Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ann Romney says all of this talk about a "war on women" is ridiculous. And she is a wealthy white over-privileged, woman so obviously she knows what she's talking about.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Ann Romney on Tuesday skewered Democrats’ claim that there’s a GOP “war on women,” calling the accusation “offensive” and saying it won’t work as a campaign tactic. 

“It’s ridiculous, honestly, I mean I don’t think they’re getting very far with that, by the way. It’s not going to work. I think women are a lot smarter than that, and that’s kind of offensive to me, to tell you the truth.” 

Well there you go then.

I mean clearly Ann Romney is a woman, she gave birth and everything, so if she says that nobody is waging a war against her then how can we really argue with that?

After all she has so much in common with the average woman in America. Right?

Such as the difficulty women face while raising a family and working outside the home, while making much less than her male couterparts.

No wait, I guess being incredibly wealthy and having the option of being a full time mom meant she really couldn't relate to that.

Well there is the difficulty of dealing with an unwanted she's a Mormon who has been married to the same man since she was 19 years old so I guess she has never had to make that choice.

Okay well surely she has had to struggle for equality in a male dominated world. No wait she has lived her life simply as a wife and mother, and eagerly embraced the tradition roles for women, without really trying to develop any autonomy outside of the confines of her marriage.

So no, not really.

So yeah, perhaps Ann Romney is not the best person to decide if indeed there is a war on women, any more than Eva Braun was the best person to decide if Hitler was kinda mean to the Jews.

P.S. Oh I almost forgot, Ann is also hinting that Mitt might run in 2016.

Oh boy.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Oh ya, Anne Romney the one woman I know of who NEVER EVER had to apply for a job. Or WORK at one. Great spokesperson for the lack of a war on women. Hey Anne, go work at flipping burgers for even a couple of hours before you mouth off on the plight of women. Oh yeah, we know, from the "LOVE THOSE WOMEN"!!!!

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      She suffered - she had to eat tuna out of a can when she was in college, and she and Mitt had to sell some of his stock portfolio to pay their college tuition (too bad neither were smart enough to earn a scholarship)

    2. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:39 PM

      I was so angry about the reaction to Sandra Fluke's comment about Ann "never having had a job".

      The assholes on the right actually ran with it and tried to use it to say that Fluke was insulting mothers.

      FUCK. YOU. ROMNEYS!!!!!

      It would have been a NON-issue if Sandra had used different wording (although her wording was fine for intelligent people).

      Sandra meant to say:

      Ann Romney has Never worked a job where she could be FIRED!!!!

      Fuck you, acting like you "work" at home.

      We ALL "work" at home, ASSHOLES!!

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      That tight assed bitch has nothing to say about anything. Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the nastiest cunt around? Spoiled ass bitch. Begone, you and you're hubby and you're spoiled ass kids. How's that car elevator working out for ya' you sleazy prick.

    4. Anonymous11:32 PM

      I'm with you 3:39 pm, but it wasn't Sandra Fluke that said that. It was Hilary Rosen.

    5. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:33 AM

      Thank you, 11:32. I appreciate it.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    How would Mrs. Romney feel if there was a law that upon divorce the wife gets nothing or very little for the time she was married. There are such laws and she is too stupid to see it herself. Talk about being blinded by fucking faith and politics!

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    In my 70 years on earth I have never seen a woman who wanted to be first lady more than Romney.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      and Anne wants to be first lady too!

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Well, except for Marcus Bachmann. ;)

    3. Anonymous4:48 AM

      She wants to be Queen Ann, not First Lady.
      Ann Romney is far above "those people", don't ya know.

  4. Boscoe2:43 PM

    This is like the time when Anne thought she could humanize Mitt and connect with the little people with her heartfelt story about how she and mitt knew what it was like to struggle because they had to live in a small apartment for several months with only sales of some of Mitt's stock portfolio to make ends meet until he got his first management job.

    True story.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      My favorite Mitt story is the Seamus the dog story. They put him in crate on the roof of the car for a 65o mile/12 hour trip to Lake Huron and stopped to hose down the crate and dog from time to time, since the dog had diarrhea. I image being wet in a wet cage traveling on an interstate for 12 hours was a fun trip for the family pet. I hope he does run. I would like another 8 years of Democratic government!

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Yes! I loved that one, but you forgot to mention that was the same story where they HAD TO eat (yucky, poor people type food) TUNAFISH off the ironing board for a table. Did the interviewer ask if they would release more tax statements than the partial one year statement?

    3. AKinPA5:36 PM

      Yes. Their plight at having to eat off an ironing board because they couldn't afford a table really brought tears to my eyes. Such unimaginable hardships those two had. They didn't mention it but I guess those 2 had to sneak into Canada for health care too.
      Just as the Palins are tanking, the RMoneys are rearing their ugly heads.
      President in 2016? Keep dreaming, Annie. What makes you think we'll like your smugness and sense of entitlement any better than we did in 2012?

  5. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I cannot stand this snobby woman or her smug husband. They disgust me and would be terrible in the White House.
    I can't believe some of the stupid things she says.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:40 PM

      That picture made me think of Mrs. George Washington.

      Nice, um, flower thing...

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      lol that's it. I was staring at that neck thing she's got going there and remembered seeing one in an old black and white movie...."cravat" I think it's called....

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      It might be a "scrunchie tie"

      How to tie a Scrunchy Tie

      "What is a scrunchie tie?
      A scrunchy tie is a popular type of wedding neckwear, also known as a scrunch cravat or rouche. A variety of both self-tie scrunchies and ready-tied scrunchie ties can be found at Tom Sawyer Waistcoats."

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I am offended by Ann Romney's ignorance.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:42 PM

      I am offended by Ann Romney's existence.

      (Also, too, so STRANGE we haven't heard from Queen Anne about all of the CHARITABLE work she's done for those with MS since the Election.




      You mean she was, *gasp*, PANDERING???

      Well, bless my stars and call me Todd Palin! I am plum fooled!)

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Just keep imagining Mitt's "binders full of women."

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Slaves don't criticize their master.

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Perhaps the only person I loathe more than Mitt, his clueless asshole entitled wife.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:44 PM

      Can they hold hands with Sarah and Todd while they step into a volcano?

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      That would be wonderful, but would have to take Bristol, since we all know you always offer the volcano a ....oh shit. That won't work.

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Ann is a Mormon. That is a religion (?) where the women are subservient to the men in their lives! They marry and have a shit load of kids and raise them per their religion. Only difference w/Ann is that she is rich!

    Can you imagine having her as a First Lady? She'd truly be a pain in the ass! Plus, her husband will never win should he run AGAIN! There is no way she relates to poor women across America and knows their struggles - many of which are Republican instigated.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Not just poor women, Little Offended Annie can't relate to any woman that has worked or put herself through school.

    2. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:46 PM

      You know what's *really* cool about Mormonism, as a woman?

      If you are NOT married when you die, you are the lowest of the low. Nada, snake spit.

      Your ENTIRE identity on earth AND in the Afterlife DEPENDS on you having a MAN.

      Ain't it pretty?

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      That's exactly who Mormons are. My daughter married one, against our warning, and is now happily divorced and remarried.

      I simply cannot stomach having her as First Lady, especially after beautiful Michelle. Think about it, when was the last time we had such a vibrant (for you, trolls), hands-on, engaging First Lady? Eleanor Roosevelt?

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      So, I don't get my own planet?

    5. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Yeah, FOAD, men get their own planet to rule of they've been good enough. SNORT!

    6. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:10 PM


      No Kolob for you!


      (H/t Soup Nazi)

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Yeah Queen Anne is telling him to run. I don't think he wants all. But she does want to be FLOTUS...
    No fucking way will she be FLOTUS.

  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Part of me hopes Mittens runs again. Someone from the GOP clown car would probably be easier to beat, but he is the "devil we know" and with Hilary so well known to the opposition we will need to start the campaign early as well. But he would be weakened by their debate process and we already have the Mitt info (and the #Romneyshambles video from the disastrous European tour) to roll out again.

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:11 PM

      The "Devil we know"!

      Exactly what I said and what I fear!

  12. Anonymous3:00 PM

    First the GOP releases a cute little tv ad suggesting that our boyfriend Barack is a deadbeat to say the least and maybe worse (snooping in our emails, spying on us, stealing our money), because silly ole us can't possibly relate to our male president as anything other than a boyfriend. Fiddle de dee! I do declare, We vote based on who we'd rather! Now an out of touch, wealthy white woman is telling us that there is no war on women. That GOP ad tells me how much the GOP respects us.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      The GOP idea of what young women need or think about is just too funny. They should remind those women that if they get pregnant out of wedlock they can always go earn money preaching abstinence, with a straight face.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I just never realized that my ho ha could be "born again". Praise the Lord!

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    You don't give Ann Romney nearly enough credit for being the person she is!

    Ann Romney grew up in a hardscrabble suburb of Detroit.
    Every time she went to the stables Ann was reminded what hard work was. It was for the hired help, who shoveled the sh*t while Ann was having fun.

    Hard work was being one of the landscapers responsible for mowing the lawns and pruning all the hedges and shrubbery. Hard work gets one dirty and sweaty, who would even want to be around these people?

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Yes, remember when her husband fired the illegal workers....."We can't have illegals, I'm running for president for Pete's Sake".

    2. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!3:46 PM

      "I enjoy being able to fire people who work for me".

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Oh, pu-lease Ann. You have been sheltered YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Just stuff a stock in it and GO AWAY.

  15. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Like the skanky brawler, Ann & Mitt need to go away!

  16. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Why are they still talking. After you lose, you are supposed to tuck your head in between your legs and go away.

    They should go away pronto. Classless. Did you hear from Tipper Gore, Teresa Heinz Kerry, Rosalyn Carter after their husbands loss? No, they had class

    1. Sally in MI3:47 PM

      Well, we did hear from Tipper, who remained an advocate for women and kids.And Rosalyn continued to build homes and help people around the world, a concept that would never enter Mrs. "Our Turn's" blond head, would it? Can you see her helping anyone? I'm sure they give their required tithe to the tax-exempt billion dollar Mormon Church, and then hide anything that would be taxed here to help, oh, build roads, schools, maintain the electrical grid, or keep our water supply safe from the oil spills. Not their problem after all.
      Good Luck Annie, with that next campaign. The country won't like you any better this time around, but "Please proceed."

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      They had actual lives.. Bitching about irrelevent things will be Palins career until she dies

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Even before being the wife of a presidential nominee Teresa Heinz Kerry was a very busy philanthropist. Anyone who watched the Ken Burns' Roosevelt series last week knows how hard Eleanor worked on behalf of ordinary people and the underprivileged all her adult life. Ann Romney, not so much.

    4. Anonymous4:38 PM

      And whatever charitable work she does is for Mormons.

  17. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "Ann is also hinting that Mitt might run in 2016."

    Wow. I would almost pay money to watch Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush be primary contestants.

    Who will go further right and how fast? Or who will try that newfangled "I'm a moderate" tack?

    Will Jeb disavow Common Core? Will Mitt disavow (again) his effective health care plan? What will those lovable scamps do to court the votes?

    Here's some other Fantasy Presidential Election League match-ups I think would be entertaining:

    Hillary Clinton v. Kay Bailey Hutchison
    Jon Huntsman v. Howard Dean
    Joe Biden v. Joe Lieberman
    Paul Ryan v. Elizabeth Warren
    AL Franken v. Sarah Palin
    Ted Cruz v. The Cookie Monster
    Michele Bachmann v. Richard Branson (citizenship pending)
    Fake Moon Base Commander Newt Gingrich v. Fake Moon Base Commander Martin Landeau

    (Sorry, it started off as a nice sketch and then it just got silly.)


  18. Anonymous3:20 PM

    O/T - Right now Entertainment Tonight is showing the interview with Eric Thompson again.

    Oh yeah, $arah. That ole' Lamestream Media is hot on your trail now, and they are just waiting for the APD report to let loose with the really good stuff.

    It would be so nice if the local PD showed up to arrest you in the middle of your special needs speech, or the next time you show up at the Anchorage airport, or get a facial without your wig...

    Someone has given the media the OK to finally go after you.

    See you behind bars soon!

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Ooooh, finally Entertainment Tonight again?
      If it's brought up twice........hmmmmmmm

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Interesting that it's on yet again!

  19. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "Offensive to me" = Caught on to us.

  20. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The Romney's can't show their tax returns so he will never be POTUS.

  21. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Of course Little offended Annie , who has never worked a day in her life, knows all about what women in the workforce put up with. (eyeroll)

  22. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Ann's sense of entitlement was, "It's our turn."

  23. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Even if Rmoney should his tax returns, he has no personality and cannot relate to people. He is a dork.

  24. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Poor Annie, no matter what Mitt promised you, no matter what the hidden wives have thought "those people" will never vote for Mitt.

  25. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Ann spent so much money on her wardrobe, what to wear when Mitt was sworn in, what to wear to each ball, what to wear in the White House. She can't return the clothes, so Mitt has to run again.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      That was one disillusioned woman when she couldn't dress up as FLOTUS. I'll bet you're right, she had the whole wardrobe worked up, at least in her imagination, for at least a 4 year stint.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I wonder if they still baptize dead people from other faiths.

    3. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Yes they do, 4:13 PM.

    4. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!5:16 PM


      I just had the funny thought of Anne needing to stay the same size (for the dresses)-

      And Mitt walks in on her stuffing chocolate cupcakes down her throat and he just looks at her shocked-

      And she looks up, like a feral animal, cake all over her face and growls,

      "Getttt oooouuutt".

      She wears the pants with Magic Underwear in that relationship.

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    BTW I am still trying to figure out how the Rmoneys got a $250,00 deduction for a 1/3 of a horse when my working roping and cutting horses can't be used as a tax deduction. Maybe you to use a horse, or part of one as a deduction you also have to use a car elevator also too?

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!4:04 PM

      I forgot about dealing with all of the examples of their predatory nature:

      They make their money by stripping Americans of their jobs-

      And then they put their money in Off-Shore Accounts.

      But they **LOVE** America

      (just not the rules...for them..

      .But *those* "illegals", for Pete's sake, and women, and the 48%...

      THEY better follow the RULES, boy!

    2. Don't forget his enormous IRA in some Caymen hideaway when the rest of us can only contribute $17K a year or something, his is many many millions. (he put his company stock in the IRA, value almost nothing then magically it soared to millions! magic)

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Maybe they'll tell us how their IRA's got so big, way beyond the limit a person can deposit each year.

    4. Anonymous8:07 PM

      I would like Mittens to explain why I should vote him into the presidency, when he keeps his money in foreign countries!!! How un-American.

  27. Anonymous3:59 PM

    a rich man and a por man stood at the pearly gates.the rich man entereleaving the poor man behind.a Big party was thrown! the poor man standing at the pearly gates then entered.there was no big party for him.curious as to why he asked st. Peter why the party for the rich guy but not for replied "we get poor people every day".

  28. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!4:00 PM

    Honestly, though, I fear that mittens has been around for so long, he is like a stray cat. People didn't ask for it but he won't go away.

    Eventually people start feeding the cat.

    Eventually, the cat gets *inside the house*!!!!!! (*insert horror movie footage and soundtrack*)

    I fear he's wearing people down and when faced with the evil you know (even though we *don't* know enough about the snivelly shits) and the evil you don't ...

    You know what people choose.

    Hillary vs. Mittens

  29. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Ann, America is just not into you

  30. Anonymous4:10 PM

    When will " you people" stop your griping and get over it?

  31. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Ann Romney can't smile; all she can do is smirk. And she knows absolutely nothing about the lives of women who belong to the 99%.

  32. The reason we call it a war is because the only reason women have made the advances we have is because we can control our reproductive system and they are chipping away at that basic right. That is all this is about really. We have to be able to control our reproductive rights or we are not free and can't be equal.

  33. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Two words, Ann: tax returns.

    (Btw -- she spells her first name without an "e" on the end. There are several schools of thought about Ann vs. Anne. Generally, Ann is the more common of the two.

  34. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Wealth and a privileged life don't necessarily lead to a sense of entitlement and inability to relate to the less fortunate. Mormons and evangelicals who equate wealth with 'being specially blessed' seem to be the worst offenders.

    And then there are the wealthy and privileged Kennedys and Shrivers who epitomize selfless service. Sargeant Shriver was the force behind the Peace Corps, Jobs Corp, Head Start, and the War on Poverty. Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded Camp Shriver and the Special Olympics. And daughter Maria continues the legacy.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      yup. none of those people are mormons.

  35. Anonymous4:51 PM

    If Mitt Romney runs AGAIN, his wife will not be a benefit in getting him elected. The only thing the couple has behind them is the Mormon congregation! But, I wonder how well they are regarded within their church? Neither one of them are warm and welcoming. Too uppity!

  36. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Ann Romney has never been a single mother facing an unplanned pregnancy in a Rethuglican state and whom, despite working 2 low-paying jobs and juggling child care, remains on the edge of economic insecurity.
    So she should just STFU and go to her nail appointment.


    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      When you're that rich, they come to you.

      Everyone does.

  37. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The fact that she's out doing interviews makes me think that Mitt's definitely considering a run. Dear god, must we really suffer these people a third time?!

  38. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Was that Anne Ro-money in the ninja costume jumping the fence at the white house last week?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      LOL! That was from the gut!

  39. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I sPent the better part of the summer working at a park, one of our duties was to go out and pick the (weed) wild carrots or better known as QUEEN ANN'S LACE, even the young kids knew what was up when we went ""ROMNEY RUMMAGING"" AND what we were talking about. OH TO BE THAT SPECIAL...........

  40. Balzafiar5:33 PM

    Well, I may be one of the few who does hope clueless Mitt does run again. I had a fantastic time the last time he ran writing somewhat less than complimentary comments about him and his snobby "It's our turn..." smug bitch bride who wants into the White House so bad she'll move heaven and earth, and maybe their planet Kolob, to get there.

    They suffer from two things: a love of acquiring money regardless of who they hurt and an overweening sense of entitlement. So let him run; my keyboard is waiting. Fuck them both.

  41. slipstream6:09 PM

    Hey! Be nice to Ann Romney! It is not easy to plan how the elevator to the additional underground parking area will harmonize with your decor!! I mean, the La Jolla neighbors expect a certain standard of elegance!!!!

    Poor Ann! She has had to put up with so much, and still you criticize her!

    1. F.O.A.D., SARAH PALIN!6:57 PM

      "Those single mothers just need to ask their parents for money but they just want government handouts. It's a disgrace, really." - Ann Romney


      The GOP is waging a war on women,

      and a war on intelligence.

  42. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Of course there is no war on your lily white, pampered ass, Ann. If your life approached anything resembling the war perpetrated on 99% of women, you might be credible. STFU

  43. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I have binders full of women!
    Mittens Romney

  44. Anonymous8:49 PM

    As a Nam vet I heard some pretty insulting things when I returned, but during the debates of 2012, Mitt cast the worst aspersion of all. That cowardly maggot, who went on a Mormon mission to France to avoid serving his country, had the gall to claim his Mormon mission was undertaken "as a service to his country." Yeah, Mitt, riding around Paris on a bicycle annoying French people with Mormon hucksterism and crawling through a stinking, bug infested jungle ducking bullets and making Asian heads explode - six of one, half dozen of the other. Certainly entitles Mitt to talk long shit and promise to endlessly send more (of other people's) American kids to die in wars where winning is not even definable. Among my (admittedly small) group of veteran friends, he'd lose to Jane Fonda claiming he served his country. As for his wife - how would a Mormon woman who been cloistered among the privileged inside a cult her entire life even have a frame of reference that would enable her to recognize the religious repression of women? Respect and equality to her are among the entitlements that come with having money (and, of course, being righteous). And that's why the rest of you ridiculous bitches need to stop whining.

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Well said. Thank you for your service.

      I'll add more from the cowardly maggot on service to your country.

      "Mr. Romney expressed appreciation for the country’s “volunteer army” and said “that’s the way we’re going to keep it. He explained his sons had made different career choices in life and had not chosen to serve in the military but he mentioned a niece whose husband he said had just been called up by the National Guard.

      He added that he respects and values “very highly those who make a decision to serve in the military” and referenced the “surge of support” for members of the Armed Services he recently called for on the campaign trail. As part of that call, he personally donated $25,000 to various organizations that support military personnel. But he wound up his response with this: “It’s remarkable how we can show our support for our nation, and one of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping to get me elected, because they think I’d be a great president. My son, Josh, bought the family Winnebago and has visited 99 counties, most of them with his three kids and his wife. And I respect that and respect all of those in the way they serve this great country.”

      Wow. The cheap bastard was proud about donating $25,000 from his binder of offshore hedgefunds?

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      @8:49PM Isn't it interesting that the Republicans are always first on the bandwagon to send our kids into war when almost all of them dodged the draft.

  45. Anonymous10:13 PM

    So if we have to suffer through another Rmoney candidacy, do you think they'll pay attention to Nate Silver this time?

  46. Leland2:46 AM

    In all the comments I have read above, I didn't see a single reference to the Moron habit of "Lying for Jesus"!

    Keep lying you ignorant shit!

  47. Bad Lovey can just shuffle off to one of her mansions and whine. That arrogant piece of work with her contemptuous attitude toward "you people" has no place in the White House, and neither does her worthless husband. He is too cowardly to show the country just how little he contributes to the country that has done so much for him.

    They are both dirt.

  48. Anonymous8:42 AM

    oh please ann, your husband has his side. you could be history if.....

  49. Anonymous8:45 AM

    get stuck in your home elevator. isn't there an old black and white movie...

  50. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The queen of insults "you people" speaks. Really ann? For a hobby I do ancestry research and about now Im a not liking the Mormons.......absolute nightmare with all the marriages, kids and bs. NO yer money mittens will be occupying the whitehouse.


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