more lucrative for them.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Second verse, same as the first." -- Herman's Hermits
      "I'm Henry The VIII, I Am" 1965

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Yeah, I'm sure Gryph is making millions off of the Wasilla hillbillies.

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Not true of bloggers. How much do you think they make? Lol

    4. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Leave Gryph and others like him out of it. They're trying to do the jobs those are paid to do WON'T.

    5. I kinda believe that's the msm problem too.

    6. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Anonymous7:56 PM

      You sound like a C4Per defending their queen.

  21. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Almost forgot....

    Gryphen, Thanks for getting the update from the APD.

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM

    There's no reason there should even be any video or pictures. They were a mature crowd at the party. What would you do if you were at your friends' double birthday party and a fight broke out? You'd be alarmed, first off. And then you'd be concerned, and you'd want to stop the fight. Your first thought as a grown person isn't to get a record of your friend's bad behavior.

    Like Eric Johnson said, it was a normal relaxed party until the Palins arrived.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      20-40 is old? "mature"

      The first selfie was taken by an old guy in late 1800s.

      The internet has plenty of old people taking instant cell phone pictures of all kinds of things.

      That is the silliest reasoning I've hear yet on this brawl.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      When I'm mingling at a party, I have a drink in one hand and food or a cigarette in the other. I would've missed the best of the fireworks by the time I managed to get my phone in hand.

    3. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Really? I guess I'm mature and I have an Iphone 6, how about you?

      BTW "Mature" just means I could pay someone to stand in line for me all night :)

    4. Anonymous10:33 PM

      They had a spread for the birthday boy. I know people that take cell pic of food. They would switch over to another scene if it came up. 75 to 100 people, not all old like 40 and no cell phones. oh yeah...

      No one wanted pictures of the band?

    5. It was a birthday party for twins, of course pics were taken. Everybody takes pics. Young or old. Just look at any crowd and you will see just that.

      It's complete bullshit if pics aren't available. Complete bullshit.

  23. Anonymous7:37 PM

    too bad....there are pictures and video. Ha! Everybody's phone was lit up during the heehaw review.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM


    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Patience, Grasshopper @ 8:12 PM.

    3. Anonymous1:59 AM

      I would think that any and all video would not be released pending any charges that may be filed? Evidence for any and all upcoming trials? Grasping at straws and hoping there's a reason no one has sold their footage already. There HAS TO BE art.....

  24. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Maybe the APD are waiting until her gigs in Missouri and such. They know she needs the attention and money. After that they will give Track a ticket for jaywalking and Bristol will get an award for standing up for her family.

  25. Anonymous7:43 PM

    You can all kiss our asses you traitors. Sarah and Todd Palin is going to lead us to victory.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      You might want to use proper grammar or people will just laugh at you. Do you even know what is wrong with your post? ROFL ! Yep, you sure are a Palin fan (and moran!)

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Yes, they is.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      I used to think that all these teabagger comments were parody. They are hilarious: ill-informed, misspelled, incompetent in their logic. But I guess these people actually drive cars.

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      They are also the reason that windshield sun shades have to have "Do Not Operate Vehicle With Shade in Windshield" printed on the back.

    5. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Anonymous7:43 PM:
      You keep saying that, sweetie and you'll be ok.
      Well ..........maybe.

    6. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Um, did anyone bother to click on the link that 7:43 posted? LOL. Sarcasm anyone? I totally forgot about Scarah's PSA for the AIP. :)

  26. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I still want to know what happened to RAM.
    Is she even on the payroll anymore?

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Contaminated gas?

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Locked in a basement, chained to a typewriter?

  27. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Why would the Palins still exert so much terror over people in Alaska? Who the hell protects these crooks? Why will she never be exposed? She must be the illegitimate child of GHW Bush or Dick Cheney. WTH?

    1. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Didn't Shailey Tripp admit that Todd wanted Shailey to keep track of what her john's fetishes were? What else would Todd use that information for if not for blackmailing? Shailey also admitted that she recognized some members of the APD as her sex customers.

    2. Maybe he wanted to know so he could use them for masturbating.

  28. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I wonder if Palin recent support for Joe Miller and the oil/gas tax referendum burned some bridges with the AK GOP, in general, and Anchorage GOP, specifically, in this case. Might there be less incentive for the APD to cover for her?

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Responding to myself -- I see that Anchorage Mayor Sullivan is running for Lt. Gov. with Parnell. Is it too much to hope Parnell and Sullivan are ready to demolish what's left of Palin's power in AK?

  29. Anonymous8:35 PM

    7:35pm - Thanks! Wheeler seems to primarily serve Sullivan rather than the MOA.

  30. Anonymous8:39 PM

    The Palinbot $arah worshipers are claiming that their Queen is going to do a "press conference" tomorrow in Missouri.

    The only way that's going to happen is if the Tundra Twit has 6 ringer reporters on the front line that ask her a few softball
    questions about rill 'Murica, how Jesus wrote the Constitution, and about huntin' moose.

    No way will Caribou Barbie take actual tough questions unscripted from a gaggle of lame stream media people.

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      What would they even ask her? She is not a politician, a pundit or anything but a plain old mom from Alaska with a big mouth. It isn't like she knows anything about the issues in Missouri or even Alaska. Love it if someone DID actually get to ask her about the brawl though. Love to see her face crumble.

    2. Anonymous11:03 PM

      what will she quit now?

  31. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Hasn't Sarah already told them what to write- Someone said a mean word about Willow.
    Track, because he has PTSD thought he was back in Iraq working as Hummer chauffeur, punched a guy.
    Toad has PTSD, he thought he was on some reality tv show, so he choke a guy.
    Bristol didn't do anything because she is left handed and really meant to punch a women, so punching the host doesn't count.
    Sarah wasn't there, she was traveling-see her facebook post if you don't believe it.

    1. I don't know why some of you believe track was some kind of Radar from MASH (responsible for chauffeuring around Generals and others.) he's not responsible enough to drive around the higher ups. No fucking Way.

    2. Track was probably on Latrine duty.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Someone called Willow names. big deal. pussy willow...pussy willow...pussy willow.

      Bring it on Bristol Pistol, you enormous cow.

  32. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Doesn't matter if anything comes of the brawl or not, it has already damaged her "brand" which can't take much more damage before she is selling crunch wraps at taco bell.
    It's freaking mid sept in an election yr where the senate is at stake and she only has 3 gigs coming up, one a freaking pancake fucking breakfast.

    Sucks to be the Palins, by this time next yr they will be looking for jobs.

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      I think she may be looking for a new job in January. Anyone know when her Fox contract is up?

    2. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Can the Palins collect unemployment in Alaska?

    3. Anonymous2:50 AM

      UNemployment for what? You have to be employed and lose your job to collect unemployment.

  33. Anonymous9:05 PM

    The brawl took place more than two weeks ago and stories about it are still popping up in the media. It's a juicy story, and the version that gets repeated is the original one, not the Palin version.

    For people commenting about the photo that Gryphen used for the post, it's an old photo. It was taken in connection with Sarah's reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska (which never saw a second season). That style of posing the family was used for a lot of reality shows. What's weird about the photo, even if it was arranged by the photographer are the messages that it sends. That's not a close family, no matter what Sarah says. They stand apart from each other, awkward and stiff. This one includes all of the "stuff" that shows how their materialism. Track looks especially distant and angry. Poor Tripp is stuck along in his fancy car. There are a number of other shots from the series with different arrangements but the effect is always the same. Distant, posed, staged. There is nothing about the photo that would make me want to see what they do, up there in Alaska. And, yes, the program was just that bad.

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      And it's photoshopped. They were never all in the same place at the same time for that photo. Several independent pics stitched together.

  34. Anonymous9:08 PM

    The critics are going to criticize, the haters are going to hate, so you might as well dance.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      A very very very stupid and trashy statement from low IQ Sarah

    2. Anonymous10:47 PM

      That would have been a much more prescient quote if Bristol actually could dance.

    3. Anonymous2:59 AM

      Criticism is what $arah hates, because she is a poser, a liar, and a criminal, who can't stand the light of day shining into her sociopathic secret life

      Criticism and hate are two completely separate things, which of course you $arah worshipers don't understand.

      And believe me , we WILL dance, sing, and celebrate when the Tundra Turd and her brood of vipers are made to sit down and shut the fuck up!

    4. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Except she couldn't and didn't dance. Still can't. Dancing is too much like work.

    5. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Oops I believe you made a mistake, the words of wisdom from the What the Chuck Alaska Five O program is on a different channel?

    6. Anonymous7:10 AM

      The critics are going to criticize, the haters are going to hate, so you might as well live down to the worst of their expectations by putting your bad behavior on display for the entire word to laugh at.
      There, I fixed it for you.

    7. "Anonymous9:08 PM
      The critics are going to criticize, the haters are going to hate, so you might as well dance."
      What a moronic little bit of meaningless drivel.

      Is "dancing" another word for braying and spewing endless lies and hate in a never ending and futile attempt to fill the black hole of rage consuming you?

      Well then, carry on, Duncinella, carry on.

  35. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Press conference tomorrow at 4:30p from Missouir?

    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I thought Sarah Palin held a press conference and quit on Alaska several years ago? Is she quitting again?

    2. Anonymous10:36 PM

      It will be a staged farce, if it happens.

    3. It's a free commercial for her sorryass candidate. I hope the msm won't make a fool of themselves falling over the insufferable witch, as if her every word is gold. Like they did when she played the msm like a violin when she was running around not confirming her run. Loons. YUCK

  36. Anonymous10:18 PM

    How many times does Todd Palin have to denounce the Alaska Independence Party or deny he was AIP before everybody drops it? Same thing as far as being Shailey Tripp's pimp and sex partner?

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      He's never denied either.

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      how stupid can one be? He could try to deny his involvement in both the AIP and running a prostitution ring..but there's plenty of proof.

  37. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Imagine your daughter physically assaulting someone, the host of the party no less, at a social gathering all because she's denied access to assault her intended target. These are the kinds of people who would commit unspeakable acts, murder for example. A sociopath, one who has learned this behavior from her parents. It makes one wonder what kind of upbringing Sarah Heath had to mold her into such a monster.

  38. Caroll Thompson2:28 AM

    The APD said that last week. I think the APD wants this to go away and will never release the report. Someone might even think that the Palins own the APD. I have no doubt that the Palin lawyers have been in touch with the Department.

    So, I hold out little hope that the report will be released. The APD is in the pocket of the Palins. And if true, this is an even bigger story than the brawl.

  39. Anonymous2:45 AM

    What fucking bullshit.
    In a local school district THIS week. On MONDAY some kids told administration in high school about an inappropriate relationship between a phys ed teacher and a student. Teacher was put on admin leave on Monday afternoon. Police spoke with hundreds of high school and middle school kids By tuesday the guy was ARRESTED.
    Hundreds of kids to interview is a lot harder than 70 party -goers.
    APD do you need remedial lessons in policing?? Sure seems like it.

  40. Amanda Coyne has a comment about possible charges being filed. Hint,,,,none.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      gee, no one saw that coming.

  41. 11:32 Interesting. the dysfunctional klan will go through anyone even innocent people to exert physical violence on their target victim(s). I'm thinking Dar, Curtis and Christy.

  42. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Hey Gryphen: This is one of the sites I check every day because Palin's a once in a generation train wreck! You posted 9/15/14 6:15am:

    "But that is just the beginning, because folks let me just say that in the very near future I am going to make your years of trust and loyalty to IM pay off.
    Hee hee, this is the part where I chuckle to myself and say "stay tuned."

    I and I'm sure many others are waiting impatiently!

  43. Anonymous5:52 AM

    What about a 911 tape?? Is there a way to obtain it??

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      The APD is one of most corrupt law enforcement agencies in the country. It is more like a third world police force up there. They will give you what Palin machine wants you to have.

      It would be a fight to get anything and the citizens of AK rather kill animals.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      But the Palins aren't a machine any more. They have zilch power. So what is it that they can wield against people. Sure, Sarah is more 'famous', but then so is Kim Kardashian but that doesn't mean she wields any influence nor can even cajole past political connections she has to do something--or not--for someone, because to all the political folks she used to run with--she also wields no power. She and Todd are impotent. UNLESS there really is prostitution evidence that they hold on people to shame them. That's the ONLY thing I can think of that might keep some people (but not all) still afraid of them. OTher than that, they have no jobs to offer, no contracts to offer, and why even would their AIP thugs do bad things to others on their behalf when, again, they can offer the AIP nothing? A spot on a reality show? A post on her website? It wouldn't make sense for the APD not to make a report and not to arrest Bristol, if not more of them, unless the key people in the force are sleeping with hookers and Todd has proof...

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Naw. Remember, the only guy to go on the record lost his job. They've ended the careers of many people in this state. Look into Troopergate to see how they attack not only their percieved enemies but also anyone else who may simply get in their way.

      They spread lies and make implied threars which are repeated and amplified by their thousands of insane supporters. Would you go out on a limb and subject yourself and your family to that. Why, you might even be assaulted and have the police turn a blind eye.

  44. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Big-name Republicans flooding into Kansas to save struggling
    Pat Roberts and the Senate

  45. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It is going to be very interesting what questions the Anchorage-Palin Police Department asked Bristol Palin regarding what happened at the Palin Melee.

    Where was Bristol and Willow going prior to Bristol assaulting Mr Klingenmeyer?

    What incident caused Bristol Palin to assault Mr Klingenmeyer?

    Why did Bristol Palin repeatedly hit Mr Klingenmeyer six times?

    Did Mr Klingenmeyer hit Bristol Palin during the time Bristol hit Mr Klingenmeyer?

    I wonder if Bristol Palin plead the 5th Amendment?

    Pleading the fifth is a reference to the Fifth Amendment. Making such a plea means that you refuse to answer the question on the ground that your answer might incriminate you.

    Questions for the Anchorage-Palin Police Department.

    Did the A-PPD tell Bristol Palin the combatant she can leave the party? Why?

    Did the A-PPD take Bristol Palin' s statement before letting her go? No? Why not?

  46. Anonymous9:10 AM

    If any other family other than the Palin family or the current governor of Alaska was in a brawl like that would the APD just let them go? Come on, what Bristol did was assault a man repeatedly and Bristol wasn't taken away to the APD station? Just like the time Willow was not charged for breaking and entering, you have to know someone or have a relative in high places.

  47. Anonymous3:35 PM

    OOOOOOO lol. and American's fixed the palin wagon and boat. Aint no valley trash sitting in that WHITE house, in fact aint no palin valley trash sittin in that Alaskan gov mansion either. Its a win win.....for America and Alaska.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.