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Yes, they are actually calling this "coffe-gate." |
"So fuck you, and all your false patriotism. When Bush took us to war any criticism was shouted down as treasonous. But a President you don't like has the country poised on the same precipice, no transgression no matter how immaterial and ridiculous is too small to cite as evidence that this President isn't as American as you are. You want a hot cup of cognitive dissonance watch this."
Stewart then shows a clip of Hannity interviewing Rove about this salute during which Rove refers to the President as a "Chai swilling, golf playing, basketball trash talking, leading from behind, I got no strategy, Osama Bin laden is dead, GM is alive, community organizing Commander-in-Chief.
Followed by : "How disrespectful was that?"
Stewart then refers to Rove as "Palin in a bald cap."
And then shows this:
Stewart summed it all up thusly:
"Here we've got two Presidents, both sending the United States to war citing the same legal authorities, both without any seeming exit strategy, and both holding shit in their hands while saluting our troops. But in their diseased minds (Photo of Cheney and Fox News hosts) only one did that because he loved America. The other did it because he hated it."
Now THAT was the Jon Stewart I know and adore.
P.S. By the way this was not the only great segment last night. The Daily Show also aired their rather controversial piece on the Redskins, and it was also a must see.
Gryph you are losing it a bit.
ReplyDeleteRove, not Cheney.
Well that was embarrassing.
DeleteFixed now.
I totally ♥ Jon Stewart! None one has the balls to say what he does and he is the ONLY one to call out Bullshit mountain on the air. Blogs do it, but on TV no one does it like Jon!
DeleteVery OT: But Gryph have you seen this Ad for McGee? Running for House in AK? Its very touching and heartfelt. http://bit.ly/1CudYwt
DeleteOh and yes he is a dem. I hope AK's will support him... "I want to leave this house better than I found it".
So refreshing after all the mooseburger bs from the grifter...
check out his video... :)
Wouldn't you know, Gryph, the twit had to get her $0.02 in at the Values Voters Summit. She thinks she's so damn cute. UGH.
ReplyDeletePolitico says it was a joke. SHE'S a joke.
ReplyDeleteStewart must have loved the Values Summit tribute to a styrofoam cup. j/k
ReplyDeleteI can't blame Josh Duggar for not knowing one Palin from another. They all look like rats ass.
Neither Palin looks like they combed their hair for the summit. they look like chit. Next to the nice combed blonde doesn't help them look any better.
Great to see @SarahPalinUSA & her daughter Bristol at @frcaction #VVS14 @duggarfam #selfie
Funny, because I think all those Duggers kind of look alike too! There is that one pretty girl, Jill, but holy shit, my dogs asses are better looking than the rest of that clan. I can't figure out why these people keep throwing out babies when after the first 10 they'd only produced one cute one! They should have realized that they are never going to be able to marry most of those heinous uglies off to anyone! God sure seems to hate the Duggers!
DeleteAll of 'em any of 'em have that generic Karshadian look, classless trash. I don't even think that is willows one of the cousins they interchange with. Rugrat hos!
DeleteSarah, hon, it's not slander. It's a perfectly justified hatred for vapid, brainless, irrational nonsense being injected into our society by fearful, hateful bigots who hear voices in their heads telling them to be blood thirsty and shun facts. You're one of the biggest simpletons in the public light and there's nothing slanderous about that statement. You're just an imbecile, sweetie, and you and your ilk are destroying the minds of Americans daily with your silliness. Stop wasting the air the intelligent could be breathing.
ReplyDeleteOf course Palin is engaging in your conservative's favorite pass time, projecting their faults onto their opposition. In fact, conservative christians themselves are constantly slandering other religions, agnostics, Democrats, and anybody not a Republican. So Sarah can shove it.
ReplyDeleteFucking idiot Palin should look in the dictionary. Slander is a crime and involves making a false statement. The shit said about Christian Conservatives is basically all true and therefore not slander. She is projecting because she tells more lies and makes shit up about others constantly, such as the stupid claim about being the most slandered group. She is a fucking idiot, and that is a verifiable truth.
ReplyDeletePalin said that the White House is at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave today in her Values Voter screech.
ReplyDeletePre schoolers know the actual address .
She got as close to the address for the White House as she will ever get to the White House itself.
ReplyDeleteThe woman THRIVES on hate. She sucks it up like she sucks up Koch brothers spew. She glories in it, stuffs it in all of her orifices, spoon feeds it to her kids and slathers it on her skin. She's a sick, sick, sick sociopathic monster. I have never seen such a vile and putrid human being in all my decades on this planet as Sarah Heath Palin. It's stunning the voluminous lies that fall from her toxic mouth. She gives a new definition to despicable.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a joke. Just like tale of two babies wasn't a joke.
ReplyDeleteShe is losing it big time. She must of got a concussion in her "mamma grizzly fight" (and new veneers along with the toad)
She as much as admitted she adopted TriG and that "adopted parents got audited by the IRS" and
that Bristol was preg with TriG. She fucked up on that story BIG TIME YESTERDAY but the lamestream media is too clueless to catch her in a big fat lie!
TriG was adopted!
TriG was Bristols kid.
"When Bush took us to war any criticism was shouted down as treasonous."
Ah, yes the patriot law, no one could criticize the President
Bush and it is still in effect.
One day I saw signs up with President Obama portraying him as Hitler, I had never seen these signs in person and I was very upset. I called the police and they told me the old freedom of speech crap.. I asked, so how come under the patriot law we couldn't protest Bush, but this is ok.
I don't know how President Obama has kept his cool, I image Michele has the ulcer. Such a wonderful family to put up with this daily crap is unbelievable.
Shame on all Republicans and teabaggers. All traitors.
ABC News has Palin's 1400 gaffe. If it is not written on her pale scrawny hand, she can't remember it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Todd Palin hiding? Why is Track Menard hiding after the Ass Whipping?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, how's this for irony: I watched the awesome JS video and was so overcome with emotion that I jumped up to salute him without realizing I had a hot cuppa joe in my right hand. OUCH!!!! To the minor facial burns I quickly applied a largely ineffective old family remedy - freshly grated Parmesan cheese - and distracted my mind from the pain with thoughts of what a monumental douchebag that Karl Rove is.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous3:50 PM
ReplyDeleteYES! Great comment! Like++++++
OT., but interestinghttp://m.mic.com/articles/98348/science-shows-writers-have-a-serious-advantage-over-the-rest-of-us