Thursday, September 04, 2014

Joan Rivers dead at 81.

Courtesy of People magazine:  

Joan Rivers, a raucous and often-ubiquitous comedic presence on TV and nightclubs since the 1960s, has died. She was 81. 

"It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my mother, Joan Rivers," daughter Melissa said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. 

"She passed peacefully at 1:17 p.m. surrounded by family and close friends. My son and I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff of Mount Sinai Hospital for the amazing care they provided for my mother. Cooper and I have found ourselves humbled by the outpouring of love, support, and prayers we have received from around the world. They have been heard and appreciated. 

"My mother’s greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon." 

Like anybody who grew up in the sixties and seventies I watched Joan Rivers numerous times on the Tonight Show and other late night  comedy shows, and I always thought she was hilarious.

I will admit that I was only vaguely aware of her career as a fashion critic during award shows, but then when she did that "Wife Swap" with Bristol she returned to my radar.

So of course my favorite Joan Rivers quote will always be this one directed at Bristol:

"In my generation she would have been known as the little whore down the block."

Though I am also partial to this one concerning Bristol's weight gain during DWTS:  

“She should not have been there. Instead of cha-cha-cha, she must have been doing cha-cha-chew. How did she dance for eight hours a day and manage to gain weight?” 

Yep, she's going to be missed.


  1. Caroll Thompson4:35 PM

    They threw the mold away when they made Joan. There won't be another like her. She will be missed.

  2. She'll be missed.
    But she's probably dissing other dead people's clothes as I type this.

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Elegant, dignified beautifully written, Melissa.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    She has a big heart, she doesn't hold grudges. Unlike hateful Democrats here.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Sarah hold grudges, so using your logic (?) she must be a democrat.

    2. abbafan6:24 PM

      Fuck you troll! Ms. Rivers bitch-slapped both the palin lazy-ass slackers; she fuckin' seen right through them for the zeros that they are! She handed them a golden opportunity, and those dunces threw it right back at her! Ms. Rivers and her daughter are the embodiment of hard work and perseverance; values that the idiot palins will never measure up to! Ms. Rivers' critique of the lazy palin spawn will always be out there, she was never afraid to call a spade a spade! RIP Ms. Rivers; thanks for all the laughs!

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      abbafan6:24 PM
      EXACTLY!! RIP Joan, and she was right on about the Grifters they really are dead in Hollywood...

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Wife Swap was the apex of Barstool Palin's failed joke of a career. Both of the Rivers worked hard to make a positive difference for Tripp. Both women are great examples of positive parenting. Bristol was deaf, dumb and blind. Same old, same old.

      Sarah Palin and mini-me are the polar opposite of good parenting.

      Bristol is days away from another court postponement or what not. She's probably too busy at the Mug Shot Saloon to write a decent tweet for her co-worker. Oh, that's right Bristol wouldn't work, she sat in the audience and did some better than thou trip.

    5. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Damn you are beyond clueless!! ROFL!!

    6. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Tripp was blessed to have any time with one of the Rivers. Bristol spent most of the time before keeping Tripp away from a loving family. His time with Melissa was one of the rare times he could see and feel what love is.

      How did this kid get so unsocialized?
      What was her bitch this time?

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    She was Kathy Griffin before there was Kathy Griffin.

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      I saw Kathy Griffin in DC speaking to gays and she promised the gay military man she would chain herself to the White House fence with him that day. She later told on her show that she knew she could not do that because she had an appointment to interview Scott Brown that afternoon. She lied to the gay crowd instead of being honest. It made us question if she really supports gays at heart or does she only use them as her audience for her shows.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    RIP, Joan. Condolences to Melissa and Cooper, Joan was an amazing woman, she faced adversity and loss in her own life with grace and built a career, business and tried to share with others along the way. It wasn't an easy field for women, but she stuck to it and paved the way for many others.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Yes, Joan was an inspiration and a great example for other women.

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Bristol and Sarah Palin will most likely show up at Joan River's memorial service and funeral just to get their pictures taken and to rub elbows with the Hollywood stars. It will give Bristol a chance to look for rich Hollywood men to bed her and to try out as her next trial dick.

    You heard it here first at Immoral Minority.

    1. None will have her, Certainly not were there is proof.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      No. B/c a private jet won't be sent for them.
      Fuck the palins.

    3. Anonymous10:52 PM

      The funeral is invitation only. Joan has many friends in NYC and CA. She said she wanted a Hollywood funeral with Paparazzi, Kraft foods, and she wanted Meryl Streep to cry in 4 accents. She was close to Perez Hilton, Harvey Levin, and even Donald Trump. The Temple will be full for sure.

    4. Anonymous10:56 PM

      When Joan was on Wife Swap, Todd met her but Sarah did not go near that show. Joan said on The View that she felt sorry for Bristol because she had been too sheltered. She said she invited Bristol to NYC and offered to take her and Willow to Europe because she thought they needed to see the world.

    5. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Sarah is not only stupid, she is a coward.

      She couldn't bring herself to face Joan Rivers.

      Bristol takes after Sarah and she quit when it came time to work.

      Bristol whined and played victim because Joan treated her to a formal dinner with food that was NOT made in a laboratory out of toxins.

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "In my generation she would have been known as the little whore down the block."
    -Joan Rivers

    Joan in Bristol' s generation she's not only known as the whore down the block, she's known as a whore to the town of Wasilla, to the state of Alaska and to the lower 48. Bristol's reputation will forever follow her.

  9. Balzafiar6:35 PM

    Yes, Karma IS a bitch. Please don't be too upset when your turn comes.

  10. Anonymous6:41 PM

    You call dying while unconscious (in no pain) after 81 years and a successful career karma ? I'll take that kind of karma anytime.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Anonymous6:41 PM

      You call dying while unconscious (in no pain) after 81 years and a successful career karma ? I'll take that kind of karma anytime.
      Good b/c YOU deserve some Karma you ASSHOLE! FUCK off TROLL!

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      She did well. They must have meant good karma. It is her loved ones that hurt now. Not because they did something. The life cycle includes death. A productive long life is not in the cards for everyone, that brings comfort to her family.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Holy cow, 7:23. Take a deep breath and re-read. 6:41 was responding to 6:02, a particularly nasty piece of work.

  11. Anonymous6:47 PM

    And we thought Sarah Palin wasn't going to speak at Joan's eulogy.

  12. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Inspite of work, work working and more work, Joan Rivers was a fine parent.

    1. Ailsa9:04 PM

      That's a lovely picture. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Yeah Joan and Sarah are alike. Both are strong women who are family people

    3. Anonymous5:15 AM

      That is a beautiful picture, and the love is so apparent. Thanks for posting, I hadn't seen that pic before.

      This is exactly what we talk about that you DON'T see in the images of the Wicked Witch of the North, when she's with her kids, particularly Trig. This is what we are talking about that there's no love there.

    4. Anonymous6:46 AM

      That picture is beautiful. When you see their family you see also see their love.

    5. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Joan Rivers was the real deal when it came to motherhood. Sarah had to fake it.

      If only Curt Menard could speak. Sarah didn't begin faking a motherhood spiel with the Spongebob pillow. She began long before that.

      Joan and Melissa both have strong work ethics. None of the Palins come close to that. They have to make stuff up, remember DWTS. Bristol only had lies about work (& driving alone in the Tripp mobile with a baby to LA when it was her cousin). The Heaths and the Palins had to cheat so Bristol had votes.

    6. abbafan8:58 AM

      Anon @ 11:03 P.M. - how many times do you have to be told? Fuck you troll! Ms. Rivers was the stronger woman; she did not abandon her only child to further her own ambition! She took the time to raise her daughter well during her early years, and instilled a solid work ethic in her. Even when her husband died, she was there for her! The same cannot be said about $arah; her spawn had to fend for themselves whilst she glorified herself! Eating burned mac 'n cheese because their mother was too lazy to cook real food, or in one of her "moods" showed everyone how weak $arah really is! It's all about her - MEMEME!

  13. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Let's hope your turn is soon.

  14. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anonymous6:53 PM

    Let's hope your turn is soon.
    Yea, really! And lets hope Melissa writes a book about the Grifters paylin! And how fucking lazy and rude the kids are! How uncouth and afraid of life they are but not afraid to LIE!

  15. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Joan was blessed with a good long run. I doubt she'd complain.

    She would have concern for Melissa and Cooper, truth is she did such a spectacular job parenting they will be alright.

  16. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The female Don Rickles and not scared to be so. Did she work and tell it like it is. Want to talk shattering the ceiling that you only dreamed of and got laughed at, $arah, for your feeble attempt? The pee pond is BEGGING you to run 2016, Bring it, and show her up. Darn good reason why there's no comment from you or the Chin, is there?

  17. physicsmom7:54 PM

    Ms. Rivers was a groundbreaker for women in comedy and she had more energy at 81 than most people at 60 (including me). However, she was a miserable person who was nasty and judgmental in her personal life, not to mention some of her comedy which was ruthless. Ever since she appeared on Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice," and she disparaged Annie Duke as being "evil" and said her profession (poker player) was sinful or somesuch, I couldn't stand to watch anything with her on it.

    Of course I sympathize with her daughter and the rest of her family, because they certainly loved her. I hope they are comforted by their good memories of her. However, now my memories have been tainted by her nasty personality.

    I don't think it's right to set someone us as an angel after he/she has died, when in life, that was not true (for any of us, by the way. We all have our flaws).

    End of rant.

  18. Anonymous8:56 PM

    You are beyond stupid, you hateful sick anti-Semitic moron. What the fuck is wrong with you. You are soulless. There is a time and a place.
    You are uneducated, stupid and beyond fucked up. Only an extremely unhappy person would write something like this when someone dies. So you had political differences? And yet you don't think you are part of the problem? Do you think your hatred helps the people in Gaza? Your ignorance would lead to war and their destruction you dumb fuck.

  19. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Bristol is a whore. She isn't just known as a whore.
    And Sarah IS stupid.

  20. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I guess retarded Bristol and Sarah are still holding grudges against the The Rivers. Otherwise their mentally ill stalker trolls would skip this post.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      the stalker troll would be the sperm burpin' retard bristool

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Whoever - it is close to Palin and over kill on spewing venom.

    3. Anonymous11:02 PM

      lol Why hold grudge? Bristol and Joan got along. Joan loved Bristol as people do. She's a sweet girl

    4. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Joan noticed Bristol was scared and insecure. Joan really helped her out. Bristol couldn't rise to the occasion and do the work she was to do. Joan let her save face when she failed. She would pity Bristol since she had been born into that weird public family and parented by a narcissist. Bristol could not change that fact and pity is about all that can be done to someone so stuck. Joan was a professional and handled working with a sad failure the best she could.

      Anyone can see Bristol has no work ethic. Only the cult believe or say they believe the manufactured and false narratives the Palins put out. It's not about Bristol as much as it is all about Sarah, the phony family values former candidate.

  21. This post is about Joan Rivers.

    Let's not give attention to anyone else.

    RIP, Ms. Rivers. May your family find peace and solace in the world's memories of you.

    1. Anonymous10:54 PM

      It takes amazing skill and smarts to be a comedian. Joan was at the top of her game. She loved a good roast, as she was one of the best. She had more material on the Palins she would have loved to find time to do. She would love anyone to come out with some truth and make people laugh. That was her career and she worked hard, consistent and long. No one can say she was not competent, true and productive at work. If she could respond to Palin's wordless link to the Bristol Blog for condolences to Joan and family she would. She did not take it well when Edgar passed and someone called a young Melissa and told her in a most callous manner that her father was dead. Joan would say let's talk. She would not be shy or hold back. She would end with laughs. That's what she did.

  22. Anonymous9:45 PM


    I didn't know Joan River's personal life. She could be brutal in her act. I was raised to think the deceased would to be buried, put to rest, what you want to call it, before you speak ill of them.

    She may have been Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper by day but she sure was a good mother.

  23. Anonymous9:56 PM

    6:02 PM is writing about Sarah Palin. Very clever. she fooled us!

  24. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Joan sold her cloths line, jewelry line, and make up line on QVC for 28 years. I have been buying her products for years. I am sure Melissa will continue her lines as they sell well and Joan long time assistant can run it for Melissa.

  25. Anonymous11:01 PM

    In her generation, having sex with one person would have made someone a whore. Which makes us all whores. lol

    But today, Bristol's a prude.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Today Bristol's act is to pretend she is a prude. Don't forget her role in the crime family and hoax. She can never be a prude and no one much is buying the propaganda.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Bristol's abstinence ruse was just another scam. She used Tripp to try and sell that one when she was shilling for Candies sexy shoe crap.

      Bristol Palin is a con like the rest of the family.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      "In her generation, having sex with one person would have made someone a whore. Which makes us all whores. lol"

      You are a complete idiot-in Joan's generation having unmarried sex made someone a whore. You are clueless and me thinks thou doesth protest too much when it comes to bristol.

  26. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Geez, every time Palin's name is mentioned, you can predict that some posters on here will descend to the vitriol that you would expect over at the sea of pea or Breitbart.

  27. Anonymous6:40 AM

    September 8 will be here soon. Bristol has been sweet as saccharin.

  28. Anonymous8:54 AM

    After Joan's services the focus will change to how she died and what happened to her. They think Yorkville Endoscopy gave her the surgical anesthetic propofol.

    The New York State Health Department is investigating the circumstances that led to the comedian Joan Rivers’s death on Thursday, one week after she lost consciousness at an outpatient surgery clinic on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, a spokeswoman for the agency said.

  29. CLICK HERE:A Doctor Screw Up Killed Joan Rivers Medical errors are rampant in the US.

    There need to be a criminal investigation!

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I think it is happening. Criminal investigation by Health Dept.

  30. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Joan’s ‘Fashion Police’ co-stars and E! family are all devastated after her tragic death on Sept. 4.


    Todd Palin knew Joan when his daughter co-starred on Wife Swap. The Palins are active in social media, they would be twittering their condolescenes and greiving like other co-stars with their families.

    Bristol may be finished with court after the 8th and preparing to travel with Willow to a tribute or service for Joan.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Where is Todd's tweet? Willow? Bristol? Sarah? Aren't Willow and Bristol co-workers with the family?

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Bristol is working hard at playing sweet. She has no time to tweet. It is only days until Sept 8. What? Another postponement?

  31. Anonymous12:02 PM

    @ 6:02 PM You are correct! Nobody is going to miss a nasty, mean-spirited, vulgar and racist old hag who made fun of people's looks and never apologized for her cruel remarks so get the fuck out of here now. You should be over at the pee pond sniffing Sarah Palin's hole with the rest of her brain dead sycophants and bat shit cray cray fantards!

  32. Anonymous4:56 PM

    @6:02PM You conservative/teabaggers are all haters, you are just jealous. Stop slandering people you don't know. Only conservatives are so low class to speak ill of the dead.

  33. Anonymous4:58 PM

    It was mentioned on the local news that an investigation is normal after anyone dies. At this point it doesn't necessarily mean something fishy was going on.

  34. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Physicsmom, It's too bad your comment @ 9:45 PM wasn't your first and only comment. Really nasty for you to say in your earlier post that Joan Rivers, "was a miserable person who was nasty and judgmental in her personal life," and then post a comment later admitting you actually didn't know her personal life! Do a little research before you decide to say something nasty about the recently deceased. I found many articles and interviews with people who actually met her and knew her, they are all in agreement about one thing and this description sums it up best, "Here’s the thing about Joan Rivers: She was a nice person. This completely goes against her public persona, but it’s true. She was nice. Gracious, in fact. Not something one expects from a woman who built her career on bitchiness, but there it is." They wren't setting her up as an angel because she died, they were simply being truthful and honest because they understood her comedy act wasn't who she was as a person. She made fun of herself and others for a laugh. She was joking around, she wasn't trying to deliberately hurt anyone.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.