Sunday, September 28, 2014

Highest ranking Vatican official ever investigated for sex abuse found to have tens of thousands of child porn videos and pictures on his computer.

Courtesy of the International Business Times: 

A former Vatican archbishop accused of paedophilia stored tens of thousands of child porn videos and photos on a computer in his office at the Holy See diplomatic compound in the Dominican Republic, it has emerged. 

Details of Jozef Wesolowski's massive child porn stash have been revealed after the 66-year-old was arrested at the Vatican earlier this week. 

He is the highest-ranking Vatican official ever to be investigated for sex abuse, and the first top papal representative to receive a defrocking sentence. He has been charged with sexually abusing minors and child porn possession and might face up to seven years in the Vatican's tiny jail. 

Vatican detectives analysed the PC Wesolowski used in his office in Santo Domingo, where he served as Holy See envoy from 2008 to 2012 as part of an investigation into the alleged sexual abuse of underage boys. 

The probe reportedly revealed a collection of horrors. The Polish native held more than 100,000 sexually-explicit files, Il Corriere della Sera newspaper reported. 

Some 160 videos showing teenage boys forced to perform sexual acts on themselves and on adults and more than 86,000 pornographic photos were meticulously archived in several category-based folders, the paper said. 

Investigators said that at least another 45,000 pictures were deleted, while a second stash of material was found on a laptop Wesolowski used during his trips abroad.

You know I think we are WAY past the time when we can simply chalk all of these Catholic priest sex crimes to a mere coincidence that so many pedophiles decided on their own to enter the priesthood simply as a way to keep themselves away from temptation or to fight their "sinful" urges through prayer, and to entertain the possibility that some of them either entered the priesthood well aware that they could satisfy their urges behind the protection of the church, or that they were in fact recruited by other pedophile priests in order to develop a brotherhood who would watch each others backs.

There is a database of publicly accused priests in the United States alone. And if you visit it you are immediately overwhelmed by the vast number of priests who have been accused of sexually abusing minors in this country. And of course that does not take into account the even larger number of accused or convicted priests from all around the world.

At this point it just seems to me that this was an organization that not only accepted a certain deviant lifestyle, but may in fact have welcomed it or, dare I say, promoted it.

Just for a moment ask yourself whether or not if this same scandal had befallen a Fortune 500 company, famous sports team, or political party, would any of those have manged to survived intact?

In my opinion, no.

And the fact that the Catholic church still stands, and continues to reveal that it is infested with this type of individual, I think speaks to the fact that the church leaders have really done nothing to rid themselves of any potential predators and have instead simply closed ranks and hidden behind the cloak of religious authority which has protected them for centuries.

And if something does not change there are undoubtedly more children who will suffer at the hands of an unrepentant organization that cares more for its access to power and reputation as a religious juggernaut than it does for those it claims to want to protect and steer toward a sinless life.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    7 years? How about 70? This is one of those times I think there should just be a garbage disposal button to flush him down the drain.

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Bingo, Gryphen; you scored an absolute BINGO. These activities TOTALLY explain why the Catholic church is into anti-vagina politics 24/7: it SURE does keep the public focus away from its pedophile priesthood, now, doesn't it? ("Oh, look at the woman behind the curtain!") True, it didn't work this one time, but for the most part, the entire 'control women's private parts' agenda, while nothing more than a PR diversion tactic and technique, has effectively worked to draw attention away from what the Catholic church really IS: a religiously-sanctioned, publicly-respected, order of highly-protected pedophile priests, operating on a global scale. In the lay world (no pun intended), this would be known and correctly labeled as an organized crime ring, and RICO indictments would ensue. But with all the religious paraphernalia as a cover? And TAX PROTECTION, TOO? Wow, a pedophile's dream spot.

    I urge anyone who thinks this church is on the up-and-up to read The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop. This book can be freely downloaded in its entirety from the internet. Years ago, the church made monumental efforts to get the book removed from book stores and libraries nationwide, but you can also obtain it free via inter-library loan. You'll never view the church the same way again, ever.

    It's not women's private parts that need to be regulated: it's the private parts of these evil, predatory men that need to be regulated. 24/7.

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Perv this
    I mean Perp this

    Uhh Peep this

    Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis assigns accused priests to marriage annulment panel

    "A church tribunal that determines the sensitive issue of whether Twin Cities Catholics can annul their marriages has employed priests known to have engaged in sexual improprieties, according to church documents and other records obtained by the Star Tribune.

    The practice is defended by the church but challenged by others who say the church is finding jobs for problem priests at the expense of Catholics in crisis.

    The Rev. James McConville, a Metropolitan Tribunal judge since at least 2009, was sued for sexual harassment by a female staff member at St. Peter’s Church in North St. Paul in 2004 and placed on restrictions by the archdiocese.

    The Rev. Daniel Conlin was the chief judge when he fathered a child with a married church employee in 2004. He left the tribunal later that year, but returned for a period from at least 2011 until 2013."

    More details:

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      ‘Unimpaired reputation’

      I don't think they exactly understand what that means...

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Nothing is going to change until women are in leadership positions. And Francis, who everyone is so crazy about, has indicated that ordination of women just ain't gonna happen.

    Patriarchy is poison.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      It could change tomorrow. But parents would have to stop handing their children over to religious cults to be molested.

  5. Anonymous12:40 PM

    What a bunch of fucking (literally) hypocrites. If only there WAS a hell for them to rot in.

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    What do Catholic priests and JC Penney have in common?

    Both have boy's pants half off!

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    WHAT. THE. FUCK. WHY isn't this being blasted all over the news? HOW the hell did they not get slammed for this? THIS is horrific!

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    ----anti-vagina politics 24/7

  9. hedgewytch12:58 PM

    ".... seven years in the Vatican's tiny jail." Um, excuse me but WTF? The Vatican? And when they release him will he be extradited to San Domingo to be held for trial and serve a sentence there?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Yep, de-frock the bastard and hand him over to local authorities for trial and incarceration.
      Unless they got some kind of Dante's Inferno-esque kind of punishment cellar.
      M from MD

    2. Doubt he'll ever be extradited to DM or Poland. He knows too much. Vatikkkan is scared shitless he'll spill the beans, especially if offered a deal.

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      He was removed just ahead of the police officials over a year ago, still protecting him.

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      @ anon 1:02 pm

      No, Vatican City is it's own country, he will serve those few yrs in the Vatican no where else. There will be no trial, no getting turned over to any other entity Most likely he will just be told to pray about his sins and be forgiven..

    5. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon4:05 PM

      Let's be realistic here, folks.
      This is the best Pope in 51 years, and he's been moving the church toward the center on several different fronts, both symbolically and tangibly, and internally and publicly.

      Give the guy a break. Every time he does something. like this, his life is in danger. (Remember that John Paul I lived just one month after taking office in 1978.)

      This is a big and brave move, and there probably will be others unless the Vatican's shadow government manages to eliminate him.

      Francis will not make over the church entirely, but he clearly will leave it a better institution than the one he found.

      Long live Frankie!

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    This guy should be in jail.

  11. Anonymous1:39 PM

    horrific doesn't begin to describe this for those priest who don't go after children - I know for a fact some have their own personal harems (nuns) - I was in a convent school for over 3 yrs and we knew all the hiding places and could peak in on the nuns and priest having "fun!" - they do seem to keep their habits on but from the quickest most of the encounters they didn't wear anything underneath. The whole don't have sex teachings of the church is a LIE!

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      My dad was familiar with the on-ground sites of some very small-town convents many decades ago in Wisconsin: he said they all had graveyards behind them, with miniature graves in them.

  12. To date, the RCCult in the USA has officially paid out more than $3,000,000,000.00 (Yes, that's billion. WIth a "B.") to survivors of clergy rape/sodomy/molestation/abuse and the RCCult's $$$$$$$$$ lawyers.

    How many more millions and millions have been paid under the table over the decades to buy the silence of, and to intimidate, victims and their families?

    Think this is new? Read about Peter Damian in the Eleventh Century!

  13. Anonymous1:53 PM

    When part of your doctrine is that your priests have to give up a healthy normal sex life, something weird is going to come from it. Just like what happens in prisons where people are forcefully cut off from the opposite sex. When you close off one avenue, another avenue will become more attractive. Humans weren't meant to be celibate. Thinking they can will themselves to be, is foolish thinking at best, and a tragedy in the making at worst.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Certain professions attract pedophiles, including the priesthood. Priests get to be alone with kids, do stuff to them, then swear them to secrecy out of fear of going to hell (and the knowledge they won't be believed by even their own parents). They also know their crimes will be covered up by their bosses.

      Pedophilia isn't something a person does because he doesn't have access to adults. It's something a person does because he's attracted to children.

      There are plenty of priests who have affairs with adult women (or adult men). These are not the men who will go after children as sexual partners.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Agreed, the Catholic Church needs to allow marriage.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Anon at 2:51 pm
      Marriage is not going to stop pedophiles from molesting

    4. Anonymous6:08 PM

      And remember: celibate does NOT mean chaste – it means 'unmarried'. Only nuns take a chastity vow; priests take a celibacy (non-marriage) vow. This important difference is usually lost on the unknowing public.

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      6:08 according to all the dictionaries I looked at you are wrong.

  14. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hey Sarah- Tell us again why you quit?


  15. Anonymous2:27 PM


    "Typical libtard. Always wanting arugula instead of good old American iceberg. Also feta cheese sometimes and once a carrot. Is this the sort of country we want to leave our children when they are fighting for our highways in foreign lands who hate us? "

  16. Krbmjb053:39 PM

    Thanks for posting the accused list link. The priest who married me and my first husband is on there! Hahaha. Should have been a sign at that time. John Lenihan of OC. My understanding as well is that he got a teenage girl pregnant as well and paid for her abortion. Lovely!

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM

    And religious parents, in all religions, continue to hand their children over to these pedophiles and teach their children that somehow these priests and pastors are representatives from their God. No wonder it stays so hidden for so long.
    Religion raping, pillaging, murdering and molesting for thousands of years.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Your last sentence says it all: these crimes have been going on for literally thousands of years in the Church of Rome (both the current one, and its pagan predecessor).

  18. Anonymous4:13 PM

    From the get-go I felt ol' John Paul II got sainted quick-quick before all this dirt came out about what he hid on his watch. Old Benedict was John Paul's "gate keeper" and moved the priests around to give them opportunity to molest in a new environment.

    Sick enough for you? Saint my a-- and don't forget the prostitution ring in the Vatican choir - silence on that front?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      And don't forget the Vatican bank (aka: mafiosi) scandals), where people ended up dead when they wanted to 'blow the whistle'. Corrupt to the very core.

  19. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Is that Rush Limbaugh was doing in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic when he went on vacation there? When he returned to the US he was found to be in possession with a lot of oxy and the little blue pills. Lots and lots of little blue pills prescribed by several different doctors. Then he had the gall to allow the UCLA to defend him in court. ASSHOLE!!

    1. Balzafiar6:15 PM

      It has long been known Rush likes the little brown boys in the DR.

  20. Randall5:45 PM

    Keep this in mind the next time some sanctimonious dip-wad tells you that school shootings wouldn't happen if we just "let God back in the school!"

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Also, too, keep it in mind every time you think of Hobby Lobby, and the 24/7 efforts by this mob to strip away all YOUR rights to birth control. BTW, I read today that the Catholic Church is buying up health care facilities and insurance companies like hot cakes. Soon they will control EVERYONE'S reproductive rights in this country. And you can lay all this at the feet of Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts, and Kennedy. We basically have a Vatican-run Supreme Court in the US. Any more questions as to why it is biased and corrupt??


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