Sunday, September 14, 2014

Courtesy of my daughter.

Remember this was a kid whose mother home schooled her against my wishes, and sent her to a fundamentalist church.

Just proves that intelligence inoculates you against bullshit.


  1. Unfortunately, not all children are lucky to have another parent to give them an alternate reality to ponder. Those lucky enough to go to college (not a religious college) will discover the joys of being able to think for themselves without condemnation. It happened to me that way and at 17 I was MEH on religion and my mother's proclamation that redheads should 'never' wear pink.

  2. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Instead of 'amen,' damn straight!

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    You have an amazing daughter.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    It gave me great pleasure a couple of decades ago to find out that "sin" is an old archery term meaning "to miss the mark." So, if you sin, you've missed the mark -- and you shoot another arrow ... (Sounded very plausible to me since when English versions of the Bible were being printed archery was still an "in" way-of-life.)

  5. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    Great quote! And I agree, you have one smart daughter.

  6. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Good thing your daughter came to this realization as early as she has, i too was raised in a church, and raised my children in an evangelical church. Thankfully i can say today, none of us are still believers in that mind trap crap. They robbed me of a lot of money, the tv preachers too


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