Friday, September 19, 2014

Air Force changes its rules after airman refuses to say "so help me God" as part of his oath for reenlistment.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

After an airman was unable to complete his reenlistment because he omitted the part of a required oath that states “so help me God,” the Air Force changed its instructions for the oath. 

Following a review of the policy by the Department of Defense General Counsel, the Air Force will now permit airmen to omit the phrase, should they so choose. That change is effective immediately, according to an Air Force statement. 

“We take any instance in which Airmen report concerns regarding religious freedom seriously,” Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James said in the statement. “We are making the appropriate adjustments to ensure our Airmen’s rights are protected. 

“The Air Force will be updating the instructions for both enlisted and commissioned Airmen to reflect these changes in the coming weeks, but the policy change is effective now. Airmen who choose to omit the words ‘So help me God’ from enlistment and officer appointment oaths may do so.”

Okay that is just great news and a real step forward for the non-theists in this country.

I am very excited about he progress that we are making right now in tamping down the rampant religiosity and embracing a more secular point of view.

Nobody wants to deprive people of their religious freedom, but there is no excuse for it invading the lives of those who choose a different path.


  1. Jim In Texas6:33 AM

    The TEAvangelicals are going berserk - "Atheists are attacking us Christians again!" - even though this WAS policy up until a couple of years ago and already IS policy for the Army and Navy. Sigh. Whats a poor little Dominionist to do when they aren't allowed to control even one branch of the military. Persecution!!!

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I was waiting yesterday morning at my doctor's office where Pat Robertson's daily white-collar scam-a-thon was blaring for an hour at hostage-level decibels. He and his nubile concubine were none too happy with this cowardly "Jewish terrorist." The injustice, the outrage... Three minutes later, after a commercial break, Robertson began an earnest sermon about how God was in control and the universe couldn't be spiffier-- so why, he wondered aloud rhetorically, were the poor and sick such whiney motherfuckers?

    Another one for the theologians...

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      You are a client of that doc - ask them to turn the damn thing off - it's you contribution to the general IQ

    2. Anonymous6:56 AM

      I wonder even more what the inclusion of "so help me God" means. Is it a loophole for those who say it - "well God chose not to, so I couldn't keep my oath?" Scary.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Those words never belonged in there anyway. Not so much progress as putting things right.

  4. Randall6:53 AM

    It's about time.

    You know, we fought a revolution and established a constitution to get away from religious persecution...
    At the time, England had a state-sanctioned religion.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    The Air Force has had an evangelical problem for quite a few years. Not a bad lot really, but very insular & clubby and some of them start to wave their bibles a little too hard at everyone. ie: the Air Force Academy.
    Very bad behaviour by some on the football team too.


    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I'd question your "not a bad lot" description.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Well, then. That explains my neighbor (ret. AF).

  6. Over 40% of Americans believe in creationism. 72% believe in miracles. We have a National Day of Prayer. Our president attends "prayer breakfasts." At least 9 states prohibit holding public office unless you "believe in god." I'm glad you think we are making progress, be cause I sure as hell don't see it.

  7. Georgia Peach7:22 AM

    "Nobody wants to deprive people of their religious freedom, "

    The problem is that to dominionists, depriving them of the privilege of forcing their religion down everyone else's throats IS depriving them of their religious freedom. There's a Bible verse (don't remember reference) in which Jesus says everyone who is not for him is against him. They take that very literally. And of course they think they own Jesus, so everyone who's not for them is against him.

  8. Interesting since the Air Force has been one of the most conservative, right wing, fundamentalist branches of the military. (Not to mention the one with the most problems with sexual harassment.)

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I support this 100% - times are a changing and the supposed 'christians' are going to have a fit and fall in it!

    1. Leland2:14 PM

      "...'christians' are going to have a fit and fall in it!"

      Personally, I would prefer they fall ON it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.