Friday, September 19, 2014

I know how worried you all were, but don't panic. It's still not too late to get your Sarah Palin 2015 calendars.

Below is the fundraising e-mail from SarahPAC courtesy of US4Palin:  

Dear [Donor], 

Please accept this very special 2015 SarahPAC wall calendar that I’ve enclosed with Gov. Palin’s compliments. 

This year’s commemorative calendar features pictures from Gov. Palin’s private collection. Most of them have never been published until now. (Does this calendar include the most recent photos of Palin that has everybody talking?)

 (Boy, I sure hope so!)

[Donor], I think you’ll agree these photos illustrate why Sarah Palin symbolizes the Tea Party movement for so many Americans. Her patriotism… her “roll up your sleeves” work ethic… and her “take back America” optimism are evident in every photo in your calendar. 

I hope you’ll display it proudly in the year to come. (Maybe in your cubicle so that fellow workers will know that you are an imbecile and make sure never to engage you in conversation.)

Not only will you enjoy seeing these handpicked photos, your calendar will give you a chance to share Gov. Palin’s vision of a free and strong America with your friends and family. (Both real and imaginary. But probably mostly imaginary.)

And quite frankly, mobilizing our fellow conservatives to support commonsense candidates in these final days before the Election has never been more important. 

Because the stakes for our nation have never been higher. (True dat!)

[Donor], you and I have seen what Barack Obama has already done to our nation with his massive spending, crony capitalism, open borders, and weak foreign policy. (Repaired the broken economy, created thousands of jobs, improved healthcare, improved rights for the LGBT community, Etc..)

The message from Barack Obama and all his liberal allies is clear: they want to rewrite the Constitution … fundamentally change our government … and dismantle our free market economy. (Yes so clear that nobody else can see except these idiots.)

Here at SarahPAC, our message is equally clear: 

Led by Gov. Palin, we are a group of ordinary Americans who believe America desperately needs more leaders like Sen. Ted Cruz who won’t back down or fall apart under pressure from the establishment and liberal media. (Oh yeah, he's a big help!)

For the 2014 election, Governor Palin has already endorsed more than a dozen men and women with strong convictions, strong values, and strong backbones! (They also typically lose, but let's not split hairs.)

Leaders who will put: 

*** real people over petty politics 
*** strong principles over empty promises 
*** and foundational ideas over self interests 
(***obstruct any progress and destroy the American people's confidence in government.
***Misrepresent the Constitution in order to drive forward a Right Wing agenda.
***Spend most of their time on Fox News in order to gain attention and feed their egos.)

With so much at stake for America, will you help Gov. Palin in these critical weeks leading up to Election Day by sending your very best contribution of $l00, $150 or even $200 to SarahPAC today to help us elect these principled conservatives, [Donor]? 

No matter what amount you can send today, this special 2015 commemorative SarahPAC wall calendar is yours to keep. (Yes no matter how little you spend we are still going to make you take this ugly calendar. Take it damn it, take it!)

On behalf of Gov. Palin, thank you for your support! 

Yours truly, 

Tim Crawford, Treasurer 

Gee I wonder what happened to all of those unsold books that Palin used to give away in exchange for donations. Did she finally run out? Or are the donors refusing to take them anymore?

I still can't get over the fact that there are still people willing to give their hard earned money to this laughingstock. Can't be very many left.

Just you wait, I am willing to bet that when we see this next quarterly report it will be even worse than the last one.


  1. It'll be a cold day in double hockeys when $arah is taken seriously as a "leader," Tim. How about this oldie but goodie from 2011. Watch and tell us IMers that anything has changed:

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      "As required by Alaska statute"

      ummm, the Anchorage pd was there and did NOTHING!!!!!

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Send POSTAGE $$$ NOW! Urgent I'm having to pay out postage for the Throwdown!!!
      You know "loose lips 'n all..." ~sarah palin

  2. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Mrs Thompson should give one of these calendars to Eric as a Christmas present.

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    "Meeeee!!! Pictures of meeeeeee!!" Hey where are you guys going.... Guys?..."

  4. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Looking at the cover, she "hand picked" her old recycled photos from 6 years ago, wonder how many are in copyright violation.

    Must need donations to off set all the "postage" spent on post brawl "clean up".

  5. Anonymous4:38 AM

    200 Bucks??!!??!!
    Why would you ever donate anything to this PAC? So Mrs. Palin can have a bigger piggy bank cause she sure isn't going to spend any of it on getting any one else elected!!

    The calendar might be useful as a daily reminder of what is wrong with American politics - either that or as conservative porn for all those horned up wack jobs that drool over her!!

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      $200? Some of her people can barely afford $10. a month to watch her private tv blog. That PAC must be bleeding, oh, I get it. Extra expenses this month to prevent people from exercising their first amendment rights. (Isn't that called Obstruction of Justice instead of Postage?)

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Well hummer limos and booze and drugs aren't cheap you know. Those Palins living hog wild on other peoples money.

  6. abbafan5:09 AM

    The seditious bitch's trap never ceases to spew utter lies! How come she still calls herself "Governor"?? She QUIT to make a fast buck on half-truths and deceit! Maybe the impending shit-storm will expose her for the coward and liar that she really is!

  7. Anonymous5:26 AM

    I literally burst out laughing when I came to your "true dat"!

    Your zingers make my day.

  8. Anonymous5:29 AM

    The calendar photos picture half term Palin in front of the flag which promotes her brand. Her shrinking audience is the Tea Party reduced from former popularity of Republicans she stood for embracing the Tea Party. Republicans and the general public caught on that Palin is using politics as a means to her end of reality tv dangling false words of leadership to cultivate attention.

    Palin and Todd are due credit for parlaying the advantage of McCain picking her in a Hail Mary pass to lucrative deals for self and the family. Today they seek to represent the Tea Party mind set having lost appeal to the majority.

    After the brawl she will lose her place amongst some of her supporters. They have another season on the Sportsman Channel .

    Country folk I am acquainted with like her because they believe in God, morality, have guns for hunting, sometimes eat game, most of their family only graduated from high school and have toys like ATV's. They do not watch debates, listen nor read individual politicians to be aware what a liar she is. Nor how polarizing her lies are or the nonsensical word salads she spins.

  9. Anonymous5:37 AM

    It really is just porn for assholes, isn't it?
    Pay money to see fake poses of the dumb chick you'd like to bang while you shoot your gun and pray to Je$u$.
    Absolutely sickening.

  10. Amazon Prime Minister Beldar J Conehead, GBE, LLC (ret.)5:42 AM

    Gryphen, as you know, I recently published a how-to book called "How to Write a How-to Book". Sure, at first and second glance it seems a bit too meta, but it's already the 32,614,945th top seller on Amazon in the "Hard to Categorize" category.

    While you're waiting for the order page to download to your IBM PC Jr. on dialup, here's some shit trolls like to say.

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, srop at nothng to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet has still managed to snag 24.5 million page views)


    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of the Immoral Minority blog

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

    1. "srop at nothng to destroy people"

      Seriously, Beldar - which isn't even a real name! - that's the best you can do? I feel sorry for you. smh

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      BJC, you are really good! But as an Amazonian (ret.), you know that, right?


    3. hedgewytch7:22 AM

      "Hard to categorize" - snort. One of your best yet Beldar. We salute you.

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      far from the worst----

      LOL Beldar SHE is the WORST!!!!

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Beldar --you really need to get out of your mom's basement.

    6. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Hey 853, that's a VERY clever line about "living in your mom's basement"!

      I LOL'd for a really long time and then ROFLMFAO for bit longer until finally I just LMAO for a while until it got awkward.

      (Just between us, tho, to be perfectly honest - as one does - it's a bit... overused. Still mighty damn clever, tho)

      You definitely should contact Gryphen about maybe taking over as the exclusive IM troll since I hear this Beldar character keeps charging more and more and more money every month. At the prices he charges, believe me, he ain't living in nobody's basement.

      Plus his mom is dead.

    7. Anonymous8:33 PM

      smh = small minded hypocrite.......

  11. Anonymous5:46 AM

    The calendar doesn't include the (in)famous barstool photo. Hmm. And no photo of Sarah protecting her young grizzlies in the Anchorage brawl either. Not much of a calendar to my mind. I won't waste any money on it. (Not that I'd ever willingly give a cent to poor old Sarah Palin!)

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I would like to see Tripp make a calendar.

      Free Child Abuse Prevention Calendars in English and Spanish

  12. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Please donate so we can continue hiring Hummer limousines.

  13. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Does he also run ShePac?

  14. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Considering how old all the photos in the calendar are, one wonders just how vibrantly Mz. Palin in living now. If I'm going to buy a calendar, I want it to be more current. Come on, Sarah! Let's have some more recent photos! Travel to historic sites and get those pictures taken! Come on! You know you want to do it.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      How about a photo of her exposing her thong while wearing high top flag shoes?? Someone talked about seeing that at the HOEdown at the throwdown. Speaking of HOE down, maybe Bristles will come out with her calender? Various stages of pregnancy, plus a shot from when she was pushed down at the brawl, landed on her back with her dress over her head? Many guts would see that and say "Oh, I thought she looked familiar. So that one night stand was Bristol Palin"

    2. Balzafiar7:21 AM

      If the calendar includes Sarah's thong shot, you can have my copy. That's one thing I really, really don't want to see.

  15. Boscoe5:56 AM

    Wow... a $200 calendar!

    I'd sooner pay for pr0n.

  16. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I'm probably the 5th person to say this already, but I bet the postage costs rise exponentially. :-P

  17. Hey, $creechy, here's a money making idea for you: would you consider offering your calender in roll of 150 4"squares with perforations between each photo?

    1. laurensd18:32 AM

      I think you have something there!

      Then when the inventory is slow to sell, maybe a weiner roast?
      The possibilities are endless.

  18. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Photos from her "private collection"?? Pictures of her giving speeches from the past 6 years or from that ridiculous grandstanding she was doing during the government shutdown? I don't think so.

    The photo of her in the green jacket demonstrates another way she uses her family for her own gain. it was taken during a 2008 campaign rally and shows her wearing a photo button with a picture of Track in his uniform as well as her Blue Star mothers pin. I find that nauseating, knowing she forced him to go into the army to make her look good.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      No one forced anyone. A non patriotic person wouldnt have a statue of liberty tat and "impervious"

      Stop lying

    2. Anita Winecooler4:31 PM

      Spill, baby, Spill! Anonymous 4:24, the omniscient Palin Toe Jam licker knows the real reason Track joined the armed forces. They don't burn the mac and cheese nor bark orders shriller or louder than Sarah "boom boom" Palin.

      Ain't that the truth!

  19. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I know you've probably seen this already, but it bears reposting.

    Maybe Bristol's not quite as sympathetic a character as she used to be, what with all the punching.

    "Lots of whispering going around about a recent reality star who is the mom to a child and not his sister."

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      I don't think that is meant to be Bristol Palin.There are much more recent options, and the guesses in the thread of that item don't even include her.

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      6:20 ...many of the guesses in the comments say it is Bristol.

      Where is Bristol's DWTS baby? Are the Palins selling excess babies to slave rings?

    3. If people in the comments are saying "Bristol", it's probably Bristol. Those CDAN kids are grade A snoops/netectives. And the reason "enty" has endured for so many years is that his blind items are true, and easy to figure out.

      Plus, the mother-not-sister comment? That is SO Bristol.

    4. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Of course, there's someone over there saying that it's rare for young women to have a baby with down syndrome, which is completely untrue.

      If anyone has a google account and/or posts there regularly, you might want to set them straight. Although, all things being equal, older women are at greater risk for having a Down Syndrome pregnancy, older women are less likely than younger women to get pregnant in the first place and to carry a Down Syndrome pregnancy to term.

      Therefore, younger women are actually MORE likely to actually have a baby with Down Syndrome.

      If you see a child with Down Syndrome, the chances are, his or her mother will be younger rather than older.

      I'd post myself, but I don't keep a Google account.

    5. Anonymous7:06 AM

      There are a few people saying it's Bristol and others are saying someone else. I think because Trig is not a baby any more and because Bristol is such a speck of a reality "star," she's not on their radar for this blind. But I would call her a "recent reality star" and everything else fits.

      I wonder if Babygate is one of the things Gryphen is building up to right now. (please, please, please)

    6. Anonymous7:11 AM

      "Lots of whispering going around about a recent reality star who is the mom to a child and not his sister."

      Bristol's not Trig's sister. Get it? Do I have to spell it out or will that bring out the IM troll?

    7. Anonymous7:15 AM

      It's been 6-1/2 years since the rumor that Bristol was Trig's mother began, and the rumor has never subsided. Why would it be considered a blind item now? Especially when there are other much more recent candidates? I think you are really reaching in assuming this is Bristol Palin.

    8. Anonymous8:08 AM

      It's considered a blind item now because Bristol Palin recently punched a guy in the face a bunch of times.

    9. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Anon at 7:15 am. You'd be surprised how many people have never heard about the faked pregnancy or the "wild ride."

    10. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I think any good will Bristol ever had with the press is completely gone now. Same with Sarah Palin. Sarah recently taunted the tabs by posting her "makeup free" (yeah, right) photos. Maybe some of the tabloids are ready to focus their sights on the Palin family skeletons.

    11. Anonymous2:03 PM

      I know a mother and daughter that were pregnant at the same time. Guess who had a Down Syndrome child?...the daughter. So I know it can happen.

    12. Anonymous4:25 PM

      This HELPS sarah. Betcha she put that there.

  20. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Considering the vast amount of donations are spent on Palin and little for candidates her supporters are foolish to give to her PAC. Or they believe she will run for office if they support her.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Sarah will never run for any office again.

      Sarah Brawl has established her as a bona fide choice for Secretary of Defense under President Herb Cain.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      She can't use SarahPAC money if she runs for office, she can only spend it on admin costs and other costs related to raising money to support other candidates and causes.

      She can spend $5000 per candidate, but none of it can be spent on her own campaign. However, as she has demonstrated, she can spend as much as she wants traveling the country supporting candidates and and causes.

      The minute she announces a run for any office she has to step away from the SarahPAC checkbook and rely on campaign fundraisers and other PACs and SuperPACSs to pay for her campaign.

  21. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This is obscene.

    A calendar with different poses of Sarah Palin, for each month? And this helps the country how?

    This woman has to be a full-blown egomaniac. Tim Crawford must really be a circus agent, because what he's selling doesn't give the public anything but glam.

    I'm sorry, but this reminds me of "Ted Baxter" in Mary Tyler Moore. But the Ted character was at least kind of endearing.

  22. Otto Katz6:52 AM

    I had to go to a meeting last night, where we were discussing the wording for our fundraising letter. The words "vibrant community" were used, and I had to come up with a reason a visceral disgust came over me when I read it, and to ask them to please change it to something else. I couldn't, and I was overruled.

    This calender belongs in the garage next to the calender from the oil company, the one with third rate photos of local flower gardens, trees in autumn, snow covered houses in December, melting ice in the Spring. You all know which ones I mean. The ones we get for free. Or we could burn it in the fire place and see if the inks burn vibrantly with pretty colors.

  23. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Have you seen Bristol's blogpost about Sarah's marriage? Vomit. She never skips a beat, huh? Uses her blog to puff up mommy.

    And are those the "patriotic" hytops (sp?) in the pic?

    They are sickening people.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I just see this as fuel for the fire when everything finally comes out about Sarah and Todd and the rest of their degenerate family.

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      I like the dead balloons, lying on the ground. Nothing says celebration like a balloon that has lost its oomph. Good image to illustrate that "splitsville" story. Todd looks at Sarah and Sarah looks at the camera. Yeah, that's love.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      That pic looks like it's from Saturday of the big Palin brawl. Notice the large "50" balloon for Todd, Sarah's patriotic high tops and she has on almost the same outfit she wore the night before for her Friday fundraiser in Texas.

    4. Anonymous8:19 AM

      It's more like Sarah uses "Brancy's" blog to puff up herself. It's Sarah's other platform and the entire reason the fake christian blog was created in the first place. Yes, Sickening.

    5. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Yeah, those are 50 B Day balloons. Low T....Viagra perk up 'em up.

    6. Anonymous9:14 AM

      8:19 AM Bristol Nacny blog is another Sarah farce for her family brand propaganda to me. Chuck, the proud adulterer, puts in his 2 bits.

      Smoke and mirrors, the whole operation. Their scam is going to hit a wall, worse than happened to Junker. They should have seen the omens.

      What bar can the paparazzi find Track in this week end? Anchorage look out!

    7. Anonymous3:25 PM

      @ 8:16 AM- you are correct about the outfit, she didn't even bother to clean up and change from the day before-yuck!!!

  24. Anonymous6:59 AM

    When has the quitting governor rolled up her sleeves and worked at anything except for running her mouth and raking in donations from her delusional fan club? Yeah right, she's just FULL of solutions - NOT. At least she admits here that it's all about her endorsin' others which somehow I doubt the pee ponders will catch. They will take this as another prophesy that their north star is going to be president one day. The bible told them so.

  25. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "Not only will you enjoy seeing these handpicked photos, your calendar will give you a chance to share, Gov. Palin's vision of a free and strong America with your friends and family."

    How does Sarah sharing photos of her in different poses help the recipient share her vision of a free and strong America? It's easy on Sarah's end, to have her PAC provide the funds to photograph her, and create this calendar; but it's not so easy for her recipients, because they have to shell out MORE of their hard-earned money to SarahPAC, so she can fiddle around and have someone tell who who she should endorse. Meanwhile, she takes in the hard-earned cash of donors and uses it any way she wishes. They have to know it's a sham.

    Her high and mighty days are over. She will destroy her little scheme by her own god-complex. It won't last. Her unbridled lust for money and for people's unconditional worship of her is showing she's got serious mental issues.

    Models and actresses who sell their image in calendars don't go around pretending their some goddess that will save the world. Sarah wants it all, the attention, celebrity, adoration and she does this while demanding the whole world BELIEVE she can do anything, and has the qualifications to pilot a superpower.

  26. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Isn't it so special how certain mannerisms are past from generation to generation in a family? Here Palin stands in a public place flipping all that would look at her the bird just as Track did the other night. Though Track was a bit less subtle. Maybe he just has more to learn from his mama. I am just glad that she kept her shirt on.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, right, who wants to see her sagging inflatable bags?

  27. Anonymous7:45 AM

    And now the 'idiot' has to resort to 'calendars' to raise money for a Teabagger Party that is becoming extinct? She truly takes the cake.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      I guess, her ghost writer quit on her, so $he has to resort to publishing a calendar full of ancient pictures of her glorious youth days.

  28. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Dear Donor: Send me money, so I can make your dark days go away, and bring vibrant sunny days to you and transform America into a Normal Rockwell painting. Don't worry about anything; I'll roll my sleeves up and do all the hard work for you. Send me MONEY, NOW!!

  29. Anonymous8:08 AM

    When can we hear about the next Palin lowdown or hoedown? I'm anxiously awaiting. Anything to report?

  30. Anonymous8:54 AM

    How narcisstic can you get.

  31. Anonymous8:57 AM

    She looks like a communist dictator in the cover photo.

  32. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Any picks of Sarah with her wig askew after brawling? Or are they all old recycled photos.
    I mean with such a "vibrant family, living life in the outdoors" shouldn't theses all be more candid shots of what Sarah did with their money all year?

  33. Anonymous9:30 AM

    That's not a "makeup-free" picure of Palin. That's her new look after Brisket and Wallow did her hair and face from their "learning" at the Penrose Academy. The so called academy should be ashamed of themselves!

  34. Anonymous9:44 AM

    On the calendar's cover, the Little Dipper floats just above Sarah's head. Doesn't that just say it all?

  35. Anonymous10:19 AM

    oh lets put this in gas station bathrooms.

  36. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hey she made a calendar of her no makeup praparazzi photos, eww. oh, it's the old old photos in her very much younger days. no thanks.

  37. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Why anyone would pay the 'idiot' for this calendar is beyond me. She's still groveling for money due her bank running dry!

    Don't give her a dime, Americans! She's not in politics, she's not an entertainer, she is not a movie star and she is not a Christian!

  38. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Make it a Palin mugshot calendar, and I'll consider donating a couple bucks.

  39. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I think we should all ask that we be sent this "patriot" calender, then flood her with monopoly money.

  40. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Where is the mean, mad Palin with the double
    chin Hawaiian picture right after she lost the V.P. position.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.