Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sarah Palin rubs her hands on cold reptilian skin (And touches an alligator too.), while supporting a third party candidate who will ultimately help the Democrat win in Louisiana.

Courtesy of The Time-Picayune:  

Palin attended an event for Senate candidate Rob Maness at Restaurant des Familles in Crown Point. Following the speech, Maness surprised the former Alaska governor with a three-foot gator. (As somebody mentioned earlier, I think perhaps the wrong mouth is taped closed in that picture.)

The visit from the scaly guest -- courtesy of Insta-Gator Ranch in Covington -- was met with zydeco music and a standing ovation from the 100-plus Maness supporters in attendance. (Wow, a hundred people. I wonder how many of them came to support Manness and how many were attracted to the opportunity to see a scaly reptilian monster up close? Oh and a little alligator too.)

"She just laughed about it," Maness said. "She's a warrior for American and a warrior for freedom. I'm honored to get her endorsement, but I'm honored she's prioritized our campaign."

Well he's right about that "warrior" part, that is exactly the Sarah Palin that those party goers in Anchorage witnessed at the beginning of the month. Not exactly convinced that she is a warrior for anything except keeping people from filming her family while they drunkenly attack innocent people however.

Here are a few of the pearls of stupidity that fell from Palin's cavernous maw during this appearance:

"He knows the issues and what Washington, D.C., does to a state like Louisiana," Palin said. "We need a fighter in D.C. that doesn't just go with the flow." (Oops, she's trotting out bon mots from all the way back in 2009. Did someone forget to pay the ghostwriter?)

"Rob has the added challenge of going up against the establishment. The folks in the GOP are in it for a season, not a reason. It's a business for them," Palin said. "Rob is standing up for the average, hardworking American who is saying, 'Enough is enough.' The status quo has got to go."  (Oooh, a rhyme. That's better.)

"Mary (Landrieu) has tried to have it both ways. When you're in the middle of the road, you get hit on both sides," Palin said. (Well somebody certainly got an extra piece of moose sausage for thinking up THAT one!)

"It's the last few weeks that are needed. That's what's going to push us over the finish line. It's the momentum," Palin said.

I think perhaps Palin's ghostwriter might want to look the word "momentum" up for  Crocodile Dumb-dee. It usually does NOT mean stumbling blindly and fading into the background.

You know I was wondering how Maness could could afford to get Palin to come to his little reptilian shindig, and I think it just might be possible that she was comped by the Mary Landrieu campaign.

Because let's face it, having Maness involved in this race does nothing but help the Democrats in the long run. 

(P.S. For the hardy souls among you there is a little video of the appearance here from WWL.)


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Well, I wouldn't expect Palin to understand, bless her heart, but one thing the US does for Louisiana is give them more federal money than they contribute to the federal budget.

    ""He knows the issues and what Washington, D.C., does to a state like Louisiana,"

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      " give them more federal money than they contribute to the federal budget." That would be true of most of the red states, probably all of them.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Isn't the Palins' free healthcare provided by the federal government? Good morning Anchorage/United States Trolls. How are Track Menard's cracked ribs doing? Did Toad find a cheap dentist to repair his broken tooth?

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      did Brisdull get her hand plastered? Next time maybe she'll bring gloves.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Maybe Brisdull could get a job as a boxer. Bristol the Pistol all dressed in red white and blue. She be center stage and with all those dance moves she learned on DWTS, she'd be dancing all over the ring. And the Palins all get front row seats.

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Just to be superficial: Sarah, no matter how rustic the setting, this was a campaign appearance. So you wore: your dirty black jeans, that black shirt we've seen so many times, an-I'm-too-busy-to-comb ponytail, a bumpit,and a get-me-outta-here expression.
    Sarah, you're always butchering moose and living in the wild and clubbing halibut, so why does a little three-foot gator make you go all girly-girl? Something doesn't add up.

    1. PalinsHoax9:25 AM

      Plus the Ol' Lizard can withstand two aeroplane flights and an hour road trip after her water has broken, yet grimaces at touching an alligator?

      Course, the touch sensation with the alligator may remind her of her own repulsive skin - maybe that's why she bathes so rarely?

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I think anyone with even a passing interest in science would be like "cool! a live alligator!", especially Sarah, her dad being a science teacher way back when. But no, Sarah is detached as ever, just there for the photo op. Can you say "sociopath"?

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      That gator looked like it had 4 feet to me.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Those poor delusional folks at C4P are desperately spinning the results of the "values" voters summit straw pole. At first they tried to pretend it didn't exist, then one of the faithful provided the bad news via link. It's really very sad. I really do think many of the posters are either paid from sarahpac or are volunteers; likely a combination of the two. If you look at food stamp Pete's facebook page, it's ALL Sarah. You can even watch her SPC videos there. Very strange.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    She is so skinny now she reminds me of how Karen Carpenter looked when she was full-blown anorexic.

    1. Olivia9:44 AM

      Super skinny with multiple chins in many photos.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      As much as I loathe this family and their utter hypocrisy in what they promote themselves to be when they are nothing but, and the lives they have destroyed to get to where they're at, seriously hope someone will stand up and get her serious help once and for all. It is so pathetic to watch.

    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      10:26 a.m. No one in her family is going to put her in API in Anchorage (mental hospital).

      If she were a member of my family, I'd give her a ticket out of town - way, way far away!

      Cannot imagine what it is like having to live w/that woman all these years! So many things have been proven about her - she is a horrid woman! An awful mother, wife, politician, entertainer, reality show host, book writer, Christian, etc.

      Hell truly awaits her!

    4. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Why not? It wouldn't be the first time she was put away... They could pull the same shit they did with Willow..... A temporary stay the Kline Institute in NY state to relax....bwahahaha

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      They all live off of her. Nobody is getting her anything that will stop the flow of money.

    6. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Karen Carpenter was a tragedy. ScareMe not so much. For the first time in my long life I would not be sad at the passing of another human. There is not one thing to mourn and much to celebrate when she's gone.

    7. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Karen Carpenter was an awful tragedy! She had an outstanding voice and I still listen to my CD's of hers!

      Sarah Palin is NOT a tragedy! She brought all this on herself and has no one to blame but herself! Plus, she has zero talent at anything!

    8. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I hope Sarah gets help for her sake and that of her family.

      I hope she has a long life in the public eye. She can either come to her senses and be like Frank Schaeffer, or she can continue in her old ways- serving as a continuing reminder of the proof that the Republican Party had joined up with the Batshit Brigade.

    9. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Nobody loves Sarah enough to get her help.
      Not Todd, or Bristol, or Willow or Track.
      Not Sally or Chuck.
      Not Chuck Jr., Heather, and Molly.
      Not Meg, or RAM or Greta.
      Not Glenn, or Sean or Rupert.
      Not John McCain.
      And the list goes on and on.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The days of paid speaking gigs are over. It is she who pays to be allowed to speak also, too, though, after and along with the groveling and begging. It's all part of the marketing costs for she who must keep her name from being forgotten and convince the Amazing America producers not to enforce the morals clause in her contract.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Were the Robertsons there? Wasn't the hope of seeing the reality tv stars again the reason the energy vampire went to LA?

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      At a certain point these reality stars are pretty much selling the same thing. (ie Kate +8 camping with Palin), and it turns into competition, meaning instead of twice the publicity, one of them gets more than the other. Anyway, I think she is better friends with Ted Nugent.

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Anonymous9:15 AM

    At the risk of getting accused of being a troll… with so much stupidity coming out of her mouth, must people always focus on her looks or lack thereof? From that picture how can you possibly tell that her jeans were dirty? Can we just all grow up a little?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Yeah, I gotta agree 9:15. She spouts enough stupid and hate also, too, even, that there really is no need for the juvenile looks comments.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Agreed. Not a troll either.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Agreed. Although, in my opinion, her beauty is almost the sole reason for her success in life so many people look forward to the day that she has completely lost it.

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Normally I would agree. I hate that female politicians are judged on their looks. But Sarah built her career based on her looks. So it's fair game.

      Also! The "hotness" of Sarah Palin is just another example of a republican lie and I chuckle every time some troll says how hot she is.

      Remember when Michelle Obama made a most beautiful list and Sarah's little underling made a snooty joke about it.

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I like to think that those who say stupid things about Palin's looks or sex life are really SarahPAC-paid 'grassroots consultants' who try to undermine IM by making the readers look bad.

      It's like Sarah manipulating the paparazzi and media to write about her not wearing a ring so she could then blame the liberal media for making up stories about her family.

    6. Anonymous10:49 AM

      The Trailer Trash Barbie looks are relevant to the extent they reveal mental instability and general character defects. If President Obama appeared in public with filthy and unkempt hair and the kind of baggy, low-riding pants that 18-yr olds favor, can you imagine how fast & loudly peerublican heads would explode?

    7. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I'm really sick of the looks and smelly pussy comments. Really, there is so much to criticicize about what she says.
      Some of the commenters here are classless and as dumb as she is.

    8. Anonymous11:34 AM

      But the commenters here are not on the national stage. Your being sick of their comments means nothing. Are you the Comments Police?

    9. Anonymous11:41 AM

      10:56 AM Stop reading them if you don't like some of the commentary! Everyone has a right to their opinion about the classless Sarah Palin.

    10. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Anonymous11:41 AM
      "10:56 AM Stop reading them if you don't like some of the commentary! Everyone has a right to their opinion about the classless Sarah Palin."

      As a long time IM reader, yes, I can stop reading them and usually skip over them. But it seriously undermines the credibility of the site by the MSM and reduces it to the level of C4P and Breitbart,

    11. Anonymous12:22 PM

      lol I think she looks relatively good in that photo. Her own hair except for bumpit, but no garish wigs on top of each other, listing off to one side.

    12. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Sarah Palin touts her looks and they are fair game. Inflatable boobs, spray tans, fake eyeglasses, heavy lip gloss, and her constant criticizing of President Obama's jeans, etc. invite comments about her unkempt looks.

    13. Anonymous1:00 PM

      12:10 I agree. But Gryphen lets them through so he must not mind. I'm concerned that if that "iceberg" ever shows up here the comments will turn off newcomers. I appreciate the way commenters at some sites, like that TX beauty salon, can make a point with intelligent snark and don't have to resort to middle school name calling.

    14. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Sarah's hair is not long enough for a pony something is attached to her bald head.

    15. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I appreciate the way commenters at some sites, like that TX beauty salon,
      Maybe you should stay there than? Sarah has marketed herself as sure as the Karshadian family. The throwdown at the hoedown hurt her image ALOT. She is desperate trying to cover up and brissie was here gloating about no vid. She deserves what ever comes to her or her skanky family.
      Concerned one.
      I consider IM like Dlisted, Wonkette a Adult blog for adults. The p*ssy comments are a bit much but they are someone's opinion. That trash family deserves all we can pile on them.
      Don't try to put the shit on us comparing to Beerfart or any other "Fake" RW sites. Because Gryphen post truth here. They don't.
      I guess you must visit them alot?
      We are free speech here and to hear skanky ho say it, she is too, soooooo let
      'em rip on her ass.
      Don't like it don't read here. You can read about the iceberg somewhere else I guess.

    16. Look, the insufferable witch post pics of her so-called beauty all the time. Look at that ugly pale, bald headed pic she posted coming out of her fake yoga class.

      Her looks are fair game and so are her kids. If she flaunts them, I'm going to comment on the bitch. It's that simple.

      I have seen phony anonymous commenters say, I usually don't comment on her looks, but I just had to. What's that?

      You grown up and let grown folks comment as they fucking please. What are you? Her sensitive twin?

    17. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Anonymous2:05 PM and Game of Life2:13 PM

      Nasty. You remind me of the rw vitriolic commenters and the Palin mean girls. You're no better than them.

    18. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Agreeing with the several folks here who'd like to see a more civil (or less trashy) tone in the comments. I guess we're saying it's possible to be critical without being an ass. It just takes a good vocabulary and a little thought. And if I'm not misremembering, Uncle Gryph himself commented several years ago about the tone of comments.But it's his blog, as someone mentioned above, and he can let the crap through or not as he sees fit.

      I can't speak for all the critical commenters above but I in fact DO skip over the juvenile stuff and look for Beldar.

    19. Anonymous4:24 PM

      More wit, less trash! Yes!

      Discussing what a Palin's ass smells like, come ON, we can do better than that! Use your brains, we are edumunicated!!

    20. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Ditto. It's possible to be anti-Palin and not sound like utter classless, misogynistic, foul-mouthed trash yourself. When you criticize the Palins in such a lewd, crude, manner, you don't exactly look much better than they do.

    21. Anonymous10:37 PM

      fuk the palin's/heath's

  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    She looks like an old white trash crackhead.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      That's because she is one.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      She certainly acts like one. I have never seen a sober person behave and speak the way she behaves and speaks. I suggest that there be a breathalyzer test whose results are made public before every future speech. LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      If she gave Willing a tank of gas for her truck for styling that wig, she was robbed.

    4. Anonymous12:31 PM

      9:38, 10:56 et al, I agree, it's easy enough to call out Palin on her dishonesty w/o going ad hominem. Grow up, kids.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Anonymous12:31 PM

      9:38, 10:56 et al, I agree, it's easy enough to call out Palin on her dishonesty w/o going ad hominem. Grow up, kids.
      GROW UP!? That is exactly what the trolls say!
      must be a uptight rw'r or from another prissy uptight blog.

    6. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Anonymous2:07 PM
      "must be a uptight rw'r or from another prissy uptight blog.or CONCERN TROLL!"

      ...or a long time IMer who sees this blog being hijacked by the nasty who be ashamed to say in public what they post.

    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Yup the rw'rs say "grow up" and they also say "the" and "a" and "too". So what?

    8. Crystal Sage4:34 PM

      Remarks that are disrespectful to the President by Sarah, including sexually charged innuendos and double entendres have earned her the full extent of our wrath. Suck it up, Bitch

    9. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Crystal Sage, why in the world would you want to lower yourself to Sarah's level?

  9. Anonymous9:40 AM

    That photo reflects another bad hair day for the Palin!!! She is a mess! Plus, her attire is horrible. A professional woman she is NOT!!

    9:07 AM Louisiana sounds like Alaska which is also a very, very socialistic state!

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Palin's 'bad hair day' puts her in good company.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      You defense of Sarah might work if she had those thick, shiny, healthy pony tails pictured in the link. Sadly, Sarah's hair is so thin,so dry, and so scraggly....a true reflection of her health.

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      When exactly has Sarah Palin's hair ever looked good? Only when she had the benefit of a team of RNC hair stylists working 'round the clock.

  10. Palin is so hunchbacked! Interesting how her physique is becoming contorted to mirror her inner vitriol.

    Oh, and lips that touch alligator shall never touch mine.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM


    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      A diet high in sugar and junk food (and/or alcohol and/or drugs), combined with a lifetime of wearing high heels, will do that. Old age happens to all of us if we are fortunate enough to live long enough. She has lived a rough life, and I don't expect her old age to be pretty.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      I'll wager her death when she is in her 70's - probably a cancer of some type - due to what she has horribly done to her body all these years!

      Heck, it could occur even sooner than that!

      Plus, she is just so evil!

    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      70s, no way. Karen Carpenter died in her early 33s, and toxicity tests revealed that she had been abusing ipecac as part of her eating disorder. But whatever meds she took can't be anywhere close to the stuff Palin's been taking for years. I seriously wonder if "powers that be" haven't been quietly enabling her additions in recent years, figuring a dead martyr would be much less of an albatross than a live crazy person with a small but rabid cult following.

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Anonymous12:05 PM
      If she lives another year or two I will be shocked. And yes about the "powers that be". Only thing can save her is PRISON! Turn yourself in Sarah and your family to save your skanky ho ass!

  11. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Wow. Just WOW. How does anyone with half a brain think she's presidential material?

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      1% of the Value Voter.

  12. Anonymous9:54 AM

    See ya later sarah gator
    After while crocodile.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Good one.

      Pat Padrnos

  13. Cliche: "He knows the issues"
    Cliche: "We need a fighter in D.C."
    Just stupid: "that doesn't just go with the flow."
    Cliche: "going up against the establishment."
    Just stupid: "GOP are in it for a season, not a reason."
    Cliche: "Rob is standing up for the average, hardworking American"
    Cliche: "Enough is enough."
    Cliche: "The status quo has got to go."
    Cliche: "That's what's going to push us over the finish line."

    Still not a single thought in that empty skull of hers. Just prattle. She is conversationally stuck on the infant babbling stage of about 8 months, except they sound adorable and she makes birds fall out of the sky.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Hey, Nefer, less than three months to go and that "reason/season" stuff will start in again. Another push for her non-best selling book!

      I swear, she's the human form of herpes.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Don't retreat, reload.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      With what, 12:08 PM?
      She's been firing blanks for years.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Then it's time to buck up or get back in the truck. Maybe Sarah won't sit down and shut up. (Or is that shut up and sit down?) At least she won't go along to get along. Sarah goes rogue which is hard to due if you are a constitutional commonsense conservative. Sarah Palin, Queen of the cliché

  14. poinciana10:42 AM

    Poor little 'gator.

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Off Topic

    Laura Igraham!

    "Ingraham was shocked to hear that Dowd believed that Holder was not corrupt as Meese, who resigned after he was caught up in a racketeering and fraud scandal involving a pipeline between Iraq and Jordan. "

    Actually, Meese resigned due to his ties to the Wedtech Scandal.

  16. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Let's start a new game and list the things we have done while sporting our wedding rings

    Roped cattle and horses
    Ear tagged cattle
    Field dressed a variety of animals including black bear, moose, elk, buffalo and deer
    helped reroofed my home
    installed kitchen cabinets and tile
    Gone gator hunting( and their mouths aren't taped shut in the wild)
    set trap lines
    rebuilt the engine on my old Indian motorcycle

    anyone else want to add to the list? Maybe a few of our Alaskan readers since Sarah claims you ALL don't wear wedding rings up there.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      hung wallpaper
      given birth twice

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Goood luck finding people in Alaska, since acording to $carah they all wear camo.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Yoga -- many variations, including Bikram

    4. Practiced yoga
      Taken my son to the doctor

    5. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Painted every room in the house and all the woodwork. Retiled the bathroom.
      Cut brush, planted vegetables and flowers in lots of wet dirt. Weeded constantly. Plus so much more I can't remember. This is just recently. Have worn it without fail for 29 years.

    6. Anonymous3:03 PM

      EVERYTHING. The rings don't come off.

    7. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Rebuilt houses in Biloxi after Katrina. Ring stayed on.

  17. Anonymous11:38 AM

    When you're in the middle of the road, you get hit on both sides," Palin said.
    I think she should test that theory out. At rush hour.


    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Agreed, Mildred!

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      LMAO Mildred!

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Agreed! On the parks hwy!

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      If you are Michael Brown, walking down the middle of the road, yes, you will get shot. If that lame statement is supposed to mean that Sarah takes the middle of the road and all of the abuse, that's not true. She is so far to the right that she is on the shoulder of the road. Bad metaphor.

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      2:54, uhh, maybe you should read the comment again.....

  18. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Does she write her speeches using a magic 8 ball? That's what this one looked like to me.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Second Verse, same as the First

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      a little bit screechier and a whole lot worse.

  19. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Crocodile Dumb-Dee! Gryphen, you have done it again. Always appreciate your sense of humor!

  20. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It looks like she has been biting her lips a lot, that big dent from her upper teeth on her lower lip is HUGE. Tense much, hon?

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I think she looks like bucky beaver, and got some new veneers you know when the toad had to have a few of his replaced recently due to "throwdown at the Hoedown"? They look horrible on her. Just awful. Sometimes I think her "people" are really sabotaging her. Or she just does what SHE wants and won't listen to them? Her new teef look like buckybeaver.

  21. ManxMamma12:02 PM

    I'd say fillers gone wrong. Not very attractive.

  22. Only slightly O/T. Thought you'd all like to see a current Fark headline:
    "(Anchorage Daily News) Alaska gets 2nd big earthquake in as many days. No damage reported, but it did break up three brawls involving the Palin family"

    The concept of the Palins as a family of brawling, drunken hooligans seems to have taken hold in the popular culture. What is notable is that it wasn't that difficult for people to wrap their heads around.

    As much as many people paid no attention to Palin's braying yowls for attention over the last few years, enough of her family's idiot shenanigans sunk into the public consciousness that this latest episode of Palins Gone Wild seemed perfectly plausible.

    This is what the stupid gloating troll doesn't seem to understand.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      This is exactly right. Of COURSE the entire family got into a drunken brawl. Would we expect anything less of them?

      The brawl has given everyone permission to outright point and laugh at Sarah Palin and her ridiculous family.

      Of course, there are still a small group of nimrods who think Sarah Palin's endorsement means anything or that she has any "values" anyone should admire.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      So funny Nefer b/c on the day of the 6.2 earthquake that was what the people were TWEETING! "no earthquake only another palinbrawl"!!!
      Yeah the troll doesn't get how far wide, worldwide infact that has spread. Vid or not they are Klassless Thugs!!!!

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Also Nefer b/c of Throwdown at the hoedown, people are looking at other things with a critical eye, brissie laughs about Tripp being taken away from her, but she shouldn't laugh too all. It was reported a Malia's Tripp was playing right next to a plane runway at that party also, too! People were SHOCKED.

    4. Anonymous3:01 PM

      It was also reported that he was sneaking sips from people's alcoholic drinks and then went to sleep in the stretch hummer where Track the druggie and his druggie buddies were hanging out.

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Or maybe the point has sunk into pea-brains near and far, ergo the increasing sense of desperation? One does hope someone finally staged an intervention before our little troll friend's head actually exploded.

  23. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Old, old picture taken before she had her classy lip tattoo removed.

  24. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Anonymous11:52 AM
    That... is Very weird???? Maybe her lip injections are wearing "thin" I dunno, good catch and weird.

  25. Glen Rice Esq.12:44 PM

    What do Sarah Palin and Alligators have in common ?

    They both have an appetite for black men.

  26. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Is she ever home to take care of her kids? Her gift from God?

  27. Anonymous12:58 PM

    permanent lip liner...

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Odd she was in Biloxi where Shailey was abducted back in July and now she is Louisiana where Shailey lives. Is this a coincidence?

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      She trolls around the country on OPM driving in black SUV's stalking her "enemy's". Wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't looking for or trying to find Shay. They are EVIL.
      I guess old perv can't really travel so much now. (Chuckles) The whole family are stalkers.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Does Shailey take care of TriG? She has 2 DS children of her own.

      Does Shailey Tripp take care of Tripp? He was named after her.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Shaileys children do not have DS.

  29. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Again, she made the excuse of her family in 2012. She either runs third party 2016 or she can fade into oblivion. I don't know about the rest of you, but this "Polly wants a cracker" stuff jumped the shark for me long ago.

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Sarah, please come back to Alaska and help Dan Sullivan and Parnell with their campaigns! Our country needs you! They need you!

  31. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Sarah Palin is supposed to be this tough hunting, fishing wildlife woman who can survive Alaska's harshest winters. Why is Sarah Palin schrunching her face while touching that alligator?

    Sarah you field dress wild game in the wilderness, what's so icky about touching a reptile?

    Sarah you are so tough up here, why are you acting so girly down there in the lower 48?

    You are an embarrassment to real Alaskans.


    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      SP can't even dress herself...never mind the fairy tale that she dressed wild game.

    2. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Good one!

  32. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Is she running or not? Oh, come on, after 2008, Sarah wouldn't run for anything again. Things that would haunt her if she ran: quitting, the Couric interviews, all of the stupid stuff she says when she speaks, Sarah doesn't do anything that requires hard work... it's a long list. But that doesn't stop her fans from believing.

    Palin won't do well in these things until she starts signaling that she's running. After the 2011 long tease, most people just assume she won't run. If Palin declares that she is gearing up for a run, you will see her numbers improve.

    .Palin did not tease anyone....people were just carried away by their own thoughts..

    I fear that people may do so again. Every little appearance or phrase in her speech seems to signal to some that she's definitely running for president. IF she runs, she will do so reluctantly. We may want to see her as president, but I don't sense that it's a goal of Sarah's, but rather something she would do if called upon to serve.

    She will wait upon the Lord's leading.....If He says GO..

    She will run...And.....He will provide everything Sarah needs to WIN....

    My question is, "Where was God in 2008?" Sarah said that God wouldn't let the wrong people win, and He/She didn't. That family excuse doesn't work since she ran in 2008 when her kids were much younger.

    1. Cracklin Charlie3:41 PM

      I think you may have gotten the wrong address.

  33. Anonymous2:52 PM

    When Sarah was governor, she had tattoo'd lip liner, a little darker red than her regular lipstick. You could see it when her lipstick wore off. That's what the top lip looks like. The bottom lip has a real problem. It looks as if there was a collagen filler that only filled half of the lip. If she bites her lower lip, she redistributed the lip-filler. Quite a contrast with that heavy eye makeup.

  34. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Meanwhile, over at the salon

  35. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Such a wussy face that badass Sarah Palin makes at that poor gator.
    She makes the most (inadvertently) truthful faces I've ever seen in a pseudo-politician.
    M from MD

  36. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sarah Palin takes First Place in Who's Got A Bigger Mouth against an alligator.

  37. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Looks like the tv station had to cut out her word salad. It sure was a short clip & it sounded like she was going into one of her long, drawn out stringing together of nonsensical words & thoughts.

    I've lived 65 years and have never, ever heard anyone talk the way she does. It's pretty crazy.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      And still getting wiped, eh?

  38. Anonymous5:28 PM

    ewww. She is such a freak show. Inside and out.

  39. Anonymous6:14 PM

    On Thursday , Palin was in teeny Independence, Ks with Pat Roberts serving pancakes to a small crowd.
    At that time, she praised the Republican Party.
    1 minute here :

    Something about " saving the country , that Republican Party..being strong ( long pause ) there ( another pause , then high pitched ) for you."
    But, Saturday , she's calling the GOP only in it for a season, not a reason, blah, blah.
    Palin obviously will say whatever the candidate paying her wants her to say. She's bought and paid for. There's a term for a woman who takes money to provide a service ....


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